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    '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)  Get raped.

 ├???? Wesseling(Last Name).
 ├???? United States.
 └????️ South Burlington, Vermont.

 ├???? CopyKat, is a retarded Animimaniac fan who was friends with Superio.
 ├???? He tried fedding me the day before Superio got doxed(It failed).
 └???? Now it's time to dox this nigger????

 ├???? CopycatkboxYT (Twitter).
 ├???? 『Ƭ₳R̷』Copycat#3125 (Discord).
 └???? Copycatkbox Youtube (Youtube).

???????????????? ????????????????
 ├???? https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/998808162486464533/998978757492752485/copycat_face.png (Face Pic).
 ├???? https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/998722459832422412/999688874089521222/4920510_5.jpg?width=636&height=424 (House Pic).
 └???? 47 East Ter, South Burlington, VT 05403(Current Address).

 ├???? He likes watching Bluey(A show that's literally on fucking Disney JR).
 ├???? His parents and relatives are involved in the police, and army respectively.
 └???? He likes shows for young children.

 ├???? Pieter Wesseling(His Grandpa) (Dead, rest in piss shitbag).
 └???? Bernice Wesseling(Grandmother).

 └???? He tried fedding me.