Ava is a 18 year old girl that lives in California who loves to scam kids, Getting into Online relationships to use there money, Lies to her friends and family.
She plays with guy's emotions for 0 reason other than money and leaves them in ruin,  Go harass her, send pizzas or do whatever you'd like with this info.

Alias: Ava

Name: Ava Clay

Discord: aval1cious

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Address: 427 Lima St, Los Angeles, CA 90011

Current school: Artesia High School, Lakewood, she's in 12th grade.

ZIP/Postal: 80010

Phone: No Data

Ethnicity: Black

Sexuality: Idk

Steam account: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199348150466

Images of her: https://ibb.co/8n3KjDk