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                                        ⠀⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠀⠀⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀    ⠀⢀⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠀⠀⢽⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡗⠀
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                                        "I'm 18 and I'm not fantasizing over a child" - Callie Skeek
                                                           TABLE OF CONTENTS
                                                | 0x01 ⭒ Introduction................ |
                                                | 0X02 ⭒ Proof....................... |
                                                | 0x03 ⭒ Basic info.................. |
                                                | 0x04 ⭒ Socials..................... |
                                                | 0x05 ⭒ Location information........ |
                                                | 0x06 ⭒ IP information.............. |
                                                | 0x07 ⭒ Family information.......... | 
                                                | 0x08 ⭒ Extra shit.................. | 
                                                | 0x09 ⭒ Credits..................... | 
                                                | 0x10 ⭒ Conclusion/Author Notes..... | 
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀    ⋆ Completed 06/23/2022

                  	                       ☠ 0x01: Introduction ☠                       

    Greetings fellow viewers, today we share with you the sad and sickening story of Callie LeAnn Skeek.
    No, she's not known, and you can figure out why by yourself. If you can't, read our justification list, or continue to read our 
    sweet, sweet story. Callie is a sick, chronically online individual who has relied on minors from kids games for happiness for multiple years on end. 
    Roughly 5, and in those years she’s been presented as the casual e-whore by both her friends and ex-associates. She typically aims those 3-5 years younger than her.
    Tonight, we put an end to this foul, sickening behavior. Our goal? To get you off the internet in hopes you stop whoring around and learn that actions have consequences,
    especially being a fucking pedophile! 

    Callie has a history of pedophilia. As previously said, she targets little boys and girls 3-5 years younger than her. In this case here,
    we have a victim who was 14-15 years old in the timespan of this incident we will discuss below. Over the course of 2-3 years (Late 2019-Early 2022),
    Callie has been obsessed with a 15 year old boy to the point where you could call it active psychosis. From begging him for nudes/esex nonstop,
    to guilt-tripping him to stay with her or else she'll "kill herself". Every time they got into small and pathetic disputes, she'd rant to group
    chats she was in about cutting herself and threatening to kill herself. In the more recent months, Callie continued to groom the same kid, repeating
    her same actions without nudity involved. Whenever he told her to stop, it would be the same shit, "I'm going to go kms bye!!"

    A big issue Callie has is her shitty victim complex, never thinking she’s the one in the wrong. No matter what situation she’s in, she’ll twist it and make
    seem like she’s the one who should be given sympathy, and truly thinks she’s never the one in the wrong when it’s clearly obvious she is. One example of this
    is when her victim finally snapped and blocked her everywhere. She had the oh so brightest plan, and texted her friends weird shit “Kai…Happiness…Blood” in a
    piss poor attempt to make him look like the bad guy and make her friends feel bad for her. Shortly after this, she decided to fake her death and fake memory
    loss in order to start even more problems.

    One more point I’ll bring up is the snaking and rumor starting. One, that the victims friend was “grooming" him and that the victim was manipulating him into
    having esex with that particular best friend. By the way, that best friend is 14 LOL know your shit before you try and make shit up, dumbass. I’m going to stop it right 
    here because I feel like I’ve said more than enough.

    See where pedophilia gets you, yeah?

                                                List of Reasons + Actions:
                  If this isn't more than enough to justify this dox, god knows what the fuck is.

		        -⮞ Pedo w/ a victim complex - safe to say u got what u wanted lol, poor sweet victim :(
		        -⮞ Attempted to groom a 15 yo fully aware of his
                        age, blaming him for "setting her up" 
		        -⮞ Had interests for a 13 year old girl in 2020 while she was in a relationship with another minor 
                           (she was 17 at the time) - this 13yo girl is her "best friend" currently, and is now 15.
		        -⮞ Talks ab her masturbation addiction to minors
		        -⮞ Having e-sex with multiple little boys
                        -⮞ Drew porn of a minor, also sent drawn (furry) porn to that minor
		        -⮞ Possibly possesses cp (unconfirmed, she has possessed it at one point, we dont know if she still has it)
                        -⮞ History of cheating
                        -⮞ Dates her cousins :drool:
                        -⮞ Pathological liar
                        -⮞ Delusional
		        -⮞ Faked her suicide and faked memory loss when a mf broke up wit her. Proceeded to blame him for the "memory loss"
                        -⮞ Snake that tells her friend(s) one side of the story and lies in order to victimize herself 24/7
		        -⮞ Blocks anyone who tries to confront her, also
                           blocking everybody that the victim follows to avoid conflict LOL get out
                        -⮞ Guilt trips and attention seeks to lure in minors and trap em in
                        -⮞ The definition of cringe
                        -⮞ Just a retarded hypocrite egirl that thinks shes safe behind a screen, silly goose!
                           Hope this dox knocks some sense into you. 

