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                                             [ KILL ALL SNITCHES ]

            --> TABLE OF CONTENTS <--
    0. Table of Contents < (You are here dumbass)
    1. Introduction
    2. Basic Information
    3. Location
    4. Socials
    5. Contact Infos 
    6. Credits

            --> INTRODUCTION <--
    Introduction Video: https://mega.nz/file/XH5iBb7Z#oxnX25DRkJSXd2d_cFt_JeCxXV7GB44Fir0JYjfD4KA

            --> BASIC INFO <--
    Reason: Taking advantage of George Floyd's death & scamming people out of money in George's name (received a cease & desist from the Floyd family & ignored it).
    Name: Cortez Aaron Rice Jr.
    DOB: September 21st 1989 (32)
    Face: https://i.imgur.com/RQetuUK.png

            --> LOCATION <--
    Country: United States
    State: Minnesota
    City: Minneapolis
    Street: 1315 Dowling Ave N #304
    ZIP Code: 55412
    Mailing Address: 1315 Dowling Ave N #304, Minneapolis, MN 55412
    Picture(s): https://i.imgur.com/wsIzxan.png | https://i.imgur.com/aTa0nkh.png

            --> CONTACT INFOS <--
    Instagram: N/A
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/cortezrice612
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cortez.rice.758/


            --> CREDITS <--
    1. VX
    2. Blackout