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                ██████  ███████ ██   ██                          

                        ██   ██                                  
                         ██ ██                                   
                         ██ ██                                   
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│Insert intro                                    │
│                                                │
║░░░║  PERSONAL INFORMATION ║ + ║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║DEA + GOVMAILS ║
Name ................. Anne Melissa Milgram     
Known as ............. Anne M Milgram                  
Age .................. 53                             
DOB .................. December 1, 1970                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
SSN Issued..................(approx. 1971-1972)                                            
Where SSN Issued............New Jersey             
Race .................. white                          
Gender ............... female                          
 SSN ISSUED.......1971-1972 New Jersey                
Political Opinion....... Democrat                   
Picture https://files.offshore.cat/n7CtoENI.png       
Current Residence: 4439 Springdale St Nw, Washington, DC 20016-2715              
Second House: 156 Spruce St, Princeton, NJ 08542       
Current Job
      └──│» DEA Administrator

Past jobs
   └──│» covenant house international attorney 2008)
   └──│» attorney general manager
   └──│» law & public safety dept manager                    
   └──│» law & public safety dept officer

        » Emails/Dataleaks

                         └──│»amilgram@kellnet.com - no breaches      
                         └──│»amilgram@covenanthouse.org - no breaches 
		     	    │	        │
                            │           └──│» Epa.gov 2023                                                                                                                              
                            │                    │
                            │                    │
                            │                    └──│» Email: amilgram@nj.gov
                            │                    └──│» Name: Anne Milgram
                            │                    └──│» Phone: 6092924925
                            │                    └──│» City: Trenton 
                            │                    └──│» State: NJ 
                            │                    └──│» Country: United States
                            │                    └──│» Zip: 08611
                            │                    └──│» Job: State attorney general 
                            │                    └──│» Street: 25 Market St
                            │                    └──│» Phone2: 6092925939
                            │     │
                            │  ├──│» Streeteasy.com 2016                      
                            │  │       │
                            │  │    └──│» Username: Milgram
                            │  │    └──│» Email: annemilgram@gmail.com
                            │  │    └──│» Hash:3d616fecb842022b4cb66917a7eba9917d9ba435
                            │  │    └──│» Salt:d46a6271c1e76b25bd5aab7c70a71bfe28c4ba69
                            │  │    └──│» Name: Anne Milgram
                            │  │    └──│» Registration Date: 2011-05-09 
                            │  │    └──│» Last Login: 2014-12-14
                            │  │    
                            │  │
                            │  ├──│» Idtech.com 2023
                            │  │        │
                            │  │        └──│» Username: annemilgram@gmail.com 
                            │  │        └──│» Email: annemilgram@gmail.com 
                            │  │        └──│» Password: gleason14
                            │  │        └──│» Name: Anne Milgram
                            │  │        
                            │  │
                            │  ├──│» Zeeroqq.com 2019       
                            │  │           │ 
                            │  │           └──│» Email: annemilgram@gmail.com
                            │  │           └──│» Password: muppet
                            │  │
                            │  │
                            │  ├──│» Twitter.com 2023
                            │  │          │
                            │  │          └──│» Username: tocineta
                            │  │          └──│» Email: annemilgram@gmail.com
                            │  │          └──│» Created: Mon Oct 24 2011
                            │  │          └──│» Followers: 16
                            │  │
                            │  ├──│» Apollo.io 2018
                            │  │           │
                            │  │           └──│» Email: annemilgram@gmail.com
                            │  │           └──│» Name: Anne Milgram
                            │  │           └──│» Country United States
                            │  │ 
                            │  ├──│» Dropbox.com 2012
                            │  │           │
                            │  │           └──│» Email: annemilgram@gmail.com
                            │  │           └──│»Hash
                            │  │           └──│»035e264191c72f1d41491aad346af684964e4aa8
                            │  │
                            │  ├──│» Sharethis.com 2018
                            │  │            │
                            │  │            └──│» Username: ed3035133d54b9a1ddc1d1243
                            │  │            └──│» Email: annemilgram@gmail.com
                            │  │            └──│» Created: 2010-12-12 
                            │  │
                            │  ├──│» Animoto.com 2018
                            │              │
                            │              └──│» Email: annemilgram@gmail.com
                            │              └──│» Birthdate: 1980-01-01
                            │              └──│» Hashed Password: muppet
                            ├──│» anne.milgram@state.nj.us
                            │           │
                            │           ├──│» verifications.io 2019
                            │           │           │
                            │           │           └──│» annemilgram@gmail.com 
                            │           │
                            │           │
                            │           │
                            │           ├──│» Apollo.io 2018
                            │                      │
                            │                      └──│» Email: anne.milgram@state.nj.us
                            │                      └──│» Name: Anne Milgram
                            │                      └──│» Phone: +16092922121
                            │                      └──│» City: New Brunswick
                            │                      └──│» Country: United States
                            │                      └──│» Zip: 08901
                            │                      └──│» Company: State of New Jersey
                            │                      └──│» Job Vice President Information 
                            │                                         Technology
                            ├──│» annemilgram@yahoo.com 
                            │        │               
                            │        ├──│» Zeeroq.com   
                            │        │         │
                            │        │         └──│» Email: annemilgram@yahoo.com
                            │        │         └──│» Password: jlpbcp8
                            │        │         
                            │        │
                            │        │
                            │        ├──│» Twitter.com
                            │        │          │
                            │        │          └──│» Username: anne_milgram
                            │        │          └──│» Created: Fri Dec 16 2016
                            │        │          └──│» Followers: 5
                            │        │
                            │        │
                            │        ├──│» Parkmobile.io
                            │        │       │
                            │        │       └──│»Username:annemilgram@yahoo.com
                            │        │       └──│»Phone: 9542244405
                            │        │           
                            │        │
                            │        │
                            │        ├──│» Mathway.com
                            │        │         │
                            │        │         └──│» Email: annemilgram@yahoo.com 
                            │        │         └──│» Hash: gU8IRc/1sjbioH5Rk3YXJQ==
                            │        │         └──│» Last login: 2013-04-29
                            │        │
                            │        ├──│» Myfitnesspal.com
                            │        │                │
                            │        │                └──│» Username: annemilgram
                            │        │                └──│» Email: annemilgram@yahoo.com
                            │        │                └──│» IP:
                            │        │
                            │        │
                            │        │
                            │        ├──│» Zynga.com
                            │        │          │
                            │        │          └──│» Username: Amilgram
                            │        │          └──│» Email: annemilgram@yahoo.com
                            │        │          └──│» Created: 2011-03-07
                            │        │
                            │        ├──│» Chegg.com
                            │        │           │
                            │        │           └──│» Email: annemilgram@yahoo.com
                            │        │           └──│» Hashed Password jlpbcp8
                            │        │
                            │        ├──│» Sharethis.com
                            │        │         │
                            │        │         └──│» Username:dc91e8345f9bf8f32e3aa99bb
                            │        │
                            │        │         └──│» Created: 2012-02-07
                            │        │
                            │        └──│» Linkedin
                            │                  └──│» Email: annemilgram@yahoo.com
                                         │              └──│» anne.milgram@nyu.edu 
                                         ├──│» Peopledatalabs.com 
                                         │          │
                                         │          └──│» Username: anne-milgram4a09185b
                                         │          └──│» Phone: 12027441893
                                         │          └──│» Address: new york
                                         └──│» Parkmobile.io
                                                    └──│» Username: anne.milgram@nyu.edu
                                                    └──│» Name: Anne Milgram
                                                    └──│» Phone: 2027441893
                   └──│» jlpbcp8
                   └──│» muppet 
                   └──│» gleason14

