Full name——- Christopher Greenwald WiFi address—— 6E:02:B8:EB:55:97 Address: 56 front street belvidere NJ 07823 ====================================== photo: https://www.lehighvalleylive.com/resizer/rRKcpw9wcRAh9QDAT5eQxSczsDU=/1280x0/smart/advancelocal-adapter-image-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com/image.lehighvalleylive.com/home/lvlive-media/width2048/img/northampton-county_impact/photo/24941978-standard.jpg ====================================== about Christopher Greenwalds arrest: Christopher Greenwald, 31, who violated the conditions of his release in Berks County on charges involving unlawful sexual conduct with a minor, was arrested in the first block of Front Street in Belvidere, the sheriff's department said. The transient known to frequent Northampton County was hiding under a bed frame, the department said. He was lodged in Warren County jail, where he remained Tuesday awaiting extradition to Berks County. Members of the NY/NJ High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area assisted in the marshals task force arrest, the department said. Greenwald was behind on payments from a 2012 case, records show. A bench warrant was issued on March 20 of this year, records show.