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                            [## REASON FOR DOX ##]
Cody was doxed for the simple reason of running his mouth to a doxer notoriously known his fame in the doxxing community,
Cody claimed he was a big spooky haxor, booter and doxer (memes at the bottom of the dox :P),
I, 'YTModder', gave Cody a.k.a HelloimXo#0666 information to attempt a dox on me, but yet he came back with FALSE INFORMATION.
Me and few others was in a Group Chat on Discord with this kid, and we joined him in a Voice Call,
He send screenshots of his IP Address (he was currently on) when one of the lads in the call HIT him offline,
I told him, let him back on, and the first message he comes back online with is 'Home Hitters', when infact the IP Address he provided was a DigitalOcean LLC IP,
After numerous attacks on his 'VPN' he later on posted another screenshot of his IP he was connected to which in this case was the VPN, again still claiming we was hitting his Home Connection,
he also dropped another screenshot from his Mobile, This time the IP was a Windstream IP (a.k.a a Home Connection),
So ofcourse the lads 'raped' his IP Address making sure the cunt stayed offline, hahaha, when he eventually came back online he simply left the Group Chat after being seriously clowned.
Anyway I hope you enjoy the extensive dox...
InsanitySEC still here niggers, we are always watching...
Security is just a word.
Do not trust it.
We see all, we know all.
Without us the world would be on the brink of Insanity.
We are Insanity Security Team.
[## Main Information ##]    
Full Name; Cody William White
Age; 26 Years Old
D.o.B: Feburary 1993
[## Contact Information ##]
Address (Last Known); 11952 Orense Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89138 (2012-2016)
Previous Address; 8452 Boseck Dr, Unit 147, Las Vegas, NV 89145 (Unknown-2012)
Phone Number: 702-233-5570 (CenturyLink)
Email Address: purple.show@hotmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/codywhite
Discord: HelloimXo#0666
[## Family Information ##]
Possible Father: Travis Matoy H White
Age: 68 Years Old
D.o.B: April 1951
Address (Last Known): 8452 Boseck Dr, Unit 147, Las Vegas, NV 89145 (2010-Unknown)
Previous Address: 8120 Ducharme Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89145 (2002-2009)
Possible Uncle: Thomas Duane White
Age: 61 Years Old
D.o.B: September 1957
Address (Current): 11952 Orense Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89138 (2012-present)
Previous Address: 8120 Ducharme Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89145 (2002-2019)
[## Screenshots & Memes ##]
Him Showing His IP (VPN): https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/593184637405102083/593543472083107876/unknown.png
Proof of above IP being a DigitalOcean LLC: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/593184637405102083/593544038267879485/unknown.png
Him Flexing again with his 'VPN': https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/579766658558590976/593726272044007436/unknown.png
Him claiming to of hit my site offline, yet it's clearly a Cloudflare IP: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/579766658558590976/593726501137022976/unknown.png
Getting memed by cloudflare memes: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/579766658558590976/593727020110708743/unknown.png
Me proving the site was still online: https://gyazo.com/d559c701af9dc45cf2eee0871c3b1dd4
Jimo clowning Cody about him claiming the DigitalOcean was his HC: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/579766658558590976/593727726427570186/unknown.png
More proof of the skid's VPN: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/593184637405102083/593536779286609931/unknown.png
Skid claiming that my boys couldn't hit his VPN: http://prntscr.com/o7c2ku
When he finally came back online after being hit on his VPN: http://prntscr.com/o7c2wg
Again similar to the above image: http://prntscr.com/o7c3bp
Screenshot from him on his Windstream IP (HC): https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/593184637405102083/593544110426554368/Screenshot_20190626-164032.png
Proof to follow above image: http://prntscr.com/o7c49u
This was him saying we was hitting HC prior to him dropping his Windstream IP: http://prntscr.com/o7c4vv
Last message he sent before we dropped all the connections for the night: http://prntscr.com/o7c5js
He eventually seen that he got clown so bad he couldn't face the music anymore: http://prntscr.com/o7c6cg
[## Credits ##]
All credits go to my boys:
TMO-Jimo & Mr Modder for clowning his ass.
Dox done by YTModder (me)
Dox Banner By IST.
[## Notes ##]
If anyone want's to build on this dox, please give credits to original poster & people involved where due.