
Table of Contents

00x1 - Introduction/Reasons

00x3 - Personal Information

00x4 - Conclusion

00x5 - Statement



Daniel Spilo was a contestant on the show Survivor for its 39th season, which is currently airing at the time of this post. Dan, as a contestant,
"frequently touched female contestants in ways that made them feel uncomfortable". Including contestants Kellee Kim and Missy Byrd. Although Missy later
revealed they "exaggerated how they felt". This inappropriate touching included, "prolonged massages, playing with women's toes, caressing their hair, and
other unwarranted touching". At this point of the filming of the show, "contestants were taken aside one by one and asked about their comfort levels.
Spilo was allegedly spoken to about his behavior before continuing on with the game". Fourteen days later, Spilo was removed from the game and tv show for
another incident. This one included not a contestant but a production member, "a touching incident that followed another challenge, where Spilo touched
a member of production inappropriately while getting onto a boat off-camera". Daniel issued this response on camera after the first incident,
"My personal feeling is if anyone ever felt a second uncomfortable about anything I've ever done, I'm horrified about that and I'm terribly sorry".
Yet Daniel, you continued to participate in your disgusting and inappropriate behavior. Daniel was also criticized for saying  “ragtag group of losers” in
front of his 13 year old son. This dox will not include his wife's (excluding her name) information, his children's information or any family members
information, they should not be punished for Daniels atrocious actions. Daniel, to do your actions in the first place was absolutely disgusting but many
viewers, including myself forgave you and saw your view that you're "just a touchy person" but then you continue your disgusting behavior with a cast
member. Your address and information is now out there, my associates did want to put your Social Security Number in this post, but decided against it, but
if you continue to deny your actions you might receive a higher interest rate on your mortgage you fucking shit.

And for the record, Melissa Ann Byrd, also known as Missy, you're very lucky that I do not post your address as well, but as you're a veteran, I decided
against it. Think about your actions next time.  

|Personal Information|

Name - Daniel Spilo

AKA: Dan Spilo

Age - 49

Date of Birth:
June 28th, 1970 (06/28/1970)

Zodiac Sign:

New York


Married to Katherine Ann Spilo
Maiden Name - Groenendyk

Married in Des Moines, Iowa in 1998

Political Party Affiliation:
Democratic Party

Owns a Blue Tesla Model Three


(Common Passwords)



Current Address:

Street - 11940 Westminster Avenue
City - Los Angeles
State - California
Zip Code - 90066
Postal Code - 2826 

11940 Westminster Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90066-2826 

Photos of House:
https://gyazo.com/95fc3dcea0f06a851b49ee550c405393 (Streetview)
https://gyazo.com/91086b17ad1f602897331b7048c321fc (3D)
https://gyazo.com/dcdf57111b9e1eed53351c6e00b1bfc8 (Satellite)


Previous Addresses (8):

Street - 1010 N Curson Ave 
Apartment Number - 108
City - West Hollywood
State - California 
Zip Code - 90046
Postal Code - 6475 

1010 N Curson Ave Apartment 108, West Hollywood, California 90046-6475 

Photos of Residence:
https://gyazo.com/fe8eb4198162a4ba8040242e24184478 (Streetview)
https://gyazo.com/f9fa2c0dc7f702630fc48fad3049abc7 (3D)
https://gyazo.com/3b67bfe640638f79962648c79a497e44 (Satellite)

Street - 3037 Danalda Drive
City - Los Angeles
State - California
Zip Code - 90064
Postal Code - 4625 

3037 Danalda Dr, Los Angeles, California 90064-4625 

Photos of Residence:
https://gyazo.com/280da068b3b5d9493cadf77afd9c1d0d (Streetview)
https://gyazo.com/1dae393b1ceb2e38adde1914764199f7 (3D)
https://gyazo.com/48ca17f04c999ef70c92705ccad243f2 (Satellite)

Street - 12258 Otsego Street
City - Valley Village
State - California
Zip Code - 91607
Postal Code - 3008 

12258 Otsego St, Valley Village, California 91607-3008 

Photos of Residence:
https://gyazo.com/368278650265ae997dcb9cddc888d64f (Streetview)
https://gyazo.com/77c4c9cf7cbab93ff21bb705c9185688 (3D)
https://gyazo.com/47ee3e95fcb6e142ab023578e96c6aba (Satellite)

Street - 525 Westbourne Drive
City - West Hollywood
State - California
Zip Code - 90048
Postal Code - 1913

525 Westbourne Dr, West Hollywood, California 90048-1913 

Photos of Residence:
https://gyazo.com/8b2ba81da4c554951eb6cfea7437db74 (Streetview)
https://gyazo.com/5f34dd5dbb15b32b5b2d71dc1b09724a (3D)
https://gyazo.com/7db014ccebceaeee02c9195622457d47 (Satellite)

Street - 105 Bayshore Drive 
City - West Anaheim
State - California
Zip Code - 92801 

105 Bayshore Dr, West Anaheim, California 92801 

Photos of Residence:
https://gyazo.com/0ebc64e1768fa2ff25c438b556015fd1 (Satellite)

Street - 2002 21st Street
Apartment Number - D
City - Santa Monica
State - California
Zip Code - 90404
Postal Code - 4874

