███╗   ███╗ █████╗ ██████╗ ███████╗                   
████╗ ████║██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔════╝                   
██╔████╔██║███████║██║  ██║█████╗                     
██║╚██╔╝██║██╔══██║██║  ██║██╔══╝                     
██║ ╚═╝ ██║██║  ██║██████╔╝███████╗                   
╚═╝     ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═════╝ ╚══════╝                   
██████╗ ██╗   ██╗                                     
██╔══██╗╚██╗ ██╔╝                                     
██████╔╝ ╚████╔╝                                      
██╔══██╗  ╚██╔╝                                       
██████╔╝   ██║                                        
╚═════╝    ╚═╝                                        
 █████╗ ███╗   ██╗████████╗ ██████╗ ███╗   ██╗        
██╔══██╗████╗  ██║╚══██╔══╝██╔═══██╗████╗  ██║        
███████║██╔██╗ ██║   ██║   ██║   ██║██╔██╗ ██║        
██╔══██║██║╚██╗██║   ██║   ██║   ██║██║╚██╗██║        
██║  ██║██║ ╚████║   ██║   ╚██████╔╝██║ ╚████║        
╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═══╝   ╚═╝    ╚═════╝ ╚═╝  ╚═══╝        
██████╗ ██████╗  █████╗ ██╗  ██╗ ██████╗ ██╗   ██╗    
██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██║ ██╔╝██╔═══██╗██║   ██║    
██║  ██║██████╔╝███████║█████╔╝ ██║   ██║██║   ██║    
██║  ██║██╔══██╗██╔══██║██╔═██╗ ██║   ██║╚██╗ ██╔╝    
██████╔╝██║  ██║██║  ██║██║  ██╗╚██████╔╝ ╚████╔╝     
╚═════╝ ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═╝ ╚═════╝   ╚═══╝      

  ____  _____    _    ____   ___  _   _ ____   
 |  _ \| ____|  / \  / ___| / _ \| \ | / ___|  
 | |_) |  _|   / _ \ \___ \| | | |  \| \___ \  
 |  _ <| |___ / ___ \ ___) | |_| | |\  |___) | 
 |_| \_\_____/_/   \_\____/ \___/|_| \_|____/  
send yiff to minors and call everyone who call him out as a hater

  ____  _____ ____  ____   ___  _   _    _    _       ___ _   _ _____ ___   
 |  _ \| ____|  _ \/ ___| / _ \| \ | |  / \  | |     |_ _| \ | |  ___/ _ \  
 | |_) |  _| | |_) \___ \| | | |  \| | / _ \ | |      | ||  \| | |_ | | | | 
 |  __/| |___|  _ < ___) | |_| | |\  |/ ___ \| |___   | || |\  |  _|| |_| | 
 |_|   |_____|_| \_\____/ \___/|_| \_/_/   \_\_____| |___|_| \_|_|   \___/  
Username: @chesterringtail 
Name: Scott Blakey
Age: 21

  _____                 _ _     
 | ____|_ __ ___   __ _(_) |___ 
 |  _| | '_ ` _ \ / _` | | / __|
 | |___| | | | | | (_| | | \__ \
 |_____|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_|_|___/

  ____  _                                              _                   
 |  _ \| |__   ___  _ __   ___   _ __  _   _ _ __ ___ | |__   ___ _ __ ___ 
 | |_) | '_ \ / _ \| '_ \ / _ \ | '_ \| | | | '_ ` _ \| '_ \ / _ \ '__/ __|
 |  __/| | | | (_) | | | |  __/ | | | | |_| | | | | | | |_) |  __/ |  \__ \
 |_|   |_| |_|\___/|_| |_|\___| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|_.__/ \___|_|  |___/

  ____   ___   ____ ___    _    _       __  __ _____ ____ ___    _     
 / ___| / _ \ / ___|_ _|  / \  | |     |  \/  | ____|  _ \_ _|  / \    
 \___ \| | | | |    | |  / _ \ | |     | |\/| |  _| | | | | |  / _ \   
  ___) | |_| | |___ | | / ___ \| |___  | |  | | |___| |_| | | / ___ \  
 |____/ \___/ \____|___/_/   \_\_____| |_|  |_|_____|____/___/_/   \_\ 





Username: ringtail_bait
USER ID: 595672770441117706



Telegram: @JasperFoxy




██████╗  █████╗ ████████╗ █████╗                    
██║  ██║███████║   ██║   ███████║                   
██║  ██║██╔══██║   ██║   ██╔══██║                   
██████╔╝██║  ██║   ██║   ██║  ██║                   
╚═════╝ ╚═╝  ╚═╝   ╚═╝   ╚═╝  ╚═╝                   
██████╗ ██████╗ ███████╗ █████╗  ██████╗██╗  ██╗    
██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╔══██╗██╔════╝██║  ██║    
██████╔╝██████╔╝█████╗  ███████║██║     ███████║    
██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔══╝  ██╔══██║██║     ██╔══██║    
██████╔╝██║  ██║███████╗██║  ██║╚██████╗██║  ██║    
╚═════╝ ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝  ╚═╝ ╚═════╝╚═╝  ╚═╝    


At the end of 2015, a spam list known as the “Special K Data Feed” was discovered on the Internet, containing almost 31 million entries. Data includes names, physical and IP addresses, gender, dates of birth and telephone numbers.

📩Email: chesterringtail@gmail.com
👤Name: Scott
👤Surname: Blakey

📩Email: chesterringtail@gmail.com
🏘️Address: HarrisburgPA17111
👤Name: Scott
👤Surname: Blakey


In February 2019, the email verification service Verifications.io was damaged. Data in MongoDB was left publicly accessible without a password, which exposed 763 million unique emails, phone numbers and IPs. Passwords were not included in the data.

📩Email:  chesterringtail@gmail.com



In April 2018, textbook rental service Chegg suffered a leak that affected 40 million subscribers. The data included email, usernames, and passwords in the form of unsalted MD5 hashes.

📩Email:  furryfox1@live.com
🔐Encrypted password:  5121178a63c9e718297500e4b4c7ad61
📆Last Activity:  2014-10-29 00:10:11
📆Registration date:  2012-03-06 19:41:26
🇺🇸State:  NU


In February 2023, a leak from the Live.com service appeared on a hacker forum. It includes 33 million user emails and no other data. The source of this database is unknown.

📩Email:  furryfox1@live.com 


In November 2021, the live sex cam and adult chat site Stripchat left several databases open and unprotected. The following June, more than 10 million Stripchat posts appeared on the popular hacker forum. The exposed data included usernames, email addresses and IP addresses.

📩Email:  yiffyfox@hotmail.com
📆Last Activity:  07.06.2021 07:46:06
📆Registration date:  07.06.2016 22:08:24
👤Nick:  Neutered-male
🗾A country:  us
🛰️Provider:  Verizon Internet Services
🤴Status:  regular

👁️‍🗨️USA Hige Leak

A huge database of US residents, which was originally leaked by pompompurin on the now defunct RaidForum. The source is unknown, but data from more than 250 million American citizens can be found in this database. The data contains names, addresses, telephone numbers, geolocation, home and income information, nationality, date of birth. It also contained more than 100 million emails.

🎂Year of birth: 1991
🏘️Street suffix: Dr
🏘️Address: 2041 Northwoods Pointe Dr
🏘️Street: Northwoods Pointe
⌚Timezone: 5
🇺🇸State: VA
🌃Cities: Charlottesville
🌃City: Charlottesville
🌐Latitude: 38.0782791570643
🌐Longitude: -78.4869589670209
🍁Description CBSA: Charlottesville VA
🏚️House price: $175000 to $199999
🏤Postal code (11 characters): 22901904141
🏤Postal code: 22901
🏻Nationality code: irs
👤Full name: Blakey Scott
👴Age: 30
💰Income: $65000 to $74999
💳Credit card limit: 7500
📮Postcode: 9041
🗺️Region: Albemarle
🚻Sex: M

🏘️Street suffix: Ave
🏘️Address: 7278 S Quinn Ave
🏘️Street: Quinn
⌚Timezone: 7
🇺🇸State: AZ
🌃Cities: Gilbert
🌃City: Gilbert
🌐Latitude: 33.21819
🌐Longitude: -111.733583
🍁Description CBSA: Phoenix-Mesa-Chandler AZ
🏚️House price: $400000 to $449999
🏤Postal code (11 characters): 85298014178
🏤Postal code: 85298
🏻Nationality code: und
👤Full name: Blakey Scott
💰Income: $150000 to $174999
💳Credit card limit: 2500
📮Postcode: 0141
🗺️Region: Maricopa
🚻Sex: U
🛖Year of home purchase: 2018

📞Telephone: 4105622639
🎂Year of birth: 1980
🎂Month of birth: 7
🏘️Street suffix: Ct
🏘️Address: 7888 Tall Pines Ct Apt J
🏘️Street: Tall Pines
⌚Timezone: 5
🇺🇸State: MD
🌃Cities: Glen Burnie
🌃City: Glen Burnie
🌐Latitude: 39.1381366849883
🌐Longitude: -76.6260334692554
🍁Description CBSA: Baltimore-Columbia-Towson MD
🏚️House price: $250000 to $274999
🏤Postal code (11 characters): 21061585482
🏤Postal code: 21061
🏻Nationality code: irs
👤Full name: Blakey Scott
👴Age: 40
💰Income: $60000 to $64999
💳Credit card limit: 7500
📮Postcode: 5854
🗺️Region: Anne Arundel
🚻Sex: M

📞Telephone: 9726821372
🎂Year of birth: 1955
🎂Month of birth: 5
🏘️Street suffix: Blvd
🏘️Address: 6029 Vickery Blvd
🏘️Street: Vickery
⌚Timezone: 6
🇺🇸State: TX
🌃Cities: Dallas
🌃City: Dallas
🌐Latitude: 32.823151
🌐Longitude: -96.762366
🍁Description CBSA: Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington TX
🏚️House price: $750000 to $999999
🏤Postal code (11 characters): 75206633929
🏤Postal code: 75206
🏻Nationality code: irs
👤Full name: Blakey Scott
👴Age: 66
💰Income: $250000 to $499999
💳Credit card limit: 93750
📮Postcode: 6339
🗺️Region: Dallas
🚻Sex: M
🛁Number of bathrooms in the house: 5
🛏Number of bedrooms in the house: 5

🎂Year of birth: 1980
🎂Month of birth: 9
🏘️Street suffix: Way
🏘️Address: 150 Country Way
🏘️Street: Country
⌚Timezone: 6
🇺🇸State: MO
🌃Cities: Jackson
🌃City: Jackson
🌐Latitude: 37.511609
🌐Longitude: -89.661972
🍁Description CBSA: Cape Girardeau MO-IL
🏗️Year the house was built: 2006
🏚️House price: $150000 to $174999
🏤Postal code (11 characters): 63755686150
🏤Postal code: 63755
🏻Nationality code: irs
👤Full name: Blakey Scott C
👴Age: 40
💰Income: $65000 to $74999
💳Credit card limit: 7500
📮Postcode: 6861
🗺️Region: Cape Girardeau
🚻Sex: M
🛁Number of bathrooms in the house: 2
🛏Number of bedrooms in the house: 3
🛖Year of home purchase: 2016

📞Telephone: 4159272630
🎂Year of birth: 1936
🎂Month of birth: 11
🏘️Street suffix: Ave
🏘️Address: 842 Reichert Ave Apt 6
🏘️Street: Reichert
⌚Timezone: 8
🇺🇸State: CA
🌃Cities: Novato
🌃City: Novato
🌐Latitude: 38.104762
🌐Longitude: -122.566102
🍁Description CBSA: San Francisco-Oakland-Berkeley CA
🏚️House price: $250000 to $274999
🏤Postal code (11 characters): 94945417706
🏤Postal code: 94945
🏻Nationality code: irs
👤Full name: Blakey Scott C
👴Age: 84
💰Income: $100000 to $149999
💳Credit card limit: 25000
📮Postcode: 4177
🗺️Region: Marin
🚻Sex: M

📩Email: programmingarts@trinityonline.org
📞Telephone: 9093898367
🎂Year of birth: 1958
🎂Month of birth: 10
🏘️Street suffix: Ave
🏘️Address: 951 Hartzell Ave
🏘️Street: Hartzell
⌚Timezone: 8
🇺🇸State: CA
🌃Cities: Redlands
🌃City: Redlands
🌐Latitude: 34.079697
🌐Longitude: -117.170007
🍁Description CBSA: Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario CA
🏗️Year the house was built: 1979
🏚️House price: $200000 to $224999
🏤Postal code (11 characters): 92374252351
🏤Postal code: 92374
🏻Nationality code: irs
👤Full name: Blakey Scott E
👴Age: 62
💰Income: $75000 to $99999
💳Credit card limit: 13125
📮Postcode: 2523
🗺️Region: San Bernardino
🚻Sex: M
🛁Number of bathrooms in the house: 2
🛏Number of bedrooms in the house: 3
🛖Year of home purchase: 2014

📘LinkedIn Scraped Data

During the first half of 2021, LinkedIn became a target for attackers who extracted data from hundreds of millions of profiles and then sold it online. This was not a leak and only publicly available information was collected. The 1.5 terabyte file contained 400 million records and 100 million unique emails, as well as the names, locations, gender and positions of users.

🏢Job title: ed.d., c director
🏷️Title: ed.d., c director
👤Full name: scott blakey
👤Nick: dr-scott-blakey-ed-d-c-dir-55a15415
📅Start date: 2015-07
📍Geolocation: 43.70,-79.41
🗺️Region: ontario, canada
🗾A country: canada
🗾Continent: north america
🚪Number of inputs: 500
🚻Sex: male
🧭Location: ontario
🧭Location: toronto

♟️Industry: food production
🏢Company name: bluebird foods
🏷️Title: logistics manager
👤Full name: scott blakey
👤Nick: scott-blakey-286b84127
🗾A country: new zealand
🗾Continent: oceania
🚻Sex: male

ⓁLinkedinID: 185472387
♟️Industry: farming
🎓Skills: strategic planning,customer service,marketing strategy,business strategy,negotiation,sales management,small business,new business development,entrepreneurship,advertising
🏢Company name: sciva corporation and sciva international
🏢Company name: sciva corporation and sciva international
🏢Job title: chief executive officer of sciva international, mr nice seedbank, dr nice and cbd crew...and head geneticist
🏷️Title: chief executive officer of sciva international, mr nice seedbank, dr nice and cbd crew...and head geneticist
👤Full name: scott blakey
👤Nick: scott-blakey-68314552
📅Start date: 2019
🗂️Summary: Biologist , Owner and Selective Breeding at Mr Nice Seedbank and CBD crew
🗾A country: switzerland
🗾Continent: europe
🚪Number of inputs: 500
🚻Sex: male

ⓁLinkedinID: 370681601
♟️Industry: alternative medicine
🏢Company name: mr nice seedbank and co owner cbd crew
🏢Company name: mr nice seedbank and co owner cbd crew
🏢Job title: owner breeder
🏷️Title: owner breeder
👤Full name: scott blakey
👤Nick: scott-blakey-995182a4
🗾A country: switzerland
🗾Continent: europe
🚪Number of inputs: 10
🚻Sex: male

ⓁLinkedinID: 259744017
♟️Industry: automotive
🏢Company name: oneroa automotive
🏢Company name: oneroa automotive
🏢Job title: company director
🏷️Title: company director
👤Full name: scott blakey
👤Nick: scott-blakey-9a9ba272
📍Geolocation: -36.86,174.76
🗺️Region: auckland, new zealand
🗾A country: new zealand
🗾Continent: oceania
🚪Number of inputs: 16
🚻Sex: male
🧭Location: auckland
🧭Location: auckland

🏢Company name: commonspirit health
🏢Company name: commonspirit health
🏢Job title: cyber security analyst
🏷️Title: cyber security analyst
👤Full name: scott blakey
👤Nick: scott-blakey-b35814138
📅Start date: 2019-10
📍Geolocation: 33.44,-112.07
🗺️Region: arizona, united states
🗾A country: united states
🗾Continent: north america
🚪Number of inputs: 285
🚻Sex: male
🧭Location: arizona
🧭Location: phoenix

🏢Job title: logistics manager
🏷️Title: logistics manager
👤Full name: scott blakey
👤Nick: scottblakey
📅Start date: 2015-06
📍Geolocation: -36.86,174.76
🗺️Region: auckland, new zealand
🗾A country: new zealand
🗾Continent: oceania
🚪Number of inputs: 17
🚻Sex: male
🧭Location: auckland
🧭Location: auckland

📩Email: scott.blakey09@gmail.com
ⓁLinkedinID: 99320940
🎓Skills: microsoft excel
👤Full name: scott blakey
👤Nick: scott-blakey-49031929
🗾A country: australia
🗾Continent: oceania
🚪Number of inputs: 2
🚻Sex: male

📩Email: scott.blakey@ttc.ca
ⓁLinkedinID: 149496018
♟️Industry: higher education
🎓Skills: strategy,operations management,management,budgets,employee training,policy,staff development,team leadership,training,project management
🏢Job title: general manager
🏷️Title: general manager
👤Full name: scott blakey
👤Nick: scott-blakey-a9609542
📍Geolocation: 43.66,-79.41
🗂️Summary: A strategic and well rounded dynamic leader with superior communication and interpersonal skills developed and honed in both the public and private sectors. I have established a reputation of creating and providing the proper environment and opportunities to cultivate and motivate large teams of employees to meet and exceed corporate, division/branch and personal goals. As a board member, I have effectively fulfilled governance and ovesight responsibilities on several boards in the pension, benefits and not-for-profit sectors.
🗺️Region: ontario, canada
🗾A country: canada
🗾Continent: north america
🚪Number of inputs: 6
🚻Sex: male
🧭Location: ontario
🧭Location: toronto


In 2020, a dataset containing nearly a quarter of a billion records, covering more than 400 different areas, came online. It was originally incorrectly attributed to database marketing company Acxiom. The data contained nearly 52 million unique email addresses.

🎂Date of birth(day): 0
🎂Month of birth: 0
🎂Year of birth: 1991
🏘️House number: 3089
🏘️Address: 3089 Northwoods Grove Rd
⌚Timezone: E
☦Religion: U
🇦🇺Language: E1
🇺🇸State: VA
🌐Latitude: 38.057163
🌐Longitude: -78.493130
🏗️Year the house was built: 0
🏤Postal code: 22901
🏻Nationality: W
🐈Cats: U
🐕Dogs: U
👤Full name: BLAKEY SCOTT
👶Amount of children: U
🗺️Region: Albemarle

🎂Date of birth(day): 0
🎂Month of birth: 0
🎂Year of birth: 0
🏘️House number: 7278
🏘️Address: 7278 S Quinn Ave
⌚Timezone: M
☦Religion: C
🇦🇺Language: E1
🇺🇸State: AZ
🌃City: Gilbert
🌐Latitude: 33.218200
🌐Longitude: -111.734000
🏗️Year the house was built: 2018
🏤Postal code: 85298
🏻Nationality: W
🐈Cats: U
🐕Dogs: U
👤Full name: BLAKEY SCOTT
👶Amount of children: U
🗺️Region: Maricopa

📞Telephone: 4105622639
🎂Date of birth(day): 1
🎂Month of birth: 7
🎂Year of birth: 1980
🏘️House number: 7888
🏘️Address: 7888 Tall Pines Ct
⌚Timezone: E
☦Religion: C
🇦🇺Language: E1
🇺🇸State: MD
🌃City: Glen Burnie
🌐Latitude: 39.138000
🌐Longitude: -76.626800
🏗️Year the house was built: 0
🏤Postal code: 21061
🏻Nationality: W
🐈Cats: U
🐕Dogs: U
👤Full name: BLAKEY SCOTT
👶Amount of children: 1
🗺️Region: Anne Arundel

📞Telephone: 9726821372
🎂Date of birth(day): 0
🎂Month of birth: 5
🎂Year of birth: 1955
🏘️House number: 6029
🏘️Address: 6029 Vickery Blvd
⌚Timezone: C
☦Religion: C
🇦🇺Language: E1
🇺🇸State: TX
🌃City: Dallas
🌐Latitude: 32.823200
🌐Longitude: -96.762400
🏗️Year the house was built: 0
🏤Postal code: 75206
🏻Nationality: W
🐈Cats: U
🐕Dogs: U
👤Full name: BLAKEY SCOTT
👶Amount of children: U
🗺️Region: Dallas

🎂Date of birth(day): 0
🎂Month of birth: 0
🎂Year of birth: 1980
🏘️House number: 150
🏘️Address: 150 Country Way
⌚Timezone: C
☦Religion: C
🇦🇺Language: E1
🇺🇸State: MO
🌃City: Jackson
🌐Latitude: 37.511600
🌐Longitude: -89.662600
🏗️Year the house was built: 2006
🏤Postal code: 63755
🏻Nationality: W
🐈Cats: U
🐕Dogs: Y
👤Full name: BLAKEY SCOTT C
👶Amount of children: 3
🗺️Region: Cape Girardeau

📞Telephone: 9095835296
🎂Date of birth(day): 28
🎂Month of birth: 10
🎂Year of birth: 1958
🏘️House number: 951
🏘️Address: 951 Hartzell Ave
⌚Timezone: P
☦Religion: C
🇦🇺Language: E1
🇺🇸State: CA
🌃City: Redlands
🌐Latitude: 34.079700
🌐Longitude: -117.170000
🏗️Year the house was built: 1979
🏤Postal code: 92374
🏧Mortgage Lender Name: BANK OF AMERICA
🏻Nationality: W
🐈Cats: Y
🐕Dogs: U
👤Full name: BLAKEY SCOTT E
👶Amount of children: 1
🗺️Region: San Bernardino


In 2019, the insurance company Acuity suffered a data breach. Because of it, the data of 242 million users was exposed. The data was published on raid forums by Crazyoldfart in 2021. The database contains household information and personal information about US citizens. Including full names, addresses, phone numbers, occupation, ethnicity and more. The leak did not contain any emails.

🎂Date of birth(day): -
🎂Month of birth: -
🎂Year of birth: 1991
🏘️House number: 2041
🏘️Street: Northwoods Pointe
🇦🇺Language: E1
🇺🇸State: VA
🌃City: Charlottesvle
🏤Postal code: 22901
🏻Nationality code: T6
👤Full name: Blakey Scott -
👶Amount of children: -
🗾A country: Albemarle
🚻Sex: M

📞Telephone: 5622639
🎂Date of birth(day): 1
🎂Month of birth: 7
🎂Year of birth: 1980
🏘️House number: 7888
🏘️Street: Tall Pines
🇦🇺Language: E1
🇺🇸State: MD
🌃City: Glen Burnie
🏤Postal code: 21061
🏻Nationality code: T6
👤Full name: Blakey Scott -
👶Amount of children: U
🗾A country: Anne Arundel
🚻Sex: M

📞Telephone: 6821372
🎂Date of birth(day): -
🎂Month of birth: 5
🎂Year of birth: 1955
🏘️House number: 6029
🏘️Street: Vickery
🇦🇺Language: E1
🇺🇸State: TX
🌃City: Dallas
🏤Postal code: 75206
🏻Nationality code: T6
👤Full name: Blakey Scott -
👶Amount of children: -
🗾A country: Dallas
🚻Sex: M

🎂Date of birth(day): 0
🎂Month of birth: 0
🎂Year of birth: 1980
🏘️House number: 150
🏘️Street: Country
🇦🇺Language: E1
🇺🇸State: MO
🌃City: Jackson
🏤Postal code: 63755
🏻Nationality code: T6
👤Full name: Blakey Scott C
👶Amount of children: 3
🗾A country: Cape Girardeau
🚻Sex: M

🎂Date of birth(day): 19
🎂Month of birth: 11
🎂Year of birth: 1936
🏘️House number: 842
🏘️Street: Reichert
🇦🇺Language: E1
🇺🇸State: CA
🌃City: Novato
🏤Postal code: 94945
🏻Nationality code: T6
👤Full name: Blakey Scott C
👶Amount of children: U
🗾A country: Marin
🚻Sex: M

📞Telephone: 3898368
🎂Date of birth(day): 28
🎂Month of birth: 10
🎂Year of birth: 1958
🏘️House number: 951
🏘️Street: Hartzell
🇦🇺Language: E1
🇺🇸State: CA
🌃City: Redlands
🏤Postal code: 92374
🏻Nationality code: T6
👤Full name: Blakey Scott E
👶Amount of children: U
🗾A country: San Bernardino
🚻Sex: M


In July 2018, startup Apollo left behind a database containing billions of rows. Among them were 126 million unique email addresses, as well as names, places of work, roles of people and their locations.

📩Email: scott.blakey@bluewin.ch
🏷️Title: Biologist and Selective Breeding
👤Full name: Scott Blakey
👷Job: biologist selective breeding
📅Start date: 1998-06-01
🔗LinkedIn Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/scott-blakey-68314552
🗝ID: 58ff838e9d79682ee3a1c921

📩Email: scott.blakey@durhamcollege.ca
🇺🇸State: Ontario
🌃City: Toronto
🏷️Title: Chief Administrative Officer
👤Full name: Scott Blakey
👷Job: chief administrative officer
🔗LinkedIn Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/scott-blakey-55a15415
🗝ID: 54a4b1107468693b8c7e6f5b
🗾A country: Canada

📩Email: scott.blakey@tdindustries.com
🇺🇸State: Texas
🌃City: Denton
🏷️Title: sheet-metal installer
👤Full name: Scott Blakey
👷Job: sheet metal installer
🔗LinkedIn Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/scott-blakey-79a17492
🗝ID: 54a4b1a27468693b8c6aa05b
🗾A country: United States

📩Email: scott.blakey@ttc.ca
🇺🇸State: Ontario
🌃City: Toronto
🏷️Title: General Manager - Employee & Development
👤Full name: Scott Blakey
👷Job: general manager employee development
📅Start date: 2011-12-01
🔗LinkedIn Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/scott-blakey-a9609542
🗝ID: 54a4af8c7468693b8c21f15a
🗾A country: Canada


Around January 2020, customer engagement tool RocketText experienced a data breach. The violation included email addresses, home addresses, IP addresses, gender, ethnicity, and telephone numbers (including the operator of the number listed). In total, 32 million records were affected. Rocket Text now operates under the name "LaunchSMS" and was previously known as ApexSMS.

📩Email: blakescott24@gmail.com
📞Telephone: 7734073253
📆Registration date: 2019-10-26T05:49:58.000Z
📆date: 10/21/19
🏘️Address: 110 Ideal St
⌚Timezone: CST
🇺🇸State: IL
🌃City: Chicago
🏤Postal code: 60641
👤Full name: Scott Blakeyshan
🗺️Region: Illinois
🗾A country: US

📩Email: blakescott24@gmail.com
📞Telephone: 7734073253
📆Registration date: 2019-10-25T21:23:33.000Z
📆date: 10/21/19
🏘️Address: 110 Ideal St
⌚Timezone: CST
🇺🇸State: IL
🌃City: Chicago
🏤Postal code: 60641
👤Full name: Scott Blakeyshan
🗺️Region: Illinois
🗾A country: US
🚻Sex: F

📩Email: blakescott24@gmail.com
📞Telephone: 7734073253
📆Registration date: 2019-10-29T02:46:25.000Z
📆date: 10/21/19
🏘️Address: 110 Ideal St
⌚Timezone: CST
🇺🇸State: IL
🌃City: Chicago
🏤Postal code: 60641
👤Full name: Scott Blakeyshan
🗺️Region: Illinois
🗾A country: US
🚻Sex: F


At the end of 2022, music streaming service Deezer reported a data breach that affected more than 240 million customers. The breach occurred due to a backup published in mid-2019 by a third-party partner. The affected data included 229 million emails, as well as IP addresses, usernames, gender, dates of birth and geographic locations of customers.

📩Email: oi_itz_blake96@hotmail.com
📆Registration date: 2013-06-19
🎂Date of Birth: 1996-11-25
🇦🇺Language: en
🎧︎Listening time in hours: 0.0
👤Nick: Blakey Scott
💶total amount: 0.0
📜Subscriptions: 0
🗾A country: AU
🚻Sex: M
🦻Number of listening days: 0

📩Email: blake.scott.96@hotmail.com
📆Registration date: 2017-05-02
🎂Date of Birth: 1996-11-25
🇦🇺Language: us
👤Name: Blakey
👤Nick: Blakey Scott
👤Surname: Scott
🗾A country: AU
🚻Sex: M

📩Email: oi_itz_blake96@hotmail.com
📆Registration date: 2013-06-19
🎂Date of Birth: 1996-11-25
🇦🇺Language: en
👤Name: Blakey
👤Nick: Blakey Scott
👤Surname: Scott
🗾A country: AU
🚻Sex: M


In November 2018, an unprotected database was discovered hosted on the Adapt data aggregator. More than 9.3 million unique records of individuals were found, including their names, employer names, job titles, contact information, and employer information. including a description of the organization's size and income. There was no response from Adapt.

