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                                                                            $$\   $$ |                                                                          
                                                                            \$$$$$$  |                                                                          

Reason - Mf kept egging me on saying i wont get his shit, he kept doubting everything when his house legit lined up to a pic he posted on insta, mf blocked
me on almost everything after i sent his address ina gc and claimed i wasnt using a vpn, acting like he has my ip (which he doesnt) - https://prnt.sc/BT5BCFC4nfps  

Update - This mf tried to get the doxbin removed LMAO, but luckily based brenton denied his shit request, and brenton said if he continued he would pin this paste, which u should since he said u "don’t got a life and was being rude as hell" - https://twitter.com/Asason1234e/status/1597344624691261442.
and since this mf wants to claim all the info is "Fake and Old" I will be providing proof of each thing being real and how i got it, AND, dont believe any lies from this loser, he claims the info isnt "current" but hes just really saying that to convince people the paste is fake,
and he claims that he is moving out of that house, which debunks the "nothing is current" thing he said - https://imgur.com/a/8nHRs51, and also, if the info is "Old and Fake" and isnt current, why the fuck would you try your best to remove this paste chris? just admit the info is real LMAO - https://twitter.com/OnlyTasForce141/status/1597357998367977474                                                          
Full Name - Chris Santillana (hes been under the name chris for years, i dont think a 9 year old (this is the age he made his social medias under that name) is smart enough to use a fake name. almost all of his familys last name is "Santillana" also, if that isnt his last name, than "Moore" is, 
which i heavily doubt)

Face - https://prnt.sc/8o0CizB0roI8 (He is shockingly 13 in this pic) (it was on his moms facebook, and according to other shit i found, there is currently 3 people living in his household, which was the amount i found the pic in)


Aliases - Jack Freeman, Asason1234e, Chris_Yt_Peaceout, ChrisSantillana

Addresses - 3043 W Sonoma Ave Stockton, CA 95204 (Current) (I am extremely confident this is his current, almost every site ive used told me the same address, and, a pic he posted on his instagram (https://www.instagram.com/p/CbN7PHeBuob/) completely matches up with this address)
            429 W 7th St Stockton, CA 95206 (Old)
            PO Box 6645 Stockton, CA 95206 (PO Box)
            1552 W Hazelton Ave Stockton, CA 95203 (Old)
            2528 Alabama Ave Stockton, CA 95206 (Old)
            601 Morada Ln Stockton, CA 95210 (Old)
            443 Garfield Ave #443 Stockton, CA 95203 (Old)
            447 E Noble St Stockton, CA 95204 (Old)
            6 W Main St Stockton, CA 95202 (Old)

Email Addresses - businesschrisytpeaceout@gmail.com

Info about email addresses - businesschrisytpeaceout@gmail.com
                             Photo - https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/ACNPEu_FqEVPlamRAqKkh5r27qBc3O-6t6HXXJ6WuUkb
                             Name - Chris_YT_Peaceout
                             ID - 118178554911591435632
                             Services - Google Maps - https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/118178554911591435632
                                        Google Calendar - https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=businesschrisytpeaceout@gmail.com

                             Photo - https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/ACNPEu8dVdUpsVWc3fYwvdrjMByLSPgMZuHwKIO-3MmD
                             Name - Jack Freeman (fake name he uses)
                             ID - 112568508557565338788
                             Services - Google Maps - https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/112568508557565338788
                                        Google Calendar - https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=chrisytpeaceout@gmail.com

                             Signed up sites - discord.com

Social Medias - https://twitter.com/Asason1234e
Mothers Full Name - Adriana Librada Santillana

DOB - 06/??/1990

Addresses - 3043 W Sonoma Ave Stockton, CA 95204 (Current)
            429 W 7th St Stockton, CA 95206 (Old)
            PO Box 6645 Stockton, CA 95206 (PO Box)
            1552 W Hazelton Ave Stockton, CA 95203 (Old)
            2528 Alabama Ave Stockton, CA 95206 (Old)
            601 Morada Ln Stockton, CA 95210 (Old)
            443 Garfield Ave #443 Stockton, CA 95203 (Old)
            447 E Noble St Stockton, CA 95204 (Old)
            6 W Main St Stockton, CA 95202 (Old)

Phone Numbers - (209) 623-8469 - Wireless (All found on truepeoplesearch.com and whitepages)
                (209) 271-5311 - Wireless
                (209) 323-5966 - VOIP

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100007077557422