* ***                     *                                                                     
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**   **         **    ***  *  ** ****       ***     **** **** *    ***     **    ***  *     ***       
**   **         **     ****   *** ***  *   * ***     **   ****    * ***    **     ****     * ***      
**   **         **      **    **   ****   *   ***    **          *   ***   **      **     *   ***     
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**   **         **      **    **    **   ********    **         ********   **      **    ********     
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Edit 1: improvements on information                                                                                                  
Edit 2: removed discord (he deleted it) -- https://prnt.sc/u75za9
  [Changelog end]


Note: second edit: This nigga opted out of every website that I use because of how much of a scared bitch he is and he deleted his discord! 

Note to cyberye (because it's obvious that you found the dox) : stop being a scared little bitch :D

[Notes end]


This guy is a big fucking retard, think before refunding my friend faggot

Refunded my friend and he won't own up to it now -- https://prnt.sc/tp7hdq -- https://prnt.sc/tp7ifg

{{Home info}}
[Home address: 2620 Sweetbroom Road]-- Picture: https://prnt.sc/tp7clu
[City: Naperville]-- Area code: 605
[State: Illinois]

{{Cybereye himself}}
[Name: Andrew McGovern]
[Age: 25]
[Discord: Deleted] -- Note: the previous discord I had here (AlloftheSauce#4305) isn't his alt and i've confirmed that
{{Possible relatives}} 
Natalie McGovern -- Age: 23
Kelly Marie McGovern -- Age: 32
Michael Charles McGovern -- Age: 66
Kathleen Louise McGovern  -- Age: 61