                  ║													      ║
                  ║													      ║
                  ║            _____                   _______                   _____                    _____               ║
    		  ║ 	      /\    \                 /::\    \                 /\    \                  /\    \              ║
   		  ║  	     /::\    \               /::::\    \               /::\____\                /::\    \             ║
  		  ║	     \:::\    \             /::::::\    \             /:::/    /               /::::\    \            ║
  		  ║    	      \:::\    \           /::::::::\    \           /:::/    /               /::::::\    \           ║
     		  ║ 	       \:::\    \         /:::/~~\:::\    \         /:::/    /               /:::/\:::\    \          ║
       		  ║    	        \:::\    \       /:::/    \:::\    \       /:::/____/               /:::/__\:::\    \         ║
        	  ║	        /::::\    \     /:::/    / \:::\    \     /::::\    \              /::::\   \:::\    \        ║
		  ║    _____   /::::::\    \   /:::/____/   \:::\____\   /::::::\____\________    /::::::\   \:::\    \       ║
	    	  ║   /\    \ /:::/\:::\    \ |:::|    |     |:::|    | /:::/\:::::::::::\    \  /:::/\:::\   \:::\    \      ║
	 	  ║  /::\    /:::/  \:::\____\|:::|____|     |:::|    |/:::/  |:::::::::::\____\/:::/  \:::\   \:::\____\     ║
	 	  ║  \:::\  /:::/    \::/    / \:::\    \   /:::/    / \::/   |::|~~~|~~~~~     \::/    \:::\  /:::/    /     ║
		  ║   \:::\/:::/    / \/____/   \:::\    \ /:::/    /   \/____|::|   |           \/____/ \:::\/:::/    /      ║
		  ║    \::::::/    /             \:::\    /:::/    /          |::|   |                    \::::::/    /       ║
		  ║     \::::/    /               \:::\__/:::/    /           |::|   |                     \::::/    /        ║
 		  ║      \::/    /                 \::::::::/    /            |::|   |                     /:::/    /         ║
  		  ║       \/____/                   \::::::/    /             |::|   |                    /:::/    /          ║
             	  ║	                             \::::/    /              |::|   |                   /:::/    /           ║
                  ║		                      \::/____/               \::|   |                  /:::/    /            ║
                  ║     	                       ~~                      \:|   |                  \::/    /             ║
                  ║                 	     	                                \|___|                   \/____/              ║ 
                  ║             									                      ║ 
                  ║	        											      ║
                  ║													      ║
                  ║					            Contents						      ║
                  ║					    ❏ 0x01 » Introduction   					      ║
                  ║					    ❏ 0x02 » Personal Information         			      ║
                  ║					    ❏ 0x03 » Property Information          			      ║
                  ║					    ❏ 0x04 » Immediate Family              			      ║
                  ║					    ❏ 0x05 » Extras         			                      ║
                  ║					    ❏ 0x06 » Credits         			                      ║
                  ║													      ║
                  ║             									                      ║ 
                  ║	        											      ║
                  ║                   											      ║
		  ║                    |										      ║
		  ║              \     |     /										      ║							       
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		  ║         ('-  (. ')98P'      ';.,;    ,;					       /  )		      ║
		  ║          '-.(PjP)'     \       '.';.'					      /  / )                  ║
       		  ║                    |     \	   						    -/  / /                   ║
	          ║                    |						            '  / / -                  ║
		  ║										   / _/ / /                   ║
		  ║									   _$$$   / _/_, /          ,         ║
		  ║ 				                              	  	  / $$$$ / _/_/_/          \      |   ║
		  ║									 /- x $$/ _/_/_/      /               ║
		  ║		                   flew				         \`_ $$/'_/_/    .    ______   _      ║
		  ║			               too				   \ (  / ___,_____ _ _____,          ║
		  ║		                   close.    				   |  `(|/_,_,__ ________/            ║
		  ║								 	   |.   |''_,_______)                 ║
		  ║							         	    \   (_                            ║
		  ║								  	     \  / |-._                        ║
		  ║								   	      \.' /|/ \_._                    ║
		  ║								   	      /_/   _/    /-'__               ║
		  ║								    	      \     \'       \.___            ║
		  ║								    	       '.   /,     |_/_   |._         ║
		  ║								                \ / )   '.     '_/, )         ║
		  ║								                (_(     -\_   /   \ \         ║
		  ║									          \__      |-'     |/         ║
		  ║									           \._  /_/_                  ║ 
		  ║									            \_/\' )                   ║
		  ║							  		                \ |                   ║
		  ║							    		                 |/                   ║
                  ║                    										              ║
                  ║             									                      ║ 
                  ║	        											      ║
                  ║						      0x01                                                    ║
                  ║             									                      ║ 
                  ║                    Cxtter, also known as Cutter Belshe, is a well known retard in the 		      ║ 
                  ║	               factions and development community. For someone with absolutely no		      ║                 
                  ║                    contribution to society, kid has an absolutely massive fucking ego.		      ║ 
                  ║	               He spends his days being a failed developer, making shitty servers, 		      ║
                  ║                    and grooming underaged egirls. Cutter loves to claim undoxxability.		      ║ 
                  ║                     His favorite words are "harmless", "RP Hackers", and "untouched".  		      ║ 
                  ║	               Fortunately for Cutter, I was a little lazy to fill out all of his 		      ║                
                  ║                        relatives, so I guess he isn't as raped as he should be. 			      ║ 
                  ║	               When presented with literally any bit of information about himself,                    ║
                  ║                     he defaults to his usual excuse of "it's all public!". But then 	              ║
                  ║                          goes straight back to flexing how undoxxable he is. 			      ║ 
                  ║             									                      ║ 
                  ║             	A: https://imgur.com/wLf8nkH	     B: https://imgur.com/DECHkLj		      ║ 
                  ║	        											      ║
                  ║                  								                              ║ 
                  ║	        											      ║
                  ║                                                   0x02                                                    ║
                  ║   													      ║ 
                  ║                                           ☐ Basic Information  		                              ║
                  ║                                           ────────────────────                                            ║