                   └──│» $2a$05$CX.bfqx4HGtWfY81HTlVzubTnd62DSenmrWI9zpzy8sn3QsaSnPFy
                   └──│» gU8IRc/1sjbioH5Rk3YXJQ== 
                   └──│» 3d616fecb842022b4cb66917a7eba9917d9ba435
                   └──│» $2a$05$Qns3oIo4K.Of2cLmp63Ou.PFJWrzVmHZUd83Hhi82CgHeJPLJ.VfC
                   └──│» 035e264191c72f1d41491aad346af684964e4aa8 
██████  ███████  █████  ██       █████  ████████ ██ ██    ██ ███████ ███████           
██   ██ ██      ██   ██ ██      ██   ██    ██    ██ ██    ██ ██      ██      
██████  █████   ███████ ██      ███████    ██    ██ ██    ██ █████   ███████ 
██   ██ ██      ██   ██ ██      ██   ██    ██    ██  ██  ██  ██           ██ 
██   ██ ███████ ██   ██ ███████ ██   ██    ██    ██   ████   ███████ ███████ 
║░░░║       MOTHER          ║ + ║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║DEA + GOVMAILS ║
Name: Gail Gleason Milgram 
DOB: Jun 1942-Jul 8, 2023 (deceased)
Age: 81
SSN Issued: No Records
║░░░║       Father          ║ + ║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║DEA + GOVMAILS ║
Name: William H Milgram/Bill H Milgram
DOB: May 1930-Nov 2, 2021 (deceased)
Age: 91
SSN Issued: Social Security Number Issued in Pennsylvania (approx. 1934-1951)

                             .+$Xx+:.      :+xX$x.                          
.X$+                ; $X:
                        ;Xx                         xX;                     
                      .Xx                             +$:                   
                     +X         XxX         +xx         Xx                  
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                  :x           +;;+.       .+;;+           x;               
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                    ;X.      X$:               :$X.      X;                 
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───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────                                                                                                                                            ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
║░░░║      HUSBAND          ║ + ║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║DEA + GOVMAILS ║
Name ................. Manuel R Cerqueiro                                                         
Age .................. 57                     
DOB .................. Dec 1966                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
SSN Issued ........... New York (approx. 1985-1987)
Phone Number.......... (415) 492-2097                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
Race ................. Spanish                     
Gender ............... Male                     
Current Residence .... 4439 Springdale St Nw, Washington, DC 20016-2715 
Second House.......... 156 Spruce St, Princeton, NJ 08542                      
                   │ Emails │
                        └──│» m.cerqueiro@bunge.com 
                        └──│» mcerquei@alum.mit.edu 
                        └──│» manuelcerqueiro.g96@alum.mit.edu
                        └──│» kalaterra@frontiernet.net 
                        └──│» kalaterra@aol.com no breaches                 
                        └──│» manuelcq@aol.com
                        └──│» manuel.cerqueiro@gmail.com
                        └──│» manuel.cerqueiro@bunge.com                                         
║░░░║        SISTER         ║ + ║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║DEA + GOVMAILS ║
Name ................. Lynn Milgram Mayer   
Known as ............. Lyn Mayer, Lynn Milgram            
Age .................. 55                   
DOB .................. Sep 1969                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
SSN Issued ........... 1971-1972 New Jersey
Phone Number.......... (804) 539-2200                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
Race ................. White                     
Gender ............... Female                     
Current Residence .... 6405 Lyric Ln, Falls Church, VA                      
Email Addresses ...... emayer@cua.edu, mayer@cua.edu, lmilgram@yahoo.com                     
║░░░║        DAUGHTER       ║ + ║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║DEA + GOVMAILS ║
Nothing is known about her because she is a minor
║░░░║        THE END        ║ + ║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║DEA + GOVMAILS ║