                  		                  ☠ 0x02: Proof ☠                        
                                 Pedo shit:            	                     Clown shit lmao:
                      ___________________________________________    _______________________________________
	             Horny Girl!: https://z.zz.fo/eQgkQ.jpg	     Retard logic: https://z.zz.fo/lkB3U.jpg
	             Admitting: https://z.zz.fo/ag7p7.png            Come back when ur 18 ;-; : https://z.zz.fo/nhRn2.png
	            Cute begging: https://z.zz.fo/JZMVG.jpg          Ill miss u baba: https://z.zz.fo/cqCMd.jpg
	               Uhhh: https://z.zz.fo/XIOxX.jpg               Grown ass woman: https://z.zz.fo/J7Cer.jpg
	            Horny Girl! #2: https://z.zz.fo/j5vY8.jpg        *Fakes suicide over a breakup*: https://z.zz.fo/A3diY.jpg
                    Admitting #2: https://z.zz.fo/BArDt.jpg          Trying really hard to escape consequences: https://z.zz.fo/HvYVX.png
                        Bro..: https://z.zz.fo/utq90.jpg             Dating cousin (while being in a relationship w a child? double yikes): https://z.zz.fo/6IAFM.png
                                                     ???? See more here:
                                       ⋆ Includes chatlogs, story/post archives, etc.
                                            ☠ 0x03: Basic Info ☠                        
                         ⋆ greasy ahh: https://z.zz.fo/9eSgb.jpg (2016)
                         ⋆ fix ur hair fam: https://z.zz.fo/0y0O5.jpg (Mid 2020)
                         ⋆ (CLICK WITH CAUTION) crusty: https://z.zz.fo/BPwXU.jpg (2018/2019)
                         ⋆ gotta look submissive and cute for my underage boyfwiend teehee!: https://z.zz.fo/6EKgD.jpg (early 2020)
                         ⋆ im so cute right daddy?: https://z.zz.fo/4wNcd.jpg (Late 2020)
                         ⋆ once again PLEASE FIX YO HAIR: https://z.zz.fo/UyGx3.jpg (Mid 2021)
                         ⋆ they'll never catch me muahahaha: https://z.zz.fo/mief8.jpg (Dec 2021)
                         ⋆ bug gang (fam pic): https://z.zz.fo/mqF9P.png

                    -⮞ Full Name: Callie LeAnn Skeek
                        -⮞ Known aliases:
                         ⋆ Nixy
                         ⋆ Cali
                         ⋆ Rosegold
                    -⮞ DOB: 9/17/2003 (September 17, 2003) - 18 as of this dox
                    -⮞ Siblings: 2-3
                    -⮞ Medical conditions:
                       ⋆ PTSD
                       ⋆ Huntington's disease, or some other fatal genetic brain disease
                       ⋆ Asthma 
                    -⮞ Ethnicity: Alaskan Native
                    -⮞ Sex: Female 
                    -⮞ Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
                    -⮞ Height: 5’9
                    -⮞ Hair color: Black

                    -⮞ Phone #: (907) 209-5856
                    -⮞ Phone Model: iPhone 8 (10,4)
                    -⮞ Carrier: AT&T
                    -⮞ Type: Wireless
                    -⮞ SMS Gateway: 9072095856@txt.att.net
                    -⮞ MMS Gateway: 9072095856@mms.att.net

                    -⮞ Known emails: 
                   ⋆ 112xnixy@gmail.com (main)
                    Account name: N/A
                    Status: active
                    Relevance: Main
                   ⋆ fadedfur@gmail.com
                    Account name: Break WTD
                    Status: unused
                    Relevance: Old main
                    -⮞ Known passwords:

