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			 /$$$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$   /$$$$$$  /$$$$$$$$  /$$$$$$ 
			| $$_____/|__  $$__/| $$_____/| $$__  $$ /$$__  $$| $$_____/ /$$__  $$
			| $$         | $$   | $$      | $$  \ $$| $$  \__/| $$      | $$  \__/
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			| $$__/      | $$   | $$__/   | $$__  $$ \____  $$| $$__/   | $$      
			| $$         | $$   | $$      | $$  \ $$ /$$  \ $$| $$      | $$    $$
			| $$$$$$$$   | $$   | $$$$$$$$| $$  | $$|  $$$$$$/| $$$$$$$$|  $$$$$$/
			|________/   |__/   |________/|__/  |__/ \______/ |________/ \______/ 
					     Twitter.com/EterSec - エーテル セキュリティ
			   Nós somos anonymous, Nós não esquecemos, Nós não perdoamos

A empresa TEPCO afirma que é seguro descartar água radioativa do reator de Fukushima no oceano. 
Isso é absurdo porque a pesquisa que afirmam firmemente o contrário. 
Tal ato é um crime ambiental para toda a humanidade que causara danos por muitos séculos.

The company TEPCO says it is safe to dispose of radioactive water from the Fukushima reactor. 
This is absurd because the research firmly affirms the opposite. 
Such an act is an environmental crime for all mankind that will have led to damage for many centuries.

City	Tokyo
Country	Japan
Organization	Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.
Server: AkamaiGhost - https://www.akamai.com/
Last Update	2021-04-23T07:22:16.864029
ASN	AS2516
Apache httpd
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2021 07:22:15 GMT
Server: Apache
Location: http://www.tepco.co.jp/index-j.html
Content-Length: 219
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1

Domain Information: [ドメイン情報]
a. [ドメイン名] TEPCO.CO.JP
e. [そしきめい] とうきょうでんりょくほーるでぃんぐす かぶしきがいしゃ
f. [組織名] 東京電力ホールディングス 株式会社
g. [Organization] Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.
k. [組織種別] 株式会社
l. [Organization Type] Corporation
m. [登録担当者] TI50618JP
n. [技術連絡担当者] MT54616JP
p. [ネームサーバ] tdns2.tepco.co.jp
p. [ネームサーバ] tdns3.tepco.co.jp
p. [ネームサーバ] tdns4.tepco.co.jp
p. [ネームサーバ] tepcogw.tepco.co.jp
s. [署名鍵]
[状態] Connected (2022/03/31)
[最終更新] 2021/04/01 01:02:48 (JST)

SSL Certificate
        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number:
    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
        Issuer: C=JP, O=Cybertrust Japan Co., Ltd., CN=Cybertrust Japan SureServer CA G4
            Not Before: Aug 18 06:57:29 2020 GMT
            Not After : Oct  7 14:59:00 2021 GMT
        Subject: C=JP, ST=TOKYO, L=CHIYODA-KU, O=Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Incorporated, OU=Business Solution Company Division, CN=www4.tepco.co.jp
        Subject Public Key Info:
            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
                Public-Key: (2048 bit)

All ports services and cve exploit referent:

20/tcp   closed ftp-data
21/tcp   open   ftp      ProFTPD (https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/36803)
22/tcp   open   ssh      OpenSSH 5.3 (protocol 2.0) (https://github.com/sUbc0ol/OpenSSH-5.3-remote-root-0day-exploit-32-bit-x86-)
80/tcp   open   http     Apache httpd (https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/42745)
443/tcp  open   ssl/ssl  Apache httpd (SSL-only mode) (https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/764)
3306/tcp closed mysql
3690/tcp open   svnserve Subversion (https://www.rapid7.com/db/modules/exploit/multi/svn/svnserve_date)

