Name: Crow / Elvis aka. Shahram Taghizadeh
Born: 15.03.1977
Star sign: Fish
From: Iran / Tehran
Lives in Germany since 1985

Twitter:  @Pirates_il | @do58078157 | @xthewhiterosexx | @naxiexit0 | @Patton1942 | @DocAnonymous1 | @AnonlA74 | @Sevennation2020 | @Crow_llPll | @Crow_lovel | @SmittySue1 | @The_Time_Comes | @RebellsStarTeam
Also known as: Roger, 酔ひもせす, (True Blood), Dotay, Skyranger, FirewallRock and many others. 

Location: Konrad-Adenauer-Street 32,  Offenbach on Main 
Is married to @antichrisis_ (Quicksilver) / Susann Richter (Twitter) and lives with her. She is also activ in criminal activities and enabling this kind of behaviour. 
She also used the Nickname "Blysco" in the past, multiple times. 
Is currently in a relationship with @SmittySue1 and visits her often in Munich. 

Stupid fuck:

Just search for Blysco Dota on Google, you will find a forum where he became a meme, because of how stupid he is.
It became a running-gag to ask "Is that you Blysco..?" If somebody says something incredibly stupid. This guy is a joke, through and through.

- Is threatening kids
- Doxxing adresses from well known "Nazihunters" and endangering/threatening their families and third parties  over and over again
- Working with well known Nazis and sharing private Informations and enables more targeted harassment
- Is doxxing left and right, for stupid reasons and doesn't give a fuck which lifes he might destroy in the process. 
- Well known to the police as a notorious criminal
- Is constantly lying. Claiming to work for the authorities as a hacker (BND Hacker) and is also claiming that he is in fact not working with well known Nazis, such as Shahram but is actually "infiltrating"
their ranks to gather informations, which is not only untrue but also extremely absurd. 
- claiming to be an "Old Anon" and that he has created Anonymous with Kirtaner and Porkster (who are respected individuals in the Community), even tho he started his "anonymous-career" a year ago. 
- Is making a mockery of every real Anon and every real online activist. Gets constantly involved in petty internetbeef and has successfully stopped many #OPs from working properly. 
- Is causing drama, constantly. Trying to work "from the shadows" but doing it in such a stupid way that everybody knows, that he is the one attacking.
- Claimed to be a member of "hells angels" but was hunted down by them and forced to hand over his jacket, which he did not obtained legatimately
- He is fake. Through and through. Always was. 

He threatened a woman multiple times (she had cancer at that time), and doxxed her fully and even bragged about it afterwards.
He threatened multiple people to come and "visit" them "soon" in a threatening manner knowing, that those people have kids and families and this threat
might cause them to fear for their loved ones. He targets solely the weak, because he is 
a pathetic little man with self esteem issues.
Doxxing families, threatening women, harassing PTSD patients, sending pizzas to third parties and workplaces just to make them feel unsafe and I can go on and on and on. 
He is not an Anon, he never was. Atleast not anymore since his name became public. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
Fuck him and everything he stands for. 

This dox will be extended, every time he does something stupid or deleted if he manages to behave. Check and balances. 
This was posted against the will of many, many people but enough is enough. Every time you attack somebody or threaten someone in any shape or form, you are gonna get fucked. 
Somebody enables you to do that? They get fucked. Enough is enough. 

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.