This man raped _____ may killing my infant brother in the early 200s
He raped me when I was 4 years old
He raped his younger sister 
He raped my mom 
He has went around saying that I’ve had sex with many men and am on many drugs which is false

Freddie Lee Allen Moore 
Resides : 15 sable point drive hurricane wv 
SSN- 400-35-3134
Facebook account freddieleeallenmoore
TikTok : freddieleeallenmoore
Phone number : 1-304-741-0654
Married too Jeanne Marie Moore
Work: Toyota buffalo wv
Extra information 

He use to be a blasting engineer and live in his parents basement 
He watches child porn
He constantly cheats on his wife 
He cheated on his ex wives
He vapes
He owns a Chevy equinox 

His wife Jeannemarie Moore

Resides : 15 sable point drive hurricane wv 

Relative : has a son Liam Greyson jelacic ( may 24th 2011) 

Drives : a Lexus 

Extra info 
She has a cps license but failed to report when her son raped me

She is Insane