                  ║                                           Name       » Cutter Lee Belshe                                  ║
                  ║                                           Age        » 20                                                 ║
                  ║                                           DOB        » August 5, 2001                                     ║
                  ║                                           Aliases    » Cxtter                                             ║
                  ║                                                        clbsoccerkid                                       ║
                  ║                                                        Cutter.Esc2                                        ║
                  ║        												      ║
                  ║                                           ☐ Appearance            		                              ║
                  ║                                           ────────────────────                                            ║
                  ║                                           Hair       » Brown 					      ║
 		  ║					      Eyes       » Brown 					      ║
                  ║                                           Height     » ~5'10/5'11 (Confirmed 5'6 in HS)  		      ║
                  ║                                           Weight     » ~160lbs (Confirmed 120lbs in HS)                   ║
                  ║                                           Irls       » https://imgur.com/ADlHER3                          ║
                  ║                                                        https://imgur.com/J3mjOXJ                          ║
                  ║      												      ║ 
                  ║                                           ☐ Address(s) 						      ║
                  ║                                           ────────────────────                                            ║
                  ║                                           340 Cedarwood Dr Mansfield, OH 44904                            ║
                  ║                                           4821 Pine Tree Dr. Miami Beach, FL 33140                        ║
                  ║                                           2810 Delcrest Ct Orlando, FL 32817                              ║
                  ║ 					      50 Goldenwood Ave. Mansfield, OH 44904			      ║ 
                  ║       												      ║ 
                  ║                                           ☐ Accounts 						      ║
                  ║                                           ────────────────────                                            ║
                  ║                                           Minecraft  » https://namemc.com/profile/Cxtter.1                ║
                  ║                                                        https://namemc.com/profile/Mevv.7                  ║
                  ║                                           Instagram  » https://www.instagram.com/cutterbelshe/            ║
                  ║                                           Instagram  » https://www.instagram.com/cutter.belshe2/          ║
                  ║                                           Snapchat   » clbsoccerkid                                       ║ 
                  ║                                           LinkedIn   » https://www.linkedin.com/in/cutterbelshe           ║
                  ║                                           Youtube    » https://bit.ly/3z0SP2m                             ║
                  ║                                           Youtube    » https://bit.ly/3O7je2S                             ║
                  ║                                           MaxPreps   » https://t.maxpreps.com/3PhcTTs                     ║
                  ║                                           Spotify    » https://open.spotify.com/user/cutter.esc2          ║
                  ║                                           Ayo        » https://ayo.so/cxtter2001                          ║
                  ║                                           NCSAA      » https://bit.ly/3yYnM6f                             ║
                  ║                                           Discord    » 269657225570680833 (Cutter#0001)                   ║
                  ║                                                                                                           ║
                  ║                                           ☐ Emails  						      ║
                  ║                                           ────────────────────                                            ║
                  ║                                           Clbsoccerkid@aol.com                                            ║
                  ║                                           cutter.esc@gmail.com                                            ║
                  ║                                                                                                           ║
                  ║                                           ☐ Commons 						      ║
                  ║                                           ────────────────────                                            ║
                  ║                                           Kiwi2001                                                        ║
                  ║                                           Kiwi2001!                                                       ║
                  ║                    											      ║ 
                  ║                                           ☐ Education       					      ║
                  ║                                           ────────────────────                                            ║
                  ║                                           Elementary » Parkway Christian School                           ║
                  ║                                                        200 South Flamingo Road, Davie, FL 33325           ║
                  ║                                          		   https://www.pcs-fl.net/welcome                     ║
                  ║                                           Middle 	 » ^^^                                                ║
		  ║					      HS         » Archbishop Edward Mccarthy High School             ║
                  ║ 							   5451 S Flamingo Rd, Southwest Ranches, FL 33330    ║
                  ║							   https://www.mccarthyhigh.net/		      ║
		  ║					      College    » University of Dayton		                      ║
                  ║                                                        300 College Park, Dayton, OH 45469		      ║
                  ║   							   https://udayton.edu                                ║
                  ║                    											      ║ 
                  ║                                           ☐ Soccer Career					              ║
                  ║                                           ──────────────────── 					      ║
                  ║                                           Club       » Scuola Calcio Inter-USA 01B Pre-Academy            ║
                  ║                                           Position   » OB                        	                      ║
                  ║                                           Jersey #   » 3                     			      ║
