
name: colin

last name: Donatiello

full name: colin Donatiello

email: colin.donatiello@gmail.com

date of birth: 2008 august 2nd (2/8/08)

school:(high school) dropped out in year 10/grade 10(East Hills boys)

relationship status: single (his girlfriend dumped him November 2024)

parents relationship: divorced

snapchat: (skeptical.dev), (colin.Donatiello)

Facebook: (colin Donatiello)

TikTok: (skeptical_dev), (revesbygang) that's to leak people.

Instagram: (sk3ptical_dev)


mother: (has 1) name: (Rebecca)

father: (has 1) name: (francesco)

sister: (has 1) name: (alyssa)

brother: (none) name: (none)

grandmother: (has 1) name: angela

grandfather: (has 1) namw: (unkown)


little background: colin donatiello is a man whore that likes
to fuck underage kids (13-15) while he is 16. colin is a drug addict 
he sells drugs for a living to get money and uses the money to buy
illegal stuff for example (fireworks)- to throw at someone's window
while its lit. colin only dates girls because of their body and will
only date them if they are skinny for example (30-60kg)


address: (lives in Condell Park Australia, Syd, nsw) 

nationality: Italian

sexuality: male

lgbtq+: straight

pronouns: he/him


weight: 68kg

height: 5'9-5'11

hair color: dark brown

eye color: dark brown


phone number: (old number) 0438 454 234 (new number) 0455 253 172 

ip address:

currency: aud

fuck you colin i hope you see this.

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