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                                                         @ 0x10 | Reasoning..................  @ 
                                                         @ 0X20 | Information about them ..... @
                                                         @ 0x30 | Full Introduction........... @  


    │                                         0x10 Reasoning ????  Catfishing                                     |
                                                   VICTIM: Chino / Nazy / Valentina 



    │                                       0x20 Information about them                                         |

       • Name: Nazy
       • Age: 16/17


       • Valentina
       • Chino
       • cuts
HER DISCORD IS : cuts#1337
HER DISCORD ID: 891453634871709746

true Raw Local: 8286911851
(828) 691-1851
E164: +18286911851
International: 18286911851
Country Code: 1
Country: US

Caller ID
U.S. CELLULAR Phone Provider
Last Port Date
LRN 8286911851
Rate Center ARDEN
State NC

    │                                       0x30 Introduction about this victim                                 |

 Long story short, Valentina/Chino (Catfish name) / Nazi (Real Name), has been catfishing as a tiktok girl for a very long time, since she was in /slap & /sign 
she has been exposed for it, but obviously does not own up to it, I got told by 2 of my friends, to go and find more proof on her catfishing, so I went ahead 
started texting her [social engineering] (played her), and got information about her, slowly she started showing the catfish side of her due to the fact she would dodge going on camera 
so I was scrolling on tiktok and I found a picture she showed me of her "ass" but obviously it was not hers it was from tiktok, 
and she also claimed her old profile picture was her but not it wasn't, so I went ahead and also saw that on tiktok
She used to go by the name Kayden or Jayden (What her friend told me), also her friend knew she was catfishing so the way she got the name Valentina was through her friend called Valentin
 she used to be in love with him, and the direct messages between them was very atrocious ???? .
She also lied about linking her friend in real life, so she can save her self from being called a catfish
she sent a paragraph to her friend Valentin after he found out she seems to be catfishing, I am going to put the paragraph down below.

(What she said to Valentin her friend)

"Okay so you might be really confused on what I’m about to say to you but please just try to understand what I’m about to tell you and before
 i start the feelings for u that I have for you wont ever change for you. But uhm anyway so this is hard to explain but imma try my best so you know the 
fw.soaa account that’s supposedly “my” account which it’s not my account what so ever it’s this girls account and her name is Jayden.. 
yes I know you might be hella confused right now but I’ll explain about me later on so back to the Instagram account it’s hers
 and your probably wondering “why are you using her account” well I didn’t want to use her account I was forced to because me and her used to be since we were 5
 so you obviously know she has a lot of secrets and dirt on me so you know she can do a lot of shit with all my secrets you know I guess she blackmailed me
 into doing all this shit 
catfishing as her and shit when I NEVER wanted to do it in the first place
 but how it started Is that she brought it up like two days after summer started and school was over and shit so she hit me up saying “do you have discord”
 I said yeah but I never used the shit I just had it just to have it you know so I was obviously new to all this discord shit
 and that why I kept asking questions about all this weird discord shit bc I don’t know about it but anyway she told me to set up a profile
 and shit so I did but I was just thinking she just probably gonna get her phone taken and she gonna use her computer yk so uhm yeah and what happened is that she
 told me she wants to catfish as me and I was confused and I asked why and she said something like “because I need to use ur face for sum” so I said no
 because that’s weird asf you know and she didn’t take it well and she said she was just gonna expose all my secrets and shit and expose all the ss
 and ft calls and post it on her story to every could see mind you like half the whole school followed her and I obviously said fine because she can 
deadass go to my mom and say some shit I did and my ass would’ve been ground for the whole summer because my parents well idk my mom is hella strict
 and uhm yeah do I was just being blackmailed into doing all this shit and she would text me saying “give me a pic of you” “show a pic of you with your glasses”
 so I would just take a pic and just send it to her you know and uhm yeah so no I didn’t ask her for pics of her self she would just randomly post her self on her
 story and I’ll just have to go along with it I guess and I just hated because 
I just wanted to be me if you know what I’m saying you know but yeah and uhm that’s why I don’t like when ppl say shit about the Instagram because
 I just idk it didn’t feel right to me and I just guess I just been getting stressed out over it you know and I guess I just wanted to end things with her today 
so that what I did on ft with her and she was just cussing me out and shit and she said she was gonna expose me about everything I did and shit and she did 
do it she posted all the screenshot and vids on her story on everything bro all her snap accounts and it didn’t end up so well because my name 
was going around a lot and people just kept calling me and that why I left the call so many times today and idk I had to clear up all the 
shit that made me even more stressed out and i don’t know everyone I’d still cool with everyone and I even made some new friends
 I guess you know but uhm yeah she told my mom and me and my mom aren’t on good terms right now and I don’t know it just hurts a lot knowing your mom is
 “disappointed” in you and wouldn’t even let you explain shit and more shit but uhm enough about this I guess.:shy:
My name is Valentina grace Valentine and that’s why I was so surprised your name is valentin you know and I’m actually 15 lol 
and the rest about me is true I am 5ft sadly and I’m Asian mixed with black still but my mom genetics took over so I look more Asian then I look black but 
my dad is brown skin so uhm yeah and all those nudes are mine no one else’s because that would just be weird and you can tell the difference in me and her 
skin tone she’s darker lol I’m lighter but uhm you know lol but uhm I don’t know how you would feel about this but uhm
 Yh I’m very sorry I didn’t tell you sooner it was just way too much going on all at once but uhm yeah.."


Her phone number: +18286911851


That was long as fuck.... what a shitty ass catfish that's been lying for a long time right.
                            .                                                      .
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Fansigns she made
Her admitting to being a catfish in my snap dms: https://gyazo.com/942b94fa07b56d8dec8a0f2447198284
Her knowing she was getting played because i told her: https://gyazo.com/b20399282747f9ce3d60e2a5a2f3ad75
https://gyazo.com/f82d5cd9cb67dde358e260e8a7d6bcdd Her apologising for catfishing LOL?
The girl she catfished as: 
Proof that she was getting played:
Her playing with her self: 

. CREDITS  burn + Valentin + Slendo + Fatima  .
. ----------                      .      .    .
. Spec + Martin                   _\/  \/_    .
. Doxbin: tough                _\_\_\/\/_/_/_ .
. Discord: tn#0001/Jayden#0003  / /_/\/\_\ \  .
.                                  _/\/\_     .
.                                  /\  /\     .
.                                 '      '    .

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       ||  |     .___.     |                MORE SCREENSHOTS I GOT BUT I CAN'T BE ASKED TO POST THEM LMAO
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