📩Email: scott.blakey@ttc.ca
📞Telephone: 14163934000
📆date: Aug 15, 2018 1:57:59 PM
🏘️Street: 1900 Yonge Street
♟️Industry: Transportation Storage
⬆Level: C-Level
🇺🇸State: ON
🌃City: Toronto
🌐Domain: ttc.ca
🏢Company name: Ttc
🏢Job title: General Manager-Employee and Development
🏤Postal code: M4S 1Z1
👤Full name: Blakey Scott
🗾A country: Canada

📩Email: scott.blakey@ttc.ca
⬆Level: C-Level
🎴Branch: Engineering
🏷️Title: General Manager-Employee and Development
👤Full name: Blakey Scott

📩Email: scott.blakey@ttc.ca
ⓁLinkedinID: linkedin.com/in/scott-blakey-a9609542
⬆Level: C-Level
🎴Branch: Engineering
👤Full name: Blakey Scott
👤Name suffix: General Manager-Employee and Development


At the end of 2015, a spam list known as the “Special K Data Feed” was discovered on the Internet, containing almost 31 million entries. Data includes names, physical and IP addresses, gender, dates of birth and telephone numbers.

📩Email: chesterringtail@gmail.com
🏘️Address: HarrisburgPA17111
👤Full name: Blakey Scott

📩Email: scottblakey434@gmail.com
👤Full name: Blakey Scott

📩Email: scottblakey434@gmail.com
🏘️Address: CrozetVA22932
👤Full name: Blakey Scott

📩Email: chesterringtail@gmail.com
👤Full name: Blakey Scott

📩Email: blakescott24@gmail.com
🏘️Address: NJ
👤Full name: Scott Blakeyshan

📩Email: blakescott24@gmail.com
👤Full name: scott blakeyshan

📩Email: blakescott24@gmail.com
🏘️Address: Saint PaulMN55105
👤Full name: Scott Blakeyshan


In October 2019, a server was discovered with 12 billion personal data records. They belonged to the data enrichment company PeopleDataLabs. 622 million mail, telephones and places of work were affected.

👤Full name: scott blakey

🏘️Address: auckland, auckland, new zealand
👤Full name: scott blakey

🏘️Address: new zealand
👤Full name: scott blakey

🏘️Address: switzerland
👤Full name: scott blakey

🏘️Address: united states
👤Full name: scott blakey

📩Email: scott.blakey09@gmail.com
🏘️Address: australia
👤Full name: scott blakey

📩Email: scott.blakey@tdindustries.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: denton, texas, united states
👤Full name: scott blakey

📩Email: sblakey0856@rogers.com
📞Telephone: 4164886198
🏘️Address: toronto, canada
👤Full name: scott blakey

📩Email: scott.blakey@ttc.ca
📞Telephone: 4164886198
🏘️Address: toronto, canada
👤Full name: scott blakey

🚔Criminal USA

In May 2024, a hacker under the pseudonym USDoD released a database containing a database of all convicted criminals in the United States. The database contains 70 million records and includes names, date of birth, description of offenses, date of arrest and release, as well as information about appearance - skin color, hair color, presence of scars and tattoos, etc.

⚖️Weight: 146.0 lbs
⛓Date of arrest: 20180729
🇺🇸State: Illinois
🏻Nationality: Black
📏Height: 5' 3"
📰Category: Arrests
🔫Date of crime: 20180219
🗺️Region: Will
🚻Sex: Male

⚖️Weight: 146.0 lbs
⛓Date of arrest: 20180729
🇺🇸State: Illinois
🏻Nationality: Black
📏Height: 5' 3"
📜Description: SPEEDING 26-34 MPH OVER LIMIT
📰Category: Arrests
🔫Date of crime: 20180219
🗺️Region: Will
🚻Sex: Male


In August 2019, Audi suffered a data breach after the manufacturer left data unprotected and posted it online. The data contained 2.7 million unique email addresses, names, phone numbers, physical addresses and vehicle information including VIN. Some customers' driver's licenses, dates of birth, Social Security numbers and other personal information were exposed.

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 90542708560000
📞Work phone: 90542708560000
📞Telephone: 9054270856
📆Registration date: 2015-08-29
🏘️Address: 4 Walker Cr
☎️Home phone: 9054270856
🇺🇸State: ON
🌃City: AJAX
🎨External color of the car: DAYTONA GRAY PEARL EFFECT
🏤Postal code: L1S5B2
👤Company owner name: SCOTT BLAKEY
👤Full name: BLAKEY SCOTT
🚔︎VIN: WA1LCAFP9GA021510
🚗Driver company: SCOTT BLAKEY
🚘Machine type: Unknown
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🧭Location: AJAX
🪙Date of sale: 2015-08-28

🐦Twitter 200M

In January 2022, a vulnerability in the Twitter platform allowed a hacker to create a database of emails and phone numbers of 200 million users of the social platform. In August 2022, Twitter reported that the vulnerability was related to a bug introduced in June 2021. The data included emails, phone numbers, username, biography, location and profile photo.

📩Email: scott.blakey@gmail.com
📆Registration date: 28.09.2017 16:39:40
👤Full name: Scott Blakey
👤Nick: vandmon
😻Number of subscribers: 0

📩Email: scott.blakey@yahoo.com
📆Registration date: 30.03.2011 02:56:08
👤Full name: scott blakey
👤Nick: sbeezydadawn
😻Number of subscribers: 0

📩Email: scottslatter12@hotmail.com
📆Registration date: 13.05.2009 17:23:55
👤Full name: Scott Blakey
👤Nick: beamer1200
😻Number of subscribers: 13


In 2016, a list of more than 33 million people received from NetProspex was leaked online. They contained personal and corporate information, including names, emails, positions and general employer information.

🏘️Address: Calle Santa Lluisa De Marillac, 1 - Piso 1 Pta 2 Barcelona Spain
🏫Education: Cbd Crew Sl.
👤Full name: Blakey Scott
👷Job: administrator

📞Telephone: 7657475422
🏘️Address: 807 W Yale Ave muncie indiana
🏫Education: Muncie Community Schools
👤Full name: Scott Blakey
👷Job: principal
🔗Link: http://muncie.k12.in.us

📞Telephone: 9056199840
🏘️Address: 95 Bayly St W ajax ontario
🏫Education: Durham Jobs Ontario Training
👤Full name: Scott Blakey
👷Job: proprietor


In April 2021, data on more than 500 million Facebook users became available for free download. The data was obtained by exploiting a vulnerability fixed in August 2019. Every entry included a telephone, but only 2.5 million contained email. The records also contained names, gender, dates of birth, location, relationship status and employer.

📞Telephone: 61431366200
🎂Date of Birth: 11/25/1996
ⓕFacebookID: 100006965769458
❤️Relationships: In a relationship
👤Full name: Blakey Scott
💼Job: Plumber
🚻Sex: male

📞Telephone: 61459109264
ⓕFacebookID: 100027388352722
👤Full name: Blakey Scott
🚻Sex: male


In June 2020, digital banking app Dave suffered a data breach that exposed 7.5 million rows of data. The leak exposed extensive personal information, including nearly 3 million unique email addresses, as well as names, dates of birth, encrypted Social Security numbers and passwords in bcrypt hashes.

📩Email: scottblakey1234@gmail.com
📞Telephone: 14343052958
📆Last Activity: 2019-02-25 22:21:19
📆Registration date: 2018-07-21 19:22:31
🎂Date of Birth: 1990-10-12
🏘️Address: 2041 Northwoods Pointe Dr
🇺🇸State: VA
🌃City: Charlottesville
🏤Postal code: 22901
👤Full name: Blakey Scott

💼Modern Business Solutions

In October 2016, a large Mongo database file containing tens of millions of accounts was published by Twitter. The database contained more than 58 million unique emails, as well as IP addresses, names, home addresses, gender, positions, dates of birth and telephone numbers. The data is attributed to Modern Business Solutions, a company that provides data storage and database hosting solutions.

📩Email: blakescott24@gmail.com
📆Registration date: 2016-05-14T00:38:23.911Z
🏘️Address: 8050 S JUSTINE ST
🇺🇸State: IL
🏤Postal code: 60620


In November 2020, a data leak occurred on the forum of the gaming company Spacetime Studios, which affected 181 thousand participants. The breach included usernames, email addresses and passwords stored as vBulletin hashes. Shortly after, Spacetime Studios released a statement: "The Spacetime Studios team took immediate action to secure the site, address its vulnerabilities, and file a report with the FBI and our local law enforcement agencies."

📩Email: scott.blakey@gmail.com
🔐Encrypted password: $2a$06$m1FnvWDto9mvFMJlyrGoWeB.g6NKX7ODb5SON1OQFHs9hrdXCeYQ6
📆Registration date: 2010-11-08 22:08:26.159288
👤Full name: Blakey scott

📊Bureau van Dijk

Around July 2021, business information publisher specializing in “private company data,” Bureau van Dijk, suffered a data breach. The violation included full names, email addresses, phone numbers, physical addresses, dates of birth, job titles, European VAT numbers, tax numbers, patent numbers, patents. names, company names and other data. A total of 484 million rows of data.

👤Full name: SCOTT BLAKEY
🗾Code of the country: IT

🎂Date of Birth: 1983-09-05
🏢Job title: Director, Secretary
👤Full name: Scott Blakey
🗾A country: Australia
🗾Code of the country: AU

🌴MGM Resorts

In July 2019, MGM Resorts (a chain of resorts and casinos) discovered a data leak in one of its cloud services. The leaks included email and physical addresses, names, phone numbers and dates of birth. Initially, only part of the database was published, but later all 50 million records were made publicly available. The data includes dates of birth, email addresses, names, phone numbers and physical addresses.

📩Email: scott.blakey@gmail.com
📞Telephone: 4105622597
🎂Date of Birth: 1980/07/23
🏘️Address: Gilbert AZ US 85298
👤Full name: Scott Blakey

🌺V-Tight Gel

Around February 2016, data came out from the V-Tight Gel website. The leak contains 2 million records. The data contained personal information including name, telephone number and physical address. V-Tight Gel did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

📩Email: scottblakey@yahoo.com.au
📞Telephone: 0414242569
🏘️Address: 25 Wanda crescent
🇺🇸State: New South Wales
🌃City: Berowra Heights
🏤Postal code: 2082
👤Full name: Blakey Scott
🗾Code of the country: AU


In June 2018, marketing firm Exactis accidentally published 340 million personal data records. The leak contains several terabytes spread across hundreds of individual fields and contains 132 million emails.

🎂Date of Birth: 0-0-1991
🏘️Address: 1047 Towne Ln VA 22901
👤Full name: SCOTT BLAKEY

🏘️Address: 6029 Vickery Blvd TX 75206
👤Full name: SCOTT BLAKEY

📞Telephone: 4105622639
🎂Date of Birth: 7-1-1980
🏘️Address: 7888 Tall Pines Ct MD 21061
👤Full name: SCOTT BLAKEY


In 2022, the MMO game Clash of Olympus suffered a leak that affected 1.5 million people. The data contains nicknames, emails, IP addresses, passwords in the form of MD5 hashes and other information.

📩Email: jblakescott37@gmail.com
🔐Encrypted password: 74f45a110929b7c07976132e5c4ab4d1
📆Last Activity: 25.07.2013 04:18:14
📆Registration date: 25.07.2013 04:18:14
ⓕFacebookID: 100004376473356
⬆Level: 0
🎯Last IP:
👤Full name: Blakey Scott


In June 2020, user story site Wattpad suffered a leak that exposed 270 million records. Personal information was exposed: names, emails, IP, gender, dates of birth and passwords in the form of bcrypt hashes.

📩Email: scott.blakey@gmail.com
📆date: 2016-03-22 00:35:48
🎂Date of Birth: 1980-07-23
ⓕFacebookID: 10207530125785888
👤Full name: Scott Blakey
👤Nick: ScottBlakey
🗾A country: US
🚻Sex: M

🇺🇸USA phones database

A huge database of US residents containing 183 million rows. It was published in April 2022 and included full names, phone numbers, emails, gender and career details. There were very few emails - approximately 9.2 million.

📞Telephone: 5733185350
🏘️Address: 302 SOUTHBROOK DR
🇺🇸State: MO
🏤Postal code: 63740
👤Full name: BLAKEY SCOTT
📡Mobile operator: AT&T MOBILITY
🚻Sex: MALE

🪢Lumin PDF

In April 2019, the PDF management service suffered a data breach. This was not publicly reported until September, when data from 15.5 million users appeared on a popular hacker forum. The leak also included names, email addresses, gender, spoken language, and either a bcrypt password hash or a Google authentication token.

📩Email: mrniceseedbank@gmail.com
👤Full name: Scott Blakey
👤Nick: Scott Blakey
🚻Sex: male


PokerMagia is an Italian online poker school. At the end of 2015, a leak occurred on this site, affecting 660 thousand users. Data includes emails, names and hashed passwords.

📩Email: scottblakey46@what.harboxed.com
🔐Encrypted password: $P$DWO9B0BSAjdGX6/LesCzN7i/Q8dqYk1
📆Registration date: 2015-07-31 06:10:39
🏷️Login: scottblakey8590
👤Nick: Scott Blakey


In September 2019, game developer Zynga (creator of Words with Friends) suffered a leak. 173 million unique emails were exposed, as well as usernames and passwords in the form of salted SHA-1 hashes.

📩Email: ebonyshelton93@ymail.com
📆Last Activity: 2013-12-11 19:42:53
📆Registration date: 2013-02-24 04:25:43
👤Nick: Scott Blakey

GIS 2019🧬Adapt📊Bureau van Dijk🌟VK Parsing 2023✍PeopleDataLabs☄MySpace❇️VK 1.2023🪨RockYou 2024🔌Vivo⭐VK.com 2012📘Facebook🔒PasswordIndex💲JD.com✨VK 2014-2018✅VK 2012🗣️Telegram Chats♨NetEase📱Turkey GSM Database 2023🍛Apollo📸Instagram 14.01.2021🛕IndiHome🚫AntiPub by Nik_Tesla🥇Zoloto585.ru🐝Beeline 2021📱HiAPK🗃️Collection #1🕵️‍BreachedForum Combolists🍏YouNow🧕Iran Telegram💶NetProspex☑️VK 2013🌄TeraBase64📚Collection🔗LinkPass collection📨VerificationsIO📦Collection of 7,651 databases🪔Wattpad🔐LeakBase Collection🔖ShareThis☕CafePress🏛️Residents RF 2019✈️Telegram 2020🧩Daily Quiz📣WhatsApp🔥CrossFire🧰DangDang🔺Youku💾naz.api📖Chegg💻︎2844🪩Gfan📹Aipai🏮Tianya📈Zeengal.com

🧭2GIS 2019

2GIS is an online map service for Russia. In 2019, all data from these maps was collected using parsing and later published. The leak includes 215 thousand records containing the names of objects on the map and contact information indicated in their descriptions - mail, phone numbers and names of companies located in them.

📞Telephone: 56226393741
🏘️Address: San Antonio, 427
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.437883
🌐Longitude: -70.64813
🏢Company name: Nelio Gast?n Holzapfel Gross EIRL, estudio jur?dico
📋Subcategory: Asistencia jur?dica, Tr?mites jur?dicos
📰Category: Юридические / финансовые / бизнес-услуги

📞Telephone: 56226392276
🏘️Address: San Antonio, 378
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.438384
🌐Longitude: -70.648395
🌐Website: http://www.laboratoriosmedicos.cl
🏢Company name: Santiago Centro, cadena de laboratorios m?dicos
📋Subcategory: Laboratorios m?dicos, Centros de diagn?stico
📰Category: Медицина / Здоровье / Красота

📞Telephone: 56226392131
🏘️Address: San Antonio, 229
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.439921
🌐Longitude: -70.647587
🌐Website: http://www.farmaciareccius.cl
🏢Company name: RECCIUS, farmacia
📋Subcategory: Farmacias
📰Category: Медицина / Здоровье / Красота

📞Telephone: 56226391528
🏘️Address: Paseo Bombero German Tenderini, 3
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.442468
🌐Longitude: -70.646707
🏢Company name: Ariosto, tienda de repuestos para electrodom?sticos
📋Subcategory: Repuestos / accesorios para electrodom?sticos
📰Category: Компьютеры / Бытовая техника / Офисная техника

📞Telephone: 56226390054
🏘️Address: Bandera, 76
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.442449
🌐Longitude: -70.652104
🌐Website: http://www.invia.cl
🏢Company name: Nueva V?a, corredora de propiedades
📋Subcategory: Corredoras de propiedades
📰Category: Строительство / Недвижимость / Ремонт

📞Telephone: 56226393340
🏘️Address: Monjitas, 873
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.436941
🌐Longitude: -70.6491
🏢Company name: Joyas Isis
📋Subcategory: Art?culos de joyer?a
📰Category: Торговые комплексы / Спецмагазины

📞Telephone: 56226391394
🏘️Address: San Antonio, 468
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.437156
🌐Longitude: -70.649098
🏢Company name: Joyas Onix, joyer?a
📋Subcategory: Art?culos de joyer?a, Reparaci?n / fabricaci?n de art?culos de joyer?a
📰Category: Торговые комплексы / Спецмагазины

📞Telephone: 56226391069
🏘️Address: Merced, 345
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.437308
🌐Longitude: -70.642275
🏢Company name: Bomb?n Oriental, pasteler?a
📋Subcategory: Productos de pasteler?a
📰Category: Продукты питания / Напитки

📞Telephone: 56226392276
🏘️Address: San Antonio, 427
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.437883
🌐Longitude: -70.64813
🌐Website: http://www.laboratoriosmedicos.cl
🏢Company name: Santiago Centro, cadena de laboratorios m?dicos
📋Subcategory: Laboratorios m?dicos, Centros de diagn?stico
📰Category: Медицина / Здоровье / Красота

📞Telephone: 56226392454
🏘️Address: Monjitas, 873
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.436941
🌐Longitude: -70.6491
🏢Company name: Artesan?as Pachy, joyer?a
📋Subcategory: Art?culos de joyer?a
📰Category: Торговые комплексы / Спецмагазины

📞Telephone: 56226392341
🏘️Address: Paseo Hu?rfanos, 757
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.438856
🌐Longitude: -70.647562
🏢Company name: Iris, sal?n de belleza
📋Subcategory: Servicios de est?tica, Peluquer?as, Sal?n de manicure
📰Category: Медицина / Здоровье / Красота

📞Telephone: 56226392917
🏘️Address: Avenida Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins, 723
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.441642
🌐Longitude: -70.646698
🏢Company name: Fotokina, tienda de productos fotogr?ficos
📋Subcategory: Productos fotogr?ficos
📰Category: Компьютеры / Бытовая техника / Офисная техника

📞Telephone: 56226393228
🏘️Address: Miraflores, 353
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.438485
🌐Longitude: -70.644886
🌐Website: http://www.spamiraflores.cl
🏢Company name: Ba?os Turcos Miraflores & SPA, centro de relajaci?n
📋Subcategory: Saunas, Tratamientos SPA
📰Category: Досуг / Развлечения / Общественное питание

📞Telephone: 56226392983
🏘️Address: Paseo Estado, 352
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.438778
🌐Longitude: -70.649791
🏢Company name: Imperial, tienda de calzados
📋Subcategory: Zapater?as
📰Category: Одежда / Обувь

📞Telephone: 56226390649
🏘️Address: Enrique Mac Iver, 152
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.440948
🌐Longitude: -70.64663
🏢Company name: New Eyes, ?ptica
📋Subcategory: ?pticas
📰Category: Медицина / Здоровье / Красота

📞Telephone: 56226393231
🏘️Address: Avenida Pedro de Valdivia, 210
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.42541
🌐Longitude: -70.611064
🏢Company name: Fuente Alemana, restaurante de comida r?pida
📋Subcategory: Restaurantes de comida r?pida
📰Category: Досуг / Развлечения / Общественное питание

📞Telephone: 56226392387
🏘️Address: Paseo Hu?rfanos, 779
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.438858
🌐Longitude: -70.647944
🏢Company name: Aplys, empresa de asesor?as tributarias
📋Subcategory: Servicios Contables
📰Category: Юридические / финансовые / бизнес-услуги

📞Telephone: 56226390393
🏘️Address: Moneda, 812
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.441808
🌐Longitude: -70.647979
🌐Website: http://www.ongraices.org
🏢Company name: Corporaci?n Ra?ces, instituci?n de defensa de los derechos del ni?o
📋Subcategory: Servicios sociales
📰Category: Город / Власть

📞Telephone: 56226392019
🏘️Address: Santo Domingo, 863
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.435487
🌐Longitude: -70.649657
🏢Company name: Joyas Chanel, joyer?a
📋Subcategory: Art?culos de joyer?a, Reparaci?n / fabricaci?n de art?culos de joyer?a
📰Category: Торговые комплексы / Спецмагазины

📞Telephone: 56226392176
🏘️Address: San Antonio, 378
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.438384
🌐Longitude: -70.648395
🏢Company name: Dr.Saul Pasmanik, consulta de oftalmolog?a
📋Subcategory: Servicios de oftalmolog?a
📰Category: Медицина / Здоровье / Красота

📞Telephone: 56226393031
🏘️Address: Monjitas, 527
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.436475
🌐Longitude: -70.644818
🌐Website: http://www.platonibonet.cl
🏢Company name: Platoni y Bonet, corredora de propiedades
📋Subcategory: Corredoras de propiedades
📰Category: Строительство / Недвижимость / Ремонт

📞Telephone: 56226392184
🏘️Address: Paseo Hu?rfanos, 786
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.439434
🌐Longitude: -70.647824
🏢Company name: Morohij, librer?a
📋Subcategory: Art?culos de papeler?a / ?tiles escolares
📰Category: Хозтовары / Канцелярия / Упаковка

📞Telephone: 56226392939
🏘️Address: Paseo Hu?rfanos, 786
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.439434
🌐Longitude: -70.647824
🌐Website: http://www.sexram.cl
🏢Company name: Sex Ram, tienda de art?culos er?ticos
📋Subcategory: Art?culos er?ticos
📰Category: Торговые комплексы / Спецмагазины

📞Telephone: 56226392276
🏘️Address: San Antonio, 385
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.438336
🌐Longitude: -70.648012
🌐Website: http://www.laboratoriosmedicos.cl
🏢Company name: Santiago Centro, cadena de laboratorios m?dicos
📋Subcategory: Laboratorios m?dicos, Centros de diagn?stico
📰Category: Медицина / Здоровье / Красота

📞Telephone: 56226391996
🏘️Address: Paseo Hu?rfanos, 786
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.439434
🌐Longitude: -70.647824
🌐Website: http://www.cepsi.webs.com
🏢Company name: Cepsi, centro de psicolog?a
📋Subcategory: Psic?logos, Fonoaudi?logos, M?dico psiquiatra
📰Category: Медицина / Здоровье / Красота

📞Telephone: 56226391704
🏘️Address: Paseo Estado, 235
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.440089
🌐Longitude: -70.649187
🌐Website: http://www.synchro-technologies.com
🏢Company name: Synchro Technologies Chile S.A., empresa de inform?tica
📋Subcategory: Servicios de consultas e informaci?n
📰Category: Аварийные / справочные / экстренные службы

📞Telephone: 56226392093
🏘️Address: Paseo Hu?rfanos, 669
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.439033
🌐Longitude: -70.645881
🌐Website: http://www.collectionservices.cl
🏢Company name: Collection Services, empresa de servicios de cobranza
📋Subcategory: Servicios de cobradores
📰Category: Юридические / финансовые / бизнес-услуги

📞Telephone: 56226393272
🏘️Address: San Francisco, 415
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.450114
🌐Longitude: -70.647065
🏢Company name: San Francisco, apart hotel
📋Subcategory: Apart Hoteles
📰Category: Спорт / Отдых / Туризм

📞Telephone: 56226391488
🏘️Address: Avenida 10 de Julio Huamachuco, 865
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.453624
🌐Longitude: -70.647087
🏢Company name: FJ Pernos, ferreter?a
📋Subcategory: Art?culos de sujeci?n, Herramientas manuales, Herramientas el?ctricas, Herramientas para corte de metal
📰Category: Строительные / отделочные материалы

📞Telephone: 56226391892
🏘️Address: Merced, 750
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.438387
🌐Longitude: -70.64767
🏢Company name: Restaurante Lung San
📋Subcategory: Restaurantes
📰Category: Досуг / Развлечения / Общественное питание

📞Telephone: 56226393791
🏘️Address: Villavicencio, 378
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.438412
🌐Longitude: -70.640634
🌐Website: http://www.gestus.cl
🏢Company name: Gestus, productora de eventos culturales
📋Subcategory: Casas / centros culturales
📰Category: Досуг / Развлечения / Общественное питание

📞Telephone: 56226393490
🏘️Address: Avenida Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins, 980
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.444201
🌐Longitude: -70.650028
🏢Company name: ClickTouch, servicio t?cnico
📋Subcategory: Accesorios para celulares, Reparaci?n de dispositivos m?viles de comunicaci?n, Venta al por mayor tarjetas SIM
📰Category: Интернет / Связь / Информационные технологии

📞Telephone: 56226390609
🏘️Address: Avenida Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins, 853
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.442983
🌐Longitude: -70.648469
🏢Company name: Movil Addiction, tienda de accesorios para celulares
📋Subcategory: Accesorios para celulares
📰Category: Интернет / Связь / Информационные технологии

📞Telephone: 56226392054
🏘️Address: Paseo Hu?rfanos, 886
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.439599
🌐Longitude: -70.649191
🏢Company name: Luisyani, peluquer?a
📋Subcategory: Peluquer?as
📰Category: Медицина / Здоровье / Красота

📞Telephone: 56226392276
🏘️Address: Avenida Portugal, 356
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.446632
🌐Longitude: -70.635403
🌐Website: http://www.laboratoriosmedicos.cl
🏢Company name: Santiago Centro, cadena de laboratorios m?dicos
📋Subcategory: Laboratorios m?dicos, Centros de diagn?stico
📰Category: Медицина / Здоровье / Красота

📞Telephone: 56226393949
🏘️Address: San Francisco, 363
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.449404
🌐Longitude: -70.647074
🌐Website: http://www.bermanngps.cl
🏢Company name: Combersa, empresa de gps
📋Subcategory: Equipos de navegaci?n
📰Category: Интернет / Связь / Информационные технологии

📞Telephone: 56226393410
🏘️Address: Diagonal Cervantes, 661
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.435487
🌐Longitude: -70.649657
🏢Company name: Joyas Madrid, joyer?a
📋Subcategory: Art?culos de joyer?a
📰Category: Торговые комплексы / Спецмагазины

📞Telephone: 56226393499
🏘️Address: Jos? Victorino Lastarria, 394
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.437303
🌐Longitude: -70.641181
🏢Company name: El Bi?grafo, cafeter?a
📋Subcategory: Restaurantes de comida r?pida
📰Category: Досуг / Развлечения / Общественное питание

📞Telephone: 56226392624
🏘️Address: Avenida Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins, 123
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.437588
🌐Longitude: -70.637159
🏢Company name: Instituto Cultural Banco Estado
📋Subcategory: Casas / centros culturales
📰Category: Досуг / Развлечения / Общественное питание

📞Telephone: 56226393257
🏘️Address: Avenida Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins, 142
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.438433
🌐Longitude: -70.63742
🏢Company name: Soto Acevedo Hilda Y Otros, peluquer?a
📋Subcategory: Peluquer?as, Sal?n de manicure
📰Category: Медицина / Здоровье / Красота

📞Telephone: 56226393434
🏘️Address: Paseo Estado, 26
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.442765
🌐Longitude: -70.64917
🏢Company name: Larbos, confiter?a
📋Subcategory: Productos de pasteler?a
📰Category: Продукты питания / Напитки

📞Telephone: 56226390119
🏘️Address: Diagonal Cervantes, 763
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.434485
🌐Longitude: -70.64913
🏢Company name: Zeta Dinamics, tienda de suministros de impresi?n
📋Subcategory: Insumos de oficina, Suministros para impresi?n
📰Category: Компьютеры / Бытовая техника / Офисная техника

📞Telephone: 56226393853
🏘️Address: Paseo Phillips, 84
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.437865
🌐Longitude: -70.649484
🌐Website: http://www.salacunamaternal.cl
🏢Company name: Sala Cuna Maternal
📋Subcategory: Jardines infantiles / Salas cuna
📰Category: Образование / Работа / Карьера

📞Telephone: 56226391573
🏘️Address: Serrano, 248
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.447886
🌐Longitude: -70.648416
🏢Company name: Alfa y Omega, consulta psicol?gica
📋Subcategory: Psic?logos
📰Category: Медицина / Здоровье / Красота


In November 2018, an unprotected database was discovered hosted on the Adapt data aggregator. More than 9.3 million unique records of individuals were found, including their names, employer names, job titles, contact information, and employer information. including a description of the organization's size and income. There was no response from Adapt.

