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(DAVID EDWARD BARKLEY has a charge of 2nd Degree Sexual Offense)

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Age: 46
DOB: 7/13/1978
Race: White
Weight: 200lbs
Height: 5'7"
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: BLUE
Sex: M
Phone Number: (304) 457-9167 Landline Frontier West Virginia Inc PROB NOT HIS ANYMORE
• Scars/Tattoos: N/A


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 |      |     | |       |_____|    |      |   |     | | \  | .
 |_____ |_____| |_____  |     |    |    __|__ |_____| |  \_| .
 ⤷Latitude: 39.178951
 ⤷Longitude: -80.062298
Address 2: 169 Penny Ln Philippi WV 26416 Barbour County
 ⤷Latitude: 39.179209
 ⤷Longitude: -80.062381

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|_| \_\___|_|\__,_|\__|_| \_/ \___||___/
Bertie Barkley
Age 91 (Dec 1932)
Cindy Barkley
Age 57 (Jun 1967)
Daniel Barkley
Age 60 (Dec 1964)
David Barkley
Age 74 (May 1950)
David Barkley
Age 105 (May 1919)
Donald Barkley
Age 62 (Nov 1962)
Edward Barkley
Age 63 (Feb 1961)
Eleanor Daniels
Age 76 (Nov 1948)
Jessica Abell
Age 30 (Jun 1994)
John Barkley
Age 44 (Nov 1980)
Kaitlynn Barkley
Age 29 (Jan 1995)
Karen Kalar
Age 58 (Dec 1966)
Kathy Barkley
Age 60 (Jul 1964)
Kelly Ross
Age 45 (May 1979)
Nathanial Barkley
Age 32 (May 1992)
Russell Barkley
Age 69 (Sep 1955)
Tiffany Barkley
Age 30 (Dec 1994)
Courtney Barkley
Age 33 (Dec 1991)
Danielle Wesoloski
Age 35 (Aug 1989)
Edward Ed Lynn Barkley
Age 63 (Feb 1961)
Edward Barkley
Age 68 (Jan 1956)
Jackie Barkley
Age 63 (Dec 1960)
James Boyles
Age 48 (Jun 1976)
James Kalar
Age 41 (Jul 1983)
James Miller
Age 65 (Jan 1959)
Jeffrey Cline
Age 60 (Jul 1964)
Jennifer Cesenaro
Age 52 (Jan 1972)
Jessica Abell
Age 30 (Jun 1994)
Joseph Barkley
Age 74 (Jul 1950)
Joseph Daniels
Age 35 (Jun 1989)
Linda Abell
Age 44 (Jul 1980)
Michael Abell
Age 44 (Jul 1980)
Morgan Deavers
Age 27 (Mar 1997)
Rebecca Barkley
Age 60 (Nov 1964)
Robert Abell
Age 65 (Jan 1959)
Robert Barkley
Age 66 (Mar 1958)
Roberta Kalar
Age 85 (Dec 1939)
Russell Barkley
Age 49 (Jan 1975)
Tanhya Thorne
Age 39 (Mar 1985)
Tonya Barkley
Age 59 (May 1965)
Verda Childers
Age 63 (Dec 1960)

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 / ___ \\__ \__ \ (_) | (__| | (_| | ||  __/\__ \
/_/   \_\___/___/\___/ \___|_|\__,_|\__\___||___/

Alesha Mckinney
Age 44(Jan 1980)
Jamie Goodell
Age 50(Aug 1974)
Denise Lucy
Age 72(Mar 1952)
Anna Schiefelbein
Age 41(Jan 1983)
Brandon Barto
Age 43(May 1981)
Johnathan Schiefelbein
Age 44(Oct 1980)
Kelli Church
Age 36(Mar 1988)
Matthew Lindsey
Age 46(Mar 1978)
Melvin Hileman
Age 49(Aug 1975)
Steve Hively
Age 54(Dec 1969)
Angie Mcdaniel
Age 85(Jan 1939)
Charles Mcdaniel
Age 89(Jul 1935)
Chrystel Soto
Age 47(Jun 1977)
Dawn Williams
Age 58(Oct 1966)
Deborah Murphy
Age 61(Feb 1963)
Francisco Gutierrez
Age 23(Jun 2001)
Frank Samuel
Age 52(Aug 1972)
Janet Andrade
Age 42(Oct 1982)
Kathryn Lance
Age 63(Apr 1961)
Michael Murphy
Age 43(Jul 1981)
Robert Allen
Age 68(Nov 1956)
Toni Kershaw
Age 53(Mar 1971)
Virginia Mcdaniel
Age 32(Feb 1992)
David Mckinney
Age 71(Jul 1953)
Regina Schepleng
Age 61(Feb 1963)
Travis Delauder
Age 42(Jul 1982)
Jennifer Cesenaro
Age 52(Jan 1972)

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Conviction Date: 11/19/2001
Victim Relation: STRANGER
Victim Sex: FEMALE
Offense: 2nd Degree Sexual Offense in the state of Maryland given 5 years probation.
: _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______         :
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143 Penny Ln
Philippi WV 26416
Barbour County

Po Box 407
Flemington WV 26347
Taylor County

407A Rr 1
Flemington WV 26347
Barbour County

13-1 Rr 1
Hambleton WV 26269
Tucker County

3105 Aspen Ct
Baltimore MD 21227
Baltimore County

3105 Aspen Ct
Halethorpe MD 21227
Baltimore County

607 Rr 2, Unit OX7
Philippi WV 26416
Barbour County


 _______  _____  __   _ _______        _     _ _______ _____  _____  __   _  
 |       |     | | \  | |       |      |     | |______   |   |     | | \  | .
 |_____  |_____| |  \_| |_____  |_____ |_____| ______| __|__ |_____| |  \_| .

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 | |_ | | | | |   | |  | | | \ \ /\ / /  | | | |  _| | | | \___ \|  _|| |   | |
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 |_|   \___/|_____|_____\___/  \_/\_/    |____/|_____|____/|____/|_____\____|_|

(Follow your dreams never let them just be dreams.)
Memes: No memes sadly :(

Credits: Template by de4dmau5_l0l

#OpChildSafety #OpPedoHunt #AntiAbuse