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Doxed by unknowskript
No reason

Last Name: Christelle
First Name: Labat
Second and third First Name: Louise Marie
Maiden Name: Vannson
Dob: 10/12/1984
Age: 39 years old
City: Epinal
Childrens: 2 girls, 1 boy
Email: christellelabat88@gmail.com
Job: English Teacher
Work at the: Lycee Louis Lapique, 88000, Epinal
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/christelle.labat?locale=fr_FR
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christelle-vannson-37257a87/
Photo of the person: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1196843112983695403/1196876108969300069/image.png?ex=65b938bd&is=65a6c3bd&hm=ae9ca54ba0254a2fb125076cdb601551f39104b46b67e980a3c96ac16f05cfb8&
Husband Informations:

Last Name: Labat
First Name: Antoine
Second First Name: Eric
Age: 45 years old
Dob: 31/07/1978
Married to christelle labat since: 16 Years (22/09/2007)
Phone Number: +33607125316
Email: antoine.labat@wanadoo.fr
Hash ?: $2a$10$LF6LOA69FYlDgxkGNztT6uZfN4KJs4ZxTV62ED7SXsmdjZ21SKeO2
linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/antoine-labat-2113a81b5/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/antoine.labat.7?locale=fr_FR
Photo of the person: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1180435641754980382/1183407939206262846/image.png?ex=65883987&is=6575c487&hm=168709d3031e8804839dbc4814c018fb7ab0aca61425e5e6bd2062e75a9dd72d&

Children informations: 

Last Name: Labat
First Name: Justine
Sport: Horse riding
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090869790429&locale=fr_FR
Photo of the person: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1196843112983695403/1196876812320526356/image.png?ex=65b93964&is=65a6c464&hm=32c2ef91fb6363a5edd21666f2bd487632c9e35e17ec7b8646aff7346508e145&

Last Name: Labat
First Name: Eliott
Photo of the person: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1196843112983695403/1196876317703012473/image.png?ex=65b938ef&is=65a6c3ef&hm=14ee9912be93ae1cf999b586c64a5bdc6c23b61aebcd6cad3d20f1bcccb53d65&

Last Name: Labat
First Name: Emma
Email: emmlabat@gmail.com
Sport: Horse riding
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emma.labat.16?locale=fr_FR
Photo of the person: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1196843112983695403/1196876783497257193/image.png?ex=65b9395e&is=65a6c45e&hm=3f85514d125833bfb35bd90e6aa220093ba964453abdcb30b7b42a35a793dbda&

Familly picture: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1196843112983695403/1196876213147422761/image.png?ex=65b938d6&is=65a6c3d6&hm=2cc4bc71a6dbeacef463cc0f5847ff26a00a437aa0b2c0ea31498df196c21a35&

Father Informations: 

Last Name: Vannson
First Name: Michel
City: Epinal
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/michel.vannson.3?locale=fr_FR
Photo of the person: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1196843112983695403/1196877228563238982/image.png?ex=65b939c8&is=65a6c4c8&hm=8758605e4c46129542868e0b5fe2827d5482f5a1367b1399b6df90cf412340f3&

Mother information: 

Last Name: Vannson
First Name: Marie-Françoise
City: Epinal
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mariefrancoise.vannson?locale=fr_FR
Photo of the person: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1196843112983695403/1196877661780316170/image.png?ex=65b93a2f&is=65a6c52f&hm=11fffa178eb1faecc654b0bf3db072743fc3bd22fd8d2e4f5b76bc3b14c0092e&
Other Membre in her family: 
- Gerard Vannson
- Pascale Vannson
- Léa Vannson
- Jean Paul Vannson
- Marie-Françoise Vannson
- Michel Vannson
- Thibaud Vannson