📩Email: carmine.mayes@ttc.ca
📞Telephone: 14163934000
📆date: Sep 16, 2018 2:43:15 PM
🏘️Street: 1900 Yonge Street 700
♟️Industry: Transportation Storage
⬆Level: C-Level
🇺🇸State: Ontario
🌃City: Toronto
🌐Domain: ttc.ca
🏢Company name: Ttc
🏢Job title: Chief Information Officer
🏤Postal code: M4S 1Z2
👤Name: Carmine
👤Surname: Mayes
🗾A country: Canada

📩Email: alex.funduk@ttc.ca
📞Telephone: 14163934000
📆date: Aug 17, 2018 12:45:03 PM
🏘️Street: 1900 Yonge Street
♟️Industry: Transportation Storage
⬆Level: Staff
🇺🇸State: ON
🌃City: Toronto
🌐Domain: ttc.ca
🏢Company name: Ttc
🏢Job title: Sergeant/Team Lead-Fare Inspection Program
🏤Postal code: M4S 1Z1
👤Name: Alex
👤Surname: Funduk
🗾A country: Canada

📩Email: matthew.davies@ttc.ca
📞Telephone: 14163934000
📆date: Aug 16, 2018 5:53:58 PM
🏘️Street: 1900 Yonge Street
♟️Industry: Transportation Storage
⬆Level: Manager-Level
🇺🇸State: ON
🌃City: Toronto
🌐Domain: ttc.ca
🏢Company name: Ttc
🏢Job title: Human Resources Manager
🏤Postal code: M4S 1Z1
👤Name: Matthew
👤Surname: Davies
🗾A country: Canada

📩Email: juwon.adeboboye@ttc.ca
📞Telephone: 14163934000
📆date: Aug 15, 2018 1:53:36 PM
🏘️Street: 1900 Yonge Street
♟️Industry: Transportation Storage
⬆Level: Staff
🇺🇸State: ON
🌃City: Toronto
🌐Domain: ttc.ca
🏢Company name: Ttc
🏢Job title: System Analyst Engineer
🏤Postal code: M4S 1Z1
👤Name: Juwon
👤Surname: Adeboboye
🗾A country: Canada

📩Email: scott.blakey@ttc.ca
📞Telephone: 14163934000
📆date: Aug 15, 2018 1:57:59 PM
🏘️Street: 1900 Yonge Street
♟️Industry: Transportation Storage
⬆Level: C-Level
🇺🇸State: ON
🌃City: Toronto
🌐Domain: ttc.ca
🏢Company name: Ttc
🏢Job title: General Manager-Employee and Development
🏤Postal code: M4S 1Z1
👤Name: Scott
👤Surname: Blakey
🗾A country: Canada

📩Email: georgian.valentin@ttc.ca
📞Telephone: 14163934000
📆date: Aug 15, 2018 2:58:46 AM
🏘️Street: 1900 Yonge Street
♟️Industry: Transportation Storage
⬆Level: Staff
🇺🇸State: ON
🌃City: Toronto
🌐Domain: ttc.ca
🏢Company name: Ttc
🏢Job title: Senior Engineer Power
🏤Postal code: M4S 1Z1
👤Name: Georgian
👤Surname: Valentin
🗾A country: Canada

📩Email: douglas.watt@ttc.ca
📞Telephone: 14163934000
📆date: Aug 16, 2018 3:41:58 AM
🏘️Street: 1900 Yonge Street
♟️Industry: Transportation Storage
⬆Level: Staff
🇺🇸State: ON
🌃City: Toronto
🌐Domain: ttc.ca
🏢Company name: Ttc
🏢Job title: Customer Service Ambassador
🏤Postal code: M4S 1Z1
👤Name: Douglas
👤Surname: Watt
🗾A country: Canada

📩Email: deborah.brown@ttc.ca
📞Telephone: 14163934000
⬆Level: Manager-Level
🌐Website: ttc.ca
🎴Branch: Support
🏷️Title: Manager, Customer Communications
👤Name: Deborah
👤Surname: Brown

📩Email: diana.a@ttc.ca
📞Telephone: 14163934000
📆date: Aug 16, 2018 7:13:21 AM
🏘️Street: 1900 Yonge Street
♟️Industry: Transportation Storage
⬆Level: Staff
🇺🇸State: ON
🌃City: Toronto
🌐Domain: ttc.ca
🏢Company name: Ttc
🏢Job title: Compensation Consultant
🏤Postal code: M4S 1Z1
👤Name: Diana
👤Surname: A
🗾A country: Canada

📩Email: mark.ong@ttc.ca
📞Telephone: 14163934000
📆date: Aug 13, 2018 2:20:57 AM
🏘️Street: 1900 Yonge Street
♟️Industry: Transportation Storage
⬆Level: Staff
🇺🇸State: ON
🌃City: Toronto
🌐Domain: ttc.ca
🏢Company name: Ttc
🏢Job title: Dispatcher
🏤Postal code: M4S 1Z1
👤Name: Mark
👤Surname: Ong
🗾A country: Canada

📩Email: dan.wright@ttc.ca
📞Telephone: 14163934000
📆date: Oct 13, 2018 7:43:02 AM
♟️Industry: Transportation Storage
⬆Level: C-Level
🌐Domain: ttc.ca
🏢Company name: Ttc
🏢Job title: Chief Financial Officer
👤Name: Dan
👤Surname: Wright

📩Email: mary.visconti@ttc.ca
📞Telephone: 14163934000
⬆Level: Director-Level
🌐Website: ttc.ca
🎴Branch: Finance Administration
🏷️Title: Director-Procurement-TYSSE
👤Name: Mary
👤Surname: Visconti

📩Email: frank.trianni@ttc.ca
📞Telephone: 14163934000
📆date: Oct 24, 2018 1:44:06 PM
🏘️Street: 1900 Yonge Street
♟️Industry: Transportation Storage
⬆Level: Manager-Level
🇺🇸State: ON
🌃City: Toronto
🌐Domain: ttc.ca
🏢Company name: Ttc
🏢Job title: Senior Manager Business Maintenance Garages
🏤Postal code: M4S 1Z1
👤Name: Frank
👤Surname: Trianni
🗾A country: Canada

📩Email: adrian.majic@ttc.ca
📞Telephone: 14163934000
📆date: Aug 16, 2018 12:49:30 PM
🏘️Street: 1900 Yonge Street
♟️Industry: Transportation Storage
⬆Level: Staff
🇺🇸State: ON
🌃City: Toronto
🌐Domain: ttc.ca
🏢Company name: Ttc
🏢Job title: Senior Enterprise Technology Architect
🏤Postal code: M4S 1Z1
👤Name: Adrian
👤Surname: Majic
🗾A country: Canada

📩Email: michael.nieznalski@ttc.ca
📞Telephone: 14163934000
📆date: Aug 22, 2018 3:30:06 PM
🏘️Street: 1900 Yonge Street
♟️Industry: Transportation Storage
⬆Level: Manager-Level
🇺🇸State: ON
🌃City: Toronto
🌐Domain: ttc.ca
🏢Company name: Ttc
🏢Job title: Manager-Safety and Security
🏤Postal code: M4S 1Z1
👤Name: Michael
👤Surname: Nieznalski
🗾A country: Canada

📩Email: matthew.davies@ttc.ca
📞Telephone: 14163934000
⬆Level: Manager-Level
🌐Website: ttc.ca
🎴Branch: Human Resources
🏷️Title: Human Resources Manager
👤Name: Matthew
👤Surname: Davies

📩Email: joe.delmedico@ttc.ca
📞Telephone: 14163934000
📆date: Aug 15, 2018 1:59:28 PM
🏘️Street: 1900 Yonge Street
♟️Industry: Transportation Storage
⬆Level: Manager-Level
🇺🇸State: ON
🌃City: Toronto
🌐Domain: ttc.ca
🏢Company name: Ttc
🏢Job title: Systems Support Supervisor
🏤Postal code: M4S 1Z1
👤Name: Joe
👤Surname: Delmedico
🗾A country: Canada

📩Email: shefali.gupta@ttc.ca
📞Telephone: 14163934000
📆date: Aug 22, 2018 11:45:40 PM
🏘️Street: 1900 Yonge Street
♟️Industry: Transportation Storage
⬆Level: Staff
🇺🇸State: ON
🌃City: Toronto
🌐Domain: ttc.ca
🏢Company name: Ttc
🏢Job title: Project Control Lead
🏤Postal code: M4S 1Z1
👤Name: Shefali
👤Surname: Gupta
🗾A country: Canada

📩Email: amar.abdullah@ttc.ca
📞Telephone: 14163934000
📆date: Aug 16, 2018 12:17:35 AM
🏘️Street: 1900 Yonge Street
♟️Industry: Transportation Storage
⬆Level: Staff
🇺🇸State: ON
🌃City: Toronto
🌐Domain: ttc.ca
🏢Company name: Ttc
🏢Job title: Operator
🏤Postal code: M4S 1Z1
👤Name: Amar
👤Surname: Abdullah
🗾A country: Canada

📩Email: matthew.hoath@ttc.ca
📞Telephone: 14163934000
📆date: Aug 15, 2018 5:06:33 PM
🏘️Street: 1900 Yonge Street
♟️Industry: Transportation Storage
⬆Level: Staff
🇺🇸State: ON
🌃City: Toronto
🌐Domain: ttc.ca
🏢Company name: Ttc
🏢Job title: Level 2 Analyst
🏤Postal code: M4S 1Z1
👤Name: Matthew
👤Surname: Hoath
🗾A country: Canada

📩Email: peter.ho@ttc.ca
📞Telephone: 14163934000
📆date: Aug 16, 2018 6:33:16 PM
🏘️Street: 1900 Yonge Street
♟️Industry: Transportation Storage
⬆Level: C-Level
🇺🇸State: ON
🌃City: Toronto
🌐Domain: ttc.ca
🏢Company name: Ttc
🏢Job title: Deputy Chief Engineer
🏤Postal code: M4S 1Z1
👤Name: Peter
👤Surname: Ho
🗾A country: Canada

📩Email: terry.clancy@ttc.ca
📞Telephone: 14163934000
📆date: Aug 17, 2018 6:30:57 PM
🏘️Street: 1900 Yonge Street
♟️Industry: Transportation Storage
⬆Level: Manager-Level
🇺🇸State: ON
🌃City: Toronto
🌐Domain: ttc.ca
🏢Company name: Ttc
🏢Job title: Manager-Business Transportation Training
🏤Postal code: M4S 1Z1
👤Name: Terry
👤Surname: Clancy
🗾A country: Canada

📩Email: christine.leach@ttc.ca
📞Telephone: 14163934000
📆date: Aug 15, 2018 1:30:02 AM
🏘️Street: 1900 Yonge Street
♟️Industry: Transportation Storage
⬆Level: Manager-Level
🇺🇸State: ON
🌃City: Toronto
🌐Domain: ttc.ca
🏢Company name: Ttc
🏢Job title: Audit Manager
🏤Postal code: M4S 1Z1
👤Name: Christine
👤Surname: Leach
🗾A country: Canada

📩Email: kwame.johnson@ttc.ca
📞Telephone: 14163934000
📆date: Aug 15, 2018 2:09:56 PM
🏘️Street: 1900 Yonge Street
♟️Industry: Transportation Storage
⬆Level: Staff
🇺🇸State: ON
🌃City: Toronto
🌐Domain: ttc.ca
🏢Company name: Ttc
🏢Job title: System Implementation Engineer
🏤Postal code: M4S 1Z1
👤Name: Kwame
👤Surname: Johnson
🗾A country: Canada

📩Email: rob.rosati@ttc.ca
📞Telephone: 14163934000
📆date: Aug 23, 2018 6:59:44 AM
🏘️Street: 1900 Yonge Street
♟️Industry: Transportation Storage
⬆Level: Manager-Level
🇺🇸State: ON
🌃City: Toronto
🌐Domain: ttc.ca
🏢Company name: Ttc
🏢Job title: Project Manager
🏤Postal code: M4S 1Z1
👤Name: Rob
👤Surname: Rosati
🗾A country: Canada

📩Email: melissa.ferreira@ttc.ca
📞Telephone: 14163934000
📆date: Aug 19, 2018 10:17:13 AM
🏘️Street: 1900 Yonge Street
♟️Industry: Transportation Storage
⬆Level: Director-Level
🇺🇸State: ON
🌃City: Toronto
🌐Domain: ttc.ca
🏢Company name: Ttc
🏢Job title: Director-Treasury Services
🏤Postal code: M4S 1Z1
👤Name: Melissa
👤Surname: Ferreira
🗾A country: Canada

📩Email: gary.dowle@ttc.ca
📞Telephone: 14163934000
📆date: Aug 22, 2018 9:47:37 PM
🏘️Street: 1900 Yonge Street
♟️Industry: Transportation Storage
⬆Level: Staff
🇺🇸State: ON
🌃City: Toronto
🌐Domain: ttc.ca
🏢Company name: Ttc
🏢Job title: Escalator Mechanic
🏤Postal code: M4S 1Z1
👤Name: Gary
👤Surname: Dowle
🗾A country: Canada

📩Email: arthur.borkwood@ttc.ca
📞Telephone: 14163934000
📆date: Aug 28, 2018 8:48:35 PM
🏘️Street: 1900 Yonge Street
♟️Industry: Transportation Storage
⬆Level: Staff
🇺🇸State: ON
🌃City: Toronto
🌐Domain: ttc.ca
🏢Company name: Ttc
🏢Job title: Head of Customer Development
🏤Postal code: M4S 1Z1
👤Name: Arthur
👤Surname: Borkwood
🗾A country: Canada

📊Bureau van Dijk

Around July 2021, business information publisher specializing in “private company data,” Bureau van Dijk, suffered a data breach. The violation included full names, email addresses, phone numbers, physical addresses, dates of birth, job titles, European VAT numbers, tax numbers, patent numbers, patents. names, company names and other data. A total of 484 million rows of data.

📞Telephone: 56226391996
🏘️Street: Huerfanos 786 of 801
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.439439
🌐Longitude: -70.648137
🏻Nationality: CL
👤Full name: Inmobiliaria E Inversiones Mardanils A
🗺️Region: Region Metropolitana de Santiago
🗾A country: Chile
🗾Code of the country: CL

📞Telephone: 56226390318
🏘️Address: Plaza Ercilla Poniente 847,8320000 Santiago,Región Metropolitana De Santiago,CHILE
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.4509645
🌐Longitude: -70.6554378
👤Full name: Instituto De Dinamica Celular Y Biotecnologia
🗾A country: Chile
🗾Code of the country: CL

📞Telephone: 56226391026
🏘️Street: Rooftop
🏘️Address: Detroit 1655 602; Vitacura
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.386071
🌐Longitude: -70.558887
🏻Nationality: CL
👤Full name: Soc De Inversiones Tierra Amarilla S A
🗺️Region: Region Metropolitana de Santiago
🗾A country: Chile
🗾Code of the country: CL

📞Telephone: 56226392497
🏘️Street: Londres 36 of 210
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.44449
🌐Longitude: -70.6482540
🏻Nationality: CL
👤Full name: Comercial Acomed S.A.
🗺️Region: Region Metropolitana de Santiago
🗾A country: Chile
🗾Code of the country: CL

📞Telephone: 56226391907
🏘️Street: Avenida Irarrazaval 5225 1; Nunoa
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.454147
🌐Longitude: -70.575608
🏻Nationality: CL
👤Full name: Torres Ferretti Y Compania Limitada
🗺️Region: Region Metropolitana de Santiago
🗾A country: Chile
🗾Code of the country: CL

📞Telephone: 56226393677
🏘️Address: Calle Ahumada 341,8320000 Santiago,Metropolitana de Santiago,CHILE
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.4386130
🌐Longitude: -70.650963
👤Full name: Garcia Y Parraguez Limitada
🗾A country: Chile
🗾Code of the country: CL

📞Telephone: 56226393476
🏘️Street: San Francisco De Asis 116
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.373754
🌐Longitude: -70.516817
🏻Nationality: CL
👤Full name: Inversiones Escocia Limitada
🗺️Region: Region Metropolitana de Santiago
🗾A country: Chile
🗾Code of the country: CL

📩Email: decoasociado@latinmail.com
📞Telephone: 56226391808
🏘️Street: Rooftop
🏘️Address: Victor Manuel 2298 223
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.475195
🌐Longitude: -70.640659
🏻Nationality: CL
👤Full name: Patricia Calderon Y Jose Rodriguez Limitada
🗺️Region: Region Metropolitana de Santiago
🗾A country: Chile
🗾Code of the country: CL

📞Telephone: 56226391651
🏘️Street: Rooftop
🏘️Address: Nueva York 53 41
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.3664969
🌐Longitude: -70.724063
🏻Nationality: CL
👤Full name: Trigo Hermanos Sociedad Anonima
🗺️Region: Region Metropolitana de Santiago
🗾A country: Chile
🗾Code of the country: CL

📞Telephone: 56226393549
🏘️Street: San Antonio 19 Of2203
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.4430349
🌐Longitude: -70.647536
🏻Nationality: CL
👤Full name: Datos Tecnicos S A
🗺️Region: Region Metropolitana de Santiago
🗾A country: Chile
🗾Code of the country: CL

📞Telephone: 56226390318
🏘️Street: Plaza Ercilla Poniente 847
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.4509645
🌐Longitude: -70.6554378
🏻Nationality: CL
👤Full name: Instituto De Dinamica Celular Y Biotecnologia
🗺️Region: Region Metropolitana de Santiago
🗾A country: Chile
🗾Code of the country: CL

📞Telephone: 56226390103
🏘️Street: Rooftop
🏘️Address: Avenida Vitacura 5250 402; Vitacura
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.397247
🌐Longitude: -70.58371
🏻Nationality: CL
👤Full name: Wonderful Cafe Limitada
🗺️Region: Region Metropolitana de Santiago
🗾A country: Chile
🗾Code of the country: CL

📞Telephone: 56226391159
🏘️Street: Perez Valenzuela 1465; Providencia
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.4262580
🌐Longitude: -70.620199
🏻Nationality: CL
👤Full name: Salon De Belleza Solo Para Munecas Compania Limitada
🗺️Region: Region Metropolitana de Santiago
🗾A country: Chile
🗾Code of the country: CL

📩Email: jcparra@bestbrokers.cl
📞Telephone: 56226391500
🏘️Street: Antonio Bellet 226 308; Providencia
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.425565
🌐Longitude: -70.618252
🌐Website: www.freeway.cl
🏻Nationality: CL
👤Full name: Comercial Freeway Limitada
🗺️Region: Region Metropolitana de Santiago
🗾A country: Chile
🗾Code of the country: CL

📞Telephone: 56226391651
🏘️Street: Nueva York 53 41
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.3664969
🌐Longitude: -70.724063
🏻Nationality: CL
👤Full name: Trigo Hermanos Sociedad Anonima
🗺️Region: Region Metropolitana de Santiago
🗾A country: Chile
🗾Code of the country: CL

📞Telephone: 56226390302
🏘️Street: Juan De Pineda 7846; La Florida
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.5251780
🌐Longitude: -70.586782
🏻Nationality: CL
👤Full name: Bordados Y Estampados Fernando Bustos Zemelman, Empresa Individual De
🗺️Region: Region Metropolitana de Santiago
🗾A country: Chile
🗾Code of the country: CL

📞Telephone: 56226392767
🏘️Address: Calle Andres Bello 428,4780000 Temuco,Araucanía,CHILE
🌃City: Temuco
🌐Latitude: -38.740797
🌐Longitude: -72.596108
👤Full name: Inversiones Blanca Spa
🗾A country: Chile
🗾Code of the country: CL

📞Telephone: 56226392131
🏘️Address: Calle Huerfanos 786-504,8320000 Santiago,Metropolitana de Santiago,CHILE
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.439439
🌐Longitude: -70.648137
👤Full name: Inmobiliaria Evergreen S A
🗾A country: Chile
🗾Code of the country: CL

📞Telephone: 56226392767
🏘️Street: Santa Lucia 1506 Ps 6 Rol 069 059
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -37.7307098
🌐Longitude: -71.3825621
🏻Nationality: CL
👤Full name: Inversiones Y Rentas Talagante S A
🗺️Region: Region Metropolitana de Santiago
🗾A country: Chile
🗾Code of the country: CL

📞Telephone: 56226392985
🏘️Street: Bombero Salas 165
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -37.7307098
🌐Longitude: -71.3825621
🏻Nationality: CL
👤Full name: Agricola E Industrial San Vicente Limita
🗺️Region: Region Metropolitana de Santiago
🗾A country: Chile
🗾Code of the country: CL

📞Telephone: 56226392767
🏘️Street: CountryCentroid
🏘️Address: Santa Lucia 1506 Ps 6 Rol 069 059
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -37.7307098
🌐Longitude: -71.3825621
🏻Nationality: CL
👤Full name: Inversiones Y Rentas Talagante S A
🗺️Region: Region Metropolitana de Santiago
🗾A country: Chile
🗾Code of the country: CL

📞Telephone: 56226392767
🏘️Street: Andres Bello 428 1401
🌃City: Temuco
🌐Latitude: -38.740797
🌐Longitude: -72.596108
🏻Nationality: CL
👤Full name: Inversiones Blanca Spa
🗺️Region: La Araucania
🗾A country: Chile
🗾Code of the country: CL

📞Telephone: 56226391421
🏘️Street: Merced 26
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.436962
🌐Longitude: -70.635825
🏻Nationality: CL
👤Full name: Muzard Muebles De Oficina S A
🗺️Region: Region Metropolitana de Santiago
🗾A country: Chile
🗾Code of the country: CL

📞Telephone: 56226392112
🏘️Street: Community
🏘️Address: Paseo Estado 235 Lc870
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33
🌐Longitude: -70
🏻Nationality: CL
👤Full name: Renacer S.A.
🗺️Region: Region Metropolitana de Santiago
🗾A country: Chile
🗾Code of the country: CL

📞Telephone: 56226392985
🏘️Street: CountryCentroid
🏘️Address: Bombero Salas 165
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -37.7307098
🌐Longitude: -71.3825621
🏻Nationality: CL
👤Full name: Agricola E Industrial San Vicente Limita
🗺️Region: Region Metropolitana de Santiago
🗾A country: Chile
🗾Code of the country: CL

📞Telephone: 56226390253
🏘️Street: Jose Miguel De La Barra 449
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.437114
🌐Longitude: -70.6433079
🏻Nationality: CL
👤Full name: Comunidad Edificio Jose Miguel De La Barra 449
🗺️Region: Region Metropolitana de Santiago
🗾A country: Chile
🗾Code of the country: CL

📞Telephone: 56226391541
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -37.7307098
🌐Longitude: -71.3825621
👤Full name: Lenga Ingenieria S A
🗾A country: Chile
🗾Code of the country: CL

📞Telephone: 56226391421
🏘️Address: Calle Merced 26,8320000 Santiago,Metropolitana de Santiago,CHILE
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.436962
🌐Longitude: -70.635825
👤Full name: Muzard Muebles De Oficina S A
🗾A country: Chile
🗾Code of the country: CL

📩Email: giovy@hotmail.com
📞Telephone: 56226390598
🏘️Address: Calle Monjitas 658,8320000 Santiago,Metropolitana de Santiago,CHILE
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.436928
🌐Longitude: -70.646507
🏢Company name: Incitec Innovacion Cientifica Y Tecnologica, Luis Velasquez E.I.R.L.
🗾A country: Chile
🗾Code of the country: CL

📞Telephone: 56226391907
🏘️Address: Avenida Irarrazaval 5225-1,7750000 Ñuñoa,Metropolitana de Santiago,CHILE
🌃City: Santiago
🌐Latitude: -33.454147
🌐Longitude: -70.575608
👤Full name: Torres Ferretti Y Compania Limitada
🗾A country: Chile
🗾Code of the country: CL

🌟VK Parsing 2023

At the beginning of 2023, information about all users of the Russian social network VKontakte was collected using parsing. The resulting database contains more than 770 million users. The data includes names, locations, educational backgrounds and other information.

🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id389836808
👤Full name: Ernazarow Shahruh
😻Number of subscribers: 0
🚻Sex: 2

🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id56226392
👤Full name: Pulina Lenka
🗾A country: Russia
😻Number of subscribers: 2
🚻Sex: 1

🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id389836817
👤Full name: Kozlova Vika
🚻Sex: 1

🎂Date of Birth: 4.2.1981
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id682137240
🌃City: Moscow
🏫University: АХИ им. В. С. Попова
👤Full name: Novikov Vasily
🗾A country: Russia
😻Number of subscribers: 0
🚻Sex: 2

🎂Date of Birth: 3.3.2000
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id562263912
🌃City: Saint Petersburg
🏫University: Горный университет (бывш. СПГГУ)
👤Full name: Ne-Znakomaya Anastasia
🗾A country: Russia
😻Number of subscribers: 0
🚻Sex: 1

🎂Date of Birth: 23.11.1960
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id389836859
👤Full name: Guseva Tatyana
🚻Sex: 1

🎂Date of Birth: 18.12.2002
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id389836885
🌃Hometown: Котовск
👤Full name: Gaza Lyokha
😻Number of subscribers: 0
🚻Sex: 2

🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id389836821
👤Full name: Yakovleva Natalya
😻Number of subscribers: 0
🚻Sex: 1

🎂Date of Birth: 6.12
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id389836881
🌃Hometown: Москва
👤Full name: Zhamylov Marlen
🗾A country: Kyrgyzstan
😻Number of subscribers: 54
🚻Sex: 2
🤴Status: Будь проще.

