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│           >[Table Of Contents]<           │
│ →0x01 Introduction........................│
│ →0x02 Basic Information...................│
│ →0x03 Family Information..................│
│ →0x04 Social Media Platforms..............│
│ →0x05 IP Information......................│
│ →0x06 House Information...................│
│ →0x07 Database Entries....................│
│ →0x08 Court Records.......................│
│ →0x09 Credits & Links.....................│
<           0x01 >[Introduction:]<           >
????  Booting innocent people offline.
 ↳ https://prnt.sc/xmljc2 nice 2FA ):
???? PROOF;
 ↳ https://prnt.sc/xkneuzhttps://prnt.sc/xknfyc
<        0x02 >[Basic Information:]<         >
???? Alias(s)............... Cliffs
???? Full Name.............. Antonio Gutierrez
???? School District........ Lake Wales
???? Address................ 3049 Spring Lake Rd Lake Wales FL 33898
???? Photo.................. https://prnt.sc/xmieri 
???? Age.................... 15
???? Internet Protocol......
???? Phone Number........... +18632419928
                         ↳ +18*******66
???? DOB.................... N/A
???? Relationship Status.... Lonely
???? Email(s)............... caqlsonkeys@gmail.com
                         ↳ caqlsoncrxck@gmail.com 
                         ↳ aiziie1037@gmail.com
                         ↳ cliffs3242@gmail.com
                         ↳ antonio.gutierrez@lwcschools.net
                         ↳ rilogic401@yahoo.com
                         ↳ m*****02@gmail.com
                         ↳ mouse3049 ( password )
                         ↳ p4dptl  ( password )
???? Hashe(s)............... d4ef0815b7768c75cc34e43b0d7c2474

<        0x03 >[Family:]<        >
>[Family Member]< ruining ur career.
???? Name................... Francisco Gutierrez
???? Address................ 14126 Waxahachie St Houston, TX 77015-4664
???? Age.................... 45
???? Internet Protocol......
???? Phone Number........... 3059845995 (Primary Phone)
???? Relationship Status.... N/A
???? Picture(s)............. N/A
???? Email(s)............... frankgutierrez26@yahoo.com
                         ↳ frankandblanca@aol.com
                         ↳ frank1@adelphia.net
                         ↳ frank4056@adelphia.net
                         ↳ frank@adelphia.net
???? Password(s).......... ↳ jacob16
                         ↳ dogeez2
                         ↳ frank4056
                         ↳ ld4g5
                         ↳ APPLETITE
                         ↳ bbbobop
                         ↳ fordtdci
                         ↳ hollie
                         ↳ kys1288
                         ↳ poop
                         ↳ fordtdci
                         ↳ schoene1201
????Hashe(s)............. e9cb82c1120266f98aa11e62b3ab3a1b547fffc1
                      ↳ 0xBED07342FFE278DEB0D3E2971E7490B1B65FF110
                      ↳ 0x32510E81DD241E7F3C5D12D3E16EA98978644675
                      ↳ 0x82D5585317AC561284CB07A93E6FDBD4F5F5EAC3
                      ↳ 0x81B06FACD90FE7A6E9BBD9CEE59736A79105B7BE
                      ↳ 23a57a7066898c43d542886503a3140a3e86cd8c
                      ↳ b0c92052f4b4a4732e09446deae013e9
                      ↳ 2606e64f2f487b3820df4034f2ef169
>[Family Member]<
???? Name................... Jose Angel Gutierrez 
???? Address................ 14906 Easingwold Dr Houston TX 77015
???? Age.................... 26
???? Occupation............. N/A
???? Phone Number........... (281) 452-9566 (Primary Phone)
???? Relationship Status.... N/A
???? Picture(s)............. N/A
???? Email(s)............... jimmi52082@aol.com
                         ↳ userjag4108@aol.com
                         ↳ jose.gutierrez@netscape.net
                         ↳ jimmi52082@yahoo.com
???? Passwords........... 05nissan
                      ↳ 05titan  
                      ↳ NISSAN or nissan
                      ↳ nissan!
