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                       you doxed by devil//we calls him - Russian Satan                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            


 This company deceived my friend,
 and we decided to make a deanon on it. Enjoy it, CORAL TRAVEL!

x[Company name]x - x[Coral travel]x
x[Director in Serpukhov]x - x[Irina Sukhottskaya Mikhailovna]x
x[Her number]x - x[+89099326272]x
x[VK]x - x[ https://vk.com/id194081671 ]x
x[Website]x - x[ https://mssg.me/irinacoral ]x
x[Photo]x - x[ https://ibb.co/K7JjMTh ]x
x[Whatsapp]x - x[ ttps://wa.me/89099326272 ]x 


x[Address]x - x[115 Voroshilova Street, Serpukhov, Russia]x
x[Website]x - x[ https://pavlinatour.ru/ ]x
x[Telephon numbers]x - x[+79099326272 | +74992837138]x
x[VK]x - x[ https://vk.com/coraltravelserpuhov ]x
x[OK]x - x[ https://ok.ru/profile/557747794688 ]x
x[Gmail]x - x[serpukhov-coral@yandex.ru]x
x[Whatsapp]x - x[ https://wa.me/74992837138
https://wa.me/89099326272 ]x 

Doxed and posted by - RusSatanDOX && kokuchi_blood && doxfoxq