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- Suck My Dick - Candy Rips

First Name: Nicholas
Last Name: Alvarez
Age: 16
Personality: Retard/Toxic
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Race: White
Height: 5’8
Birth Year : 2007
Address: 4019 Oakwood Ave #10, Los Angeles, CA 90004
Email: cxmpovh@gmail.com
Email: landonmendez@gmail.com
Email: youraskid@gmail.com
Country: California
City: Los Angeles
Ip Adress:
Discord: Cxmp#0002 - Cxmp#0001 
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjrpj6qSJuM0XuvFkKwEckw
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cxmp_ovh/
Phone Number : (207) 517-1453
XBOX Gamertags:
- Cvmp Ovh
- Cxmp Ovh

Mothers Info                                                            	 
Full Name: Sherri Alvarez
Age: 52
Current Address:  4019 Oakwood Ave #10, Los Angeles, CA 90004
Race: White
Height: 5’6
His Girlfriend's Info 

Prior Address: 1691 Oakdale Ave San Francisco, California 94124
Phone Number: (415) 647-8113
Name: Izzy ( Last Name Not Sure )
Stupid Emo Bitch
Partners Being Doxed Next
ScentedV4#1416 - Shitty Plasma Api Owner
Solo#7346 - Shitty Plasma Api Owner
CoonSYN#0001 - Shitty Wave Panel Owner ( Uses Others Power And Claims To Be The Best With Like 5 Owners )