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                       |__|/ \|__|                                         \|___|/                                                          \|_________|                    

[                           Reason                         ]
[                      Basic Information                   ]
Full Name: Kenzo Dubreuil
Age: 16 yo
Phone Number:
DOB: Orange
Location: Neuilly-sur-Seine
-15 Boulevard Charles de Gaulles 92700
-28 Boulevard Maillot 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine
School: EAB Monceaux
Gender: Male
Race: Arab

When he was a kid: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/596092642408792086/613800872954036245/Capture_decran_154.png
Now: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/611342776424202250/613796509644881924/Capture_decran_153.png
[                        Health Issues                     ]
Since we now that our DNS is someone that have alot of stress issue and under medications.
He didnt sleep 3 day since is ex girl friend broke with him. xD
[                      Social Information                  ]
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kenzo_dbr/
Snapchat: kenzo5454
Discord: D N S#8040
[                        IP Information                    ]
IP Address:
ISP: Orange
[                       Favorite Things                    ]
Activity:Buy alot of fake hypebeast object because he is a broke boy.
Video Games: Playing MINEKRAFT like a retarded kid.
[                           Hobbies                        ]
Console: PC
Sports: Nothing
Learning: Nothing
[                     Additional Details                   ]
Language: French
Religion: Muslim
[                       Family & Friends                   ]
  Moms Name: Nadia Bendjedou
  Moms Number: We got it but we don't want to harass is mum
  Moms Picture: 
- https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/611342776424202250/613788318802378775/56917727_2080327318730395_2536151632505208832_n.png

- https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/611342776424202250/613788358740803584/56938274_2081652271931233_6581890102396452864_n.png

- https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/611342776424202250/613788390369787904/16603042_1193069370789532_6130279711932058542_n.png

- https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/611342776424202250/613788424859811871/23132057_1442140182549115_6749363907171017767_n.png

- https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/611342776424202250/613791592460845076/52694928_2003710806392047_4867604741430968320_n.png

  Dads Name: Lionel Dubreuil
  Dads Number: We got it but we don't want to harass is dad
  Dads Picture:
- https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/611342776424202250/613788046671740948/482837_352178661555049_191033447_n.png

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              \_/"""-'                           `-'--(_,`"`-`  he is fat like your mum xd