🎂Date of Birth: 16.10.1989
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id562263906
🌃City: Moscow
👤Full name: Askerov Zhat
🗾A country: Russia
😻Number of subscribers: 11
🚻Sex: 2

🎂Date of Birth: 13.11.1997
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id389836827
👤Full name: Nikolaevna Marina
😻Number of subscribers: 1
🚻Sex: 1

🎂Date of Birth: 9.12.1990
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id682137291
🌃City: Novoaltaysk
👤Full name: Lyashenko Valery
🗾A country: Russia
😻Number of subscribers: 0
🚻Sex: 2

🎂Date of Birth: 29.5.1982
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id682137292
🌃City: Gubkin
👤Full name: Kostomarova Lyudmila
🗾A country: Russia
😻Number of subscribers: 7
🚻Sex: 1

🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id682137261
👤Full name: World Hello
🚻Sex: 2

🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id682137282
👤Full name: Warren Vilma
🚻Sex: 1

🎂Date of Birth: 17.10.2007
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id682137296
👤Full name: Fight King
😻Number of subscribers: 0
🚻Sex: 2

🎂Date of Birth: 21.8.2000
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id562263905
👤Full name: Amine Delloul
😻Number of subscribers: 1
🚻Sex: 2

🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id682137239
👤Full name: Tetri-Qudi Svanetis
😻Number of subscribers: 0
🚻Sex: 1

🎂Date of Birth: 7.7.1996
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id389836898
👤Full name: Pvyi Pppppav
😻Number of subscribers: 0
🚻Sex: 2

🎂Date of Birth: 12.9.1963
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id682137269
👤Full name: Teploukhov Teploukhovu-Sergey-Yuryevich
😻Number of subscribers: 0
🚻Sex: 2

🎂Date of Birth: 22.10.1998
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id682137224
👤Full name: Kvas Yakov
😻Number of subscribers: 0
🚻Sex: 2

🎂Date of Birth: 6.11
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id389836841
🎒School: Гимназия № 2 им. Пушкина (A. S. Puşkin)
👤Full name: Kostina Galina
😻Number of subscribers: 1
🚻Sex: 1

🎂Date of Birth: 7.7.1996
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id389836879
👤Full name: Karachev Kolya
😻Number of subscribers: 2
🚻Sex: 2

🎂Date of Birth: 6.6.2005
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id562263902
🎒School: Школа № 11
👤Full name: Mudrova Ksenia
😻Number of subscribers: 13
🚻Sex: 1

🎂Date of Birth: 3.11
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id68213726
👤Full name: Gibert Alexander
🗾A country: Russia
😻Number of subscribers: 629
🚻Sex: 2

🎂Date of Birth: 22.10.1977
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id682137255
👤Full name: Mironov Sergey
😻Number of subscribers: 1
🚻Sex: 2

🎂Date of Birth: 26.6
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id389836899
👤Full name: Marshal Vita
😻Number of subscribers: 0
🚻Sex: 1

🎂Date of Birth: 14.2.2002
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id562263933
🌃City: Moscow
👤Full name: Ipatova Kristina
🗾A country: Russia
🚻Sex: 1

🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id682137288
👤Full name: Shimasaki Ernestine
🚻Sex: 1

🎂Date of Birth: 4.10.2003
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id562263937
👤Full name: Baluankyzy Aiza
😻Number of subscribers: 3
🚻Sex: 1

🎂Date of Birth: 3.3.1999
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id389836884
🌃City: San Francisco
👤Full name: Mogilny Danya
🗾A country: USA
😻Number of subscribers: 0
🚻Sex: 2

🎂Date of Birth: 23.1.2002
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id562263923
👤Full name: Lazarev Vlad
😻Number of subscribers: 0
🚻Sex: 2

🎂Date of Birth: 18.7.1956
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id389836895
👤Full name: Bakina Lyubov
😻Number of subscribers: 6
🚻Sex: 1

🎂Date of Birth: 19.5.2007
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id389836831
👤Full name: Zolotova Kamila'aga
🚻Sex: 1
🤴Status: Егор шиповник🙃🤦‍♀️

🎂Date of Birth: 5.2.1983
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id389836826
🌃City: Ulan-Ude
👤Full name: Ergashev Farkhat
🗾A country: Russia
😻Number of subscribers: 4
🚻Sex: 2

🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id682137264
👤Full name: Nijasure Maya
🚻Sex: 1

🎂Date of Birth: 9.5.2002
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id682137289
🌃City: Irkutsk
👤Full name: Komogortsev Alexey
🗾A country: Russia
😻Number of subscribers: 2
🚻Sex: 2

🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id389836837
👤Full name: Makaryev Denis
😻Number of subscribers: 0
🚻Sex: 2

🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id389836867
👤Full name: Khuramshin Dmitry
😻Number of subscribers: 1
🚻Sex: 2

🎂Date of Birth: 3.1.1985
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id682137206
👤Full name: Dombrovsky Lev
😻Number of subscribers: 1
🚻Sex: 2

🎂Date of Birth: 10.2.1996
‍🎓Faculty: Отделение заочного обучения
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id682137203
🌃City: Chelyabinsk
🏫University: УралГУФК (УралГАФК)
👤Full name: Tsvetochnaya Galina
🗾A country: Russia
😻Number of subscribers: 0
🚻Sex: 1

🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id389836851
👤Full name: Schukina Natell 
🚻Sex: 1

🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id682137299
👤Full name: Brucks Nannette
🚻Sex: 1

🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id389836830
👤Full name: Lukashenko Alexandra
🚻Sex: 1

🎂Date of Birth: 1.6.1999
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id562263921
🌃City: Vitória
🏫University: Escola Superior de Ciências da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Vitória (EMESCAM)
👤Full name: Pelezin Leslei
🗾A country: Brazil
😻Number of subscribers: 0
🚻Sex: 2

🎂Date of Birth: 1.5.2007
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id682137234
👤Full name: Khusenov Nurulla
😻Number of subscribers: 0
🚻Sex: 2

🎂Date of Birth: 27.2.1991
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id562263903
👤Full name: Marales Andrei
🚻Sex: 2

🎂Date of Birth: 17.10.2003
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id682137259
👤Full name: Zoya Zoya
😻Number of subscribers: 0
🚻Sex: 1

🎂Date of Birth: 4.11.1983
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id389836822
👤Full name: Ruslan Ruslan
😻Number of subscribers: 107
🚻Sex: 2

🎂Date of Birth: 24.8
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id389836889
🌃City: Voronezh
👤Full name: Shevkova Olga
🗾A country: Russia
🚻Sex: 1

🎂Date of Birth: 17.8.1990
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id562263926
👤Full name: Khuligan Derzkaya
😻Number of subscribers: 0
🚻Sex: 1

🎂Date of Birth: 3.10
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id562263931
👤Full name: Krankenov Alexander
🚻Sex: 2
🤴Status: И стал я на песке морском, и увидел выходящего из моря зверя с семью головами и десятью рогами

🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id682137270
👤Full name: Phadatare Mahamai
🚻Sex: 1

🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id389836834
👤Full name: Igoshina Darya
😻Number of subscribers: 7
🚻Sex: 1

🎂Date of Birth: 19.5.1990
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id389836897
👤Full name: Tiew Yu Enn
😻Number of subscribers: 0
🚻Sex: 1

🎂Date of Birth: 28.1.2008
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id562263936
👤Full name: Kulagin Vadim
😻Number of subscribers: 17
🚻Sex: 2

🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id562263917
🌃City: Saint Petersburg
👤Full name: Egorova Valeria
🚻Sex: 1

🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id682137250
👤Full name: Almazova Marina
🚻Sex: 1

🎂Date of Birth: 28.2
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id38983685
👤Full name: Ermogolaeva Anna
🗾A country: Ukraine
😻Number of subscribers: 152
🚻Sex: 1
🤴Status: Пишите жизнь на чистовик!Переписывать некогда:)

🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id389836842
👤Full name: Murat Amina
🗾A country: Kazakhstan
😻Number of subscribers: 4
🚻Sex: 1


In October 2019, a server was discovered with 12 billion personal data records. They belonged to the data enrichment company PeopleDataLabs. 622 million mail, telephones and places of work were affected.

📩Email: austin.runnels@tdindustries.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: colleyville, texas, united states
👤Full name: austin runnels

📩Email: bob.lowe@tdindustries.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: dallas, texas, united states
👤Full name: lowe bob

📩Email: bob.richards@tdindustries.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: round rock, texas, united states
👤Full name: bob richards

📩Email: bruce.lane@tdindustries.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: dallas, texas, united states
👤Full name: bruce lane

📩Email: brian.ransom@tdindustries.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: mesquite, texas, united states
👤Full name: brian ransom

📩Email: alberto.sandoval@tdindustries.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: plano, texas, united states
👤Full name: alberto sandoval

📩Email: bert.newton@tdindustries.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: lake dallas, texas, united states
👤Full name: bert newton

📩Email: chad.duty@tdindustries.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: dallas, texas, united states
👤Full name: chad duty

📩Email: beverly.abshire@tdindustries.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: houston, texas, united states
👤Full name: beverly abshire

📩Email: alphiomega32@gmail.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: houston, texas, united states
👤Full name: dominique rand-washington

📩Email: brian.bowen@tdindustries.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: dallas, texas, united states
👤Full name: brian bowen

📩Email: berenice.santacruz@tdindustries.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: dallas, texas, united states
👤Full name: berenice santacruz

📩Email: alex.shipp@tdindustries.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: dallas, texas, united states
👤Full name: alex shipp

📩Email: britton.yoder@tdindustries.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: mckinney, texas, united states
👤Full name: britton yoder

📩Email: bmorgan@hidalgoindustrial.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: fort worth, texas, united states
👤Full name: blaine morgan

📩Email: brad.hargrove@tdindustries.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: rowlett, texas, united states
👤Full name: brad hargrove

📩Email: brandon.moncada@tdindustries.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: kyle, texas, united states
👤Full name: brandon moncada

📩Email: scott.blakey@ttc.ca
📞Telephone: 4164886198
🏘️Address: toronto, canada
👤Full name: scott blakey

📩Email: carolg527@yahoo.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: united states
👤Full name: carol gilman

📩Email: bob.ferguson@tdindustries.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: united states
👤Full name: bob ferguson

📩Email: andrew.white@tdindustries.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: dallas, texas, united states
👤Full name: andrew white

📩Email: alyssa.figueroa@tdindustries.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: dallas, texas, united states
👤Full name: alyssa figueroa

📩Email: carolyn.fike@tdindustries.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: dallas, texas, united states
👤Full name: carolyn fike

📩Email: brandon.dixon@tdindustries.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: heber city, utah, united states
👤Full name: brandon dixon

📩Email: bob.wright@tdindustries.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: phoenix, arizona, united states
👤Full name: bob wright

📩Email: andrew.kobe@tdindustries.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: dallas, texas, united states
👤Full name: andrew kobe

📩Email: aaron.corral-h@tdindustries.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: phoenix, arizona, united states
👤Full name: aaron corral-h

📩Email: cal.goode@tdindustries.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: dallas, texas, united states
👤Full name: cal goode

📩Email: andrew.sheppard@tdindustries.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: tomball, texas, united states
👤Full name: andrew sheppard

📩Email: chad.hubenak@tdindustries.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: houston, texas, united states
👤Full name: chad hubenak

📩Email: aaron.turner@tdindustries.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: austin, texas, united states
👤Full name: aaron turner

📩Email: brenna.boughton@tdindustries.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: dallas, texas, united states
👤Full name: brenna boughton

📩Email: andrea.miille@tdindustries.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: frisco, texas, united states
👤Full name: andrea miille

📩Email: bob.holmes@tdindustries.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: austin, texas, united states
👤Full name: bob holmes

📩Email: cameron.gafford@tdindustries.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: houston, texas, united states
👤Full name: cameron gafford

📩Email: andy.bradshaw@tdindustries.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: tempe, arizona, united states
👤Full name: andy bradshaw

📩Email: annette.diluzio@tdindustries.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: houston, texas, united states
👤Full name: annette diluzio

📩Email: casey.warren@tdindustries.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: houston, texas, united states
👤Full name: casey warren


Around 2008, MySpace suffered a data breach that exposed nearly 360 million accounts. In May 2016, the data was offered for sale on the dark market website "Real Deal" and included email addresses, usernames, and SHA1 hashes of the first 10 characters of the password, converted to lowercase and stored without salt. The exact date of the hack is unknown.

📩Email: allygurl_10@yahoo.com
🔑Password: 0x315911B3DCC9ECF84B63AB35F2D1AD8D0D0DF835
👤Nick: 389836875

📩Email: rromeo101@aol.com
🔑Password: 0x9DDD90F15135086A489DF5B09AE09A162BDC0815
👤Nick: 389836876

📩Email: manu_cs@hotmail.fr
🔑Password: 0xCE9A346EA93A377C98DA76F9E7692A73D9FA9252
👤Nick: 389836898

📩Email: malexander7@comcast.net
🔑Password: 0xCE4FF58EB4813BE0867AA4A7E549D84EAF0865C9
👤Nick: 562263907

📩Email: faggotbabies@hotmail.com
🔑Password: 0xB231F8BCD21E545E88F8C8227BDE1060850ED672
👤Nick: 389836850

📩Email: freeatlastpeeps@aol.com
🔑Password: 0xF472D4084880114FC903BC506DA8F86A292CE616
👤Nick: 389836843

📩Email: gachtot1@hotmail.com
🔑Password: 0xB293FDC359462C7567F48DC4996C4F5306348E9E
👤Nick: 389836813

📩Email: kkarasiewicz@zoupco.com
🔑Password: 0x7713286100AD8A6CA2B58273A8EB881E1033622A
👤Nick: 389836834

📩Email: der.berg.ruft.2008@web.de
🔑Password: 0x48A7165F2DF86E39909BC3A30A14870DFF4918B5
👤Nick: 389836833

📩Email: wainrubio@yahoo.com
🔑Password: 0x2BC11BD65FA86AD1FB15D527C3CE1BE90A7F7577
👤Nick: 389836826

📩Email: aliyahthomas14@yahoo.com
🔑Password: 0x4BFE029D971DDB359DABED0D0AB968A329ED0AB0
👤Nick: 389836889

📩Email: emd290@aol.com
🔑Password: 0xCE6A50F4F8E62545EE777E70B84669EFAE4EB271
👤Nick: 389836840

📩Email: onyxkitchen@yahoo.com
🔑Password: 0x31E19C99F48C3592F8BDEE95597D208EFCAD9EFC
👤Nick: 38983689

📩Email: philliveyyy@yahoo.com
🔑Password: 0xE727D1464AE12436E899A726DA5B2F11D8381B26
👤Nick: 562263939

📩Email: marciaalvesxt@hotmail.com
🔑Password: 0xC60430B8A39708A788CC0E3FC92F705D1F18E382
👤Nick: 562263908

📩Email: gurl_dude@hotmail.com
🔑Password: 0x9120E67DD0E237BB77B6CB26C8C934ECE8013D49
👤Nick: 6821372

📩Email: jakejohnson_09@yahoo.com
🔑Password: 0x602C9249BD324D29DC351F0A1F121E6B6340002B
👤Nick: 389836893

📩Email: theproblem@sbcglobal.net
🔑Password: 0xAE6DDBD43370D777A830AB3EC81C385055AD7651
👤Nick: 389836897

📩Email: reyesarmando67@yahoo.com
🔑Password: 0xE8746C8975706BCCB6F4EE84DA0D971D165A1FE0
👤Nick: 389836870

📩Email: marius121994@hotmail.com
🔑Password: 0x79E0965233E93E68D43E2DFC41B3D7D128E3053A
👤Nick: 562263914

📩Email: 19didikilledu74@hotmail.se
🔑Password: 0x26A10E9A2A6F781E03400F050658DD211BA3B364
👤Nick: 562263931

📩Email: narancsikon-2@hotmail.com
🔑Password: 0xA6D079AFEFA64147A62B3F78528D164E9D74AE40
👤Nick: 562263905

📩Email: torieg1233@hotmail.co.uk
🔑Password: 0xE9ABB53550AFA012821EAC9D0D42F8CAD6B6EC16
👤Nick: 562263919

📩Email: 9tekgang05@gmail.com
🔑Password: 0xFBFEE8F1F7B6989EE422AA7273EDCBF9C5B7D5EE
👤Nick: 389836883

📩Email: d.talvast@free.fr
🔑Password: 0x54321F1F48CC0E6D0FFC86FFF21F3EDCF47733D0
👤Nick: 389836849

📩Email: nathanholman72@gmail.com
🔑Password: 0x668D1EE9F40B7219F6605756934CC2E2B2BAC5BF
👤Nick: 389836810

📩Email: madleenpflueger@web.de
🔑Password: 0x012B89D0ABCC49C9B52A6FA6A49A78199F02A465
👤Nick: 389836891

VK 1.2023

This is parsing data from the Russian social network VKontakte, obtained in early 2023. The database contains 115 million users and includes public information from their profiles - names, phone numbers, education data, avatars and other information.

🎂Date of Birth: 3.11
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id68213726
👤Name: Александр
👤Surname: Гиберт
🖼️Avatar: https://sun4-16.userapi.com/s/v1/if2/ZuH_ff90wy6BEyalR8AE-pVEVT0AX_BKPkFu4EEQtte1wxMXuVO3Dh0xpU63lP4_DwqpDS9pw7FTiuHNy0c5aKl-.jpg?size=400x600&quality=96&crop=0,0,640,960&ava=1
🗾A country: Россия
🚻Sex: M

🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id389836896
👤Name: Ольга
👤Surname: Ткачева
🚻Sex: F

🎂Date of Birth: 15.6
❤️Relationships: замужем
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id68213722
🌃City: Губаха
🏫Education: ,Школа № 95,c 1997,по 2007,
👤Name: Дарья
👤Surname: Фунтова
👪Relatives: id68935697,брат/сестра,;id57174889,брат/сестра,;id252831527,отец/мать,;id294746480,брат/сестра,;id322209632,брат/сестра,
🖼️Avatar: https://sun4-12.userapi.com/s/v1/ig2/w5g5dOa9pI28P2WAMAnl4x93Vsm8Cx4KNvN1RvvomnQMql2viWZMJefNXWh9or9QAcFWtRxTyGrAAxLLSF9FWfwC.jpg?size=400x400&quality=96&crop=2,15,1078,1078&ava=1
🗾A country: Россия
🚻Sex: F

🎂Date of Birth: 3.3.2003
❤️Relationships: в активном поиске
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id389836836
👤Name: Медет
👤Surname: Хан
🖼️Avatar: https://sun4-15.userapi.com/s/v1/if1/7qMhSO1BsgtRbz7FHPhWqDMR3_LhO8W3up30ElK-D-4_5NgZS9fJ7x91GBPk_AxrL_aJ3LbZ.jpg?size=400x400&quality=96&crop=211,14,531,532&ava=1
🚻Sex: M

🎂Date of Birth: 30.6.2000
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id389836892
👤Name: Луиза
👤Surname: Хартия
📜Description: Малая Привет! Твоя страница взломана!
🖼️Avatar: https://sun4.userapi.com/sun4-11/s/v1/ig2/B9-yQkWFVDGTj9T4fXseYpVDBHDfC_WsMxREOLIUiaBm04EvFurT0u8N9qWNZLXL5cSzNczGYZs_adYpHW5TYyKv.jpg?size=400x566&quality=96&crop=0,0,681,964&ava=1
🚻Sex: F

🎂Date of Birth: 15.6
❤️Relationships: замужем
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id68213722
🌃City: Губаха
🏫Education: ,Школа № 20,c 1996,по 2004,;Колледж,Нижегородский экономико-правовой колледж им. Героя Советского Союза Б. П. Трифонова (НЭПК),c 2004,по 2008,
👤Name: Дарья
👤Surname: Фунтова
👪Relatives: id68935697,брат/сестра,;id57174889,брат/сестра,;id252831527,отец/мать,;id294746480,брат/сестра,;id322209632,брат/сестра,
🖼️Avatar: https://sun4-12.userapi.com/s/v1/ig2/w5g5dOa9pI28P2WAMAnl4x93Vsm8Cx4KNvN1RvvomnQMql2viWZMJefNXWh9or9QAcFWtRxTyGrAAxLLSF9FWfwC.jpg?size=400x400&quality=96&crop=2,15,1078,1078&ava=1
🗾A country: Россия
🚻Sex: F

🎂Date of Birth: 5.12.2006
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id682137275
👤Name: Алина
👤Nick: polina1352008
👤Surname: Горячева
📜Description: amitie amoureuse✨
🖼️Avatar: https://sun4-12.userapi.com/s/v1/ig2/ZKyF2A4bPee2pT91cPkWhnAapb2_iguRwSVTynX506_jAx9_hjchVm-EuCMyBG-BGlmo8NOREIXXfRaeTj6JYRxb.jpg?size=400x400&quality=95&crop=315,4,995,995&ava=1
🚻Sex: F

🎂Date of Birth: 28.1.2002
❤️Relationships: в активном поиске
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id389836812
🌃City: Одесса
👤Name: Кирил
👤Surname: Жигульськый
🖼️Avatar: https://sun4-10.userapi.com/s/v1/if2/Dooaa8vApDNAIdCOmzTSMzV3YgG7HHBMS5sBrHD4abkVzmmXsIs1_CEYcWvSnlTKizyyEcFreTiw-V9ko02tNJDt.jpg?size=400x533&quality=96&crop=0,0,480,640&ava=1
🗾A country: Украина
🚻Sex: M

🪨RockYou 2024

In the summer of 2024, a new version of the RockYou database was made publicly available; previously similar databases were published in 2021 and 2009. The database is simply a compilation of passwords that have ever been publicly available. It contains about 10 billion records. There is no other data in the leak, but it can still be used to check the strength of passwords, as well as to decrypt hashes from leaks.

🔑Password: 562263959

🔑Password: 562263907

🔑Password: 38983684

🔑Password: 38983681

🔑Password: 389836843

🔑Password: 562263914

🔑Password: 389836870

🔑Password: 562263981

🔑Password: 38983688

🔑Password: 3898368

🔑Password: 389836831

🔑Password: 389836853

🔑Password: 389836815

🔑Password: 562263948

🔑Password: 389836865

🔑Password: 56226396

🔑Password: 562263974

🔑Password: 389836834

🔑Password: 389836852

🔑Password: 68213728

🔑Password: 389836822

🔑Password: 3898368a86

🔑Password: 389836884

🔑Password: 389836836

🔑Password: 68213725

🔑Password: 389836883

🔑Password: 562263976

🔑Password: 56226395

🔑Password: 682137230

🔑Password: 389836898

🔑Password: 389836827

🔑Password: 389836830

🔑Password: 562263905

🔑Password: 56226391

🔑Password: 68213720

🔑Password: 68213727

🔑Password: 56226399

🔑Password: 56226394

🔑Password: 389836860

🔑Password: 562263997

🔑Password: 682137266

🔑Password: 562263930

🔑Password: 389836885

🔑Password: 389836800

🔑Password: 38983687

🔑Password: 389836809

🔑Password: 562263953

🔑Password: 562263941


Vivo Participacoes S.A. (Vivo) is a Brazilian telecommunications company. At the beginning of 2023, this company's database containing 28 million records appeared online. The data contains emails, phone numbers and residential addresses of users.

📞Telephone: 55614353146
📞Telephone: 6130328249
📆Last Activity: 06APR2004:
🏘️Address: CH 35
🏤Postal code: 71707990
📄Document Type: CPF
📖Passport ID: 38983680091
🔖Type: Residencial
🗺️Region: COL. AG. ANIQUEIRA QD 04 CJ 05 (GVT:12914)
🤴Status: Cancelado

📞Telephone: 551127345494
📞Telephone: 5511998461658
📞Telephone: 1127345494
📆Last Activity: 04APR2019:19:38:03
📆Registration date: 22NOV2017:13:31:32
🏤Postal code: 08344320
📄Document Type: CPF
📖Passport ID: 56226390859
🔖Type: Residencial
🤴Status: Inativo
🧭Location: SAO PAULO

📩Email: robsonholanda@hotmail.com
📞Telephone: 556134278624
📞Telephone: 5561991874532
📞Telephone: 6135855012
📆Last Activity: 16JUL2014:07:45:42
📆Registration date: 18MAR2014:08:22:05
🏤Postal code: 72251701
📄Document Type: CPF
📖Passport ID: 38983680172
🔖Type: Residencial
🗺️Region: QNO 7 CJ A LT 32
🤴Status: Inativo
🧭Location: CEILANDIA

📞Telephone: 55614353146
📞Telephone: 6130328249
🏘️Address: CH 35
🏤Postal code: 71707990
📄Document Type: CPF
📖Passport ID: 38983680091
🔖Type: Residencial
🗺️Region: COL. AG. ANIQUEIRA QD 04 CJ 05 (GVT:12914)
🤴Status: Cancelado

⭐VK.com 2012

One of the biggest leaks from the VKontakte social network. It happened in 2012, but the leak became known much later. The database, distributed in several different variations, contains more than 100 million accounts and information about names, emails, phone numbers and other profile data.

📩Email: luk4me@ukr.net
🔑Password: vfhecz-24
📞Telephone: 0
🎂Date of Birth: 24.4.1986
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id3898368
🌃City: Київ
🎓Faculty: Банковского дела
🎓University: КНТЭУ
👤Name: Марі 真理野
👤Surname: Косинська
👥Subscribers: 83
👷Specialization: Банковского дела
📟︎Skype: 422-752-470

📩Email: вау
🔐Encrypted password: 80.....63...18...
🎂Date of Birth: ..
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id68213724
👤Name: Викуся ••• Gold Lady •••
👤Surname: vika2010s@ukr.net
👤Surname: Запорожье.....

🎂Date of Birth: ..
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id68213723
👤Name: Шулаева
👤Surname: korolek200777

🔐Encrypted password: 0994943499
🎂Date of Birth: ..
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id38983685
👤Name: Анна
👤Surname: anna-ermogolaeva@yandex.ua
👤Surname: Комсомольское

📩Email: julia87fashion@mail.ru
🔐Encrypted password: а зачем вам?=))
🎂Date of Birth: ..
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id68213725
👤Name: Юлия
👤Surname: julia87fashion@mail.ru
👤Surname: Москва

🔐Encrypted password: 8903410242*
🎂Date of Birth: ..
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id56226393
👤Name: вика
👤Surname: draiv123
👤Surname: майкоп

🎂Date of Birth: ..
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id68213721
👤Name: Елена
👤Surname: www.tixeryla@mail.ru

🎂Date of Birth: ..
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id68213729
👤Name: Вовчик "АСТАП"
👤Surname: 2503astap@mail.ru
👤Surname: Сыктывкар


In April 2021, data on more than 500 million Facebook users became available for free download. The data was obtained by exploiting a vulnerability fixed in August 2019. Every entry included a telephone, but only 2.5 million contained email. The records also contained names, gender, dates of birth, location, relationship status and employer.

📞Telephone: 61459109264
ⓕFacebookID: 100027388352722
👤Name: Blakey
👤Surname: Scott
🚻Sex: male

📞Telephone: 61431366200
🎂Date of Birth: 11/25/1996
ⓕFacebookID: 100006965769458
❤️Relationships: In a relationship
👤Name: Scott
👤Surname: Blakey
💼Job: Plumber
🚻Sex: male

📞Telephone: 18324939133
📆Registration date: 5/25/2019 12
ⓕFacebookID: 682137245
👤Name: Greg
👤Surname: Becnel
🚻Sex: male

📞Telephone: 447772457430
ⓕFacebookID: 562263930
❤️Relationships: Married
🌃City: London, United Kingdom
👤Name: Treanor
👤Surname: Justine
💼Job: National Grid
🚻Sex: female

📞Telephone: 18324939133
📆Registration date: 5/25/2019 12
ⓕFacebookID: 682137245
👤Name: Greg
👤Surname: Becnel
🗾A country: USA
🚻Sex: male

📞Telephone: 41763767013
📆Registration date: 7/7/2018 12
ⓕFacebookID: 682137257
👤Name: Vanessa
👤Surname: Lourdin
💼Job: Cultureweb
🗾A country: Switzerland

📞Telephone: 61459109264
ⓕFacebookID: 100027388352722
👤Name: Scott
👤Surname: Blakey
🚻Sex: male


This is an inverse index created in March 2023. It allows you to search for all emails associated with a particular password. This index contains 1.3 billion unique passwords and 3.2 billion emails for which they were used. Enter the received emails into the search to get more information.

🔑Password: 3898368709
📨Emails: lostwyvern@tianya.cn

🔑Password: 682137245
📨Emails: becnel3@lsu.edu

🔑Password: 3898368a86
📨Emails: kim.boot@parkerlynch.com

🔑Password: 3898368
📨Emails: bgjxh@163.com; muogui_007@163.com; scar99@126.com; snooopi2@rambler.ru; snoopi-86@mail.ru; zy_ycx@163.com

🔑Password: 389836897714855
📨Emails: nickchan.ws@gmail.com; nickchan.ws@yahoo.com

🔑Password: 38983682
📨Emails: wowan-my@163.com

🔑Password: 38983685
📨Emails: 81163450@sina.com

🔑Password: 6821372
📨Emails: 316781796@163.com; 646822512@game.sohu.com; 646822512@qq.com; znpigu@163.com; 870935036@163.com; chuanli789@163.com; 870935036@qq.com; yunwushan2008.com@163.com; c48k0nbrh2@jzwar.com; frandani2010@hotmail.com; h646822512@163.com; jin_1986@163.com; o84cyrr53p@jzwar.com; xuyingpo@163.com; znpigu@game.sohu.com

🔑Password: 5622639
📨Emails: 5622639@163.com; 5622639@game.sohu.com; f.haixiang@163.com

🔑Password: 68213729
📨Emails: c0822@163.com

🔑Password: 562263928
📨Emails: love_525286@yahoo.com.tw

In 2013 (the exact date is unknown), a leak occurred in the Chinese e-commerce service JD, revealing 13 GB of data containing 77 million unique emails and extensive user data.

📩Email: leaffay@yahoo.com.cn
🔐Encrypted password: 8D5D0C54498A46558D7C3F82723348B2
📞Telephone: 38983683
👤Full name: 苏韵
👤Nick: 1503458131

📩Email: 562263932@qq.com
🔐Encrypted password: cf766e939f0de0cc91d6d1eb7c088ec354fec964
📞Telephone: 18216482482
👤Full name: 彭鑫
👤Nick: a562263932

📩Email: 68213724@qq.com
🔐Encrypted password: 58ba28a538a285164d090ec429416d5472a1e10a
👤Nick: 小熊麦圈圈

📩Email: 814110720@qq.com
🔐Encrypted password: f744dfeb83ec1aae8ad1588fb6a4614e93f6feea
👤Full name: 爱惜依然
👤Nick: 68213720-458482

📩Email: 389836828@qq.com
🔐Encrypted password: cc444c967fb799db6ef883af0b65d122e6315492
📞Telephone: 13167516307
👤Full name: 孙红霞
👤Nick: yuner123

📩Email: zhongdongmans@126.com
🔐Encrypted password: 4346f6f65f1ecb89c2a643a2c29261f2c0cca2b4
📞Telephone: 13838367595
📞Telephone: 68213722
👤Full name: 徐健飞
👤Nick: nbadna

📩Email: 38983685@qq.com
🔐Encrypted password: 6b746fa967d20dce74d28c5405e57cdbae00103c
📞Telephone: 13702147670
👤Full name: 任宝利
👤Nick: rbl38983685

✨VK 2014-2018

This is one of the parsings of the VKontakte social network. It was received in 2018, but became publicly available only at the beginning of 2024. The data consists of 250 thousand files in xml format, containing more than 200 million users. Parsing includes names, phone numbers, addresses, statuses, education, hobbies, religion, avatars and other information specified in profiles.