                    -⮞ Internet Service Provider: Alaska Communications

		    -⮞ Current Job: Fred Meyer (unconfirmed, only speculated)
                        ⋆ https://z.zz.fo/KYl03.pnghttps://prnt.sc/BxJtqJ2g5bA0
                            Every item in this price tag is available on the Fred Meyer website (https://z.zz.fo/7dx9R.png)
		    -⮞ Current Occupation: Roleplaying with minors >.<
		    -⮞ Current Education: GED, forced to drop outta hs cus she was too busy having esex with kids in 2019 LOL
		    -⮞ Previous Education: 
                        ⋆ Riverbend Elementary 
                        ⋆ Dzantik'i Heeni Middle School
                        ⋆ Thunder Mountain High School
                        ⋆ Juneau Douglas High School (unconfirmed)
                    -⮞ Current relationship: None as of our knowledge

                  	                      ☠ 0x04: Socials ☠                        
                    -⮞ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/callie.skeek.988
                    -⮞ Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199241449322
                    -⮞ Xbox gamertag: CorrvptedMnd (https://xboxgamertag.com/search/CorrvptedMnd)
                    -⮞ Instagram (Current accounts):
                   ⋆ https://www.instagram.com/corrvptedmnd/ - "i just wanna be your’s. ????" ID: 52821864898
                   ⋆ https://www.instagram.com/nixyyan/ - "Becky Loves Jessica" ID: 47845228417
                   ⋆ https://www.instagram.com/_blxck.fxngs/ ID: 52411301315
                    -⮞ Discord: 
                    Corrvpted.Mnd#9005 (ID: 889246169832751114)
                    Nixy#0530 (ID: 516137761548271627, unused)
                    -⮞ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@corrvptedmnd
                    -⮞ Snap: csrosegold (https://snapchat.com/add/csrosegold)
                    -⮞ Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/faded-feather
                    -⮞ Roblox: 
                   ⋆ https://www.roblox.com/users/2245917703/profilehttps://www.roblox.com/users/3292381999/profile
                    -⮞ FN: https://fortnitetracker.com/profile/all/Remixed%20Wolf
                    -⮞ Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/Nixyyan
                    -⮞ Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/nixyyan
                    -⮞ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/nixyyan
                                        Old shit:
                       -⮞ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVrJUcLpyd-Box3gBEFl4NQ
                       -⮞ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@callieskeek
                       -⮞ Roblox: https://www.roblox.com/users/668484505/profilehttps://www.roblox.com/users/330890904/profilehttps://www.roblox.com/users/420412117/profile
                       -⮞ Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/FadedFur
                       -⮞ Kik: https://kik.me/faded_fur
                       -⮞ Amino: https://aminoapps.com/u/fadedfeather
                    Nice job using the same 3 usernames for everything dumb fuck
                                     -⮞ Link archives:
                           Instagram: https://archive.ph/e8Kw8 - corrvptedmnd
                                      https://archive.ph/DgrAI - bxcky_jxssicx
                                      https://archive.ph/HSivt - _blxck.fxngs
                                        In case she changes her @s:
                                      https://tinyurl.com/2p9f6uxu - _blxck.fxngs
                                      https://tinyurl.com/3dtrhhsb - bxcky_jxssicx
                                      https://tinyurl.com/28rcjspu - corrvptedmnd
                           Xbox: https://archive.ph/07a22
                           Tiktok: https://archive.ph/bnxTf
                           Snapchat: https://archive.ph/BKOeW
                           Youtube: https://archive.ph/h4IPo 
                           Soundcloud: https://archive.ph/a1hSH
                                      ☠ 0x05: Location information:☠                       
                                   -⮞ Basic shit:
                              ⋆ Zip: 99801
                              ⋆ Area code: 907
                              ⋆ Time zone: AKDT 
                              ⋆ City: Juneau
                              ⋆ State: Alaska 
                              ⋆ Country: United States of America
                              ⋆ Residence: W/ Mommy
                                  -⮞ Home Address:
                        Address: 5876 Lund St Juneau, AK - Should be current
                       ⋆ https://prnt.sc/kQVilMmYDzb3 (street view)
                       ⋆ https://prnt.sc/B1AAnUWpmBr7 (birds eye)
                                   -⮞ Property Info:
                        ⋆ Est. $400,300
                        ⋆ 3 beds
                        ⋆ 2 baths
                        ⋆ 1,051 square feet
                        ⋆ 0.29acre lot
                        ⋆ Type: Single Family
                        ⋆ Year built: 1975
                        ⋆ Number of rooms: 6
                        ⋆ Stories: 2
                        ⋆ Heating: Baseboard
                        ⋆ Lot size: 0.29 acres

