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------------------------> discord.gg/djcook <-----
DJ Cook is a cringeworthy YouTuber that claims to "Clean Up Youtube".
In reality he just sits on his fat ass and makes videos of people that his 13 year old fanbase finds cringeworthy.

He recently made a video about Foodistzen, which deeply upset us here at the Foodists and the Malagasy Clay Eaters.
We're uploading this Dox in response.

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	Full Name: Andrew "Andy" Cook
	Age: 19
	Date of Birth: November 25, 2002
	Aliases: DJ Cook, Kodak wK, Kodak Black
	Address: 7017 N Downey Ln. Peoria, IL 61614
	Email: djcook@delkatalents.com

Social Media:
	YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT80YajolSXW8_ST9TFYS3Q
	YouTube (2nd Channel): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrawS1lshIj94Rhm8N4Y-qA
	YouTube (3rd Channel): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYqytNhNHteEkYVKHn6_sGA
	Twitter: https://twitter.com/djcookyt
	Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/DJLovesTurbo/ 
