___  __  ___   _   _____  __    ___  ___  _____  ___       __    
   /   \/__\/ __\ /_\ /__   \/__\  /___\/ __\ \_   \/___\/\ /\/ _\   
  / /\ /_\ / /   //_\\  / /\/ \// //  // /     / /\//  // / \ \ \    
 / /_///__/ /___/  _  \/ / / _  \/ \_// /___/\/ /_/ \_//\ \_/ /\ \   
/___,'\__/\____/\_/ \_/\/  \/ \_/\___/\____/\____/\___/  \___/\__/   
0x01 - Reason of Dox
0x02 - Basic Information
0x03 - Social Media
   ___            ___    __ 
  / _ \          / _ \  /_ |
 | | | | __  __ | | | |  | |
 | | | | \ \/ / | | | |  | |
 | |_| |  >  <  | |_| |  | |
  \___/  /_/\_\  \___/   |_|

He claimed to be undoxable and messed with me.
Challenge accepted, kid :D

   ___            ___    ___  
  / _ \          / _ \  |__ \ 
 | | | | __  __ | | | |    ) |
 | | | | \ \/ / | | | |   / / 
 | |_| |  >  <  | |_| |  / /_ 
  \___/  /_/\_\  \___/  |____|

Full Name: Robert SMITH
Birthday: 04/12/2005 (Format DD/MM/YYYY)
Address: 368 W Princess St, York, PA 17401, United States
Phone Number: +1 670 194 0753
Aliases: RDTSC64, 86arbyte
   ___            ___    ____  
  / _ \          / _ \  |___ \ 
 | | | | __  __ | | | |   __) |
 | | | | \ \/ / | | | |  |__ < 
 | |_| |  >  <  | |_| |  ___) |
  \___/  /_/\_\  \___/  |____/ 

Discord: RDTSC64#6899
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/decatrociousyt (Channel now terminated, RIP)