2002 21st St Apartment D, Santa Monica, California 90404-4874 

Photos of Residence:
https://gyazo.com/58d86b1fc05f22cfe6307b10c025bb42 (3D)
https://gyazo.com/c4e511b8a82164a17979304c8410cfc3 (Satellite)

Street - 1428 S Bentley Avenue
City - Los Angeles
State - California
Zip Code - 90025
Postal Code - 3407

1428 S Bentley Ave, Los Angeles, California 90025-3407 

Photos of Residence:
https://gyazo.com/a8fe5395680b59656a7756c425af5b5b (3D)
https://gyazo.com/ae45cd4cbf21a84aba5504b39b428e09 (Satellite)

Street - 340 E 66th Street
Apartment Number - 74 or 5G
City - New York
State - New York
Zip Code - 10065
Postal Code - 6802

340 E 66th St RGWD 74, New York, New York 10065-6802 

Photos of Residence:
https://gyazo.com/828eb975a552c60ecca5df8f9fa73278 (3D)
https://gyazo.com/7d1529ae08542b9369631263c3e44acb (Satellite)


(Phone #s)    Type:       Cellular Provider:

310-936-5553 | (Mobile)   |  (Sprint Spectrum) (Guarnteed)
310-866-3411 | (Mobile)   |  (T-Mobile USA Inc)
310-446-0088 | (Landline) |  (Frontier)
310-390-1001 | (Landline) |  (Frontier)
310-360-6870 | (Landline) |  (Pacific Bell)
212-529-8648 | (Landline) |  (Verizon)
212-570-6734 | (Landline) |  (Verizon)
212-866-3411 | (Landline) |  (Verizon)
310-473-0279 | (Landline) |  (Frontier)
310-858-0053 | (Landline) |  (Pacific Bell)
310-858-0333 | (Landline) |  (Pacific Bell)
515-225-0362 | (Landline) |  (Qwest Corporation)
310-673-7830 | (Landline) |  (Pacific Bell)






Industry Entertainment Partners LLC (Works as a Talent Manager/Co-Owner of Business)

Secretary of State Entity File Number - 201204210496

Originally Formed in: Delaware

Registration Date in Delaware: 03/07/2001

Registration Date in California: 01/10/2012 

Status: Active

Agent for Service of Process: Dan Spilo


Sara Bottfeld, Andrew Deane and Tracey Murray

Address of Work:
955 Carrillo Dr #300, Los Angeles, California 90048 (On Third Floor)

Phone Number of Work:

Proof/Legal Documents for Business:

He Might of also worked/is working for a firm called Levity Entertainment Group OR a firm called Crosby Spil0.

He's also connected to this address in some way with business,
1990 Westwood Blvd Suite #200, Los Angeles, California 90025 


(Former Attorney Information)

Daniel Spilo

Attorney License Number - 205364

License Status - Inactive

1/1/2000 - Inactive

12/6/1999 - Admitted to The State Bar of California



Columbia University, New York, New York (Studied Law)

Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts


(Social Media)







Artsy.net (Email - danspilo@yahoo.com)
Younow.com (Username - DanSpilo)
Fling.com (Username - danspilo67) (Password - table67404)
Houzz.com (Username - dan_spilo) (Hashed Password - $6$f25ttCOmC684KUYU$/emsFxeKLfxoJV2khM.SQogO8yi2XEHdWbxJVnmYHCp6dfrW9DidHx1P5xLjpc5SWwJI0wPg0jZBvn2Qj.hiB.
KickStarter.com (Email - dans@industryentertainment.com)
Ticketfly.com (Email - dans@industryentertainment.com)
B2B USA Leads (Email - dans@industryentertainment.com)
Dropbox.com (Email - dans@industryentertainment.com) (Hashed Password - $2a$08$pKfR./tz8c9ViUUtI/XPg.nd2iyxJIULibwDgS4OYKO7mkotCOqTi
Disqus.com (User ID - 6fb56839a94042a0cf6d3ecd027718b4)
Zynga.com (Username - danspilo) (Hashed Password - ee0f5f9a5a749be98c21296824acc9d3fc1cac1a (Salt - f14263291e930d7f2f57bb0c8e3ec8b6ed7e8426
Dubsmash.com (Username - danspilo) (Hashed Password - pbkdf2_sha256$15000$sbfHvVMcKUWb$AE48bN9ndfOa+i5UABEOMb7ImQXRXH81YQgPkKBXWus=
Ticketfly.com (Email - danspilo@me.com)
Myspace.com (Username - Danspilo) (Password - am123434)


(Internet Protocol Information)

IP Address -

Links to - Los Angeles, California, 90066

Autonomous System Number - 6167

Internet Service Provider - Verizon

Type: Wireless Broadband

Assignment: Likely Static IP

Status: No Longer Active


IP Address -

Links to - Los Angeles, California, 90059

Autonomous System Number - 20001

Internet Service Provider - Spectrum

Type: Broadband

Assignment: Likely Dynamic IP

Status: No Longer Active


(Property Information)

11940 Westminster Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90066-2826 

Bedrooms - 5
Bathrooms - 3
Square Footage - 4,010
Stories - 1
Lot Size - 6,433 Square Feet
Year Built - 1948
Renovated In - 2000
Assessors Parcel Number/Assessors Identification Number - 4249016029
Daniel Bought Property on: June 19th, 1998 for $410,000
2010 Property Tax: $15,424

Property Record:



Daniel Spilo, Fuck You.




Watch this account in about six months, something big is coming.


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