Name: Cheyanne Bruno/Leonard
Address: 3310 Lilac Avenue
City: Trevose, Bensalem
State: Pennsylvania
Country: United States
Phone Number: (267)-780-9475
Age: 17
Birthday: January 7th, 2008


Mother: Nicole Leonard
Address: 3310 Lilac Avenue
City: Trevose, Bensalem
State: Pennsylvania
Country: United States
Phone Number: (215)-526-7697


Father: Donnie Leonard
Address: 3310 Lilac Avenue
City: Trevose, Bensalem
State: Pennsylvania
Country: United States


Brother: Hunter Leonard
Address: 3310 Lilac Avenue
City: Trevose, Bensalem
State: Pennsylvania
Country: United States



Loves to be racist and always talks shit on her mother, wants to run away. Two faced bitch, loves to talk shit about others and lies about shit. 
She loves using people and taking advantage of them. Loves to send pics of her titties to get out of arguments or just in-general. 

She loves doing woman duties as she should, talks shit about her entire family. 



Tiktok: cheycheythefavv
Instagram: chey_2cool
Snapchat: yfw_cheychey