📆Last Activity: 10.09.2013 23:18:46
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id68213723
🎓University: МГУ
👤Name: Наталия
👤Surname: Шулаева
🗾A country: Россия
😻Number of subscribers: 1

📆Last Activity: 24.05.2012 16:59:16
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id56226391
🌃City: Липецк
🌃City: липецк
🎓School: № 76
🎓Year of ending: 1996
👤Name: Диана
👤Surname: Михалина
👩‍🏫Class: б
🗾A country: Россия
😻Number of subscribers: 4
🤔Interests: выпускник

📆Last Activity: 03.08.2014 02:04:30
🎂Date of Birth: 24.7
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id68213724
🌃City: Запорожье
🏷️Login: idchokolatekinder
👤Name: Виктория
👤Surname: Денисовна
🗾A country: Украина
😻Number of subscribers: 581
🤴Status: 73_ не меняй меня

🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id6821372
👤Name: Ирина
👤Surname: Темникова

✅VK 2012

In 2012, the Russian social networking site VKontakte was hacked. 100 million accounts were exposed. The data leaked online in June 2016 and included names, phone numbers, emails and passwords in clear text.

📩Email: vlatkospiro@gmail.com
🔑Password: spiro123
📞Telephone: 38971698475
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id68213722
👤Name: Vlatko
👤Surname: Spirovski

📩Email: Kannau@yandex.ru
🔑Password: Редиска
📞Telephone: 79219475416
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id56226391
👤Name: Шпинат
👤Surname: Петрова

🔑Password: 310891___
📞Telephone: 79268154665
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id68213727
👤Name: Artem
👤Surname: Дубровин

📩Email: lilesnoopy@gmail.com
🔑Password: tashkent
📞Telephone: 0
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id56226392
👤Name: Aa
👤Surname: Aa

🗣️Telegram Chats

In 2022, using parsing public Telegram channels, 63 million records about their participants were collected. These records contain their IDs, names, phone numbers and channels in which these users are members. There are also descriptions of these channels and information about whether the user has a fraud mark.

✈TelegramID: 682137291
🏷️Title: Chetas IAS 【I.A.S & P.C.S Exam】
👤Name: Akkie
👤Nick: Atul_gautam
📢Channel ID: 1059705968
📢Telegram channel: chetasias

✈TelegramID: 682137206
🏷️Title: """TUMOR"" магазин МОЙ ДОМ З@Р@ФШ@Н"
👤Name: С
👤Surname: М
📢Channel ID: 1114083412
📢Telegram channel: shaxrux_maftuna

✈TelegramID: 682137291
🏷️Title: Unacademy learning
👤Name: Akkie
👤Nick: Atul_gautam
📢Channel ID: 1204295269
📢Telegram channel: uncada


In October 2015, the Chinese website NetEase, located at 163.com, was the victim of a data breach that affected 234 million subscribers. The data contains emails and passwords in plain text.

📩Email: 6821372q@163.com
🔑Password: 807266

📩Email: 389836875@163.com
🔑Password: txhtljbb

📩Email: 389836885@163.com
🔑Password: 51362219821123

📩Email: 38983685@game.sohu.com
🔑Password: 13702147670

📩Email: 562263933@qq.com
🔑Password: dd522401aa

📩Email: 3898368@qq.com
🔑Password: 850724cai

📩Email: 389836873@126.com
🔑Password: wsjinjie12

📩Email: 3898368791@163.com
🔑Password: 10010011

📩Email: 562263906@163.com
🔑Password: 13606786172

📱Turkey GSM Database 2023

In June 2023, a database of all Turkish phone numbers stolen from providers was published on a hacker forum. The data contains only a telephone number and an identification number, which plays the role of a passport in Turkey. Data dates back to 2022. A total of 116 million records.

📞Telephone: 5438148638
📖Passport ID: 38983685358

📞Telephone: 5348190264
📖Passport ID: 38983682524

📞Telephone: 5399137563
📖Passport ID: 38983683750

📞Telephone: 5447188563
📖Passport ID: 38983689004

📞Telephone: 5380228673
📖Passport ID: 38983687406

📞Telephone: 5432764626
📖Passport ID: 38983688496

📞Telephone: 5443031441
📖Passport ID: 38983687338


In July 2018, startup Apollo left behind a database containing billions of rows. Among them were 126 million unique email addresses, as well as names, places of work, roles of people and their locations.

📞Telephone: 56226391251
🇺🇸State: Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile
🌃City: Santiago
🏢Company name: PROBAC LTDA. Business Analytics Consultancy, Servicios de Ingeniería
🗝ID: 57d6d791a6da98548ad49fdc
🗾A country: Chile

📞Telephone: 56226392384
🇺🇸State: Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile
🌃City: Santiago
🏢Company name: Hostal de la Barra
🗝ID: 54a7586f74686968299cf62b
🗾A country: Chile

📞Telephone: 56226393665
🇺🇸State: Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile
🌃City: Santiago
🏢Company name: Opticas Bustorf
🗝ID: 562ee4a3a6da98282d005690
🗾A country: Chile

📸Instagram 14.01.2021

At the beginning of 2021, the French agency Influentia.fr collected data from Instagram users using parsing. The resulting database contains almost 50 million records and includes all public information from accounts - names, bios, age, language, number of followers and other data.

📆Last Activity: 23.08.2020 05:32:30
👤Full name: Almina
👤Nick: almina8322
👥Subscribers: 5658
📇Number of publications: 2
📷Instagram ID: 3898368858
😻Number of subscribers: 119

📆Last Activity: 30.09.2020 17:28:22
👤Full name: emir oglu
👤Nick: ilham_emir_oglu_
👥Subscribers: 983
📇Number of publications: 47
📷Instagram ID: 6821372503
😻Number of subscribers: 203


In August 2022, Indonesian television and communications company Telkom Indonesia IndiHome suffered a data breach. The data included names, @telkom.net emails, gender, IP addresses and websites visited. A total of 26 million records. The leak caused a huge public outcry in Indonesia and became the most popular on the hacker forum where it was first published.

📩Email: 38983685255@telkom.net
📆date: 2018-11-13T16:33:58.604480
⌚Timezone: Asia/Jakarta
🌃City: Nganjuk
🌐Domain: .ylx-1.com
🌐Latitude: -7.6051
🌐Longitude: 111.9035
👤Nick: 3172042304800005
🗾A country: ID
🚻Sex: M
🛰️Provider: telkom.net

🚫AntiPub by Nik_Tesla

So-called “Anti-Public” lists are used by hackers to analyze new leaks for the presence of unique entries. They usually contain emails and passwords collected from various leaks. This particular list was published in March 2020 and included 3.2 billion rows. After removing duplicate records from collections, there were 252 million rows left.

📩Email: 56226390@qq.com
🔑Password: whf801127

📩Email: 389836828@qq.com
🔑Password: 123456

📩Email: 562263925@gmail.com
🔑Password: MBPUcMcMFPE

📩Email: 38983685@qq.com
🔑Password: 13702147670

📩Email: 562263937@qq.com
🔑Password: 21325590


In April 2023, a hacker who had previously hacked the Zdravcity pharmacy and the Puma online store published information about hacking the database of the Russian jewelry store “Zoloto585”. The database, published later, contains about 10 million records with names, phone numbers, emails, addresses and passport details of buyers.

📆date: 2022-12-23 00:16:00
🎂Date of Birth: 1988-12-23
🏘️House number: 14
🏘️Street: Петрозаводская
🌃City: Вологда Вологодский
👤Name: Анвар
👤Surname: Турсункулович
👤Surname: Эркабоев
👴Age: 34
📄Document type: Паспорт гражданина РФ
📖Passport ID: 3898368
🚻Sex: M
🛂Issued by: Республика Узбекистан

🐝Beeline 2021

In 2021, there was a data leak of all subscribers of the Beeline mobile operator. At that time, only 2 million records were published, but in early 2024, an allegedly complete database containing 32 million customers surfaced. Including their telephone numbers, names, addresses and passport details. This database contains valid data, but a significant portion of the records were simply generated.

📞Telephone: 79642572955
🎂Date of Birth: 1959-04-12
🏘️Address: г. светогорск, ул. спортивная, д. 6, кв. 24
👤Full name: коломийцев александр петрович
📅date of issue: 2004-12-13
📖Passport ID: 4105622597
🛂Issued by: светогорским о/м ло


It is alleged that around 2014 there was a leak in the Chinese Android store known as HIAPK. It affected 138 million subscribers and revealed emails, names and passwords in the form of salted MD5 hashes.

📩Email: 38983685@qq.com
🔑Password: 38983685l

🔐Encrypted password: cd6b0a2b104c9dbfe42ba7c171e32f6d
🍚Salt: 989bf2
👤Nick: 562263936@qq.com

📩Email: 38983685@qq.com
🔐Encrypted password: fa87e4753c6af4c3fbd71a044331d69f
🍚Salt: 7c959b
👤Nick: 38983685@qq.com

🔐Encrypted password: from91
🍚Salt: 91usr
👤Nick: 5622639

🗃️Collection #1

In January 2019, 5 collections appeared on a popular hacker forum, representing a combination of data from many other leaks. This is the first collection found. It contained 12,300 files with a total size of 87 GB. The collection contains more than 2.5 billion lines with emails and passwords for them. There were only 1.25 billion unique rows. For many strings, the site where the leak occurred was indicated.

📩Email: 562263912@qq.com
🔑Password: 1230456
🌐Leak site: CounterStrike.cn [333k]

📩Email: 38983685@qq.com
🔑Password: 38983685l
🌐Leak site: yue.com[1kk NOHASH]

🕵️‍BreachedForum Combolists

Breached.vc is the most famous site for publishing various leaks. This database contains all files from the “Combolists” section, downloaded on 02/22/2023. This section had 2200 databases containing 170GB of data (5 billion rows). After deduplication and removal of rows from the collections, only 770 million remained. The data contains only emails and passwords.

📩Email: 389836806@qq.com
🔑Password: 412500

📩Email: 389836885@qq.com
🔑Password: 51362219821123

📩Email: 562263936@qq.com
🔑Password: 123456


In February 2019, data from the YouNow live streaming service appeared for sale on the darknet. The affected data included 18 million unique email addresses, as well as IP addresses, usernames and links to social media profiles. Since authentication is done through social networks, there were no passwords.

📩Email: abdhalem94@yahoo.com
ⓉTwitter: abdhalem1
ⓕFacebookID: 682137218593815
🎯Last IP:
👤Name: Abdel Halim
👤Nick: AbdelHalimHafed
👤Surname: Hafed
📧Email: abdhalem94@yahoo.com

🧕Iran Telegram

In the spring of 2022, a database of Telegram users from Iran appeared online. It contained 42 million unique entries, likely obtained through scraping. Data dates back to early 2020. The database contains telephone numbers, telegram IDs, specified names, surnames and usernames, as well as the dates of collection of this information.

📞Telephone: 989388240657
📆date: 2020-01-26T14:24:59.979Z
✈TelegramID: 389836844
👤Name: روزبه
👤Surname: بزرگمهری


In 2016, a list of more than 33 million people received from NetProspex was leaked online. They contained personal and corporate information, including names, emails, positions and general employer information.

📩Email: anthony.iannucci@ttc.ca
📞Telephone: 14163934000
🏘️Address: 160 transit rd north york all states
🏢Company: 292219
🏫Education: toronto transit commission
👤Full name: anthony iannucci
🔗Link: http://www.ttc.ca

☑️VK 2013

In 2013, data from the Russian social network VKontakte was collected using scraping. A SQL dump with this data was later published. It included names, phone numbers, dates of birth, marital status and links to avatars. A total of 16.1 million rows.

🎂Date of Birth: 1991-10-03
❤️Relationships: В активном поиске
🆔VK ID: https://vk.com/id389836833
🌃City: Санкт-Петербург
👤Name: Виталий
👤Surname: Родеонов
🗾A country: Россия
🚻Sex: Мужской


A huge collection of files published in February 2020 by a person with the handle @HTTSMVKCOM. It contained 3.2 billion lines of plain text emails and passwords, but only 1.28 billion unique lines. All this data was most likely obtained from many other leaks.

📩Email: 38983685@qq.com
🔑Password: 13702147670

📩Email: 389836828@qq.com
🔑Password: zhjp1980

📩Email: 562263912@qq.com
🔑Password: 1230456


In January 2019, a collection of 5 parts appeared on a hacker forum, representing a combination of data from different sites. The collection contained 108 thousand files with a total size of 870GB. These files contained 26 billion lines containing email and password. However, many values ​​were repeated many times, and there were only 4.3 billion unique pairs. And yet this collection is considered the biggest leak in history.

📩Email: 38983685@qq.com
🔑Password: 38983685l

🔗LinkPass collection

In 2022, a combo player appeared on the Internet containing authorization data for various sites. It was obtained using viruses that steal saved login data in browsers. The leak contained approximately 150 million records. It indicated nicknames, emails and telephone numbers as logins and passwords in plain text, as well as the sites for which they were intended.

🔑Password: Single2017!
👤Nick: 5622639006
🔗Link: https://eat24hours.com


In February 2019, the email verification service Verifications.io was damaged. Data in MongoDB was left publicly accessible without a password, which exposed 763 million unique emails, phone numbers and IPs. Passwords were not included in the data.

📩Email: helen.haffey@ttc.ca
📞Telephone: 14163934000
🇺🇸State: ON
🌃City: Toronto
🏤Postal code: M4S 1Z2
👤Name: Helen
👤Surname: Haffey
🚻Sex: F

📦Collection of 7,651 databases

In December 2022, all databases from the hacker data trading site were made publicly available. A total of 7,651 leaks were published. The data contained only plaintext emails and passwords. A total of 493 million records in all databases.

📩Email: 562263912@qq.com
🔑Password: 1230456
🌐Leak site: CS.net

📩Email: 38983685@qq.com
🔑Password: 38983685l
🌐Leak site: BTUN.net


In June 2020, user story site Wattpad suffered a leak that exposed 270 million records. Personal information was exposed: names, emails, IP, gender, dates of birth and passwords in the form of bcrypt hashes.

📩Email: myyle203@gmail.com
📆date: 2019-02-11 12:32:37
🎂Date of Birth: 1980-08-03
ⓕFacebookID: 389836891592376
👤Full name: Minie3
👤Nick: MyLTrng
🗾A country: CA
🚻Sex: F

🔐LeakBase Collection

Leakbase.cc is one of the sites that publish various leaks. This database contains all leaks from the “Mixed Database” section on this site, containing emails and passwords. There were 50GB of files (1.5 billion rows) in this partition. After deduplication and removal of rows from the collections, only 210 million remained. The data was downloaded in early 2023.

📩Email: 38983685l@vip.qq.com
🔑Password: forelise


In July 2018, social bookmarking service ShareThis suffered a data leak. The incident exposed 41 million unique email addresses, as well as names and, in some cases, dates of birth and password hashes.

📩Email: luis@socialecology101.com
🔐Encrypted password: STOwkgWWTyHxw
📆Registration date: 2014-02-23 04:59:14
👤Full name: luis@socialecology101.com
👤Nick: 68213729853098022b5472


In February 2019, custom goods retailer CafePress suffered a leak. 23 million emails revealed. Some records contain names, physical addresses, phone numbers, and passwords as SHA-1 hashes.

📩Email: 5622639@eteamz.com
🔑Password: o4eOh+VfRsAAZ82qgMN8mDkcFg0=
📆Last Activity: Jan 17 2012 4
📆Registration date: Jul 6 2011 9
👤Nick: 5622639
🗾A country: US

🏛️Residents RF 2019

In 2019, a database with data on Russian citizens was published. It contains 25 million records. The file contains names, phone numbers, addresses, passport details, Snils and INN numbers and dates of birth. The origin of the base is unknown.

📞Telephone: 0
💳SNILS number: 3898368220
💵Taxpayer number: 712610241790

✈️Telegram 2020

In 2020, a base of almost 40 million Telegram users leaked onto the Internet. The file contained user account IDs and their phone numbers, as well as the specified first and last names and usernames.

📞Telephone: 989024114758
✈TelegramID: 389836873
👤Name: Pari

📞Telephone: 79155894450
✈TelegramID: 389836887

🧩Daily Quiz

In January 2021, a quiz website suffered a data breach that exposed over 8 million unique email addresses. The data also included usernames, IP addresses, and passwords in plain text.

📩Email: giuseppe.deluce@gmail.com
🔑Password: 3898368187
📆Registration date: 2017-08-02 07:47:18
👤Nick: giuseppedeluce


Due to the Facebook hack in 2019, the WhatsApp messenger was also affected. As a result, the phone numbers of all messenger users were published, broken down by country. The leak included more than 500 million records, but after removing duplicates, only 367 million remained.

📞Telephone: 61459109264
🗾A country: AU


In August 2016, the Russian gaming forum Cross Fire was hacked, along with a number of other mail.ru forums. The vBulletin forum contained 128 million names, email addresses and passwords in the form of salted MD5 hashes.

📩Email: surov.alieksiei@mail.ru
🔑Password: 68213726


In 2011, Chinese e-commerce site Dangdang suffered a data breach. The incident revealed 4.8 million unique email addresses that were subsequently sold online several years later.

📩Email: 562263984@qq.com
🏘️Address: 徐泾镇高泾路588号 上海斯塔瑞恩国际设计学院
👤Full name: 钟佳慧


At the end of 2016, the Chinese online video server Youku suffered a data leak. As a result, 92 million unique user accounts and their corresponding MD5 password hashes were exposed.

📩Email: 562263937@qq.com
🔐Encrypted password: d92d20a4effdc4d919aa6ea22f86308e


This database was created by extracting data from stealer logs. It contains data about saved logins and passwords in users' browsers. It contains 270 million unique records.

🔑Password: Single2017!
👤Nick: 5622639006
🔗Link: https://eat24hours.com


In April 2018, textbook rental service Chegg suffered a leak that affected 40 million subscribers. The data included email, usernames, and passwords in the form of unsalted MD5 hashes.

📩Email: 3898368_generated@pd.com
🔑Password: PD@3898368


In February 2018, a huge collection of nearly 3,000 suspected data breaches was discovered online. Each file contained an email address and text passwords.

📩Email: 562263912@qq.com
🔑Password: 1230456
🌐Leak site: CounterStrike.cn


In October 2016, data obtained from the Chinese website GFAN surfaced containing 22.5 million accounts. The data contains email addresses, IP addresses, usernames, and salted and hashed passwords.

📩Email: 13702147670@qq.com
🔑Password: 38983685l


In September 2016, Chinese gaming website Aipai.com leaked data online. They contained 6.5 million accounts. The data in the breach contains email addresses and MD5 password hashes.

📩Email: forelise@vip.qq.com
🔑Password: 38983685l


In December 2011, China's largest online forum, Tianya, was hacked and the attacker gained access to tens of millions of accounts. The leak included usernames and email addresses.

📩Email: 38983685@qq.com
🔑Password: 38983685l


There is no information about this database in my records. Try searching for it on the Internet.

📞Telephone: 6821372085
📆date: 10-03-2021
👤Full name: Sachin Srivastava


In August 2019, Audi suffered a data breach after the manufacturer left data unprotected and posted it online. The data contained 2.7 million unique email addresses, names, phone numbers, physical addresses and vehicle information including VIN. Some customers' driver's licenses, dates of birth, Social Security numbers and other personal information were exposed.

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 21726821040000
📞Work phone: 21726821040000
📞Telephone: 2172682104
📆Registration date: 2015-03-31
🏘️Address: 220 NORTH SHELDON ST
☎️Home phone: 2172682104
🇺🇸State: IL
🎨External color of the car: Brilliant Black
🏤Postal code: 61910
👤Company owner name: THE LIBMAN COMPANY
🚔︎VIN: WA1CFAFP7FA090802
🚗Driver company: THE LIBMAN COMPANY
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q5
🧭Location: ARCOLOA
🪙Date of sale: 2015-03-31

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 20262360770000
📞Work phone: 20262360770000
📞Telephone: 2026236077
📆Registration date: 2018-04-26
🏘️Address: 700 19TH STREET NW
☎️Home phone: 2026236077
🇺🇸State: DC
🎨External color of the car: Brilliant Black
🏤Postal code: 20431
🚔︎VIN: WA1BNAFY3J2145983
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Rock Gray / Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q5
🪙Date of sale: 2018-04-24

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 00000000000000
📞Work phone: 00000000000000
📞Telephone: 0000000000
📆Registration date: 2016-04-22
🏘️Address: 4341 HARVESTER
☎️Home phone: 0000000000
🇺🇸State: ON
🎨External color of the car: Florett Silver Metallic
🏤Postal code: L7L5M4
👤Company owner name: DYNAMIC LEASING
🚔︎VIN: WA1WABF74HD010049
🚗Driver company: DYNAMIC LEASING
🚘Machine type: Unknown
🚙Car interior color: CEDAR BROWN
🪙Date of sale: 2016-04-19

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 20134571190000
📞Work phone: 20134571190000
📞Telephone: 2013457119
📆Registration date: 2016-09-03
🏘️Address: 981 tr 33 #C
☎️Home phone: 2013457119
🇺🇸State: NJ
🌃City: monroe twsp
🎨External color of the car: Glacier White metallic
🏤Postal code: 08831
👤Company owner name: excelto solutions
🚗Driver company: excelto solutions
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A6
🧭Location: monroe twsp
🪙Date of sale: 2016-09-03

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 51032678850000
📞Work phone: 51032678850000
📞Telephone: 5103267885
📆Registration date: 2015-12-14
🏘️Address: 2824 East 23rd ST
☎️Home phone: 5103267885
🇺🇸State: CA
🌃City: Oakland
🎨External color of the car: LAVA GRAY PEARL EFFECT
🏤Postal code: 94601
👤Company owner name: Yabe Media
🚗Driver company: Yabe Media
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A3
🧭Location: Oakland
🪙Date of sale: 2015-12-11

📩Email: wng@a.COM
📞Telephone: 63029716250000
📞Work phone: 63029716250000
📞Telephone: 6302971625
📆Registration date: 2018-12-18
🏘️Address: 242 PEBBLE CREEK DR
☎️Home phone: 6302971625
🇺🇸State: IL
🎨External color of the car: Glacier White metallic
🏤Postal code: 60108
👤Company owner name: FRANCISZEK BRODOWSKI
🚔︎VIN: WAUC4CF56JA136275
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: S5 Sportback
🪙Date of sale: 2018-12-18

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 26288659000000
📞Work phone: 41439309940000
📞Telephone: 2628865900
📆Registration date: 2014-05-20
🏘️Address: PO BOX 081125
☎️Home phone: 4143930994
🇺🇸State: WI
🎨External color of the car: IBIS WHITE
🏤Postal code: 53408
👤Company owner name: EDUCATORS AUTO & LEASE
🚗Driver company: LYNELL PIERCE
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: VELVET BEIGE
🧭Location: MILWAUKEE
🪙Date of sale: 2014-05-20

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 00000000000000
📞Work phone: 00000000000000
📞Telephone: 0000000000
📆Registration date: 2019-02-11
🏘️Address: 168 Limestone Cres
☎️Home phone: 0000000000
🇺🇸State: ON
🌃City: Toronto
🎨External color of the car: DAKODA GREY METALIC
🏤Postal code: m3j2s4
👤Company owner name: Red Deer Auto
🚗Driver company: Red Deer Auto
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🧭Location: Toronto
🪙Date of sale: 2019-02-11

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 20126434800000
📞Work phone: 20126434800000
📞Telephone: 2012643480
📆Registration date: 2015-06-20
🏘️Address: 931 HURON RD
☎️Home phone: 2012643480
🇺🇸State: NJ
🎨External color of the car: LIGHT SILVER METALLIC
🏤Postal code: 07417
👤Company owner name: A TO Z REMODELING
🚔︎VIN: WAUDF68E35A513762
🚗Driver company: A TO Z REMODELING
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: EBONY
🪙Date of sale: 2015-06-18

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 00000000000000
📞Work phone: 00000000000000
📞Telephone: 0000000000
📆Registration date: 2017-07-27
🏘️Address: 143 Panatella View Nw
☎️Home phone: 0000000000
🇺🇸State: AB
🌃City: Calgary
🎨External color of the car: Brilliant Black
🏤Postal code: T3K0N4
👤Company owner name: Janus Investment & Prop Mangement
🚔︎VIN: WA1C4AFY8J2016337
🚗Driver company: Janus Investment & Prop Mangement
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🧭Location: Calgary
🪙Date of sale: 2017-07-27

📩Email: wng@A.com
📞Telephone: 91674779140000
📞Work phone: 91674779140000
📞Telephone: 9167477914
📆Registration date: 2018-12-20
🏘️Address: 4629 Sunset Dr
☎️Home phone: 9167477914
🇺🇸State: CA
🌃City: Sacramento
🎨External color of the car: Orca Black metallic
🏤Postal code: 95822
👤Company owner name: James Axelgard
👤Name: James
👤Surname: Axelgard
🚔︎VIN: WA1LGAFE7FD025457
🚗Driver company: James Axelgard
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Limestone
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: Sacramento
🪙Date of sale: 2018-12-20

📩Email: Wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 88823728340000
📞Work phone: 20142898760000
📞Telephone: 8882372834
📆Registration date: 2014-03-31
🏘️Address: 1401 Franklin Blvd.
☎️Home phone: 2013468763
🇺🇸State: IL
🌃City: Libertyville
🎨External color of the car: PHANTOM BLACK PEARL EFFECT
🏤Postal code: 60048
👤Company owner name: VW Credit Leasing Ltd.
🚗Driver company: CESAR RODRIGUEZ
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: BLACK/BROWN
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: S4
🧭Location: WEEHAWKEN
🪙Date of sale: 2014-03-31

📩Email: wnG@a.com
📞Telephone: 88823728340000
📞Work phone: 91697177000000
📞Telephone: 8882372834
📆Registration date: 2018-07-23
🏘️Address: 1401 Franklin Blvd.
☎️Home phone: 9164252349
🇺🇸State: IL
🌃City: Libertyville
🎨External color of the car: Carrara White
🏤Postal code: 60048
👤Company owner name: Volkswagen Credit Leasing Ltd.
🚔︎VIN: WA1AHAF74JD047074
🚗Driver company: Kathryn Rector
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Pistachio Beige
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: Sacramento
🪙Date of sale: 2018-07-23

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 20777428320000
📞Work phone: 20777428320000
📞Telephone: 2077742832
📆Registration date: 2015-03-26
☎️Home phone: 2077742832
🇺🇸State: ME
🎨External color of the car: Lava Gray pearl effect
🏤Postal code: 04103
🚔︎VIN: WA1CFAFP4FA096959
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Titanium Gray / Steel Gray
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q5
🧭Location: PORTLAND
🪙Date of sale: 2015-03-26

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 20635538570000
📞Work phone: 20635538570000
📞Telephone: 2063553857
📆Registration date: 2017-11-18
🏘️Address: 901 BOREN AVE SUITE 1500
☎️Home phone: 2063553857
🇺🇸State: WA
🎨External color of the car: Glacier White metallic
🏤Postal code: 98104
👤Company owner name: FIRST HILL DENTAL
🚔︎VIN: WA1LHAF79JD010692
🚗Driver company: FIRST HILL DENTAL
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: SEATTLE
🪙Date of sale: 2017-11-17

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 00000000000000
📞Work phone: 00000000000000
📞Telephone: 0000000000
📆Registration date: 2016-08-31
☎️Home phone: 0000000000
🇺🇸State: NC
🎨External color of the car: Graphite Gray metallic
🏤Postal code: 20327
👤Company owner name: LITTLE RIVER GOLF
🚔︎VIN: WA1LAAF75HD018870
🚗Driver company: LITTLE RIVER GOLF
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Nougat Brown
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: CARTHAGE
🪙Date of sale: 2016-08-31

📩Email: wng@A.com
📞Telephone: 88823728340000
📞Work phone: 91648028000000
📞Telephone: 8882372834
📆Registration date: 2017-11-03
🏘️Address: 1401 Franklin Blvd.
☎️Home phone: 9166903033
🇺🇸State: IL
🌃City: Libertyville
🎨External color of the car: Navarra Blue metallic
🏤Postal code: 60048
👤Company owner name: Volkswagen Credit Leasing Ltd.
🚔︎VIN: WAUB4AF42JA045110
🚗Driver company: Fred Vang
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: S4
🧭Location: Sacramento
🪙Date of sale: 2017-11-03

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 20127252040000
📞Work phone: 20127252040000
📞Telephone: 2012725204
📆Registration date: 2015-05-31
🏘️Address: 400 PLAZA DR CORP CODE
☎️Home phone: 2012725204
🇺🇸State: NJ
🎨External color of the car: Moonlight Blue metallic
🏤Postal code: 07094
🚔︎VIN: WAU3GAFD1FN018282
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Nougat Brown
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A8 L
🧭Location: SECAUCUS
🪙Date of sale: 2015-06-01