                  ║                                                              					      ║
                  ║             									                      ║ 
                  ║	        											      ║
                  ║                                                   0x03                                                    ║
                  ║   													      ║ 
                  ║                                           ☐ Address  		                                      ║
                  ║                                           ────────────────────                                            ║
                  ║                                           340 Cedarwood Dr Mansfield, OH 44904                            ║
                  ║        												      ║
                  ║                                           ☐ House Details            		                      ║
                  ║                                           ────────────────────                                            ║
                  ║                                           Price      » $183K 					      ║
 		  ║					      Bedrooms   » 3					              ║
                  ║                                           Bathrooms  » 2                             		      ║
                  ║                                           Sqft       » 1,699                                              ║
                  ║                                           Acreage    » 0.326                                              ║
                  ║                                           Year Built » 1976                                               ║
                  ║   													      ║ 
                  ║                                           ☐ Parcel Info 						      ║
                  ║                                           ────────────────────                                            ║
                  ║                                           Parcel #   » 0482715111000                                      ║
                  ║                                           Carrier #  » R018                                               ║
                  ║                                           County     » Richland                                           ║
                  ║                                           Sub. Div.  » Lexington                                          ║
                  ║ 					      Munic.     » Troy Lex		                              ║ 
                  ║       												      ║
                  ║                                           ☐ Links   						      ║
                  ║                                           ────────────────────                                            ║
                  ║                                           Zillow     » https://bit.ly/3z6xWTA                             ║
                  ║                                           Trulia     » https://bit.ly/3z6K6vK                             ║
                  ║                                           Realtor    » https://bit.ly/3aA6FPZ                             ║
                  ║                                           Movoto     » https://bit.ly/3Pa6oC4                             ║ 
                  ║                                                                                                           ║
                  ║                                           ☐ Pictures 						      ║
                  ║                                           ────────────────────                                            ║
                  ║                                           https://imgur.com/vj0mWEb                                       ║
                  ║                                           https://imgur.com/xv1XvFY                                       ║
                  ║                    			      https://imgur.com/WEIU5NI					      ║ 
                  ║                                           https://imgur.com/6VcTESk		                              ║
                  ║                                           https://imgur.com/QuWQrfQ                                       ║
                  ║                                           https://imgur.com/vuV2eQu                                       ║
                  ║                                           https://imgur.com/CoVFV9L                                       ║
                  ║                                           https://imgur.com/TDB5dKu                                       ║
                  ║                                                                                                           ║
                  ║                                           ☐ Neighborhood  						      ║
                  ║                                           ────────────────────                                            ║
                  ║                                           Population » 46,782                                             ║
                  ║                                           Demographic» https://imgur.com/IXTC4lx                          ║
                  ║                    			      Avrg Pay   » $26,819				              ║ 
                  ║                                           Crime 	 » https://imgur.com/IKNp3ao                          ║
                  ║   							                                                      ║
                  ║             				         				                      ║ 
                  ║	        											      ║
                  ║                                                   0x04                                                    ║
                  ║   													      ║ 
                  ║                                           ☐ Mom  		                                              ║
                  ║                                           ────────────────────                                            ║
                  ║                                           Name       » Sheri Ann Wood                                     ║
                  ║                                           Age        » 50                                                 ║
                  ║                                           DOB        » December 31st, 1971                                ║
                  ║                                                                                                           ║ 
                  ║                                           ☐ Address(s) 						      ║
                  ║                                           ────────────────────                                            ║
                  ║                                           Primary    » 340 Cedarwood Dr                                   ║
                  ║                                                        Mansfield, OH 44904                                ║
                  ║ 					      Old        » 50 Goldenwood Ave 				      ║
                  ║                                                        Mansfield, OH 44904 				      ║
		  ║ 												              ║ 
                  ║                                           ☐ Contact   						      ║
                  ║                                           ────────────────────                                            ║
