__| |____________________| |__     		 	      __| |____________________| |__
   (__| |____________________| |__)			     (__| |____________________| |__)
      | |     HAPPY DOX      | |   			        | |     HAPPY DOX      | | 
    __| |____________________| |__     		  	      __| |____________________| |_
   (__|_|____________________|_|__)    Christopher	     (__|_|____________________|_|__)
      | |     HAPPY DOX      | |              Barela            | |     HAPPY DOX      | | 
    __| |____________________| |__      Bitch ass              _| |____________________| |_
   (__|_|____________________|_|__)           of Augusta     (__|_|____________________|_|__)
      | |		     | |	 Georgia USA	        | |		       | |
Reasons :
Killing Small Animals For His Delight (Hamsters, Guinea Pigs, Turtles, etc..)
Threats of Killing People
Claiming He is the best at everything and will be better than everyone at everything
Short Asf; 4'11
Napoleon complex     |  Small Man Syndrome   
His Father is a nonce
\									|    |
Target Victim 								|    |
/									|    o
Name : Christopher Barela						|   /|  .--o
\									|   ||_/_
Age : 16								| .'\    `'.
/									|/   \      `\
Current Address : 4365 Ridge Cliff Drive Augusta, GA 30909		||       O    |
\									|;            /
Phone Number : 706-524-2330						| \   '-,___.'
/								       _|  \      \
School : Westside Highschool Augusta, GA 30909			    .-' |   ;      \
\								  .'    |   |       ;
Instagram : @Chris_Barela_					 /      |   |       |
/								|       |   |       ;
Threads : @Chris_Barela_					|       L_  |      /
/								|         `'-.  _.'
\								\             `'._
/								 \                '.
\								  '.                \
/   								    `'._             ;
\       								T-._         |
/      								       ,|   |-,      ;
\    								     .' |   |       /
/   								    /   |   |     .'
\  								   /    |   |.--'`
/ 								  |   .-|   |
\ 								  |  /  |   |
/ 								  \ /   |   |
|  									|   |
Father Of Target Victim
Name : Robert Luis Barela
Age : 40's
Current Address : 4365 Ridge Cliff Drive Augusta, GA 30909
Previous Addresses :  2234 Huntington Rd Augusta, GA 30904 ; 2228 Vireo Dr North Augusta, SC 29841
Current Landline Number : 706-737-0280
Old Phone Number : 803-341-9257 
Current Phone Number : 706-864-8651
Father Of : Christopher Barela and Jessica Lauren Barela
      █████ █           █████   ██    ██                        █ ███   
   ██████  █         ██████  █████ █████      █████           █  ████   
  ██   █  █         ██   █  █  █████ █████   █  ███          █  █  ███  
 █    █  █         █    █  █   █ ██  █ ██       ███         █  ██   ███ 
     █  █              █  █    █     █         █  ██       █  ███    ███
    ██ ██             ██ ██    █     █         █  ██      ██   ██     ██
    ██ ██             ██ ██    █     █        █    ██     ██   ██     ██
    ██ ██             ██ ██    █     █        █    ██     ██   ██     ██
    ██ ██             ██ ██    █     █       █      ██    ██   ██     ██
    ██ ██             ██ ██    █     ██      █████████    ██   ██     ██
    █  ██             █  ██    █     ██     █        ██    ██  ██     ██
       █                 █     █      ██    █        ██     ██ █      █ 
   ████           █  ████      █      ██   █████      ██     ███     █  
  █  █████████████  █  █████           ██ █   ████    ██ █    ███████   
 █     █████████   █     ██              █     ██      ██       ███     
 █                 █                     █                              
  █                 █                     █                             
   ██                ██                    ██                           

			     ***DEAD ASF***
Birth Mother (DEAD) 
Name : Rebecca Driver Barela
Age Of Death : 48
Date of Death : 08/18/2017	Cause of Death : idk something about a routine surgery 
Last Address Before Death : 2228 Vireo Dr North Augusta, SC 29841
Landline Number : 404-561-8389					,    ,    /\   /\
/							       /( /\ )\  _\ \_/ /_
Phone Number : 706-737-0280				       |\_||_/| < \_   _/ >
\							       \______/  \|0   0|/
Education : University of Georgia With an English Major          _\/_   _(_  ^  _)_
/							        ( () ) /`\|V"""V|/`\
Mother of : Christopher Barela and Jessica Lauren Barela	  {}   \  \_____/  /
\   								  ()   /\   )=(   /\
 |								  {}  /  \_/\=/\_/  \
Birth Mother's Cousin : 					__________
\								<_______ /
Name : Katie B. Howard						 <______/  /(_
/								  <____<  ( __\
Age : 51						    	   <____\  \ \
\								   <_____\\_) )
Date of Birth : 1972-05-01					  /          /
/								 / /_|  )___/
Current Address : 2234 Huntington Rd Augusta, GA 30904		/ |  / /
\							       /  |   \\
Current Landline Number : 866-667-3279			      /   |    \\__
/							      ~~~~     (~~~)
Current Phone Number : 706-723-9671
Birth Mother's Mother
Name : Susan Driver Dunlap 
Age : 80's
Current Address : 1312 Buena Vista Rd Augusta, GA 30909
Current Phone Number : 706-733-0141
Suspected Spouse :  Dickson Brown Dunlap
/						,.!.,	
________________________		     .'`     `'.
||-._`-._ :| |: _.-'_.-|		   .'           '.
||   `-._`:| |:`_.-'   |		  :.'`'..'`'..'`'.:
||-------`-' '-'-------|		   `    ` |  `    `
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||  _.-'_.:| |:._`-._  |    Flag		  |
||-'_.-'  :| |:  `-._`-|			  |)
Birth Mother's Father
Name : Dickson Brown Dunlap  (wtf is that name) 
Age : 80's 
Landlines : 706-631-0691 ; 706-733-0141
Current Address : 1312 Buena Vista Rd Augusta, GA 30909

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Quite the rainy day for him innit