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Amaia, also known as Rosa, is a club iris admin, an ekitten and professional 
ewhore. All of the aspects below come together to form an absolute smegma of a 
human being, named Amaia.
???????????????????????????????? ????????????????: 
➤ Name: Amaia
➤ Age: 19
➤ [DOB] Date of Birth: 12/02/2003
➤ Race: Arabic 
  ➣ Gender: Female
  ➣ Weight: 130 LBS
  ➣ Height: 5'4
➤ Sexual Orientation: "Pansexual"
➤ Political Affiliation: Blue
➤ Native Language: English
➤ Country of Citizenship: Canada
➤ Phone Number: 780 910 6693
➤ Location: Edmonton, Northern Alberta, Canada
High School:
➣ M.E. LaZerte High School

➣ College: University of Alberta
  ➣ Program of Study: Bachelor of Education Elementary Program
???????????????????????? ????????????????????????:
➤ Discord: rosa#0069 (691097529689047120)

➤ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@sobbingdildo

➤ Roblox accounts: https://www.roblox.com/users/421000888/profile
   ➣ "ioverosa" , "LovelyRosa11" , "drexminess" , "erlvs"  
➣ E-Boyfriends Account is: https://www.roblox.com/users/2444896149/profile

➤ Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/amaia17150875
➤ Face: https://files.htp.sh/cMNiPWPq.pnghttps://files.htp.sh/V6AKvP7Q.mp4