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[TARGET ADDR] 5001 Concord Road, Aston, Pennsylvania, 19014
[TARGET] Christopher x Fisher [1?]
IP Address:
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Mother: Tara Lee Gorman [50]
(610) 357-9486 - Wireless
(484) 480-3036 - Wireless
(610) 517-8252 - Wireless
Mother's Previous Addresses:
3510 Bowman St
Philadelphia, PA 19129

1350B McCay Ave
Upper Chichester, PA 19061

30 Beechwood Rd #3
Brookhaven, PA 19015

Father: Christopher J Fisher [47]
(610) 361-8434 - Landline
(254) 213-1134 - Wireless
(254) 702-8722 - Wireless
Father's Previous Addresses:
1205 Concord Rd
Aston, PA 19014

1510 Hillcrest Ln
Aston, PA 19014

55 Glenn Rd
Aston, PA 19014

Who is Chris J Fisher? (Father)
Christopher Fisher is 47 years old and was born on 03/16/1973.
Currently, Christopher lives in Aston, PA.
Christopher also answers to Christopher James Fisher, Christopher J Fisher and Chris Fisher, and perhaps a couple of other names.
Personal details about Christopher include: political affiliation is currently a registered Republican; ethnicity is Caucasian; and religious views are listed as Christian.
We know that Christopher is single at this point.
Christopher's personal network of family, friends, associates & neighbors include Barbara Keeler, Patricia Keeler and Marlene Houser.
Taking into account various assets, Christopher's net worth is greater than $100,000 - $249,999; and makes between $100 - 149,999 a year.

Who is Tara L Gorman? (Mother)
Tara Gorman is 50 years old and was born on 01/23/1970.
Tara Gorman lives in Brookhaven, PA; previous cities include Marcus Hook PA and Chester Heights PA.
In the past, Tara has also been known as Tara Lee Gorman and Tara L Gorman.
For work these days, Tara is an Owner at Yardley Search Group.
Currently, Tara is single.
Tara maintains relationships with many people -- family, friends, associates, & neighbors -- including Christopher Fisher, Patricia Fischer, Russell Field, Erick Cubler and Peggy Montgomery.