➤ Full name: Chloe Rolphison
➤ Age: 18
➤ Direct Address: https://maps.app.goo.gl/aFG88ZMTASpqvSV79
➤ Full Address: 864 Fennell Ave E, Hamilton, ON L8V 1W1, Canada
  ➣ ZIP: ON L8V 1W1

➤ Phone Number: 1 289-237-7709
➤ Emails
  ➣ chloeisweird2020@gmail.com
  ➣ Zlatuse2006@gmail.com
  ➣ chloeisweird2021@gmail.com
  ➣ chloeisweird2022@gmail.com
  ➣ chloeisweird2023@gmail.com

  ➤ Passwords
  ➣ chloe112006
  ➣ zlatuse112006
  ➣ Chloe112006
  ➣ Zlatuse112006
  ➣ Chloe112006#
  ➣ chloe112006!
  ➣ chloe112006$
  ➣ Zlatuse112006$
  ➣ Zlatuse112006!
  ➣ Zlatuse112006#
  ➣ zlatuse112006$
  ➣ zlatuse112006#
  ➣ zlatuse112006!

➤ Social Media Logins
 ➣ Her Facebook is chloerolphison And her fb password is chloe112006!

➤ Highschool: Sherwood Secondary School
  ➣ Direct Address: https://maps.app.goo.gl/o9BedkrCZGwKixxL6
  ➣ Full Address: 75 Palmer Rd, Hamilton, ON L8T 3G1, Canada
  ➣ Website: https://www.hwdsb.on.ca/sherwood/
  ➣ Phone Number: 1 905-383-3377

➤ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chloe.rolphison/
➤ Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/chloerolphison -- main snap
➤ Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/chloe.kitkat
➤ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/chloerolphison/
➤ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/chloe_rolphison/
➤  Tiktok   https://www.tiktok.com/@cloutgateontop?_t=8jgSgoTqAUb&_r=1

➤ Brother's Full Address: 149 Clifton Downs Rd, Hamilton, ON L9C 2P5, Canada

                                                     Credit Card Information: 4536001307878705    10/27    154
➤ Proof of her being a whore wanting them back after she cheated

➤ Face pics
More pics on her snapchats public profile
➤ Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/chloerolphison -- active