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 12345678900000
📞Work phone: 12345678900000
📞Telephone: 1234567890
📆Registration date: 2014-12-31
🏘️Address: 7 RAILROAD AVE
☎️Home phone: 1234567890
🇺🇸State: MA
🎨External color of the car: GRAPHITE GRAY METALLIC
🏤Postal code: 01930
👤Company owner name: conleys drug store
🚔︎VIN: WA1LGAFE4ED020442
🚗Driver company: conleys drug store
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🪙Date of sale: 2014-12-30

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 21594622000000
📞Work phone: 21594622000000
📞Telephone: 2159462200
📆Registration date: 2015-05-31
🏘️Address: 90 MAIN STREET
☎️Home phone: 2159462200
🇺🇸State: PA
🎨External color of the car: Daytona Gray pearl effect
🏤Postal code: 19007
👤Company owner name: IMAC SYSTEMS INC
🚔︎VIN: WA1LGAFE5FD014618
🚗Driver company: IMAC SYSTEMS INC
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: TULLYTOWN
🪙Date of sale: 2015-05-29

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 30199075160000
📞Work phone: 30199075160000
📞Telephone: 2404502488
📆Registration date: 2014-03-19
🏘️Address: 12618 circle drive
☎️Home phone: 2404502488
🇺🇸State: MD
🌃City: rockville
🎨External color of the car: LAVA GRAY METALLIC
🏤Postal code: 20850
👤Company owner name: bizwonder llc
🚔︎VIN: WA1LGAFE7ED014814
🚗Driver company: bizwonder llc
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: rockville
🪙Date of sale: 2014-03-18

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 11111111110000
📞Work phone: 11111111110000
📞Telephone: 1111111111
📆Registration date: 2018-12-31
🏘️Address: 11501 PRESILLA RD
☎️Home phone: 1111111111
🇺🇸State: CA
🎨External color of the car: Ara Blue crystal effect
🏤Postal code: 93012
👤Company owner name: AMAZON LEASING INC
🚔︎VIN: WUAKBAFX2H7901664
🚗Driver company: AMAZON LEASING INC
🚙Car interior color: Black / Ara Blue stitching
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: R8 Coupe plus
🧭Location: CAMARILLO
🪙Date of sale: 2018-12-27

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 30123046000000
📞Work phone: 30123046000000
📞Telephone: 3012304600
📆Registration date: 2014-05-23
🏘️Address: 4972 wyaconda road
☎️Home phone: 3012304600
🇺🇸State: MD
🌃City: rockville
🎨External color of the car: ORCA BLACK METALLIC
🏤Postal code: 20852
👤Company owner name: quartermaine coffee corp
🚔︎VIN: WA1LMAFE7ED016166
🚗Driver company: quartermaine coffee corp
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: rockville
🪙Date of sale: 2014-05-23

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 20367406000000
📞Work phone: 20367406000000
📞Telephone: 2036740600
📆Registration date: 2014-04-30
🏘️Address: 6 SUBURBAN AVE
☎️Home phone: 2036740600
🇺🇸State: CT
🎨External color of the car: BRILLIANT BLACK
🏤Postal code: 06901
👤Company owner name: C & A PARTNERSHIP
🚔︎VIN: WA1UFAFL0EA138379
🚗Driver company: C & A PARTNERSHIP
🚘Machine type: Avant
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: allroad
🧭Location: STAMFORD
🪙Date of sale: 2014-04-30

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 31021338260000
📞Work phone: 31021338260000
📞Telephone: 3102133826
📆Registration date: 2014-09-13
🏘️Address: 1900 HARPERS WAY
☎️Home phone: 3102133826
🇺🇸State: CA
🎨External color of the car: Shiraz Red metallic
🏤Postal code: 90501
👤Company owner name: HONDA R&D AMERICAS INC
🚔︎VIN: WAUEFGFF1F1027362
🚗Driver company: HONDA R&D AMERICAS INC
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A3
🧭Location: TORRANCE
🪙Date of sale: 2014-09-12

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 30134038000000
📞Work phone: 30134038000000
📞Telephone: 3013403800
📆Registration date: 2014-04-25
🏘️Address: 18065 georgia ave ste 100
☎️Home phone: 3013403800
🇺🇸State: MD
🌃City: olney
🎨External color of the car: PHANTOM BLACK PEARL EFFECT
🏤Postal code: 20832
👤Company owner name: xcel management inc
🚗Driver company: xcel management inc
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: S6
🧭Location: olney
🪙Date of sale: 2014-04-25

📩Email: wng@A.com
📞Telephone: 88823728340000
📞Work phone: 97837116280000
📞Telephone: 8882372834
📆Registration date: 2014-03-19
🏘️Address: 1401 Franklin Blvd.
☎️Home phone: 9783711628
🇺🇸State: IL
🌃City: Libertyville
🎨External color of the car: BRILLIANT RED
🏤Postal code: 60048
👤Company owner name: VW Credit Leasing Ltd.
🚗Driver company: Peter Tarca
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A5 Coupe
🧭Location: Concord
🪙Date of sale: 2014-03-18

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 24046061500000
📞Work phone: 24046061500000
📞Telephone: 2404606150
📆Registration date: 2014-12-11
🏘️Address: 7612 Democracy Blvd
☎️Home phone: 2404606150
🇺🇸State: MD
🌃City: Bethesda
🎨External color of the car: Orca Black metallic
🏤Postal code: 20817
👤Company owner name: Young Minds Education Center LLC
🚔︎VIN: WA1LGAFE9FD009678
🚗Driver company: Jaslin Bhandari
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Cardamom
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: Bethesda
🪙Date of sale: 2014-12-10

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 21724254770000
📞Work phone: 21724254770000
📞Telephone: 2172425477
📆Registration date: 2017-09-26
🏘️Address: 102 WEST MAIN PO BOX 8
☎️Home phone: 2172425477
🇺🇸State: MO
🎨External color of the car: Glacier White metallic
🏤Postal code: 63452
👤Company owner name: UNITED STATE BANK
🚔︎VIN: WA1VAAF73JD008692
🚗Driver company: UNITED STATE BANK
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Cedar Brown
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: LEWISTOWN
🪙Date of sale: 2017-09-25

📩Email: WNG@a.com
📞Telephone: 94196619010000
📞Work phone: 94196619010000
📞Telephone: 9413235805
📆Registration date: 2016-06-16
🏘️Address: 5601 BENTGRASS DR UNIT 117
☎️Home phone: 9413235805
🇺🇸State: FL
🎨External color of the car: Monsoon Gray metallic
🏤Postal code: 34232
👤Company owner name: ALEXANDRA ADDISON
👤Surname: ADDISON
🚔︎VIN: WAUB8GFF6G1059772
🚗Driver company: ALEXANDRA ADDISON
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A3
🧭Location: SARASOTA
🪙Date of sale: 2016-06-16

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 00000000000000
📞Work phone: 00000000000000
📞Telephone: 0000000000
📆Registration date: 2018-05-31
🏘️Address: 1901 GENEVIE COURT
☎️Home phone: 0000000000
🇺🇸State: TX
🎨External color of the car: Glacier White metallic
🏤Postal code: 75022
👤Company owner name: CHRIS & JILL LIVING TRUST
🚔︎VIN: WA1VAAF7XJD024856
🚗Driver company: CHRIS & JILL LIVING TRUST
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🪙Date of sale: 2018-05-31

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 20159222600000
📞Work phone: 20159222600000
📞Telephone: 2015922260
📆Registration date: 2014-11-30
🏘️Address: 1200 HARBOR BLVD FLOOR 8
☎️Home phone: 2015922260
🇺🇸State: NJ
🎨External color of the car: Lava Gray pearl effect
🏤Postal code: 07086
👤Company owner name: MINMETALS INC
🚔︎VIN: WA1LGAFE7FD007931
🚗Driver company: MINMETALS INC
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: WEEHAWKEN
🪙Date of sale: 2014-12-01

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 20125215000000
📞Work phone: 20125215000000
📞Telephone: 2012521500
📆Registration date: 2017-03-29
🏘️Address: 243 ROUTE 17 SOUTH
☎️Home phone: 2012521500
🇺🇸State: NJ
🎨External color of the car: Florett Silver metallic
🏤Postal code: 07458
👤Company owner name: JACK DANIELS USR
🚔︎VIN: WAUM2AFR9GA042174
🚗Driver company: JACK DANIELS USR
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A5 Coupe
🪙Date of sale: 2017-03-29

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 21734154190000
📞Work phone: 21734154190000
📞Telephone: 2173415419
📆Registration date: 2015-04-30
🏘️Address: 3312 ROBBINS RD
☎️Home phone: 2173415419
🇺🇸State: IL
🎨External color of the car: Ibis White
🏤Postal code: 82704
👤Company owner name: BJ SALONS INC
🚗Driver company: BJ SALONS INC
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🪙Date of sale: 2015-04-27

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 41577025080000
📞Work phone: 41577025080000
📞Telephone: 4157702508
📆Registration date: 2018-03-03
🏘️Address: 201 VAN NESS AVE
☎️Home phone: 4157702508
🇺🇸State: CA
🎨External color of the car: Tornado Gray metallic
🏤Postal code: 94102
👤Company owner name: SAN FRANCISCO SYMPHONY
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A6
🪙Date of sale: 2018-03-04

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 20262360770000
📞Work phone: 20262360770000
📞Telephone: 2026236077
📆Registration date: 2018-04-26
🏘️Address: 700 19TH STREET NW
☎️Home phone: 2026236077
🇺🇸State: DC
🎨External color of the car: Mythos Black metallic
🏤Postal code: 20431
🚙Car interior color: Flint Gray
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A6 competition
🪙Date of sale: 2018-04-24

📩Email: WNG@a.com
📞Telephone: 88823723840000
📞Work phone: 34733993100000
📞Telephone: 8882372384
📆Registration date: 2017-03-30
🏘️Address: 1401 Franklin Blvd.
☎️Home phone: 3473399310
🇺🇸State: IL
🌃City: Libertyville
🎨External color of the car: Monsoon Gray metallic
🏤Postal code: 60048
👤Company owner name: Volkswagen Credit Leasing Ltd.
🚔︎VIN: WA1C2AFP4HA098211
🚗Driver company: ANGELA MOSCONI
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q5
🧭Location: NEW YORK
🪙Date of sale: 2017-03-30

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 21452941080000
📞Work phone: 21452941080000
📞Telephone: 2145294108
📆Registration date: 2015-12-15
🏘️Address: 4032 NORCROSS DRIVE
☎️Home phone: 2145294108
🇺🇸State: TX
🌃City: PLANO
🎨External color of the car: Mythos Black metallic
🏤Postal code: 75024
👤Company owner name: DM AUTO LEASING
🚗Driver company: DM AUTO LEASING
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A4
🧭Location: PLANO
🪙Date of sale: 2015-12-14

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 26256754760000
📞Work phone: 26256754760000
📞Telephone: 2625675476
📆Registration date: 2015-09-30
🏘️Address: W359N5920 BROWN ST. SUITE 103
☎️Home phone: 2625675476
🇺🇸State: WI
🌃City: Oconomowoc
🎨External color of the car: Sepang Blue pearl effect
🏤Postal code: 53066
👤Company owner name: AUDI CLUB NORTH AMERICA
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: S line Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A4
🧭Location: Oconomowoc
🪙Date of sale: 2015-09-30

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 20652508400000
📞Work phone: 20652508400000
📞Telephone: 2065250840
📆Registration date: 2014-05-31
🏘️Address: 5505 34TH AVE NE
☎️Home phone: 2065250840
🇺🇸State: WA
🎨External color of the car: MOONLIGHT BLUE METALLIC
🏤Postal code: 98105
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A4
🧭Location: SEATTLE
🪙Date of sale: 2014-05-31

📩Email: WNG@a.com
📞Telephone: 88823728340000
📞Work phone: 94976916160000
📞Telephone: 8882372834
📆Registration date: 2015-06-15
🏘️Address: 1401 Franklin Blvd.
☎️Home phone: 9497691616
🇺🇸State: IL
🌃City: Libertyville
🎨External color of the car: Moonlight Blue metallic
🏤Postal code: 60048
👤Company owner name: Volkswagen Credit Leasing Ltd.
🚔︎VIN: WA1LFAFP5FA112506
🚗Driver company: DEBRA NEWMAN
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Pistachio Beige
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q5
🪙Date of sale: 2015-06-13

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 07054319390000
📞Work phone: 07054319390000
📞Telephone: 0705431939
📆Registration date: 2016-04-27
🏘️Address: 2484 Doral Drive
☎️Home phone: 0705431939
🇺🇸State: ON
🌃City: Innisfil
🎨External color of the car: ORCA BLACK METALLIC
🏤Postal code: L9S0G1
👤Company owner name: AUDI BARRIE
🚔︎VIN: WA1WAAF75HD003668
🚗Driver company: AUDI BARRIE
🚘Machine type: Unknown
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🧭Location: Innisfil
🪙Date of sale: 2016-04-27

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 18009460330000
📞Work phone: 66152681940000
📞Telephone: 1800946033
📆Registration date: 2017-07-17
🏘️Address: P.O. Box 60511
☎️Home phone: 6615268194
🇺🇸State: CA
🎨External color of the car: Manhattan Gray metallic
🏤Postal code: 91716
👤Company owner name: CAPITAL ONE AUTO FINANCE
🚔︎VIN: WA1ANAFY9J2018036
🚗Driver company: APRYL R ARNOLD-BASAEZ
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q5
🪙Date of sale: 2017-07-15

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 21238073790000
📞Work phone: 21238073790000
📞Telephone: 2123807379
📆Registration date: 2014-11-20
🏘️Address: 84-11 21ST AVE D6
☎️Home phone: 2123807379
🇺🇸State: NY
🎨External color of the car: Glacier White metallic
🏤Postal code: 11214
👤Company owner name: HOLYWOOD CONSTRUCTION
🚔︎VIN: WA1LMAFE3FD009233
🚗Driver company: GANI KULEJMANI
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Espresso
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: BROOKLYN
🪙Date of sale: 2014-11-20

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 20652536540000
📞Work phone: 20652536540000
📞Telephone: 2065253654
📆Registration date: 2014-08-19
🏘️Address: 1301 NE 63RD ST
☎️Home phone: 2065253654
🇺🇸State: WA
🎨External color of the car: ICE SILVER METALLIC
🏤Postal code: 98115
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🧭Location: SEATTLE
🪙Date of sale: 2014-08-18

📩Email: WNG@a.com
📞Telephone: 70437722000000
📞Work phone: 70437722000000
📞Telephone: 7043772200
📆Registration date: 2016-03-31
🏘️Address: 3336 WASHBURN AVE
☎️Home phone: 7043772200
🇺🇸State: NC
🎨External color of the car: Glacier White metallic
🏤Postal code: 28205
👤Company owner name: WILMAR LEASING
🚔︎VIN: WA1VAAF71HD008474
🚗Driver company: AMY FLOWERS
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Pistachio Beige
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: CHARLOTTE
🪙Date of sale: 2016-03-31

📩Email: wng@A.COM
📞Telephone: 88823728340000
📞Work phone: 81882557890000
📞Telephone: 8882372834
📆Registration date: 2015-12-26
🏘️Address: 1401 Franklin Blvd.
☎️Home phone: 8188255789
🇺🇸State: IL
🌃City: Libertyville
🎨External color of the car: Ibis White
🏤Postal code: 60048
👤Company owner name: Volkswagen Credit Leasing Ltd.
🚔︎VIN: WAUA7GFF0G1034865
🚗Driver company: ANNA ASEFI
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A3
🪙Date of sale: 2015-12-24

📩Email: WNG@a.com
📞Telephone: 83191501440000
📞Work phone: 83191501440000
📞Telephone: 8319150144
📆Registration date: 2014-08-26
🏘️Address: 1428 MANOR RD
☎️Home phone: 8319150144
🇺🇸State: CA
🌃City: Monterey
🎨External color of the car: Monsoon Gray metallic
🏤Postal code: 93940
👤Company owner name: Mary Kay Finley
👤Name: Mary Kay
👤Surname: Finley
🚗Driver company: Mary Kay Finley
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q5
🧭Location: Monterey
🪙Date of sale: 2014-08-23

📩Email: wng@A.com
📞Telephone: 60388090180000
📞Work phone: 60388090180000
📞Telephone: 6032317150
📆Registration date: 2014-03-31
🏘️Address: 6 Pasture Dr
☎️Home phone: 6032317150
🇺🇸State: NH
🌃City: Hudson
🎨External color of the car: BRILLIANT BLACK
🏤Postal code: 03051
👤Company owner name: Susan Chase
👤Name: Susan
👤Surname: Chase
🚔︎VIN: WA1LFAFP2EA086526
🚗Driver company: Susan Chase
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: BEIGE
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q5
🧭Location: Hudson
🪙Date of sale: 2014-03-30

📩Email: WNG@A.COm
📞Telephone: 78178479790000
📞Work phone: 78178479790000
📞Telephone: 7817847979
📆Registration date: 2014-04-16
🏘️Address: 63 Foundary Rd
☎️Home phone: 7817847979
🇺🇸State: MA
🌃City: Sharon
🎨External color of the car: ICE SILVER METALLIC
🏤Postal code: 02067
👤Company owner name: Peter j Caplan
👤Name: Peter
👤Surname: Caplan
🚗Driver company: Peter j Caplan
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A4
🧭Location: Sharon
🪙Date of sale: 2014-04-14

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 42564330000000
📞Work phone: 42564330000000
📞Telephone: 4256433000
📆Registration date: 2016-08-31
🏘️Address: 1533 120TH AVE NE
☎️Home phone: 4256433000
🇺🇸State: WA
🎨External color of the car: Ink Blue metallic
🏤Postal code: 98005
👤Company owner name: AUDI BELLEVUE
🚔︎VIN: WA1VAAF73HD024367
🚗Driver company: AUDI BELLEVUE
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Rock Gray
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: BELLEVUE
🪙Date of sale: 2016-08-31

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 00000000000000
📞Work phone: 00000000000000
📞Telephone: 0000000000
📆Registration date: 2018-12-31
🏘️Address: 13455 NOEL ROAD SUITE 2300
☎️Home phone: 0000000000
🇺🇸State: TX
🎨External color of the car: Mythos Black metallic
🏤Postal code: 75240
🚔︎VIN: WAUG3AFC3JN034836
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A6 competition
🧭Location: DALLAS
🪙Date of sale: 2019-01-02

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 07054319390000
📞Work phone: 07054319390000
📞Telephone: 0705431939
📆Registration date: 2016-04-04
🏘️Address: 2484 Doral Drive
☎️Home phone: 0705431939
🇺🇸State: ON
🌃City: Innisfil
🎨External color of the car: Mythos Black
🏤Postal code: L9S0G1
👤Company owner name: Audi Barrie
🚔︎VIN: WAU3GAFC1GN072612
🚗Driver company: Audi Barrie
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🧭Location: Innisfil
🪙Date of sale: 2016-04-02

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 40874392200000
📞Work phone: 40874392200000
📞Telephone: 4087439220
📆Registration date: 2018-02-28
🏘️Address: 1150 ELKO DR
☎️Home phone: 4087439220
🇺🇸State: CA
🎨External color of the car: Utopia Blue metallic
🏤Postal code: 94089
👤Company owner name: MINTON DOOR CO
🚔︎VIN: WA1CVAFP6GA039375
🚗Driver company: MINTON DOOR CO
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Chestnut Brown
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q5
🧭Location: SUNNYVALE
🪙Date of sale: 2018-02-16

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 21229686610000
📞Work phone: 21229686610000
📞Telephone: 2122968661
📆Registration date: 2017-08-31
🏘️Address: 1585 BROADWAY
☎️Home phone: 2122968661
🇺🇸State: NY
🎨External color of the car: Florett Silver metallic
🏤Postal code: 10036
🚔︎VIN: WAU43AFD8JN000774
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A8 L
🧭Location: NEW YORK
🪙Date of sale: 2017-08-31

📩Email: WNG@a.COM
📞Telephone: 63623672890000
📞Work phone: 63623672890000
📞Telephone: 6362367289
📆Registration date: 2014-07-14
🏘️Address: 7802 BENT GREEN LN
☎️Home phone: 6362367289
🇺🇸State: TX
🎨External color of the car: PHANTOM BLACK PEARL EFFECT
🏤Postal code: 77389
👤Company owner name: ROBERT EARL BRITT
👤Surname: BRITT
🚔︎VIN: WAU2GAFC1EN047170
🚗Driver company: ROBERT EARL BRITT
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🧭Location: SPRING
🪙Date of sale: 2014-07-11

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 20993137380000
📞Work phone: 20993137380000
📞Telephone: 2096019050
📆Registration date: 2014-11-11
🏘️Address: 1115 E LOCKFORD ST
☎️Home phone: 2096019050
🇺🇸State: CA
🌃City: LODI
🎨External color of the car: GLACIER WHITE METALLIC
🏤Postal code: 95240
👤Company owner name: F & H CONSTRUCTION
🚔︎VIN: WA1CMAFP4EA001286
🚗Driver company: F & H CONSTRUCTION
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: CHESTNUT BROWN
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q5
🧭Location: LODI
🪙Date of sale: 2014-11-11

📩Email: WNG@a.COM
📞Telephone: 88823728340000
📞Work phone: 81897091590000
📞Telephone: 8882372834
📆Registration date: 2017-10-05
🏘️Address: 1401 Franklin Blvd.
☎️Home phone: 8189924391
🇺🇸State: IL
🌃City: Libertyville
🎨External color of the car: Mythos Black metallic
🏤Postal code: 60048
👤Company owner name: Volkswagen Credit Leasing Ltd.
🚔︎VIN: WA1A4AFY2J2024523
🚗Driver company: BRADLEY CARTER
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: SQ5
🪙Date of sale: 2017-10-05

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 30175807040000
📞Work phone: 30175807040000
📞Telephone: 3017580704
📆Registration date: 2014-03-18
🏘️Address: 11307 s glen road
☎️Home phone: 3017580704
🇺🇸State: MD
🌃City: potomac
🎨External color of the car: DAYTONA GRAY PEARL EFFECT
🏤Postal code: 20854
👤Company owner name: c.m. conlan contractors builder
🚔︎VIN: WA1VMAFE2ED014771
🚗Driver company: c.m. conlan contractors builder
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: potomac
🪙Date of sale: 2014-03-17

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 20223288000000
📞Work phone: 20223288000000
📞Telephone: 2023633510
📆Registration date: 2014-06-09
🏘️Address: 2453 18TH ST NW
☎️Home phone: 2023633510
🇺🇸State: DC
🎨External color of the car: LAVA GRAY METALLIC
🏤Postal code: 20009
👤Company owner name: romains table inc
🚔︎VIN: WA1VGAFP6EA117282
🚗Driver company: romains table inc
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: LUNAR SILVER
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: SQ5
🪙Date of sale: 2014-06-03

📩Email: WNG@a.COM
📞Telephone: 40846630310000
📞Work phone: 40846630310000
📞Telephone: 4082179561
📆Registration date: 2015-10-12
🏘️Address: 3016 Beckley
☎️Home phone: 4082179561
🇺🇸State: CA
🌃City: San Jose
🎨External color of the car: Teak Brown metallic
🏤Postal code: 95135
👤Company owner name: Cuong Dang
👤Name: Cuong
👤Surname: Dang
🚔︎VIN: WA1CGBFE0FD001961
🚗Driver company: Cuong Dang
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Cardamom
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: San Jose
🪙Date of sale: 2015-10-09

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 18886972080000
📞Work phone: 18886972080000
📞Telephone: 1888697208
📆Registration date: 2017-05-04
🏘️Address: 2000 boulevard Chomdey
☎️Home phone: 1888697208
🇺🇸State: QC
🌃City: Laval
🎨External color of the car: GLACIER WHITE METALLIC/BLACK ROOF
🏤Postal code: H7T1A2
👤Company owner name: Lexus Laval
🚔︎VIN: TRUSFAFK8D1010996
🚗Driver company: Lexus Laval
🚘Machine type: Convertible
🚙Car interior color: NOUGAT BROWN
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: TT Roadster
🧭Location: Laval
🪙Date of sale: 2017-05-03

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 70362538370000
📞Work phone: 70362538370000
📞Telephone: 2403776437
📆Registration date: 2017-01-31
☎️Home phone: 2403776437
🇺🇸State: VA
🎨External color of the car: Florett Silver metallic
🏤Postal code: 22315
👤Company owner name: LAYER 8 SOLUTIONS LLC
🚔︎VIN: WA1VAAF75HD029747
🚗Driver company: HAMED HEIDER
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🪙Date of sale: 2017-01-31

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 00000000000000
📞Work phone: 00000000000000
📞Telephone: 0000000000
📆Registration date: 2019-02-11
🏘️Address: 168 Limestone Cres
☎️Home phone: 0000000000
🇺🇸State: ON
🌃City: Toronto
🎨External color of the car: GLACIER WHITE METALLIC
🏤Postal code: m3j2s4
👤Company owner name: Red Deer Auto
🚔︎VIN: WAUACRFF3F1083208
🚗Driver company: Red Deer Auto
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A3
🧭Location: Toronto
🪙Date of sale: 2019-02-11

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 40763676430000
📞Work phone: 40763676430000
📞Telephone: 4076367643
📆Registration date: 2015-03-31
🏘️Address: 465 Mattland Ave Suite 100
☎️Home phone: 5044812185
🇺🇸State: FL
🌃City: Altamont Springs
🎨External color of the car: Oolong Gray metallic
🏤Postal code: 32701
👤Company owner name: IMDC Inc.
🚔︎VIN: WAU3MAFD1FN023183
🚗Driver company: Gregory S Mundy
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Balao Brown (Audi Design Selection)
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A8 L TDI
🧭Location: Birmingham
🪙Date of sale: 2015-03-28

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 00000000000000
📞Work phone: 00000000000000
📞Telephone: 0000000000
📆Registration date: 2016-07-31
🏘️Address: 405 HIGH ST UNIT C
☎️Home phone: 0000000000
🇺🇸State: NY
🎨External color of the car: Night Black
🏤Postal code: 11741
👤Company owner name: HIGH STREET SOUND STUDIOS
🚔︎VIN: WA1LAAF79HD019925
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Nougat Brown
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: HOLBROOK
🪙Date of sale: 2016-08-01

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 26251333000000
📞Work phone: 26251333000000
📞Telephone: 2625133300
📆Registration date: 2018-12-27
🏘️Address: 240 CARY AVE
☎️Home phone: 2625133300
🇺🇸State: IL
🎨External color of the car: Manhattan Gray metallic
🏤Postal code: 60035
👤Company owner name: EWALD FLEET SOLUTIONS LLC
🚔︎VIN: WA1BNAFY1J2224424
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Atlas Beige / Gray
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q5
🪙Date of sale: 2018-12-17

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 00000000000000
📞Work phone: 00000000000000
📞Telephone: 0000000000
📆Registration date: 2017-07-05
🏘️Address: 18855 STONY PLAIN RD
☎️Home phone: 0000000000
🇺🇸State: AB
🎨External color of the car: Ibis White
🏤Postal code: T5S2X6
👤Company owner name: AUDI EDMONTON NORTH
🚔︎VIN: WA1C2AFP7HA050198
🚗Driver company: AUDI EDMONTON NORTH
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q5
🧭Location: EDMONTON
🪙Date of sale: 2017-07-05

📩Email: WNG@a.COM
📞Telephone: 88823728340000
📞Work phone: 81845833830000
📞Telephone: 8882372834
📆Registration date: 2017-05-20
🏘️Address: 1401 Franklin Blvd.
☎️Home phone: 8184583383
🇺🇸State: IL
🌃City: Libertyville
🎨External color of the car: Brilliant Black
🏤Postal code: 60048
👤Company owner name: Volkswagen Credit Leasing Ltd.
🚔︎VIN: WAUAUGFF4H1038122
🚗Driver company: BRIGETTE SILKIN
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A3
🪙Date of sale: 2017-05-19

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 20184768000000
📞Work phone: 20184768000000
📞Telephone: 2018476800
📆Registration date: 2014-03-31
🏘️Address: 1 BECTON DR
☎️Home phone: 2018476800
🇺🇸State: NJ
🎨External color of the car: MONSOON GRAY METALLIC
🏤Postal code: 07417
👤Company owner name: BECTON DICKINSON
🚔︎VIN: WAUR2AFD4EN011091
🚗Driver company: BECTON DICKINSON
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A8 L
🪙Date of sale: 2014-03-31

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 12345678910000
📞Work phone: 12345678910000
📞Telephone: 1234567891
📆Registration date: 2014-10-31
🏘️Address: 4001 LEADENHALL RD
☎️Home phone: 1234567891
🇺🇸State: NJ
🌃City: Newington
🎨External color of the car: Carrara White
🏤Postal code: 11111
👤Company owner name: ARI FLEET
🚔︎VIN: WA1LGBFE5FD008310
🚗Driver company: ARI FLEET
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: Newington
🪙Date of sale: 2014-10-31