                                  -⮞ Previous address:
                           ⋆ 1800 Northwood Dr #N112 Juneau, AK 99801 (2011 - Jan 2016)

                                      ☠ 0x06: IP Information:☠                       
                   ⋆ IP:
                   ⋆ ISP: Alaska Communications Systems Group Inc.
                   ⋆ Region: Alaska
                   ⋆ City: Anchorage
                   ⋆ Country: USA
                   ⋆ Domain: 74-124-98-105-radius.dynamic.acsalaska.net
                   ⋆ ASN: 7782
                   ⋆ Lat/Long Coordinates:  61.1904, -149.8904

                   ⋆ Other IPs:
                       ⋆ (2022)
                       ⋆ (2022)
                       ⋆ (2022)
                       ⋆ (2021)
                       ⋆ (2021)
                       ⋆ (2020)
                       ⋆ (2020)
                       ⋆ 2600:387:4:803::8b (2020)
                       ⋆ (2019)
                                          ☠ 0x07: Family Information ☠                       
                     -⮞ Legal name: Bilinda Lynette Demmert or Bilinda Lynette James
                             -⮞ Associated names:
                        ⋆ Billie James
                        ⋆ James Bilinda
                     -⮞ Age: 41 (1/20/1981)
                     -⮞ Children: 3
                     -⮞ https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100020510551304
                    -⮞ Home Address: 5876 Lund St Juneau, AK        
                    -⮞ Zip: 99801

                    -⮞ Education: Kake Elementary/High School (K-12)
                     -⮞ Current Cell #: 9074195445 
                            ⋆ Carrier: AT&T
                            ⋆ SMS Gateway: 9074195445@txt.att.net
                            ⋆ MMS Gateway: 9074195445@mms.att.net

                       -⮞ Possible #s: 
                        ⋆ (907) 723-1467 - Wireless, May 2022
                        ⋆ (907) 635-4099 - Wireless, Mar 2006
                        ⋆ (907) 780-2562 - Landline, Mar 2006
                        ⋆ (907) 790-4099 - Landline, Mar 2010

                     -⮞ IPs: 
                        ⋆ (Jan 2021)
                        ⋆ (Mar 2010)

                     -⮞ Email: bdammit@yahoo.com
                     -⮞ Irl: https://prnt.sc/3LVlpL-lcn3L

                                     -⮞ Criminal Record:
                       -⮞ Case type: Stalking or Other Protective Order
                            ⋆ Action: Stalking Protect Proceed: Both Ex Parte & Long Term
                            ⋆ Status: Closed
                            ⋆ Case #: 1JU-07-00060CI
                            ⋆ Party type: Petitioner
                            ⋆ File Date: 03/09/2007
                       -⮞ Case type: Criminal
                            ⋆ Charge: Retention Of Lost Property (Misdemeanor - Not Classified)
                            ⋆ Status: Closed
                            ⋆ Case #: 1JU-12-01231CR
                            ⋆ Party type: Defendant
                            ⋆ File Date: 10/08/2012

                                     -⮞ Possible Relatives:
                              ⋆ Camille M James
                              ⋆ Oscar M Demmert Sr
                              ⋆ Timothy A James	
                              ⋆ Christopher N Demmert
                              ⋆ Gabriel A Demmert
                              ⋆ Katie Demmert
                              ⋆ Oscar M Demmert Jr
                              ⋆ Paul M Demmert Jr
                              ⋆ Ruth Demmert
                              ⋆ Bill James
                              ⋆ Daniel David James	
                              ⋆ Michael D James	
                              ⋆ Pauline G James
                              ⋆ Rosita James
                              ⋆ Russell M James Sr
                              ⋆ Russell M James
                              ⋆ Marcia Ellen James
                                    Biological Father:
                     -⮞ Legal Name: Dennis Edward Skeek
                             -⮞ Associated names:
                                ⋆ Dennis Skeer
                     -⮞ Age: 46 (01/11/1976) - Jan 11, 1976
                     -⮞ https://www.facebook.com/dennis.skeek (Inactive)
                     -⮞ City: Juneau
                     -⮞ State: Alaska
                     -⮞ Home Address: 1617 Douglas Hwy #A2, Douglas, AK 99824
                        Past: 1617 Douglas Hwy #B1, Douglas, AK 99824  
                              1800 Northwood Dr #N112, Juneau, AK 99801  
                              1617 Douglas Hwy #A6, Douglas, AK 99824  
                              320 W Willoughby Ave #300, Juneau, AK 99801 
                              4451 Kanata St, Juneau, AK 99801 
                              8617 Teal St, Juneau, AK 99801   
                              6590 Glacier Hwy #215, Juneau, AK 99801  
                              4532 Kanata St, Juneau, AK 99801  
                              147 Price St #E, Sitka, AK 99835  