                  ║                                           Number     » (954) 806-0354                                     ║
                  ║                                           Carrier    » Verizon                                            ║
                  ║                                                                                                           ║
                  ║                                           ☐ Emails    	                                              ║ 
                  ║                                           ────────────────────                                            ║ 
                  ║                                           sheriwood2@aol.com                                              ║ 
                  ║                                           sbelshe@att.net                                                 ║ 
                  ║                                                                                                           ║ 
                  ║                                           ☐ Socials    	                                              ║  
                  ║                                           ────────────────────                                            ║ 
                  ║                                           LinkedIn   » https://www.linkedin.com/in/sheri-wood-06b412a5    ║ 
                  ║                                           Instagram  » https://www.instagram.com/sheriwood2/              ║
                  ║                    											      ║ 
                  ║                                           ☐ Irl     						      ║
                  ║                                           ────────────────────                                            ║
                  ║                                           https://imgur.com/ltG97Fl  (MOMMY)                              ║
                  ║                    											      ║ 
                  ║                                                   0x04                                                    ║
                  ║													      ║                 
                  ║                                           ☐ Dad  		                                              ║
                  ║                                           ────────────────────                                            ║
                  ║                                           Name       » Adam Wayne Belshe                                  ║
                  ║                                           Age        » 55                                                 ║
                  ║                                           DOB        » September 12, 1966                                 ║
                  ║                                                                                                           ║ 
                  ║                                           ☐ Address(s) 						      ║
                  ║                                           ────────────────────                                            ║
                  ║                                           Primary    » 4821 Pine Tree Dr                                  ║
                  ║                                                        Miami Beach, FL 33140                              ║
                  ║ 					      Old        » 1601 SE 16th St 				      ║
                  ║                                                        Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316		              ║                                            
                  ║                                           Alt. Addy  » 326 First St Suite 403                             ║
                  ║                                                        Annapolis, MD 21403                                ║
                  ║                                                                                                           ║
                  ║                                           ☐ Contact   						      ║
                  ║                                           ────────────────────                                            ║
                  ║                                           Number     » (954) 806-0343                                     ║
                  ║                                           Carrier    » T-Mobile                                           ║
                  ║                                                                                                           ║
                  ║                                           ☐ Emails    	                                              ║ 
                  ║                                           ────────────────────                                            ║ 
                  ║                                           abelshe@pcs-fl.net                                              ║ 
                  ║                                           abelshe@msn.com                                                 ║ 
                  ║                                           belsheusa@aol.com                                               ║ 
                  ║                                           abelshe@aol.com                                                 ║ 
                  ║                                           belsheusa@msn.com						      ║ 
                  ║                                                                                                           ║
                  ║                                           ☐ Commons 						      ║
                  ║                                           ────────────────────                                            ║
                  ║                                           25Surf                                                          ║
                  ║                    											      ║ 
                  ║                                           ☐ Socials    	                                              ║  
                  ║                                           ────────────────────                                            ║  
                  ║                                           Instagram  » https://www.instagram.com/captainsailordude/       ║
                  ║                                           Facebook   » https://www.facebook.com/southpacificsurfer        ║
                  ║                    											      ║ 
                  ║                                           ☐ Irl     						      ║
                  ║                                           ────────────────────                                            ║
                  ║                                           https://imgur.com/WW36J5T                                       ║ 
                  ║                    											      ║ 
                  ║                                                   0x04                                                    ║
                  ║													      ║                 
                  ║                                           ☐ Sister thing idek 		                              ║
                  ║                                           ────────────────────                                            ║