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 80058450000000
📞Work phone: 80058450000000
📞Telephone: 3107794800
📆Registration date: 2018-03-08
🏘️Address: 1540 2nd St
☎️Home phone: 3107794800
🇺🇸State: CA
🌃City: Santa Monica
🎨External color of the car: Shiraz Red metallic
🏤Postal code: 90401
👤Company owner name: Fair Titling Trust
🚔︎VIN: WAUBFGFF9F1039536
🚗Driver company: Fair Titling Trust
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🧭Location: Santa Monica
🪙Date of sale: 2018-03-07

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 21438566700000
📞Work phone: 21438566700000
📞Telephone: 2143856670
📆Registration date: 2015-11-24
🏘️Address: 47 SHERMAN HILL RD
☎️Home phone: 2143856670
🇺🇸State: CT
🎨External color of the car: Daytona Gray pearl effect
🏤Postal code: 06798
👤Company owner name: PREMIER FINANCIAL
🚗Driver company: DOUGLAS SUTTON
🚙Car interior color: Lunar Silver
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: RS 7
🧭Location: IDAHO FALLS
🪙Date of sale: 2015-11-24

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 32341564830000
📞Work phone: 32341564830000
📞Telephone: 3232298687
📆Registration date: 2015-07-10
🏘️Address: 1301 S Bonnie Beach Place
☎️Home phone: 3232298687
🇺🇸State: CA
🌃City: Los Angeles
🎨External color of the car: Ice Silver metallic
🏤Postal code: 90023
👤Company owner name: Aztlan Pallets Inc.
🚔︎VIN: WA1WMAFE5FD021140
🚗Driver company: Aztlan Pallets Inc.
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: Los Angeles
🪙Date of sale: 2015-07-08

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 20125215000000
📞Work phone: 20125215000000
📞Telephone: 2012521500
📆Registration date: 2016-06-21
🏘️Address: 120 PLEASANT AVE.
☎️Home phone: 2012521500
🇺🇸State: NJ
🎨External color of the car: Glacier White metallic / Black roof
🏤Postal code: 07458
👤Company owner name: JACK DANIELS MOTORS
🚔︎VIN: WAUM2AFH9GN004623
🚗Driver company: JACK DANIELS MOTORS
🚘Machine type: Convertible
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A5 Cabriolet
🪙Date of sale: 2016-06-21

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 57128714620000
📞Work phone: 57128714620000
📞Telephone: 2024690860
📆Registration date: 2018-06-18
🏘️Address: 42515 MADTURKEY RUN PL
☎️Home phone: 2024690860
🇺🇸State: VA
🎨External color of the car: Glacier White metallic
🏤Postal code: 20152
👤Company owner name: BSM SOLUTIONS INC
🚔︎VIN: WA1VAAF75JD041550
🚗Driver company: BSM SOLUTIONS INC
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Nougat Brown
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: CHANTILLY
🪙Date of sale: 2018-06-16

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 20125399510000
📞Work phone: 20125399510000
📞Telephone: 2012539951
📆Registration date: 2018-01-23
🏘️Address: 1765 Waterford Ct
☎️Home phone: 2012539951
🇺🇸State: PA
🌃City: Pittsburgh
🎨External color of the car: Orca Black metallic
🏤Postal code: 15241
👤Company owner name: L & M Oil
🚔︎VIN: WA1VAAF72JD026147
🚗Driver company: L & M Oil
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Nougat Brown
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: Pittsburgh
🪙Date of sale: 2018-01-23

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 20194370700000
📞Work phone: 20194370700000
📞Telephone: 2019437070
📆Registration date: 2014-11-10
🏘️Address: 1099 LINDEN AVE
☎️Home phone: 2019437070
🇺🇸State: NJ
🎨External color of the car: Lava Gray pearl effect
🏤Postal code: 07657
🚔︎VIN: WA1DGAFP8FA046583
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q5
🪙Date of sale: 2014-11-10

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 25322665830000
📞Work phone: 25322625390000
📞Telephone: 2532266583
📆Registration date: 2017-07-14
🏘️Address: 14401 ISSAQUAH HOBART RD SE
☎️Home phone: 2532262539
🇺🇸State: WA
🎨External color of the car: Night Black
🏤Postal code: 98027
🚔︎VIN: WA1VAAF70HD051722
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Cedar Brown
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: FIFE
🪙Date of sale: 2017-07-14

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 50885670000000
📞Work phone: 50885670000000
📞Telephone: 5088567000
📆Registration date: 2015-05-28
🏘️Address: 650 Lincoln St
☎️Home phone: 5088567000
🇺🇸State: MA
🌃City: Worcester
🎨External color of the car: MONSOON GRAY METALLIC
🏤Postal code: 01605
👤Company owner name: Phoenix Company Inc
🚗Driver company: Phoenix Company Inc
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A4
🧭Location: Worcester
🪙Date of sale: 2015-05-28

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 24833940210000
📞Work phone: 24833940210000
📞Telephone: 2483394021
📆Registration date: 2017-07-15
🏘️Address: 1171 HOWELL RD
☎️Home phone: 2483394021
🇺🇸State: SC
🎨External color of the car: Mythos Black metallic
🏤Postal code: 29334
👤Company owner name: BROSE SPARTANBURG INC
🚔︎VIN: WAUF8AFC4HN052480
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A6
🧭Location: DUNCAN
🪙Date of sale: 2017-07-15

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 12345678910000
📞Work phone: 12345678910000
📞Telephone: 1234567891
📆Registration date: 2014-10-24
🏘️Address: 4001 LEADENHALL RD
☎️Home phone: 1234567891
🇺🇸State: NJ
🌃City: Mt Laurel
🎨External color of the car: Brilliant Black
🏤Postal code: 08054
👤Company owner name: ARI FLEET
🚔︎VIN: WAUAJGFF7F1043871
🚗Driver company: ARI FLEET
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A3
🧭Location: Mt Laurel
🪙Date of sale: 2014-10-24

📩Email: wng@A.com
📞Telephone: 61775055760000
📞Work phone: 61775055760000
📞Telephone: 5085170274
📆Registration date: 2014-03-17
🏘️Address: 42 Union Park #1
☎️Home phone: 5085170274
🇺🇸State: MA
🌃City: Boston
🎨External color of the car: DEEP SEA BLUE PEARL EFFECT
🏤Postal code: 02118
👤Company owner name: Linda Begen
👤Name: Linda
👤Surname: Begen
🚗Driver company: Linda Begen
🚙Car interior color: LUXOR BEIGE
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A3
🧭Location: Boston
🪙Date of sale: 2014-03-15

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 20165599140000
📞Work phone: 20165599140000
📞Telephone: 2016559914
📆Registration date: 2015-04-13
🏘️Address: 163 E MAIN ST SUITE 273
☎️Home phone: 2016559914
🇺🇸State: NJ
🎨External color of the car: Phantom Black pearl effect
🏤Postal code: 07424
👤Company owner name: BOTANICAL PLUS INC
🚔︎VIN: WUAAUAFG0F7000893
🚗Driver company: BOTANICAL PLUS INC
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: R8 Coupe
🪙Date of sale: 2015-04-13

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 20155512120000
📞Work phone: 64643433850000
📞Telephone: 2015551212
📆Registration date: 2018-02-12
🏘️Address: PO BOX 2759
☎️Home phone: 6464343385
🇺🇸State: FL
🎨External color of the car: Orca Black metallic
🏤Postal code: 32203
👤Company owner name: BANK OF AMERICA
🚔︎VIN: WA1LHAF75JD025092
🚗Driver company: ALAN GELOGAEV
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: WEEHAWKEN
🪙Date of sale: 2018-02-12

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 20127148000000
📞Work phone: 20127148000000
📞Telephone: 2012714800
📆Registration date: 2014-03-31
🏘️Address: 400 PLAZA DR
☎️Home phone: 2012714800
🇺🇸State: NJ
🎨External color of the car: OOLONG GRAY METALLIC
🏤Postal code: 07094
👤Company owner name: HARTZ MOUNTAIN FAN# IC436
🚗Driver company: HARTZ MOUNTAIN FAN# IC436
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: TITANIUM GRAY
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A6
🧭Location: SECAUCUS
🪙Date of sale: 2014-03-31

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 11111111110000
📞Work phone: 11111111110000
📞Telephone: 1111111111
📆Registration date: 2018-04-27
🏘️Address: PO BOX 9673
☎️Home phone: 1111111111
🇺🇸State: WA
🎨External color of the car: Glacier White metallic
🏤Postal code: 98009
👤Company owner name: QUALSTAR CU
🚔︎VIN: WAUBFGFF9F1092365
🚗Driver company: TANNER HOLLAND
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A3
🧭Location: LYNDEN
🪙Date of sale: 2018-04-10

📩Email: WNG@a.COM
📞Telephone: 88823728340000
📞Work phone: 86071261150000
📞Telephone: 8882372834
📆Registration date: 2014-08-18
🏘️Address: 1401 Franklin Blvd.
☎️Home phone: 8607126115
🇺🇸State: IL
🌃City: Libertyville
🎨External color of the car: Glacier White metallic
🏤Postal code: 60048
👤Company owner name: VW Credit Leasing Ltd.
🚔︎VIN: WAUBFGFF3F1041136
🚗Driver company: MICHAEL ZACCARDO
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Chestnut Brown
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A3
🪙Date of sale: 2014-08-18

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 20125215000000
📞Work phone: 97333311120000
📞Telephone: 2012521500
📆Registration date: 2017-12-26
🏘️Address: PO BOX 2759
☎️Home phone: 9733331112
🇺🇸State: FL
🎨External color of the car: Monsoon Gray metallic
🏤Postal code: 32203
👤Company owner name: BANK OF AMERICA
🚔︎VIN: WA1GFCFS2FR001270
🚗Driver company: GULNAR KOUSHA
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q3
🧭Location: RIVERDALE
🪙Date of sale: 2017-12-26

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 41020030650000
📞Work phone: 41020030650000
📞Telephone: 4102003065
📆Registration date: 2016-12-03
🏘️Address: 9654 Ridge View Rd
☎️Home phone: 4102003065
🇺🇸State: MD
🌃City: Owings
🎨External color of the car: Ink Blue metallic
🏤Postal code: 20736
👤Company owner name: Power Plus Inc.
🚔︎VIN: WA1VAAF79HD035227
🚗Driver company: Power Plus Inc.
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Pistachio Beige
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: Owings
🪙Date of sale: 2016-12-03

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 51878350030000
📞Work phone: 51878350030000
📞Telephone: 1878350035
📆Registration date: 2016-01-29
🏘️Address: 310 WAYTO ROAD
☎️Home phone: 1878350035
🇺🇸State: NY
🎨External color of the car: IBIS WHITE
🏤Postal code: 12303
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: CARDAMOM BEIGE
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A4
🪙Date of sale: 2016-01-28

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 20684987150000
📞Work phone: 20684987150000
📞Telephone: 2068498715
📆Registration date: 2014-10-29
🏘️Address: 2011 E OLIVE ST
☎️Home phone: 2068498715
🇺🇸State: WA
🎨External color of the car: Glacier White metallic
🏤Postal code: 98122
👤Company owner name: KREKOW JENNINGS INC
🚔︎VIN: WA1LFAFP3FA033304
🚗Driver company: KREKOW JENNINGS INC
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q5
🧭Location: SEATTLE
🪙Date of sale: 2014-10-28

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 20333494190000
📞Work phone: 20333494190000
📞Telephone: 2033379419
📆Registration date: 2015-10-28
🏘️Address: 190 the narrows rd
☎️Home phone: 2033379419
🇺🇸State: NY
🌃City: bedford hills
🎨External color of the car: Moonlight Blue metallic
🏤Postal code: 10507
👤Company owner name: bv70llc
🚔︎VIN: WAU43AFDXGN007847
🚗Driver company: bv70llc
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Velvet Beige
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A8 L
🧭Location: bedford hills
🪙Date of sale: 2015-10-28

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 20125215000000
📞Work phone: 21277436300000
📞Telephone: 2012521500
📆Registration date: 2017-12-30
🏘️Address: 1850 OSBORN AVE
☎️Home phone: 7328652107
🇺🇸State: WI
🎨External color of the car: Orca Black metallic
🏤Postal code: 54902
👤Company owner name: US BANK
🚔︎VIN: WA1LHAF72JD024644
🚗Driver company: CHARLES SULTAN
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: OAKHURST
🪙Date of sale: 2017-12-30

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 21276991500000
📞Work phone: 21276991500000
📞Telephone: 2127699150
📆Registration date: 2015-05-11
🏘️Address: 505 W END AVE 10B
☎️Home phone: 2127699150
🇺🇸State: NY
🎨External color of the car: IBIS WHITE
🏤Postal code: 10024
🚔︎VIN: WA1LFAFP4CA067277
🚗Driver company: SCOTT ELIAS
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: CARDAMOM
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q5
🧭Location: NEW YORK
🪙Date of sale: 2015-05-09

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 20132962600000
📞Work phone: 20132962600000
📞Telephone: 2013296260
📆Registration date: 2015-10-19
🏘️Address: 9151 nw97th terr
☎️Home phone: 2013296260
🇺🇸State: FL
🌃City: medley
🎨External color of the car: Mythos Black metallic
🏤Postal code: 33178
👤Company owner name: grace foods usa
🚗Driver company: grace foods usa
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A7
🧭Location: medley
🪙Date of sale: 2015-10-19

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 26251333000000
📞Work phone: 26251333000000
📞Telephone: 2625133300
📆Registration date: 2014-07-25
🏘️Address: 1720 PARAMOUNT DRIVE
☎️Home phone: 2625133300
🇺🇸State: WI
🎨External color of the car: Teak Brown metallic
🏤Postal code: 53186
👤Company owner name: EWALD FLEET SOLUTIONS LLC
🚔︎VIN: WA1DGAFP7FA011744
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Pistachio Beige
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q5
🧭Location: NEW BERLIN
🪙Date of sale: 2014-07-25
📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 20135998780000
📞Work phone: 20135998780000
📞Telephone: 2013599878
📆Registration date: 2016-12-17
🏘️Address: 834 LINDEN AVE.
☎️Home phone: 2013599878
🇺🇸State: NY
🎨External color of the car: DAYTONA GRAY PEARL EFFECT
🏤Postal code: 14625
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A6
🧭Location: ROCHESTER
🪙Date of sale: 2016-12-17

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 21258389620000
📞Work phone: 21258389620000
📞Telephone: 2125838962
📆Registration date: 2014-07-16
🏘️Address: 909 3RD AVE
☎️Home phone: 2125838962
🇺🇸State: NY
🌃City: New York
🎨External color of the car: MOONLIGHT BLUE METALLIC
🏤Postal code: 10022
👤Company owner name: BALLYSHEAR LLC
🚔︎VIN: WA1LFAFP8CA037893
🚗Driver company: BALLYSHEAR LLC
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: CINNAMON
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q5
🧭Location: New York
🪙Date of sale: 2014-07-16

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 20636311480000
📞Work phone: 20636311480000
📞Telephone: 2063631148
📆Registration date: 2014-09-27
🏘️Address: 75 OLYMPIC DR NW
☎️Home phone: 2063631148
🇺🇸State: WA
🎨External color of the car: Daytona Gray pearl effect
🏤Postal code: 98177
👤Company owner name: CRESCENT CAPITAL LLC
🚔︎VIN: WA1LFAFP1FA024407
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q5
🧭Location: SHORELINE
🪙Date of sale: 2014-09-26

📩Email: WNG@a.com
📞Telephone: 31040363880000
📞Work phone: 31040363880000
📞Telephone: 3104036388
📆Registration date: 2015-04-30
🏘️Address: 8623 se 45th st
☎️Home phone: 3104036388
🇺🇸State: WA
🌃City: mercer island
🎨External color of the car: Glacier White metallic
🏤Postal code: 98040
👤Company owner name: leah backhus
👤Name: leah
👤Surname: backhus
🚔︎VIN: WA1LGAFE9FD018946
🚗Driver company: leah backhus
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Cardamom
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: mercer island
🪙Date of sale: 2015-04-29

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 20155512120000
📞Work phone: 51658012950000
📞Telephone: 2015551212
📆Registration date: 2018-02-19
🏘️Address: PO BOX 8140
☎️Home phone: 5165801295
🇺🇸State: MD
🎨External color of the car: ESTORIL BLUE CRYSTAL EFFECT
🏤Postal code: 21030
👤Company owner name: ALLY FINANCIAL
🚔︎VIN: WAUW2AFC3EN003672
🚗Driver company: JUMAR GORE
🚙Car interior color: LUNAR SILVER
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: S7
🧭Location: BALDWIN
🪙Date of sale: 2018-02-19

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 21026820810000
📞Work phone: 21026820810000
📞Telephone: 2102682081
📆Registration date: 2014-06-10
🏘️Address: 110 Gallery Cir
☎️Home phone: 2102682081
🇺🇸State: TX
🌃City: San Antonio
🎨External color of the car: Phantom Black pearl effect
🏤Postal code: 78257
👤Company owner name: International Educational Programs
🚔︎VIN: WAUACGFF8F1011862
🚗Driver company: International Educational Programs
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A3
🧭Location: San Antonio
🪙Date of sale: 2014-06-10

📩Email: WNG@a.com
📞Telephone: 41079066630000
📞Work phone: 41079066630000
📞Telephone: 4107906663
📆Registration date: 2015-09-05
🏘️Address: 900 W University Pkwy
☎️Home phone: 4107906663
🇺🇸State: MD
🌃City: Baltimore
🎨External color of the car: Brilliant Black
🏤Postal code: 21210
👤Company owner name: Heather Shettle Buerger
👤Name: Heather
👤Surname: Buerger
🚔︎VIN: WA1D7AFP3GA013850
🚗Driver company: Kevin Alter Buerger
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q5
🧭Location: Baltimore
🪙Date of sale: 2015-09-05

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 11111111110000
📞Work phone: 11111111110000
📞Telephone: 1111111111
📆Registration date: 2017-05-31
🏘️Address: 500 W PUTNAM AVE 4TH FLOOR
☎️Home phone: 1111111111
🇺🇸State: CT
🎨External color of the car: Suzuka Gray metallic / Black roof
🏤Postal code: 06830
🚔︎VIN: WUAVACFX0H7904560
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: R8 Spyder
🧭Location: GREENWICH
🪙Date of sale: 2017-05-26

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 20125215000000
📞Work phone: 20125215000000
📞Telephone: 2012521500
📆Registration date: 2017-09-29
🏘️Address: 243 ROUTE 17 SOUTH
☎️Home phone: 2012521500
🇺🇸State: NJ
🎨External color of the car: Mythos Black metallic
🏤Postal code: 07458
👤Company owner name: JACK DANIELS AUDI
🚔︎VIN: WAUJ8GFF2H1046577
🚗Driver company: JACK DANIELS AUDI
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Chestnut Brown
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A3
🪙Date of sale: 2017-09-29

📩Email: WNG@a.com
📞Telephone: 20140230250000
📞Work phone: 20140230250000
📞Telephone: 2014454150
📆Registration date: 2014-11-17
🏘️Address: 449 RACETRACK RD
☎️Home phone: 2014454150
🇺🇸State: NJ
🌃City: HO HO KUS
🎨External color of the car: IBIS WHITE
🏤Postal code: 07423
👤Company owner name: AMARINO CARVALHO
👤Surname: CARVALHO
🚔︎VIN: WA1LFAFP9EA108036
🚗Driver company: AMARINO CARVALHO
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🧭Location: HO HO KUS
🪙Date of sale: 2014-11-15

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 20127148000000
📞Work phone: 20127148000000
📞Telephone: 2012714800
📆Registration date: 2016-02-29
🏘️Address: 400 plaza dr
☎️Home phone: 2012714800
🇺🇸State: NJ
🌃City: secaucus
🎨External color of the car: Mythos Black metallic
🏤Postal code: 07094
👤Company owner name: hartz capital inc
🚗Driver company: hartz capital inc
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A6
🧭Location: secaucus
🪙Date of sale: 2016-02-29

📩Email: WNG@a.com
📞Telephone: 88823728340000
📞Work phone: 97392638920000
📞Telephone: 8882372834
📆Registration date: 2014-11-10
🏘️Address: 1401 Franklin Blvd.
☎️Home phone: 9739266892
🇺🇸State: IL
🌃City: Libertyville
🎨External color of the car: Daytona Gray pearl effect
🏤Postal code: 60048
👤Company owner name: VW Credit Leasing Ltd.
🚗Driver company: SAMUEL REVERON
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: S5 Coupe
🪙Date of sale: 2014-11-10

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 23977728730000
📞Work phone: 23977728730000
📞Telephone: 2397772873
📆Registration date: 2014-06-16
🏘️Address: 10267 BOCA CIR
☎️Home phone: 2397772873
🇺🇸State: FL
🎨External color of the car: IBIS WHITE
🏤Postal code: 34109
👤Company owner name: LUCIA CLEANING SERVICES
🚔︎VIN: TRUBFAFK8C1010530
🚘Machine type: Convertible
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: TT Coupe
🧭Location: NAPLES
🪙Date of sale: 2014-06-14

📩Email: WNG@A.coM
📞Telephone: 20125215000000
📞Work phone: 84579683150000
📞Telephone: 2012521500
📆Registration date: 2016-04-30
🏘️Address: .824 RT 17B
☎️Home phone: 8457918675
🇺🇸State: NY
🎨External color of the car: Ink Blue metallic
🏤Postal code: 07458
👤Company owner name: PRAFUL DESAI
👤Surname: DESAI
🚔︎VIN: WA1AAAF77HD006906
🚗Driver company: PRAFUL DESAI
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Nougat Brown
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🪙Date of sale: 2016-05-02

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 20140012360000
📞Work phone: 20140012360000
📞Telephone: 2014001236
📆Registration date: 2016-09-14
🏘️Address: PO BOX 997551
☎️Home phone: 2014001236
🇺🇸State: CA
🎨External color of the car: Mythos Black metallic
🏤Postal code: 95899
👤Company owner name: TD AUTO FINANCE
🚔︎VIN: WAUANAF45HN028054
🚗Driver company: NEIL BARRETT
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A4
🧭Location: MONTVALE
🪙Date of sale: 2016-09-14

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 00000000000000
📞Work phone: 00000000000000
📞Telephone: 0000000000
📆Registration date: 2017-03-23
🏘️Address: 38 E 63RD ST
☎️Home phone: 0000000000
🇺🇸State: NY
🎨External color of the car: Havanna Black metallic
🏤Postal code: 10065
👤Company owner name: MACANDREWS AUTO LEASE
🚔︎VIN: WAU43AFD2HN003034
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Nougat Brown
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A8 L
🧭Location: NEW YORK
🪙Date of sale: 2017-03-23

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 12385698740000
📞Work phone: 12385698740000
📞Telephone: 1238569874
📆Registration date: 2015-07-31
🏘️Address: 4001 LEADENHALL RD
☎️Home phone: 1238569874
🇺🇸State: NJ
🎨External color of the car: Mythos Black metallic
🏤Postal code: 08054
👤Company owner name: ARI FLEET
🚔︎VIN: WAUG4AFR1GA008477
🚗Driver company: ARI FLEET
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: S5 Coupe
🪙Date of sale: 2015-07-31

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 30197444600000
📞Work phone: 30197444600000
📞Telephone: 3019744460
📆Registration date: 2014-04-30
🏘️Address: 9311 Adelphi Road
☎️Home phone: 3019744460
🇺🇸State: MD
🌃City: Hyattsville
🎨External color of the car: DAKOTA GRAY METALLIC
🏤Postal code: 20783
👤Company owner name: HF General Contractor INC
🚔︎VIN: WAU3GBFC6DN100003
🚗Driver company: HF General Contractor INC
🚙Car interior color: VELVET BEIGE
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A7
🧭Location: Hyattsville
🪙Date of sale: 2014-04-30

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 21670467360000
📞Work phone: 21670467360000
📞Telephone: 2167046736
📆Registration date: 2017-07-31
🏘️Address: 500 VISTA AVE SE
☎️Home phone: 2167046736
🇺🇸State: OH
🎨External color of the car: Orca Black metallic
🏤Postal code: 44646
🚔︎VIN: WA1LAAF76HD029358
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🧭Location: MASSILLON
🪙Date of sale: 2017-07-29

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 00000000000000
📞Work phone: 00000000000000
📞Telephone: 0000000000
📆Registration date: 2018-10-31
🏘️Address: 1221 Upper James St
☎️Home phone: 0000000000
🇺🇸State: ON
🌃City: Hamilton
🎨External color of the car: Glacier White Metallic
🏤Postal code: l9c3b2
👤Company owner name: 1145678 Ontario Ltd.
🚔︎VIN: WA1AAAF78JD049883
🚗Driver company: 1145678 Ontario Ltd.
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: Hamilton
🪙Date of sale: 2018-10-29

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 00000000000000
📞Work phone: 00000000000000
📞Telephone: 0000000000
📆Registration date: 2017-03-20
🏘️Address: 38 E 63RD ST
☎️Home phone: 0000000000
🇺🇸State: NY
🎨External color of the car: Monsoon Gray metallic
🏤Postal code: 10065
🚔︎VIN: WAU43AFDXHN009468
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Nougat Brown
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A8 L
🧭Location: NEW YORK
🪙Date of sale: 2017-03-20

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 11111111110000
📞Work phone: 36092295300000
📞Telephone: 1111111111
📆Registration date: 2018-09-24
🏘️Address: PO BOX 20967
☎️Home phone: 3609229530
🇺🇸State: PA
🎨External color of the car: QUARTZ GRAY METALLIC
🏤Postal code: 18002
👤Company owner name: WSECU
🚗Driver company: REBECCA KOPE
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A6
🪙Date of sale: 2018-09-17

📩Email: WNG@a.com
📞Telephone: 88823728340000
📞Work phone: 85845460990000
📞Telephone: 8882372834
📆Registration date: 2016-06-11
🏘️Address: 1401 Franklin Blvd.
☎️Home phone: 8584546099
🇺🇸State: IL
🌃City: Libertyville
🎨External color of the car: Monsoon Gray metallic
🏤Postal code: 60048
👤Company owner name: Volkswagen Credit Leasing Ltd.
🚗Driver company: Muaricio Chernovetzky
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A3 Sportback e-tron
🧭Location: La Jolla
🪙Date of sale: 2016-06-11

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 41533623290000
📞Work phone: 41533623290000
📞Telephone: 4153362329
📆Registration date: 2017-12-26
🏘️Address: 528 F STREET TER SE
☎️Home phone: 4153362329
🇺🇸State: DC
🌃City: Washington
🎨External color of the car: Nano Gray Metallic
🏤Postal code: 20003
👤Company owner name: RELUMINATI LLC
🚗Driver company: RELUMINATI LLC
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🧭Location: Washington
🪙Date of sale: 2017-12-26

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 31061453520000
📞Work phone: 31061453520000
📞Telephone: 3106145352
📆Registration date: 2015-09-16
🏘️Address: 1248 Rocky Rd
☎️Home phone: 3106145352
🇺🇸State: CA
🌃City: Simi Valley
🎨External color of the car: GLACIER WHITE METALLIC/BLACK ROOF
🏤Postal code: 93063
👤Company owner name: URL Media LLC
🚗Driver company: URL Media LLC
🚘Machine type: Convertible
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A5 Cabriolet
🧭Location: Simi Valley
🪙Date of sale: 2015-09-15

📩Email: WNG@a.com
📞Telephone: 30289848600000
📞Work phone: 30289848600000
📞Telephone: 3028984860
📆Registration date: 2015-02-28
🏘️Address: 632 Harborside Dr
☎️Home phone: 3028984860
🇺🇸State: MD
🌃City: Joppa
🎨External color of the car: Cortina White
🏤Postal code: 21085
👤Company owner name: Gaurav Dash
👤Name: Gaurav
👤Surname: Dash
🚔︎VIN: WA1EFCFS1FR008024
🚗Driver company: Sunita Rath
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Chestnut Brown
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q3
🧭Location: Joppa
🪙Date of sale: 2015-02-28

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 20144501000000
📞Work phone: 20144501000000
📞Telephone: 2014450100
📆Registration date: 2015-05-23
🏘️Address: 1113 SE 47TH TERRACE
☎️Home phone: 2014450100
🇺🇸State: FL
🎨External color of the car: Glacier White metallic
🏤Postal code: 33904
👤Company owner name: EASTERN INSURERES LLC
🚔︎VIN: WAU3GAFD9FN033712
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Velvet Beige
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A8 L
🧭Location: CAPE CORAL
🪙Date of sale: 2015-05-25

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 21558892010000
📞Work phone: 21558892010000
📞Telephone: 2155889201
📆Registration date: 2014-05-28
🏘️Address: 6681 LAUREL ROAD
☎️Home phone: 2155889201
🇺🇸State: PA
🎨External color of the car: MONSOON GRAY METALLIC
🏤Postal code: 18938
👤Company owner name: MR GOOSE LTD
🚗Driver company: MR GOOSE LTD
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A5 Coupe
🧭Location: NEW HOPE
🪙Date of sale: 2014-05-27

