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#Doxed by unknowskript
Reason: Insult and harassements

Last Name: Prioux
First Name: Clea
Age: 15yo
City: Golbey, 88190, France
Adress: 49 r Fort, 88190 Golbey
Most used Username: clea.prx
Snapchat: Clea.prx
Instagram: clea.prx
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=110535388367617&set=a.110532848367871&locale=fr_FR
Photo of the person: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1196843112983695403/1196872408032886874/image.png?ex=65b9354a&is=65a6c04a&hm=7b09f2ed9651ae7c58e03826f27b633a0555e2850250bcbfab04348015a0c59d&

Mother Information: 

Last Name: Prioux
Fisrt Name: Orianne
Phone number: 03 55 19 21 00
Date of Birth: 31 May
Adress: 49 r Fort, 88190 Golbey
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/orianne.prioux?locale=fr_FR
Photo of the person: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1196843112983695403/1196872476060299386/image.png?ex=65b9355b&is=65a6c05b&hm=9ffadcb6639a847ceb534243e39a2511bc2cac7caef3baa24eddf47911c9458d&

Father Informations:

Last Name: Prioux
First Name: Nicolas
City: Golbey, 88190, France
Adress: 49 r Fort, 88190 Golbey
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nprioux?locale=fr_FR
Photo of the person: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1196843112983695403/1196872541910867979/image.png?ex=65b9356a&is=65a6c06a&hm=6eb1c748baad23dae1c3032b4bb35cc7449302b2f611c5a87392eaa34f3706da&
Grandmother Informations:

Last Name: Scalvinoni 
First Name: Jaqueline
City: Bains-Les-Bains, 88240, Epinal
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jaqueline.scalvinoni/friends?locale=fr_FR

Second GrandMother Information: 

Last Name: Scalvinoni 
First Name: Arlette
City: Bains-Les-Bains, 88240, France

GrandFather (Dead in 2021)

Last Name: Bruno
First Name: Scalvinoni 
Born Year/Dead Year: 1936 - 2021
City: Voges Les bains
Dead in: Epinal, 88000, France
Photo of the person: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1180435641754980382/1181674445614628864/image.png?ex=6581eb16&is=656f7616&hm=d75db28927a12a15e962c6723b52398f68733d8a32f46a87fa3a3c3a6ef72307&

Member in her family:

Aurore prioux
Celine prioux

And just for finish, a little family picture:
