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Target: Julie Inman-Grant
DOB: April 24th, 1970
Reason: The eSafety Commissioner is focused on silencing and censoring the internet.
 She wants to make the internet safer but doesn’t even focus on her own OPSEC.
 She even tried to censor the Sydney stabbing on Twitter.
 By doxing her, I can expose her hypocrisy and show that she can't even protect herself while trying to control others.

Now Julia, let's get down to business.

WhatsApp:Number:+61410533095, Profile:https://pps.whatsapp.net/v/t61.24694-24/377174766_1668610180285525_7541625913799360011_n.jpg?ccb=11-4&oh=01_Q5AaIHM4OuedMjdRBZTRrCGxduiP7RZfZUvx4ImzT3QxbWOX&oe=6673E58D&_nc_sid=e6ed6c&_nc_cat=108
Skype:Number:+61410533095, Username:julieinmangrant Profile:https://avatar.skype.com/v1/avatars/julieinmangrant/public
Instagram:Number:+61410533095 Username:julieinmangrant
iCloud:Number:+61410533095, Email:julieinmangrant@hotmail.com
YouTube:Account:youtube.com/channel/UCqLr1qQmdChDmDK1_23MbTQ , Email:julieinmangrant@hotmail.com:https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/ALV-UjWfkc0CEQ8jIxf5kA4scyWvJpaCxG2pMgvsF1i9Bqo-9B1XY-g
Fitbit:ID:4SFT5H, Name:Julie I.
Garmin:ID:73209035, Name:Julie Inman grant, GUID:05d26d95-35bf-4709-9afa-2271d99f361f, Last Seen:24 December, 2018 04:17 AM +11:00

I could dox you properly but that is besides the point, I am here to say: "Do you motherfucking job, educate people on OPSEC and OSINT"
Also look after your children, it is disgusting to see the way you treat this position.
Truly, Julie, I have nothing against you. I have a grudge against the people who put you in this position.

Why would you let your child use your email for a YouTube account?
Why would you let your child use your work computer to record YouTube Videos and play games?