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Before we start...
This man used to be a discord packer, and now he turned into a discord HACKER! He used to scam on roblox, claims he got money when he's poor like shit lol
and he owns this Discord packing server filled with ewhores he claimed to be undoxable... ¯\_(-_-)_/¯ alright buddy whatever you say he even tried to get egirls by flexing his roblox money like?????????????
and i did this cause he was being a faggot and claiming all this and 

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- Fullname: Christopher Brockington

- Loves to dickride packers/rp hackers

- Alias: Dev, Devin, Duri

- Discord: Abuse (duri) 2 DAYS ?#0666

- Connections: skypes: "duri" "darkweb" league: "abusing" (obv injected)

- He loves using a leaked selfbot and flex on kids

- Discord ID: 630062369367654420

- Hair: bald nigger lol

- Eyes: black

- Education: What do you expect he's black...

- He used to scam on roblox (hacker)

- Picture: http://prntscr.com/pgglkg , http://prntscr.com/pggmow  (imagine getting scammed by this nigger LOL)

- Address: 120 Blue Water Dr Raeford NC 28376-5446 (this nigger poor xd)

- Phone number: (910) 850-1761

- Mother: Leah Eunice Brockington

- Landline(910) 565-2781 

- Landline(910) 565-2896 

- Wireless(910) 916-1606

- Picture of them: http://prntscr.com/pggoxt

- Father: Joseph Harold Brockington

-Email's brockington@webtv.com
- He even "retired" when someone leaked his address 

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Christopher if you read this you're lame don't claim you're undoxable