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 Banned me on a game i spent money on was talking shit and his ego is crazy and he a bitch i told him what i was going to do 
Cosmic Name:  Amare A Adebowale (age 16)
Brother name: Ajani Adebowale age ...
Mom name:  Monique J Adebowale age ... her email mojoy27@hotmail.com (203) 610-0404 Assistant Branch Manager at Hertz 
Dad name: Adeleke A Adebowale
Address: 2324 Morgan Hill Dr Dacula, GA 30019
Past Address:

PO Box 1997
Dacula, GA 30019

324 Morgan Hill Dr
Dacula, GA 30019

7026 Saybrook Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19142

6316 Chelwynde Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19142

3605 Brushy Wood Dr
Loganville, GA 30052

27 Lansing Pl
Bridgeport, CT 06606
House Info:
Beds - 3
Baths - 1
Square Feet - 2,303
Built - 2006
Estimated Value - $409,000
Estimated Equity - $191,090
Last Sale Amount - $240,000
Last Sale Date - 07/05/2019
Ownership Type - Related
Subdivision - Emory Hills
Latitude : 33.951180
Longitude : -83.880470
State: Georgia
City: Dacula
School: Archer High School
Grade: 10th
Home Room: Teacher Evans Chandler
~>David Rochester
Age: 53
Address: 185 Cleveland Rd Locust Gr1ove, GA 30248
(Possible Number 203 345 5583)

~>Kerry Rochester
Age: 42
Address: 956 Okelly St SE Conyers, GA 30012
(Possible Number 617 233 5015)
~>Melissa Rochester 104
Age: 28
Address: 104 Center St Bridgeport, CT 06604
(Possible Number 203 360 0963)

~>Melvin Rochester 
Age: 76
Address: 2104 Cherry Ln Decatur, GA 30032
(Possible Number 770 554 2837)

~>Vanceletta Rochester 
Age: 71
Address: 3605 Brushy Wood Dr Loganville, GA 30052
(Possible Number 678 689 7064)

~>Michele Adebowale
Age: 57
Address: 136 Howe Ave Shelton, CT 06484
(Possible Number 203 243 2103)

~>Adeleke Adebowale
Age: 30-50
Adress: 136 Howe Ave Shelton, CT 06484
(Possible Number 203 685 7591)

~>Charlene Rochester
Age: 52
Address: 6733 Eagle Feather Dr Riverview, FL 33578
(Possible Number 203 583 6935)

~>Elizabeth Rochester
Age: 27
Address: 1790 Highway 36 E Jackson, GA 30233
(Possible Number 678 360 8095)

~>Shanica Rochester
Age 24
Address: 104 Center St Bridgeport, CT 06604
(Possible Number 203 543 4232)

~>Stephen Rochester
Age: 22
Address: 104 Center St Bridgeport, CT 06604
(Possible Number 203 360 0963)

~>Suzette Rochester
Age: 53
Address: 45 Radcliffe Trce Covington, GA 30016
(Possible Number 203 257 4099)
Cosmic Face: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1196284509432332399/1210344447464964196/6516BB73-C501-4470-BFC1-A0CA85C6B5BB.jpg?ex=65ea381b&is=65d7c31b&hm=2c92f720d2d58d94d663ce712d7e535c68a7139ebb48075c186119dec04526b8&
██████╗░░█████╗░██╗░░██╗███████╗██████╗░  ██████╗░██╗░░░██╗
██╔══██╗██╔══██╗╚██╗██╔╝██╔════╝██╔══██╗  ██╔══██╗╚██╗░██╔╝
██║░░██║██║░░██║░╚███╔╝░█████╗░░██║░░██║  ██████╦╝░╚████╔╝░
██║░░██║██║░░██║░██╔██╗░██╔══╝░░██║░░██║  ██╔══██╗░░╚██╔╝░░
██████╔╝╚█████╔╝██╔╝╚██╗███████╗██████╔╝  ██████╦╝░░░██║░░░
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╚══════╝╚═╝░░╚═╝ https://doxbin.com/user/SealTeamSix

╚═╝░░╚═╝░░░╚═╝░░░╚═╝░░░░░╚═╝╚══════╝ https://doxbin.com/user/protonsecurity

░╚════╝░╚══════╝░░░╚═╝░░░╚═╝░░╚═╝ discord clyrsia

╚═╝░░╚═╝░░░░░╚═╝ https://doxbin.com/user/TappGonOvaViral
╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀                                                     ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tw0tinIDWzQ&list=PL8gDGFsSaX4lCV6faekX4frQwdFPrzoRF&index=2
😈Voxs you next pussy this why yall dont ban SealTeam lmao 😈
 ____            _     _       
 |  _ \  _____  _| |__ (_)_ __  
 | | | |/ _ \ \/ / '_ \| | '_ \ 
 | |_| | (_) >  <| |_) | | | | |
 |____/ \___/_/\_\_.__/|_|_| |_|Lmao i had your mom scared⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