First off, the reason: Harrasing/Harassed and manipulated her ex-boyfriend, and just kept on trying to give him more and more depression.
 My personal point of view is that she might have tried to make him commit suicide.
 She also was very controlling. I tried blackmailing, but well, they didn't listen, so it's your turn now.
 Just do whatever you want. Her OPSEC is bad, her boyfriend's OPSEC is kinda okay (i also heard
he got doxxed before). It also was a while ago since the´ve
been together she just wouldn´t listen and kept on harassing him it started to attack his mental health more and more too.

IMPORTANT: They also said Doxbin is harmless and just filled with kids and nothing will happen. They also were going for his dad
  and probably making fun of secrets or so, so at one point, I
also decided to take over because I thought, "Hey, that's not okay."
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|_____|  |_| |_|  |_|       \___/ 
First Name: Leonie
Last Name: Knoll
Phone Number: +491703883378
Age: old enough to know the consequences of life
Country: Germany
State: Bayern/Bavaria
City: Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Postal Code: 82467
Street + Street number: Ziegweg 2
Old Location:
Country: Germany
State: Bayern/Bavaria
City: Freilassing
Postal Code: 83395
Street + Street number: Wasserburgerstraße 39
 (some) Face Pics:
Warning! dont die of shock! or makeup overdose
https://ibb.co/qBQrknq            Note: yes its the same person in all of those pictures
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/l.e3o0?igsh=emdscXoxMmxqeno1
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@le3.oo?lang=de-DE
Pinterest: https://pin.it/azBdT0lyr
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/diekoenigin123?si=GJaNqH21T5S1c_N57OkL6g
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/le00.oo
Aliases: leo00.oo,le3.00


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  | |    |  \| |  | |___   | | | |        leaving this a little blank because i think one person is enough and it would be way
  | |    | |\  |  |  ___|  | | | |        more effort but you can get the info if you want to i think i gave enough info
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|_____|  |_| |_|  |_|       \___/ 
First Name: Simon
Phone Number: +491748125099
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/s1.m0n08?igsh=MWkzMThncTVmbmI3dw==
Threads: idk what exactly i got out but its weird here https://www.threads.net/@s1.m0n08   -----> https://ibb.co/TqDyJ9G
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@s1m.0n
Aliases: s1m.0n,s1.m0n08
Location: Bayern/Bavaria (probably thats what i got out)
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for questions: discord: dragzy420

Thank you very much for taking your time and looking at my dox
i really appreciate that i put much work into this dox i would be very happy
if it would get noticed
to the doxbin mods: shes old enough to get put on doxbin

Here also some proof for harassment: https://ibb.co/5M3v1JH
My extra commentary to the whole situation: shes an controlling bitch that is very immature

Sorry for typos if there are any bad ones
Made with much love and hate
By Dragzy <3

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