                     -⮞ Emails:
                        ⋆ dskeek76@aol.com
                        ⋆ dskeek@ameritrade.com

                     -⮞ Current Cell #: 9075002699
                            ⋆ Carrier: GCI
                            ⋆ SMS Gateway: 90750026992@mobile.gci.net

                       -⮞ Possible #s: 
                        ⋆ (907) 957-0928 - Wireless
                        ⋆ (907) 500-8606 - Wireless
                        ⋆ (907) 780-2224 - Landline

                       -⮞ IPs: 
                        ⋆ (Feb 2021)
                        ⋆ (Mar 2021)

                       -⮞ Irl: https://z.zz.fo/5poYr.jpg
                    Side note: Isn't in her life LOL
                     -⮞ Legal Name: Timothy James
                     -⮞ Age: 54 (8/25/1967) - Aug 25, 1967
                     -⮞ https://www.facebook.com/timothy.james.96343
                     -⮞ City: Juneau
                     -⮞ State: Alaska
                     -⮞ Address: 5876 Lund St 99801
                        Past: 1704 Northwood Dr Apt 17, Juneau, AK
                              434 Totem Way, Kake, AK
                              2149 Lawson Creek Rd #4 Douglas, AK
                              5875 Glacier Hwy Juneau, AK 99801
                              8754 Haloff Way, Juneau, AK 99801  
                              1704 Northwood Dr #17, Juneau, AK 99801  

                     -⮞ Vehicle: 2006 DODGE RAM PICKUP 2500

                     -⮞ Zip: 99824
                     -⮞ Current Cell #: 9072099819 - should be current
                            ⋆ Carrier: AT&T
                            ⋆ SMS Gateway: 9072099819@txt.att.net
                            ⋆ MMS Gateway: 9072099819@mms.att.net

                       -⮞ Possible #s: 
                        ⋆ (907) 209-5507 - Wireless
                        ⋆ (907) 321-2152 - Wireless
                        ⋆ (907) 500-2845 - Wireless
                        ⋆ (907) 209-9565 - Wireless
                        ⋆ (907) 790-5520 - Landline
                        ⋆ (907) 780-6868 - Landline
                        ⋆ (907) 321-5220 - Wireless
                        ⋆ (907) 209-9665 - Wireless
                        ⋆ (907) 780-2261 - Wireless

                     -⮞ Emails: tjames@bright.net
                               ⋆ tjames1985@hotmail.com
                     -⮞ Ex wife: Rosita Ann Fredrickson
                     -⮞ Current wife: Bilinda Lynette James

                     -⮞ IPs: 
                        ⋆ (Jan 2007)