???? hashes.............. 0x087996F374B3BF7080DD44F3FD9F27E1E743CD7A                  
>[Family Member]<
???? Name................... Carlos Gutierrez
???? Address................ 919 Holbech Ln Channelview TX 77530
                            212 JOINER ST HOUSTON 77084 TX
???? Age.................... 55
???? Occupation............. N/A
???? Phone Number........... 8328807712 (Primary Phone)
???? Relationship Status.... N/A
???? Picture(s)............. N/A
???? Email(s)............... conns@yahoo.com
                         ↳ conns66@yahoo.com
???? Password(s)...........↳ 123play
                         ↳ Qazwsx123
                         ↳ qazwsxo23
                         ↳ xosyxkhk
>[Family Member]<
???? Name................... Gerardo Gutierrez
???? Address................ 3100 Judson Ave North Las Vegas NV 89030 
???? Age.................... 60
???? Occupation............. N/A
???? Phone Number........... (702) 456-4651 (Primary Phone) 
???? Relationship Status.... N/A
???? Picture(s)............. N/A
???? Email(s)............... gerardo.gutierrez@netzero.net
>[Family Member]<
???? Name................... Antonio Gutierres
???? Address................ 435 Tulpehocken St Reading PA 19601
???? Age.................... 66
???? Occupation............. N/A
???? Phone Number........... (610) 478-7854 (Primary Phone)
???? Relationship Status.... N/A
???? Picture(s)............. N/A 
???? Email.................. mariagutierrez855@gmail.com
                         ↳ agutierres@hotmail.com
???? Password(s)............ aguti.eXaTU   
                        ↳  gtrs298@                  
                        ↳  trustno1
                        ↳  987644
???? Name................... Antonio M Gutierrez
???? Address................ 3049 Spring Lake Rd Lake Wales FL 33898 (CURRENT)
                          ↳ 792 Fir Ave Frostproof FL 33843
                          ↳ 234 Tower Point Cir Lake Wales FL 33859                                                                                                                  
???? Age.................... 33
???? Education.............  Went to Donald E Woods
???? Phone Number........... (863) 676-9321 (Primary Phone)
???? Relationship Status.... Taken
???? Picture(s)............. https://prnt.sc/xmn1k5
???? Email(s)............... N/A
???? Facebook............... https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004458035811
???? Name................... Marie Patton
???? Address................ 3049 Spring Lake Rd Lake Wales FL 33898
???? Internet Protocol...... ( OLD )
???? Education.............. Completed College
???? DOB.................... February 1955, Age 65.
???? Occupation............. Marie Patton is associated with Leroy Creel, Michael Cerullo.
???? Phone Number...........(863) 632-0266                        
???? Relationship Status.... N/A
???? Picture(s)............. N/A
???? Email(s)............... Ms.snoop1986@yahoo.com
                         ↳ marie.patton@bellsouth.net
???? Password(s)............padrino1
???? Name................... Jonathan Wayne Patton
???? Address................ 3049 Spring Lake Rd Lake Wales Florida 33898
???? Age.................... 30
???? Occupation............. N/A
???? Phone Number........... (863) 676-0662
???? Relationship Status.... N/A
???? Picture(s)............. N/A
???? Email(s)............... N/A
???? Passwords.............. N/A   
>[Deceased Mother]<  
???? Name................ Kimberlin W Patton 
????Picture............. N/A
????Address............. 3049 Spring Lake Rd Lake Wales Florida 33898
                      ↳ 6436 Spinner Dr Lake Wales FL 33898
                       ↳ 3413 Hickory St NW Winter Haven FL 33881
????Relationship Status.. N/A
????Phone Number......... 941) 676-0662 (Primary Phone)
                        ↳ (863) 676-0662
                         ↳(813) 676-0662
Deceased August 1955 - May 2006
>[Family Member]<  
???? Name................... Lindsey Nicole Patton
???? Address................  3049 Spring Lake Rd Lake Wales Florida 33898
???? Age.................... 34
???? Occupation............. Works at Wendy's
???? Phone Number........... (863) 676-9321 (Primary Phone)
                            ↳ (863) 223-8358
                            ↳ (863) 632-3067
???? Relationship Status....  Married to Daniel Lee
???? Picture(s)............. https://prnt.sc/xkmpig ( possible irl )
???? Email(s)............... N/A 
>[Associate of Marie Patton]<
???? Name................... Leroy O Creel
???? Address................ 3049 Spring Lake Rd Lake Wales FL 33898
???? DOB.................... December of 1992, Age 64
???? Occupation............. N/A
???? Phone Number........... (863) 632-0266 ( much more but don't feel like putting it in the dox. )
???? Relationship Status.... N/A
???? Picture(s)............. N/A
???? Email(s)............... lila5363@hotmail.com
<           0x04 >[District Information:]<  >
???? School District........ Lake Wales
???? Contact Email.......... publicrecords@lwcharterschools.com
???? District Address....... 130 E. Central Avenue Lake Wales, FL 33853
???? Phone Number........... 863-679-6560
???? District Website....... https://www.lwcharterschools.com/
???? District Owner......... Dr. Jesse L. Jackson, Superintendent
<           0x04 >[Social Media:]<           >
???? Facebook............... https://www.facebook.com/strawberryfields4evrlinz ( possible family member)
???? Discord................ Debug#6666 - 763103035622555688
???? NameMC................. https://namemc.com/profile/A1Saucece.1
???? Spotify................ Aiziie
???? Twitch................. @spokedfps
???? Doxbin................. https://doxbin.org/user/Spooked
<          0x05 >[IP Information:]<          >
???? IP(s)..................
