DDDDDDDDDDDDD       333333333333333                         iiii              d::::::d                         DDDDDDDDDDDDD                                           
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D:::::::::::::::DD 3::::::33333::::::3                      iiii              d::::::d                         D:::::::::::::::DD                                      
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  D:::::D    D:::::D           3:::::3    cccccccccccccccciiiiiii     ddddddddd:::::d     eeeeeeeeeeee           D:::::D    D:::::D    ooooooooooo xxxxxxx      xxxxxxx
  D:::::D     D:::::D          3:::::3  cc:::::::::::::::ci:::::i   dd::::::::::::::d   ee::::::::::::ee         D:::::D     D:::::D oo:::::::::::oox:::::x    x:::::x 
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DDDDDDDDDDDDD       333333333333333       cccccccccccccccciiiiiiii   ddddddddd   ddddd    eeeeeeeeeeeeee       DDDDDDDDDDDDD           ooooooooooo xxxxxxx      xxxxxxx

| Table of contents	 |
| 0x01 X Reason for dox	 |
| 0x02 X Personal        |
| 0x03 X Housing Info    |
| 0x04 X In-game Info    |
| 0x05 X Network 	 |

(All information in this dox has been triple checked | There is a 100% chance Brian will deny the truth)

|0x01: Due to D3cide having scummed out so many people. I asked around for quotes of people who got fucked by him!|
|(Names hidden for privacy of the people who came forward)                                                        |
|Being a general cunt of a person, D3icde deserves|I heard he scammed BeerFish|Free|My 1.8 single player is better |
|everything that is about to come towards him...  |out of a lot of time...    |Uzi |than cannon-network           |
|Decide has done countless horrible things in this community including scamming thousands of dollars, lying on    |
|many serious instances and just being a twat in general to the community.                                        |

|0x02: Personal Information 		    |
| -Lega Name:::: Brian Campos		    |
| -Online Alias: D3cide 		    |
| Description-------------------------------|
| -Skin Color::: Mixed			    |
| -Gender::::::: Male			    |
| -Age:::::::::: 32 (What the fuck)	    |
| -Birthday::::: 10/11/1986		    |
| Work Information--------------------------|
| -Occupation:::: Works at Campos Music     |
| -Hobby:::::::: Scamming, Skidding Plugins |
| Contact Information-----------------------|
| -Email:::::::: braincampos339@gmail.com   |							

|0x03: Housing Information  	          |
| -Country:::::: United States of America |
| -State:::::::: Arizona 		  |
| -City::::::::: Mesa			  |
| -ZIP:::::::::: 85204		          |
| -Address:::::: 631 S Solomon		  |
| -Lot Size::::: 6,664ft^2		  |
| -House Size::: 1,504ft^2		  |
| -Floors::::::: 1			  |
| -Year Built::: 1977			  |
| -Rooms:::::::: 5			  |
| -Bathrooms:::: 6			  |
| -Aircon::::::: Refrigeration		  |
| -Heating:::::: Forced Air 		  |
| -Last Assessed: 2017 			  |
| -Parking:::::: 1 Car 			  |
| -Sold::::::::: 1997 			  |

|0x04: In Game Information 				  |
| 							  |
| Main Account--------------------------------------------|
| -Current IGN:::::: D3cide 				  |
| -Player UUID:::::: 568b21f1-068c-4d47-b4f8-b7a170cbcaf7 |
| Past Names----------------------------		  |
| -SyncedTNT:::::::: 11/26/2017-2/10/2018 		  |
| -kay102::::::::::: Migration-11/26/2017	          |
|							  |
| Alt1----------------------------------------------------|
| -Current IGN:::::: RebornBot5       			  |
| -Player UUID:::::: 03bd60fe-1816-47e3-954b-a762242f0a56 |
| PastNames-----------------------------------------------|
| -EvoBot2:::::::::: 11/12/2017-12/30/2017   		  |
| -399594721:::::::: Migration-11/12/2017 		  |
|							  |
| Alt2----------------------------------------------------|
| -Current IGN:::::: JavaPro 				  |
| -Player UUID:::::: efa0dfa5-8e7a-45a8-95fe-4b0eaf8c8da8 |
| PastNames-----------------------------------------------|
| -TheZschoppi:::::: Migration-11/23/2017 		  |
|							  |
| Alt3----------------------------------------------------|
| -Current IGN:::::: Rapid_Steam 			  |
| -Player UUID:::::: 3af32c07-7405-4095-84ff-e628a44bfc5c |
| PastNames-----------------------------------------------|
| -Rapid_Steam:::::: 9/22/2016-3/26/2017		  |
| -Mr_BrainFreeze::: 8/19/2016-9/22/2016		  |
| -Rapid_Steam:::::: 7/14/2016-8/19/2016		  |
| -blackops218:::::: Migration-7/14/2016		  |

|0x05: Network Information                          |
| IP Status:::::::: Active                          |
| IP Address:::::::                    |
| IP Assignment:::: Static                          |
| ISP ::::::::::::: CenturyLink Communications, LLC |
| ISP Website ::::: centurylink.com                 |
| State/Region::::: Mesa, Arizona                   |
| Old Op1::::::::::,     |

Killian Petrau

You're next <3