                  ║                                           Name       » Oakly Belshe (Alice)                               ║
                  ║                                           Age        » ~17                                                ║
                  ║                                           DOB        » September 12, 1966                                 ║
                  ║                                                                                                           ║ 
                  ║                                           ☐ Education						      ║
                  ║                                           ────────────────────                                            ║
                  ║                                           Highschool » Lexington High School                              ║
                  ║                                                        103 Clever Ln, Lexington, OH 44904                 ║
                  ║ 					                   https://www.lexington.k12.oh.us		      ║
                  ║                                                                                   		              ║                                            
                  ║                                           ☐ Socials    	                                              ║  
                  ║                                           ────────────────────                                            ║  
                  ║                                           Instagram  » https://www.instagram.com/oakathan.the.tree/       ║
                  ║                                           Instagram  » https://www.instagram.com/rat.spamzzz/             ║
                  ║                    			      Youtube    » https://bit.ly/3RyruM7                             ║
		  ║ 													      ║
                  ║                                           ☐ Irl     						      ║
                  ║                                           ────────────────────                                            ║
                  ║                                           https://imgur.com/TENFGCL                                       ║
                  ║                    											      ║ 
                  ║             				         				                      ║ 
                  ║	        											      ║
                  ║                                                   0x05                                                    ║
                  ║                                                                                                           ║ 
                  ║    Mothers Deed + Mortgage                                                                                ║ 
                  ║    https://imgur.com/fsccRp3                                                                              ║ 
                  ║    https://imgur.com/nRHSmpt                                                                              ║ 
                  ║                                                                                                           ║ 
                  ║    Parents Divorce Suit                                                                                   ║ 
                  ║    https://unicourt.com/case/fl-br-adam-wayne-belshe-petitioner-vs-sheri-ann-belshe-respondent-1365455    ║ 
                  ║                                                                                                           ║ 
                  ║    Adam & Pickleball!                                                                                     ║ 
                  ║    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sYFcz9bV64                                                            ║ 
                  ║    https://www.facebook.com/groups/1705400126202137/                                                      ║ 
                  ║                                                                                                           ║ 
                  ║    Crazy Soccer Highlight                                                                                 ║ 
                  ║    https://d1vv3r1s83df1b.cloudfront.net/seoj-sample-videos/mens-soccer.mp4                               ║ 
                  ║                                                                                                           ║ 
                  ║    L Coconut                                                                                              ║ 
                  ║    https://imgur.com/OdjpP2D                                                                              ║ 
                  ║                                                                                                           ║ 
                  ║    Not even related to the dox just L opsec from Mark here                                                ║ 
                  ║    https://imgur.com/9warH3L                                                                              ║ 
                  ║                                                                                                           ║
                  ║    WOOF WOOF (Mr Adam)                                                                                    ║ 
                  ║    https://imgur.com/H8FvzPV  									      ║
                  ║													      ║
		  ║    Father son bonding!								                      ║
                  ║    https://imgur.com/XpxEDRO									      ║
                  ║                                                                                                           ║ 
                  ║             				         				                      ║ 
                  ║	        											      ║
                  ║                                                   0x06                                                    ║ 
                  ║                                                                                                           ║ 
                  ║                                                Credits  :)                                                ║ 
                  ║                                            ────────────────────                                           ║
                  ║                                            Info: Joka                                                     ║ 
                  ║                                            Format: /user/Confess                                          ║  
                  ║                                            Info: /user/Confess                                            ║ 
                  ║                                                                                                           ║ 
                  ║             				         				                      ║ 
                  ║	        											      ║

                                            ________|                                      |_______
                                            \       |           discord.gg/glock           |      /
                                             \      |              long live.              |     /
                                             /      |______________________________________|     \
                                            /__________)                                (_________\