???? ISP.................... Comcast Cable Communications LLC
???? VPN.................... N/A
<        0x06 >[House Information:]<         >
???? Address................ 3049 Spring Lake Rd, Lake Wales, FL 33898
???? Parking................ Garage, Garage Detached
???? Lot.................... 0.59 acres
???? Bedroom................ 3 
???? Bathroom............... 1
???? Square Feet............ 960
???? Year Built............. 1963
???? Bought for............. $118,111
???? Bought on.............. 2019
<         0x07 >[Database Entries:]<         >
BitcoinSec 2014
Collection 1
<           0x08 >[Court Records:]<          >
<          0x05 >[ISP Information:]<         >
NetHandle:      NET-73-0-0-0-1
Parent:         NET73 (NET-73-0-0-0-0)
NetType:        Direct Allocation
OriginAS:       AS7922
Organization:   Comcast Cable Communications, LLC (CCCS)
RegDate:        2005-04-19
Updated:        2021-01-19
Ref:            https://rdap.arin.net/registry/ip/
OrgName:        Comcast Cable Communications, LLC
OrgId:          CCCS
Address:        1800 Bishops Gate Blvd
City:           Mt Laurel
StateProv:      NJ
PostalCode:     08054
Country:        US
RegDate:        2001-09-18
Updated:        2020-11-18
Ref:            https://rdap.arin.net/registry/entity/CCCS
OrgTechHandle: IC161-ARIN
OrgTechName:   Comcast Cable Communications Inc
OrgTechPhone:  +1-856-317-7200   
OrgTechRef:    https://rdap.arin.net/registry/entity/IC161-ARIN
OrgRoutingHandle: ROUTI25-ARIN
OrgRoutingName:   Routing
OrgRoutingPhone:  +1-856-317-7200  
OrgRoutingRef:    https://rdap.arin.net/registry/entity/ROUTI25-ARIN
OrgAbuseHandle: NAPO-ARIN
OrgAbuseName:   Network Abuse and Policy Observance
OrgAbusePhone:  +1-888-565-4329   
OrgAbuseRef:    https://rdap.arin.net/registry/entity/NAPO-ARIN
NetRange: -
NetName:        WESTFLORIDA-14
NetHandle:      NET-73-28-128-0-1
Parent:         CABLE-1 (NET-73-0-0-0-1)
NetType:        Reassigned      
Customer:       Comcast IP Services, L.L.C. (C05448252)
RegDate:        2014-11-12
Updated:        2014-11-12
Ref:            https://rdap.arin.net/registry/ip/
CustName:       Comcast IP Services, L.L.C.
Address:        1800 Bishops Gate Blvd
City:           Mount Laurel
StateProv:      NJ
PostalCode:     08054
Country:        US
RegDate:        2014-11-11
Updated:        2016-08-31
Ref:            https://rdap.arin.net/registry/entity/C05448252
OrgTechHandle: IC161-ARIN
OrgTechName:   Comcast Cable Communications Inc
OrgTechPhone:  +1-856-317-7200  
OrgTechRef:    https://rdap.arin.net/registry/entity/IC161-ARIN
OrgRoutingHandle: ROUTI25-ARIN
OrgRoutingName:   Routing
OrgRoutingPhone:  +1-856-317-7200   
OrgRoutingRef:    https://rdap.arin.net/registry/entity/ROUTI25-ARIN
OrgAbuseHandle: NAPO-ARIN
OrgAbuseName:   Network Abuse and Policy Observance
OrgAbusePhone:  +1-888-565-4329   
OrgAbuseRef:    https://rdap.arin.net/registry/entity/NAPO-ARIN
<         0x09 >[Credits & Links:]<          >
if you have any questions contact me
https://prnt.sc/xtvceo Stephanie Gutierrez picture
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     sMMd  .omMMNs-     hMMm`            /MMm     .omMMMNs- mMMo                  
     /MMd+dMMNy:        `NMMs           `NMM-        -sNMMMmddN:                  
     `hdMMMd+` ``````````+ddh-.........`yMMs---------:::sNMMMMd+.                 
       `mMMh`              /MMM:      sMMy              `dMMd`                    
        `dMMm-              hMMN`    -MMN`             -mMMd`                     
          sMMMo`            .NMMy    dMM:            `sMMMs                       
           :mMMN+`           /MMM/  oMMy           `+NMMd-                        
             +mMMNs-          hMMN`.MMN`         -sNMMm/                          
               /hMMMms:`      .NMMyhMM/      `:smMMMh:                            
                 .+dMMMMdy+:.` +MMMMMh `-:oymMMMMh+`                              