Database: tepco_co_2021

[77 tables]
| user                         |
| tax_action                   |
| tax_action_list              |
| tax_inspection               |
| tax_inspection_list          |
| jurament                     |
| legislation                  |
| legislation_list             |
| newsletter                   |
| contact | 
| contact_list | 
| contracts | 
| contracts_list | 
| demonstrativ | 
| demonstrativ_lista | 
| denounces | 
| denounce_list |
| denuncias_arquivos | 
| denounced_sent | 
| board | 
| director_list | 
| notices | 
| events | 
| event_list | 
| gallery | 
| imagesnewsletter | 
| class_interactions | 
| oath | 
| legislation | 
| library | 
| bids | 
| newsletter | 
| news | 
| participant | 
| physical_person | 
| person_physical_list | 
| legal_person | 
| programming | 
| press_room | 
| sendnews | 
| sectors | 
| sectors_list | 
| symbols | 
| wages | 
| expirations_list | 
| move | 

back-end DBMS: Oracle                                                                                                         
[12 tables]                                                                                                                       

Database: ADMDISCOVERER                 [48 tables]                                                                                                                         +--------------------------------+                                                                                                  
| EUL5_ACCESS_PRIVS              |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_APP_PARAMS                |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_ASMP_CONS                 |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_ASMP_LOGS                 |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_ASM_POLICIES              |                                                                                                 
| EUL5_BAS                       |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_BATCH_PARAMS              |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_BATCH_QUERIES             |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_BATCH_REPORTS             |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_BATCH_SHEETS              |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_BA_OBJ_LINKS              |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_BQ_DEPS                   |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_BQ_TABLES                 |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_BR_RUNS                   |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_DBH_NODES                 |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_DOCUMENTS                 |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_DOC_FOLDERS               |                                                                                                 
| EUL5_DOMAINS                   |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_ELEM_XREFS                |                                                                                                 
| EUL5_EUL_USERS                 |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_EXPRESSIONS               |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_EXP_DEPS                  |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_FREQ_UNITS                |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_FUNCTIONS                 |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_FUN_ARGUMENTS             |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_FUN_CTGS                  |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_FUN_FC_LINKS              |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_GATEWAYS                  |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_HIERARCHIES               |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_HI_NODES                  |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_HI_SEGMENTS               |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_IG_EXP_LINKS              |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_IHS_FK_LINKS              |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_KEY_CONS                  |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_OBJS                      |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_OBJ_DEPS                  |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_OBJ_JOIN_USGS             |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_PLAN_TABLE                |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_QPP_STATS                 |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_SEGMENTS                  |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_SEQUENCES                 |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_SQ_CRRLTNS                |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_SUB_QUERIES               |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_SUMMARY_OBJS              |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_SUMO_EXP_USGS             |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_SUM_BITMAPS               |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_SUM_RFSH_SETS             |                                                                                                  
| EUL5_VERSIONS                  |                                                                                                  

Table: user
[6 columns]
| Column      | Type         |
| email       | varchar(200) |
| id          | int(11)      |
| login       | varchar(200) |
| name        | varchar(200) |
| password    | varchar(200) |
| permissions | varchar(200) |

Database: tepco_co_2021
Table: user
[6 entries]
| User_ID       -   Password_                      |
| エーテル秒      | 2fe125b3894b85fc20b4e9ac1af5c3af |
| クレフ         | 29115523bb27e72cf9b2a62f023b78fb |
| 検査1レフ       | 72278aa6c2d86dae4ba43857192ab5f8 |
| ゴールド        | eaa08c4c0c0308a8643dc63102323908 |
| 管理ユーザー者   | e3d0e3f54e501221eeb3dcf5e1bb3e81 |
| 検査           | e3d0e3f54e501221eeb3dcf5e1bb3e81 |


Basic Tracking Info
IP Address:
[IP Blacklist Check]
Reverse DNS:
Hostname:	pleskl0045.tepco.co.jp
tdns1.tepco.co.jp >>
tdns2.tepco.co.jp >>
Location For an IP:

Domain Information: [ドメイン情報]
a. [ドメイン名] TEPCO.CO.JP
e. [そしきめい] とうきょうでんりょくほーるでぃんぐす かぶしきがいしゃ
f. [組織名] 東京電力ホールディングス 株式会社
g. [Organization] Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.
k. [組織種別] 株式会社
l. [Organization Type] Corporation
m. [登録担当者] TI50618JP
n. [技術連絡担当者] MT54616JP
p. [ネームサーバ] tdns2.tepco.co.jp
p. [ネームサーバ] tdns3.tepco.co.jp
p. [ネームサーバ] tdns4.tepco.co.jp
p. [ネームサーバ] tepcogw.tepco.co.jp
s. [署名鍵]
[状態] Connected (2022/03/31)
[最終更新] 2021/04/01 01:02:48 (JST)


aut-num:     AS27715
abuse-c:     HOSIT
owner:       tepcogw
ownerid:     02.351.877/0001-52
responsible: Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.
owner-c:     GIM6
tech-c:      NOLOC4
nserver:     Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.
nsstat:      20201224 AA
nslastaa:    20201224
nserver:     Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.
nsstat:      20201224 AA
nslastaa:    20201224
nserver:     Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.
nsstat:      20201224 AA
nslastaa:    20201224
created:     20100429
changed:     20181122

Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc. - Perfil da Empresa 

Tipo de Título

Informações de Contato
EndereçoChiyoda-ku, TKY 100-8560

Principais Executivos
Nome	Idade	Desde	Título
Ryutaro Yamamoto	56	2018	Managing Executive Officer
Akira Ono	61	2019	Managing Executive Officer, President of Fukushima Daiichi Decontamination and Decommissioning Engin
Hideko Kunii	72	2014	Independent Director
Seiichi Fubasami	60	2020	Executive Vice President, Representative Executive Officer, President of Subsidiary, Director
Tomoaki Kobayakawa	57	2017	Executive President, Representative Executive Officer, Manager of Nuclear Reform Special Taskforce,
Makoto Ohkura	62	2017	Managing Executive Officer, Chief Director of Fukushima, Deputy Chief Director of Nuclear Power & Lo
Mitsushi Saiki	57	2019	Executive Vice President
Tomomichi Seki	56	2020	Managing Executive Officer, Chief Information Officer, Chief Information Security Officer
Seiji Moriya	57	2019	Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President, Representative Executive Officer, President of Su
Shigenori Makino	51	2017	Managing Executive Officer, Chief Director of Nuclear & Location, Director
Shoei Utsuda	77	2020	Independent Chairman of the Board of Directors
Hideo Takaura	71	2017	Independent Director
Junji Annen	65	2017	Independent Director
Yoshihito Morishita	58	2019	Director
Masaya Kitta	56	2017	Managing Executive Officer, Chief Director of Niigata, Deputy Chief Director of Nuclear Power & Loca
Masashi Nagasawa	54	2019	Managing Executive Officer
Michitaka Kondo	-	2018	Executive Officer, Deputy Chief Director of Fukushima
Hideki Masui	-	2016	Executive Officer, Deputy Chief Director of Nuclear Power & Location
Issei So	56	2019	Managing Executive Officer, Chief Director of Aomori Business in Main Nuclear Power and Location Uni
Naoto Moroo	-	-	Executive Officer, Senior Vice President of Fukushima Daiichi Decontamination and Decommissioning En
Rikuo Ohtsuki	55	2019	Managing Executive Officer, Manager of CRE Promotion Office
Fuyuhiko Nishimura	-	2019	Executive Officer
Tomohiko Isogai	-	-	Executive Officer, Vice President of Fukushima Daiichi Decontamination and Decommissioning Engineeri
Takashi Ichinose	-	-	Executive Officer, Manager of Internal Audit Office
Naoki Kajiyama	-	-	Executive Officer, Vice President of Fukushima Daiichi Decontamination and Decommissioning Engineeri
Katsuyuki Tada	-	2018	Executive Officer, Deputy Chief Director of Nuclear Power & Location
Kazuyoshi Takahara	-	-	Executive Officer, Vice President of Fukushima Daiichi Decommissioning Promotion Company
Junichi Matsumoto	-	-	Executive Officer, Manager of Decommissioning Promotion Office in Fukushima Daiichi Decommissioning
Toshihiko Fukuda	-	-	Executive Officer, Vice President of Fukushima Daiichi Decommissioning Promotion Company
Kumi Ibaragi	-	-	Executive Officer, President of Business Solution Company
Ikuko Sato	-	-	Executive Officer, Manager of Safety Promotion Office
Shigeo Ohyagi	73	2020	Independent Director
Shoichiro Ohnishi	57	2020	Independent Director
Kotaro Tanaka	54	2020	Independent Director
Nobuhide Akimoto	52	2020	Director
Momoko Nagasaki	50	2020	Managing Executive Officer, Chief Marketing Officer, Manager of EV Promotion Office
Shigehiro Yoshino	52	2020	Executive Officer