|                PERSONAL INFO                |
| Full Name: Tristan Hart Sumner              |
| Date of Birth: June 4, 1999                 |
| Alternative Names (AKA): Tristan Sumner     |
| Deceased: No                                |
|                  ADDRESSES                  |
| Current Address:                            |
| 2944 Windsor Dr, Flower Mound, TX 75028     |
| From July 1, 2003, to June 4, 2024          |
|                                             |
| Previous Addresses:                         |
| 4001 S Broadway Ave, Flower Mound, TX 75028 |
| June 26, 2015 - July 25, 2024               |
| 4409 Belvedere Dr, Plano, TX 75093          |
| October 12, 2020                            |
|                PHONE INFORMATION            |
| Primary Phone: 972-336-1233                 |
| Type: Mobile, AT&T Mobility, possible       |
| subject phone                               |
| City: Grand Prairie, State: TX              |
| County: Dallas, TimeZone: Central Time      |
| Dates of Use: April 13, 2018 - July 2, 2024 |
|                  RELATIVES                  |
| Kirstie Elisabeth Lee                       |
| Date of Birth: 1999                         |
| Gavin Shaun Sumner                          |
| Date of Birth: 2000                         |
|                EMAIL ADDRESSES              |
| Email: tristanhsumner@gmail.com             |
|                 LEGAL RECORDS               |
| Bankruptcies: 0                             |
| Lien Records: 0                             |
| Judgment Records: 0                         |
| Times Reported: 1                           |
|                ALLEGATIONS                  |
| Tristan has been reported for harassing     |
| individuals online, including ex-partners.  |
| Accusations include spreading malicious     |
| rumors and possessing illegal cyber content.|
| Admitted to having false identities and     |
| credit cards on his PC. Fears jail if caught|
| Witnesses claim he made derogatory comments |
| about ex-partners. Owns VRMODELS.com,       |
| accused of malicious software distribution. |
| Notorious in VRCHAT for sharing sensitive   |
| info like card numbers and personal data.   |
| His job is in cybersecurity. He uses his    |
| background to exploit personal data.        |
| Threatens to distribute personal info and   |
| physically harm ex-partners. Forces others  |
| to apologize through intimidation. Doxxes   |
| those who confront him. Linked to the       |
| VRModels.com database, sells info to data   |
| brokers. Gathers info from downloads opened |
| in Unity. Leaks private photos, makes       |
| inappropriate jokes. Concerning "jokes"     |
| about sexual acts with minors. Most exes    |
| are 18, suggesting he waits until they are  |
| legal. Admitted to having extensive illegal |
| content on his PC.                          |
|                 SOCIAL MEDIA                |
| Discord: rrot (ID: 1065299770337411072)     |
| VRCHAT: ro﮴﮴t                              |
| usr_e9a11c68-bb73-4029-9bed-fad20df75127    |