                     -⮞ Irl: https://prnt.sc/EBh3CbKIf3ik

                                     -⮞ Criminal Record:
                       -⮞ Case type: Dissolution w/out Children (1JU)
                            ⋆ Action: Dissolution Without Children
                            ⋆ Status: Closed
                            ⋆ Case #: 1JU-07-00791CI
                            ⋆ File Date: 08/13/2007
                       -⮞ Case type: Criminal
                            ⋆ Charge: Assault
                            ⋆ Status: Closed
                            ⋆ Case #: 1JU-01-01275CR
                            ⋆ File Date: 10/03/2001
                       -⮞ Case type: Domestic Violence Pre Conversion (1JU)
                            ⋆ Action: DV: Both ExParte & Long Term
                            ⋆ Status: Closed
                            ⋆ Case #: 1JU-04-00083CI
                            ⋆ File Date: 04/13/2004
                                     -⮞ Possible relatives:
                              ⋆ Rosita Ann Fredrickson
                              ⋆ Bilinda L Demmert
                              ⋆ Daniel David James
                              ⋆ James Calvin Dew
                              ⋆ James T Fox
                              ⋆ Jerred E Jones
                              ⋆ Michael D James	
                              ⋆ Pauline G James	
                              ⋆ Rosita James
                              ⋆ Russell M James Sr
                              ⋆ Russell M James
                              ⋆ Andrew William James
                              ⋆ Camille M James
                              ⋆ David D James
                              ⋆ Jennifer L James
                              ⋆ June L James
                              ⋆ Kyle A James
                              ⋆ Marcia Ellen James
                              ⋆ Melissa K James
                     -⮞ Legal Name: Oscar M Demmert Sr
                     -⮞ Age: 66 (??/8/1955)    
                     -⮞ https://www.facebook.com/oscar.demmertsr
                        Location Info:
                     ⋆ City: Juneau
                     ⋆ State: Alaska
                     ⋆ Address: N/A
                     -⮞ Current Cell #: 9072098812
                            ⋆ Carrier: AT&T
                            ⋆ SMS Gateway: 9072098812txt.att.net
                            ⋆ MMS Gateway: 9072098812@mms.att.net
                           Possible #s:
                       ⋆ (907) 523-2944 - Landline
                       ⋆ (907) 785-3172 - Landline
                       ⋆ (907) 723-6465 - Wireless
                     -⮞ Emails: ⋆ d_3939@yahoo.com
                                ⋆ d_3939@ak.rr.com
                                ⋆ demmertsr@yahoo.com
                     -⮞ Irl: https://prnt.sc/4b0SG2XcDEe5
                      -⮞ Legal Name: Katie Demmert
                      -⮞ Age: 62 (10/7/1959), July 7 1959
                      -⮞: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004397116953
                      -⮞ City: Sitka
                      -⮞ State: Alaska
                      -⮞ Address: 380 Kaagwaantaan St Sitka, AK 99835
                      -⮞ Current Cell #: 9077382921
                        -⮞ Possible #s:
                     ⋆ (907) 738-2921 - Wireless
                     ⋆ (907) 441-7038 - Wireless
                     ⋆ (907) 785-6463 - Landline
                     ⋆ (907) 785-3172 - Landline
                     -⮞ Irl: https://prnt.sc/A96GsR39zVpM
                     -⮞ Legal Name: Katlyn "Kate" Skeek
                     -⮞ Age: 19, turning 20 (dob unknown) 
                     -⮞ https://www.instagram.com/loser_name_koa676/ (lmfao gacha mf at 20? whole family of losers i see)
                       ⋆ https://www.roblox.com/users/997173861/profilehttps://www.tiktok.com/@loser_name_koa676
                     -⮞ Current residence: W/ Mom
                     -⮞ City: Juneau
                     -⮞ State: Alaska
                     -⮞ Current Cell #: 9072091790 
                            ⋆ Carrier: AT&T
                            ⋆ SMS Gateway: 9072091790@txt.att.net
                            ⋆ MMS Gateway: 9072091790@mms.att.net
                     -⮞ Previous Education:
                        ⋆ Riverbend Elementary
                        ⋆ Dzantik'i Heeni Middle School
                        ⋆ Thunder Mountain High School
                    Should be the same as Callie's
                     -⮞ Irl: https://z.zz.fo/UmDmR.jpg
                     -⮞ Legal Name: Dylan Andrew Skeek
                     -⮞ Age: Around 17 (DOB N/A)
                     -⮞ Current residence: W/ Mom
                     -⮞ City: Juneau
                     -⮞ State: Alaska
                     -⮞ Current Cell #: 9072095657
                        ⋆ https://www.facebook.com/dylan.skeek.7https://www.facebook.com/dylan.skeekhttps://www.facebook.com/dylan.skeek.1https://www.facebook.com/dylan.skeek.3https://www.facebook.com/dylan.skeek.9https://www.instagram.com/us3l3ss_p3rs0n70332/https://www.instagram.com/deelan_is_here/ (ID: 49476851146)
                        ⋆ https://www.tiktok.com/@dylanskeekhttps://soundcloud.com/dylan-skeekhttps://xboxgamertag.com/search/DinoNuggy5477https://www.tiktok.com/@dylanandrew907https://www.tiktok.com/@dinonuggy7033
                     -⮞ Previous Education:
                        ⋆ Riverbend Elementary (Class of 2015)
                        ⋆ Dzantik'i Heeni Middle School
                        ⋆ Thunder Mountain High School
                    Should be the same as Callie's
                     -⮞ Irl: https://prnt.sc/O5jV5Pec9OLW
                                    Family Member: 
                     -⮞ Legal Name: Kiana Ashley Hunter-skeek
                     -⮞ Age: 25 (1/31/1997)
                     -⮞ Address: 3410 Foster Ave #C4 Juneau, AK 99801 (2020)
                     -⮞ City: Juneau
                     -⮞ State: Alaska
                     -⮞ Children: 2 (soon to be 3)
                        ⋆ Baby Daddy: Darrel Thomas Whisenant (https://www.facebook.com/darrel.whisenant.98)  
                     -⮞ #: 9074198068 
                            ⋆ Carrier: AT&T
                            ⋆ SMS Gateway: 9074198068@txt.att.net
                            ⋆ MMS Gateway: 9074198068@mms.att.net
                     -⮞ Email(s): kskeek97@icloud.com 
                     ⋆ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kianaadriana
                     ⋆ Twitter: https://twitter.com/kiana_adriana
                     ⋆ Snap: kianaadriana
                     ⋆ Instagram: @mamabear192122 @kianaadriana
                     ⋆ https://www.facebook.com/kianaadriana (OLD)
                     ⋆ https://www.facebook.com/kiana.hunterskeek (NEW)
                     ⋆ Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kiana-hunter-skeek-63097657/
                     -⮞ Irl: https://prnt.sc/M-NN3BUzXQSH

