Hello Doxbinovites, those who are looking for a man whose name is Danil and his nickname is @batek_suppor, so that’s who is looking for him now
          < I will help you. 
  ____            _     _       
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 | | | |/ _ \ \/ / '_ \| | '_ \ 
 | |_| | (_) >  <| |_) | | | | |
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The man tried to hide with a virtual number, but he couldn’t escape from the chaos, so here is his virtual number and his main one
virtual - +7 747 828 62 47
main - +7 953 830-61-66 

NAME : Danil 
Surname : Milyukov

Mom : Antonina Milyukova Orengburg 
Dad : Alexey Milyukov Orengburg
GMAIL : danilmilyukov1990@gmail.com