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|                      Table of contents                        | 
|      0x01  Introduction                                       |
|      0x02  Personal Information                               |
|      0x03  Social Media Accounts                              |                               
|      0x04  Family Members Information                         |
|      0x05  Ip Information                                     |
|      0x06  House Information                                  |
|                                                               |
|                                                               |
| Reason: being a pedophile, asking for lewd underage people    |
|                      0x01  Introduction                       |
Welcome to this dox, today we are going to dox a pedophile.
And a nigga who thinks she's undoxxable.
|                  0x02  Personal Information                   |
Name: Temaya Linnea Wingo                                                                                                             
DOB: January 15, 1999                                                           
Age: 21                                                                
Mobile Phone Number: 513-641-5546
Location Information:                 
Direct Address: 1254 Oberlin Blvd, Cincinnati, OH, 45237	                             
Country:  United States                                                 
State: Ohio                                                       
City: Cincinnati
ZIP:  45237                                                                                                           
|                  0x03  Social Media Accounts                  |
Minecraft: RabidChipmunk1
imgur: RabidChipmunk1
Reddit: RabidChipmunk1
Discord: Peanut#7842, 756164332043239515                                    
|               0x04  Family Members Information                |
Name: Carla J Wingo                                                             
Age: 48                                                                                                
Address: 1254 Oberlin Blvd, Cincinnati, OH, 45237                                                    
Phone Number: 513-293-0408                     
Name: Ted M Wingo
Age: 28
Phone number: 513-550-7764
Address: 2623 Montana Ave Apt 23, Cincinnati, OH, 45211

Name: Kyle Joseph Wingo
Age: 25
Phone number: 513-641-5546
|                    0x05  Ip Information                       |
ISP: Fuse Internet Access
Hostname: cn1-dsl-72-49-219-157.fuse.ne
Postal: 45230
ASN: AS6181 Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company LLC                                                                             
|                    0x06  House Information                    |
Temaya Linnea Wingo house info:
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 2
Rooms: 9
Year built: 1940 
Rent: $1,400
Cost: $153,881 
Property Photo: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/772239776979615754/786334741082538004/unknown.png
Property Map: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/754111036272934984/786335217387700244/unknown.png?
Brother house info:
Property Photo: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/754111036272934984/786650291658817596/unknown.png?
Property Map: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/754111036272934984/786650523507753010/unknown.png