                  	                      ☠0x08: Extra shit ☠                        
                        Not sure if any of this is useful, but I'm bored lmao

                                     -⮞ Device Information:
                           ⋆ Device ID: android-4dc4e2fb189acd17
                           ⋆ Device Type: Samsung SM-T290 / Samsung Galaxy Tab A 8.0
                           ⋆ Status: Active

                           ⋆ Device ID: 810258AE-7917-48F0-A513-A5BBA8FB1C3C
                           ⋆ Device Type: iPhone 10,4 / iPhone 8 (AT&T)
                           ⋆ Status: Active

                           ⋆ Device ID: android-7be029e0372729c6
                           ⋆ Device Type: SAMSUNG-SM-T377A / Samsung Galaxy Tab E 8
                           ⋆ Status: Inactive

                           ⋆ Device ID: 5FCAAE76-A0CA-4F9F-AF27-066C3A7F20A0
                           ⋆ Device Type: iPhone8,1 / iPhone 6s (AT&T)
                           ⋆ Status: Inactive

                                     -⮞ Previous usernames:
                           ⋆ cider_dippy
                           ⋆ cider_dip
                           ⋆ 112xfadey
                           ⋆ cs_7l
                           ⋆ c.xll_e
                           ⋆ f_ded.907
                           ⋆ my_name_is_just_r
                           ⋆ c.l_907
                           ⋆ fad_d.907
                           ⋆ heartstayswarm
                           ⋆ _hxtred
                           ⋆ csrosegold
                           ⋆ nixyyan
                           ⋆ 0xhatred
                           ⋆ dxy.drexming_xbout_him
                           ⋆ fluffyfox.owo
                           ⋆ faded_feather
                           ⋆ calliex9o7
                           ⋆ faded_fur
                           ⋆ hatred.112
                           ⋆ 907xfaded
                                     -⮞ Local services:
                           ⋆ Police Station #: 907-586-0600
                           ⋆ FAX #: 907-463-4808
                           ⋆ Police info: https://juneau.org/police

                  	                         ☠0x09: Credits☠                        
                        Information gathered, compiled and posted by: mars
                        Evidence of pedophilia, introduction, some basic info and reasons by: chemical
                           ⋆ mars#4002 
                           ⋆ https://doxbin.com/user/marswitringshttps://doxbin.com/user/chemical

                  	              ☠ 0x10: Conclusion/Author Notes ☠                        
                           ⋆ Most info is accurate, a very tiny bit of it may be inaccurate
                           ⋆ All information was grabbed legally
                           ⋆ We are not responsible for any life-taking action or similar scenarios that may occur after this dox, that is not our intention ;) 
                           ⋆ Are you in this dox and wish to not be associated with it? Contact me on Discord, it is listed up above in 0x08. However, I will
                            NOT be able to take this down, nor do I want to.
                           ⋆ Keeping Callie's associates out of this because a few of them are underage as far as me and chemical know
                            Says a lot about you, Callie, doesn't it?
                   Take care, and never be like this waste of nut. Peace.