Now before we get into this please have a look at the first dox I posted on the girls.

//  \\

First off we have Daylan Kelly This man has admitted he had he's dick sucked
By a man in he's 20s. He believes he was raped but I beg to differ He also has
A penis no more than four inches that he boosts about for some reason.
He also has ed or maybe he couldn't get hard as he was trying to fuck Shalie
and really I don't blame him on that. Honestly this kid doesn't seem that bad
of a bloke but there is a reason he's old friends hate him because he snakes
Them and he is harbouring a person who needs to be home that has a warrant.
The kid has no money to he's name and begs for money to buy drinks at pubs
Weed bongs all that good stuff there's not that much more to it kids just weird.   

|                                                 |
| Name: Daylan kelly                              |
| Alias: Xen                                      |
| Discord: Xen#3536                               |
| Address: 80 morgan street kingsgrove 2208 NSW   |
| Age: 18                                         |
| Instagram: chopsmash                            |
| Snapchat: daylan_kelly15                        |
| Facebook: |
|                                                 |

As for the girls there is not much else to say than the stuff I posted in the first dox.
They still have not gone home to there family in Narara and chose to squat in Daylan's
House. Who fucking knows the shit that goes on there. Shalie is quick to stay she will stab
anyone who fucks with her as some kind of shitty self defence mechanism. the other one
well she just seems to cling to anyone who gives her the attention she was denied as a child.

| Ella's mum "Abby Sim":          |
|                                        |
| Shalie's mum "Lisa Budd":  |

I don't usually dox people parents but I'm just writing the dox I don't care about
These people in the slightest. I am just writing what I am asked to do before I go I'd like
you to know that the bullshit that is going on. Between these people and us is just such a meme
honestly its the funniest shit ever it has everyone watching laughing oh well fuck it.

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