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 41452959940000
📞Work phone: 41452959940000
📞Telephone: 2627895172
📆Registration date: 2014-07-08
🏘️Address: 2385 S COMMERCE DRIVE
☎️Home phone: 2627895172
🇺🇸State: WI
🎨External color of the car: QUARTZ GRAY METALLIC
🏤Postal code: 53151
👤Company owner name: PROGRESSIVE IMAGE INC
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🧭Location: NEW BERLIN
🪙Date of sale: 2014-07-01

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 20121800370000
📞Work phone: 73259963880000
📞Telephone: 2012180037
📆Registration date: 2015-12-31
🏘️Address: 1201 hudson st
☎️Home phone: 7325996388
🇺🇸State: NM
🌃City: hoboken
🎨External color of the car: Brilliant Black
🏤Postal code: 07030
👤Company owner name: evan wormser/ joe auto
🚗Driver company: EVAN WORMSER
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A4
🧭Location: HOBOKEN
🪙Date of sale: 2015-12-31

📩Email: Wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 50827856370000
📞Work phone: 50827856370000
📞Telephone: 5082785637
📆Registration date: 2014-07-15
🏘️Address: 45 GLEN ST
☎️Home phone: 5082785637
🇺🇸State: MA
🎨External color of the car: Lava Gray pearl effect
🏤Postal code: 01569
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: UXBRIDGE
🪙Date of sale: 2014-07-15

📩Email: WNG@a.com
📞Telephone: 44363268350000
📞Work phone: 44363268350000
📞Telephone: 4103375471
📆Registration date: 2015-01-06
🏘️Address: 610 E Seminary Ave
☎️Home phone: 4103375471
🇺🇸State: MD
🌃City: Baltimore
🎨External color of the car: Daytona Gray pearl effect
🏤Postal code: 21286
👤Company owner name: Theodore L DeWeese
👤Name: Theodore
👤Surname: DeWeese
🚔︎VIN: WA1LFAFP7FA061915
🚗Driver company: Theodore L DeWeese
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Titanium Gray / Steel Gray
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q5
🧭Location: Baltimore
🪙Date of sale: 2015-01-03

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 25038390000000
📞Work phone: 25038390000000
📞Telephone: 2503839000
📆Registration date: 2018-11-30
🏘️Address: 746 CALEDONIA AVE
☎️Home phone: 2503839000
🇺🇸State: BC
🎨External color of the car: Glacier White Metallic
🏤Postal code: V8T1E5
👤Company owner name: Forward Auto Gallery
🚔︎VIN: WA1WABF75JD041932
🚗Driver company: Forward Auto Gallery
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🧭Location: VICTORIA
🪙Date of sale: 2018-11-30

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 00000000000000
📞Work phone: 00000000000000
📞Telephone: 0000000000
📆Registration date: 2017-07-05
🏘️Address: 18855 STONY PLAIN RD
☎️Home phone: 0000000000
🇺🇸State: AB
🎨External color of the car: Mythos Black
🏤Postal code: T5S2X6
👤Company owner name: AUDI EDMONTON NORTH
🚔︎VIN: WAUJ2AFC1HN083181
🚗Driver company: AUDI EDMONTON NORTH
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: FLINT GREY
🧭Location: EDMONTON
🪙Date of sale: 2017-07-05

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 20396182000000
📞Work phone: 20396182000000
📞Telephone: 2039618200
📆Registration date: 2017-11-30
🏘️Address: 500 W PUTNAM AVE 4TH FLOOR
☎️Home phone: 2039618200
🇺🇸State: CT
🎨External color of the car: Ibis White / Black roof
🏤Postal code: 06830
🚔︎VIN: WUAVACFX1H7903742
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Express Red
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: R8 Spyder
🧭Location: GREENWICH
🪙Date of sale: 2017-11-28

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 50397575110000
📞Work phone: 50397575110000
📞Telephone: 5039757511
📆Registration date: 2016-11-11
🏘️Address: 5360 SE Chase RD
☎️Home phone: 5039757511
🇺🇸State: OR
🌃City: Gresham
🎨External color of the car: Ink Blue metallic
🏤Postal code: 97080
👤Company owner name: Even Better Home INC
🚔︎VIN: WA1LAAF76HD030865
🚗Driver company: Even Better Home INC
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: Gresham
🪙Date of sale: 2016-11-11

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 21229686610000
📞Work phone: 21229686610000
📞Telephone: 2122968661
📆Registration date: 2017-08-31
🏘️Address: 1585 BROADWAY
☎️Home phone: 2122968661
🇺🇸State: NY
🎨External color of the car: Florett Silver metallic
🏤Postal code: 10036
🚔︎VIN: WAU43AFDXJN000808
🚙Car interior color: Velvet Beige
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A8 L
🧭Location: NEW YORK
🪙Date of sale: 2017-08-31

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 21361337530000
📞Work phone: 21361337530000
📞Telephone: 2136133753
📆Registration date: 2015-12-10
🏘️Address: 400 S Hope #25
☎️Home phone: 2136133753
🇺🇸State: CA
🌃City: Los Angeles
🎨External color of the car: Monsoon Gray metallic
🏤Postal code: 90071
👤Company owner name: Burns-Beauvais Inc.
🚔︎VIN: WA1TFAFL9FA116023
🚗Driver company: Burns-Beauvais Inc.
🚘Machine type: Avant
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: allroad
🧭Location: Los Angeles
🪙Date of sale: 2015-12-01

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 20126120000000
📞Work phone: 20126120000000
📞Telephone: 2012612000
📆Registration date: 2015-12-16
🏘️Address: 54 SOUTH DEAN ST
☎️Home phone: 2012612000
🇺🇸State: NJ
🎨External color of the car: Brilliant Red / Black roof
🏤Postal code: 07631
👤Company owner name: AMERICAN OTHOPEDIC LLC
🚔︎VIN: WAU78LFF1G1032655
🚘Machine type: Convertible
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A3 Cabriolet
🧭Location: ENGLEWOOD
🪙Date of sale: 2015-12-16

📩Email: WNG@a.com
📞Telephone: 88823728340000
📞Work phone: 97395585370000
📞Telephone: 8882372834
📆Registration date: 2018-10-31
🏘️Address: 1401 Franklin Blvd.
☎️Home phone: 9739558537
🇺🇸State: IL
🌃City: Libertyville
🎨External color of the car: Daytona Gray pearl effect
🏤Postal code: 60048
👤Company owner name: Volkswagen Credit Leasing Ltd.
🚔︎VIN: WA1JCCFS6JR031721
🚗Driver company: Craig Boldt
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q3
🧭Location: Wheaton
🪙Date of sale: 2018-10-31

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 30192744440000
📞Work phone: 30192744440000
📞Telephone: 3017855749
📆Registration date: 2018-02-09
🏘️Address: 5101 BUCHANAN STREET
☎️Home phone: 3017855749
🇺🇸State: MD
🌃City: Hyattsville
🎨External color of the car: Navarra Blue metallic
🏤Postal code: 20781
🚔︎VIN: WA1BNBFYXJ2021120
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Atlas Beige / Gray
🧭Location: Hyattsville
🪙Date of sale: 2018-02-08

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 20125215000000
📞Work phone: 20125215000000
📞Telephone: 2012521500
📆Registration date: 2019-02-07
🏘️Address: 243 RTE 17 SOUTH
☎️Home phone: 2012521500
🇺🇸State: NJ
🎨External color of the car: Moonlight Blue metallic
🏤Postal code: 07458
🚔︎VIN: WA1A4AFY4J2218924
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: SQ5
🪙Date of sale: 2019-02-04

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 44327770080000
📞Work phone: 44327770080000
📞Telephone: 4432777008
📆Registration date: 2014-06-23
🏘️Address: 12300 Highgrove Ct
☎️Home phone: 4432777008
🇺🇸State: MD
🌃City: Reisterstown
🎨External color of the car: LAVA GRAY METALLIC
🏤Postal code: 21136
👤Company owner name: DUKE LLC
🚔︎VIN: WA1LMAFE8ED016273
🚗Driver company: Meir A Duke
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: Reisterstown
🪙Date of sale: 2014-06-20

📩Email: wng@A.COM
📞Telephone: 40892970230000
📞Work phone: 40892970230000
📞Telephone: 4089297230
📆Registration date: 2014-12-29
🏘️Address: 4050 SOELRO CT
☎️Home phone: 4089297230
🇺🇸State: CA
🎨External color of the car: Daytona Gray pearl effect
🏤Postal code: 95127
👤Company owner name: RONALD DENNISON
👤Surname: DENNISON
🚔︎VIN: WA1DGAFP2FA068272
🚗Driver company: RONALD DENNISON
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q5
🧭Location: SAN JOSE
🪙Date of sale: 2014-12-29

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 40824454000000
📞Work phone: 40824454000000
📞Telephone: 4082445400
📆Registration date: 2019-01-24
🏘️Address: 633 California Way
☎️Home phone: 4082445400
🇺🇸State: CA
🌃City: Redwood City
🎨External color of the car: Glacier White metallic
🏤Postal code: 94062
👤Company owner name: Fair Titling Trust LSR
🚔︎VIN: WA1LHAF77HD036475
🚗Driver company: Fair Titling Trust LSR
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: Redwood City
🪙Date of sale: 2019-01-14

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 11111111110000
📞Work phone: 11111111110000
📞Telephone: 1111111111
📆Registration date: 2018-06-21
🏘️Address: 6908 E THOMAS RD
☎️Home phone: 1111111111
🇺🇸State: AZ
🎨External color of the car: Glacier White metallic
🏤Postal code: 85251
👤Company owner name: KAY-KAY REALTY CORP
🚔︎VIN: WA1CGAFP4FA119525
🚗Driver company: KAY KAY REALTY
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: SQ5
🪙Date of sale: 2018-06-18

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 30198530500000
📞Work phone: 30198530500000
📞Telephone: 3012364327
📆Registration date: 2016-09-13
🏘️Address: 5218 Monroe Pl
☎️Home phone: 3012364327
🇺🇸State: MD
🌃City: Hyattsville
🎨External color of the car: ICE SILVER METALLIC
🏤Postal code: 20781
👤Company owner name: Southern Insulation Inc
🚔︎VIN: WAU2GAFC3EN033481
🚗Driver company: Southern Insulation Inc
🚙Car interior color: TITANIUM GRAY
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A7
🧭Location: Hyattsville
🪙Date of sale: 2016-09-07

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 00000000000000
📞Work phone: 00000000000000
📞Telephone: 0000000000
📆Registration date: 2017-09-29
🏘️Address: 940 Ridgegrook Rd
☎️Home phone: 0000000000
🇺🇸State: MD
🌃City: Sparks
🎨External color of the car: Mythos Black metallic
🏤Postal code: 21152
👤Company owner name: GELCO FLEET TRUST
🚔︎VIN: WAUF8AFC5HN071121
🚗Driver company: GELCO FLEET TRUST
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A6
🧭Location: Sparks
🪙Date of sale: 2017-09-29

📩Email: wng@A.COM
📞Telephone: 88823728340000
📞Work phone: 31046381190000
📞Telephone: 8882372834
📆Registration date: 2016-01-31
🏘️Address: 1401 Franklin Blvd.
☎️Home phone: 3104638119
🇺🇸State: IL
🌃City: Libertyville
🎨External color of the car: Florett Silver metallic
🏤Postal code: 60048
👤Company owner name: Volkswagen Credit Leasing Ltd.
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: S4
🧭Location: PLAYA VISTA
🪙Date of sale: 2016-01-31

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 24042642640000
📞Work phone: 24042642640000
📞Telephone: 2404264264
📆Registration date: 2014-06-30
☎️Home phone: 2404264264
🇺🇸State: MD
🌃City: BOYDS
🎨External color of the car: Monsoon Gray metallic
🏤Postal code: 20841
👤Company owner name: GARO SYSTEMS LLC
🚔︎VIN: WAUACGFF6F1011455
🚗Driver company: GARO SYSTEMS LLC
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A3
🧭Location: BOYDS
🪙Date of sale: 2014-06-28

📩Email: WNG@a.com
📞Telephone: 46999556500000
📞Work phone: 46999556500000
📞Telephone: 4699955650
📆Registration date: 2014-11-30
🏘️Address: 1623 Macalpine Circle
☎️Home phone: 4699955650
🇺🇸State: NC
🌃City: Morrisville
🎨External color of the car: Mythos Black metallic
🏤Postal code: 27560
👤Company owner name: Varun Boddoreddy
👤Name: Varun
👤Surname: Boddoreddy
🚗Driver company: Varun Boddoreddy
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A4
🧭Location: Morrisville
🪙Date of sale: 2014-11-29

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 26221514660000
📞Work phone: 26221514660000
📞Telephone: 2622151466
📆Registration date: 2015-02-18
🏘️Address: W 170 HILLTOP RD
☎️Home phone: 2622151466
🇺🇸State: WI
🎨External color of the car: GLACIER WHITE METALLIC
🏤Postal code: 53128
🚔︎VIN: WAUR2AFD2DN015364
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A8 L
🧭Location: GENOA CITY
🪙Date of sale: 2015-02-18

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 41228122880000
📞Work phone: 41228122880000
📞Telephone: 4122812288
📆Registration date: 2014-09-26
🏘️Address: 420 fort duquesne blvd
☎️Home phone: 4122812288
🇺🇸State: PA
🌃City: pittsburgh
🎨External color of the car: MONSOON GRAY METALLIC
🏤Postal code: 15222
👤Company owner name: pion nerone girman winslow & smi
🚗Driver company: pion nerone girman winslow & smi
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🧭Location: pittsburgh
🪙Date of sale: 2014-09-25

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 40860008180000
📞Work phone: 40859352760000
📞Telephone: 4086000818
📆Registration date: 2018-03-13
🏘️Address: 1800 HAMILTON AVE
☎️Home phone: 4085935276
🇺🇸State: CA
🌃City: San Jose
🎨External color of the car: Nardo Gray
🏤Postal code: 95125
👤Company owner name: STOER CONSTRUCTION
🚔︎VIN: WAUW3AFC0JN058300
🚗Driver company: SEAN ANDERSON
🚙Car interior color: Lunar Silver / Dark Sillver stitching
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A7 competition
🧭Location: HOLLISTER
🪙Date of sale: 2018-03-11

📩Email: wng@A.com
📞Telephone: 88823728340000
📞Work phone: 78122306810000
📞Telephone: 8882372834
📆Registration date: 2014-03-25
🏘️Address: 1401 Franklin Blvd.
☎️Home phone: 6034567695
🇺🇸State: IL
🌃City: Libertyville
🎨External color of the car: PHANTOM BLACK PEARL EFFECT
🏤Postal code: 60048
👤Company owner name: VW Credit Leasing Ltd.
🚗Driver company: Vance Munoz
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A4
🧭Location: Windham
🪙Date of sale: 2014-03-24

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 12345678910000
📞Work phone: 12345678910000
📞Telephone: 1234567891
📆Registration date: 2017-05-15
🏘️Address: 1200 n federal hwy 200
☎️Home phone: 1234567891
🇺🇸State: FL
🌃City: boca raton
🎨External color of the car: Glacier White metallic
🏤Postal code: 33432
👤Company owner name: revolve technologies
🚗Driver company: revolve technologies
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: RS 7 performance
🧭Location: boca raton
🪙Date of sale: 2017-05-03

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 00000000000000
📞Work phone: 00000000000000
📞Telephone: 0000000000
📆Registration date: 2018-12-31
🏘️Address: 13455 NOEL ROAD SUITE 2300
☎️Home phone: 0000000000
🇺🇸State: TX
🎨External color of the car: Matador Red metallic
🏤Postal code: 75240
🚔︎VIN: WAUG8AFC3JN087487
🚙Car interior color: Flint Gray
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A6
🧭Location: DALLAS
🪙Date of sale: 2019-01-02

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 20253833330000
📞Work phone: 20253833330000
📞Telephone: 2025383333
📆Registration date: 2014-04-24
🏘️Address: 1604 q st nw
☎️Home phone: 2025383333
🇺🇸State: DC
🌃City: washington
🎨External color of the car: BRILLIANT BLACK
🏤Postal code: 20009
👤Company owner name: southwest properties inc
🚔︎VIN: WAUF2AFC6EN109338
🚗Driver company: southwest properties inc
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: LUNAR SILVER
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: S6
🧭Location: washington
🪙Date of sale: 2014-04-24

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 36073452300000
📞Work phone: 36073452300000
📞Telephone: 3607345230
📆Registration date: 2016-12-31
🏘️Address: 2200 Iowa St.
☎️Home phone: 3607345230
🇺🇸State: WA
🌃City: Bellingham
🎨External color of the car: Mythos Black metallic / Black roof
🏤Postal code: 98229
👤Company owner name: Audi Bellingham
🚔︎VIN: WAU57LFF2G1045439
🚗Driver company: Audi Bellingham
🚘Machine type: Convertible
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A3 Cabriolet
🧭Location: Bellingham
🪙Date of sale: 2016-12-31

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 40824454000000
📞Work phone: 40824454000000
📞Telephone: 4082445400
📆Registration date: 2019-02-25
🏘️Address: 108 Dina St
☎️Home phone: 4082445400
🇺🇸State: CA
🌃City: Cloverdale
🎨External color of the car: Brilliant Black
🏤Postal code: 95425
👤Company owner name: Fair Titling Trust LSR
🚗Driver company: Fair Titling Trust LSR
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A6
🧭Location: Cloverdale
🪙Date of sale: 2019-02-21

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 50369529550000
📞Work phone: 50369529550000
📞Telephone: 5036952955
📆Registration date: 2014-11-28
🏘️Address: 39420 SE GORDON CREEK ROAD
☎️Home phone: 5036952955
🇺🇸State: OR
🎨External color of the car: Glacier White metallic
🏤Postal code: 97019
👤Company owner name: HAI SHAN CENTER INC.
🚔︎VIN: WA1CMAFP0FA048428
🚗Driver company: HAI SHAN CENTER INC.
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Pistachio Beige
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q5
🧭Location: CORBETT
🪙Date of sale: 2014-11-28

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 20830000790000
📞Work phone: 20830000790000
📞Telephone: 2083000798
📆Registration date: 2017-06-24
🏘️Address: 720 Minidoka Ave
☎️Home phone: 2083000798
🇺🇸State: ID
🌃City: Burley
🎨External color of the car: Nardo Gray
🏤Postal code: 83318
👤Company owner name: Legend Seating LLC
🚗Driver company: Legend Seating LLC
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: RS 7 performance
🧭Location: Burley
🪙Date of sale: 2017-06-24

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 20155512120000
📞Work phone: 85622026130000
📞Telephone: 2015551212
📆Registration date: 2017-12-13
🏘️Address: 1850 OSBORN AVE
☎️Home phone: 8562202613
🇺🇸State: WI
🎨External color of the car: Glacier White metallic
🏤Postal code: 54902
👤Company owner name: USBANK
🚔︎VIN: WA1LHAF70JD019216
🚗Driver company: JOHN FERRIS
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Nougat Brown
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: WEST BERLIN
🪙Date of sale: 2017-12-13

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 20325327750000
📞Work phone: 20325327750000
📞Telephone: 2036610113
📆Registration date: 2015-03-31
🏘️Address: 26 LINCOLN AVE
☎️Home phone: 2036610113
🇺🇸State: CT
🎨External color of the car: Moonlight Blue metallic
🏤Postal code: 06830
👤Company owner name: PUTNAM MARBLE AND TILE LLC
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Chestnut Brown
🧭Location: GREENWICH
🪙Date of sale: 2015-03-30

📩Email: WNG@a.com
📞Telephone: 56158852220000
📞Work phone: 56158852220000
📞Telephone: 5612480707
📆Registration date: 2014-08-30
🏘️Address: 3000 High Ridge Rd Suite 7
☎️Home phone: 5616422661
🇺🇸State: FL
🌃City: Boynton Beach
🎨External color of the car: QUARTZ GRAY METALLIC
🏤Postal code: 33463
👤Company owner name: Cooper Construction Management & Co
🚗Driver company: Jackie Cooper
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🧭Location: Greenacres
🪙Date of sale: 2014-08-30

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 20126482080000
📞Work phone: 20126482080000
📞Telephone: 2012648208
📆Registration date: 2017-04-30
🏘️Address: 1 WILLOW TREE RD
☎️Home phone: 2012648208
🇺🇸State: NJ
🎨External color of the car: Brilliant Black
🏤Postal code: 07605
🚔︎VIN: WA1ANAFY6J2004370
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q5
🧭Location: LEONIA
🪙Date of sale: 2017-05-01

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 30198240170000
📞Work phone: 30198240170000
📞Telephone: 2404907125
📆Registration date: 2014-05-23
🏘️Address: 5505 jackson ct
☎️Home phone: 2404907125
🇺🇸State: MD
🌃City: frederick
🎨External color of the car: LAVA GRAY METALLIC
🏤Postal code: 21702
👤Company owner name: garrett enterprises inc
🚔︎VIN: WA1CMAFP1EA105055
🚗Driver company: garrett enterprises inc
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q5
🧭Location: frederick
🪙Date of sale: 2014-05-12

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 40261732430000
📞Work phone: 40261732430000
📞Telephone: 4026173243
📆Registration date: 2015-11-21
🏘️Address: 7900 sw lost river road
☎️Home phone: 4026173243
🇺🇸State: FL
🌃City: stuart
🎨External color of the car: Brilliant Black
🏤Postal code: 34997
👤Company owner name: harp hotels
🚔︎VIN: WA1C2AFP9GA045972
🚗Driver company: harp hotels
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Pistachio Beige
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q5
🧭Location: stuart
🪙Date of sale: 2015-11-16

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 11111111110000
📞Work phone: 36060310220000
📞Telephone: 1111111111
📆Registration date: 2018-04-12
🏘️Address: PO BOX 25145
☎️Home phone: 3606031022
🇺🇸State: PA
🎨External color of the car: CUVEE SILVER METALLIC
🏤Postal code: 18002
👤Company owner name: USAA
🚗Driver company: ANGELA FOOTE
🚙Car interior color: CHESTNUT BROWN / BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A4
🪙Date of sale: 2018-04-09

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 48099033300000
📞Work phone: 48099033300000
📞Telephone: 4809903330
📆Registration date: 2018-04-30
🏘️Address: 1700 N McClintock
☎️Home phone: 4809903330
🇺🇸State: AZ
🌃City: Teampe
🎨External color of the car: Glacier White metallic
🏤Postal code: 85281
👤Company owner name: Oakland Construction Company
🚗Driver company: Oakland Construction Company
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A3 Sportback e-tron
🧭Location: Teampe
🪙Date of sale: 2018-04-30

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 20134812000000
📞Work phone: 20134812000000
📞Telephone: 2013481200
📆Registration date: 2015-05-31
🏘️Address: 400 PLAZA DR
☎️Home phone: 2013481200
🇺🇸State: NJ
🎨External color of the car: Mythos Black metallic / Black roof
🏤Postal code: 07094
🚘Machine type: Convertible
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: S5 Cabriolet
🧭Location: SECAUCUS
🪙Date of sale: 2015-06-01

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 41027476160000
📞Work phone: 41027476160000
📞Telephone: 4104896099
📆Registration date: 2016-09-27
🏘️Address: 915 Sunset Valley dr
☎️Home phone: 4104896099
🇺🇸State: MD
🌃City: Sykesville
🎨External color of the car: Ibis White
🏤Postal code: 21784
👤Company owner name: DRE Consulting LLC
🚗Driver company: DRE Consulting LLC
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A6
🧭Location: Sykesville
🪙Date of sale: 2016-09-16

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 20350420500000
📞Work phone: 20350420500000
📞Telephone: 2035042050
📆Registration date: 2014-04-30
🏘️Address: 21 Compo Pkwy
☎️Home phone: 2035042050
🇺🇸State: CT
🌃City: Westport
🎨External color of the car: BRILLIANT RED / BLACK ROOF
🏤Postal code: 06880
👤Company owner name: Peters Hamlin LLC
🚗Driver company: Peters Hamlin LLC
🚘Machine type: Convertible
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A5 Cabriolet
🧭Location: Westport
🪙Date of sale: 2014-04-27

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 21498526240000
📞Work phone: 21498526240000
📞Telephone: 2149852624
📆Registration date: 2016-01-13
🏘️Address: 6029 BELTLINE RD 210
☎️Home phone: 2149852624
🇺🇸State: TX
🎨External color of the car: Glacier White metallic
🏤Postal code: 75254
👤Company owner name: JHD III CONSULTING LLC
🚔︎VIN: WUAW2AFC2GN903066
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: RS 7
🧭Location: DALLAS
🪙Date of sale: 2016-01-11

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 77424369110000
📞Work phone: 77424369110000
📞Telephone: 5087355805
📆Registration date: 2014-02-28
🏘️Address: 60 STILES RD
☎️Home phone: 5087355805
🇺🇸State: MA
🎨External color of the car: TEAK BROWN METALLIC
🏤Postal code: 01505
👤Company owner name: BREANDED MGT. GRP.
🚔︎VIN: WA1DGBFE5ED008018
🚗Driver company: BREANDED MGT. GRP.
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: BOYLSTON
🪙Date of sale: 2014-02-28

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 38638339570000
📞Work phone: 38638339570000
📞Telephone: 3863833957
📆Registration date: 2014-12-22
🏘️Address: 12132 dyson ct
☎️Home phone: 3863833957
🇺🇸State: FL
🌃City: orlando
🎨External color of the car: Glacier White metallic
🏤Postal code: 32821
👤Company owner name: driveit coro
🚗Driver company: driveit coro
🚙Car interior color: Nougat Brown
🧭Location: orlando
🪙Date of sale: 2014-12-21

📩Email: WNG@a.com
📞Telephone: 91767007860000
📞Work phone: 91767007860000
📞Telephone: 9176700786
📆Registration date: 2017-01-17
🏘️Address: 7 WALNUT CT
☎️Home phone: 9176700786
🇺🇸State: NJ
🎨External color of the car: Carrara White
🏤Postal code: 08550
👤Company owner name: POONAM CHAUDHARI
🚔︎VIN: WA1LAAF79HD032853
🚗Driver company: POONAM CHAUDHARI
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Pistachio Beige
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🪙Date of sale: 2017-01-17

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 00000000000000
📞Work phone: 00000000000000
📞Telephone: 0000000000
📆Registration date: 2016-10-20
🏘️Address: 5964 Ladyburn Cres
☎️Home phone: 0000000000
🇺🇸State: ON
🌃City: Mississauga
🎨External color of the car: Glacier White Metallic
🏤Postal code: L5M4V5
👤Company owner name: 2539500 Ontario LTD
🚔︎VIN: WA1WAAF74HD026794
🚗Driver company: 2539500 Ontario LTD
🚘Machine type: Unknown
🚙Car interior color: CEDAR BROWN
🧭Location: Mississauga
🪙Date of sale: 2016-10-19

📩Email: WNG@a.com
📞Telephone: 88823728340000
📞Work phone: 99999999990000
📞Telephone: 8882372834
📆Registration date: 2016-04-16
🏘️Address: 1401 Franklin Blvd.
☎️Home phone: 9999999999
🇺🇸State: IL
🌃City: Libertyville
🎨External color of the car: Monsoon Gray metallic
🏤Postal code: 60048
👤Company owner name: Volkswagen Credit Leasing Ltd.
🚔︎VIN: WA1L2AFP8GA071141
🚗Driver company: Monica L Bevilacqua
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q5
🧭Location: Branford
🪙Date of sale: 2016-04-16

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 20355795000000
📞Work phone: 20355795000000
📞Telephone: 2035579500
📆Registration date: 2016-12-31
🏘️Address: 830 POST RD EAST ST 101
☎️Home phone: 2035579500
🇺🇸State: CT
🎨External color of the car: OOLONG GREY METALLIC
🏤Postal code: 06880
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A7
🧭Location: WESTPORT
🪙Date of sale: 2016-12-28

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 31020200660000
📞Work phone: 31020200660000
📞Telephone: 3102020066
📆Registration date: 2016-06-01
🏘️Address: 12600 Yukon Ave
☎️Home phone: 3102020066
🇺🇸State: CA
🌃City: Hawthorne
🎨External color of the car: Glacier White metallic
🏤Postal code: 90250
👤Company owner name: Luxvue LTD
🚔︎VIN: WA1VAAF73HD013532
🚗Driver company: Luxvue LTD
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: Hawthorne
🪙Date of sale: 2016-05-31

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 00000000000000
📞Work phone: 00000000000000
📞Telephone: 0000000000
📆Registration date: 2018-01-18
🏘️Address: 662 SHAVER RD
☎️Home phone: 0000000000
🇺🇸State: ON
🎨External color of the car: NAVARRA BLUE
🏤Postal code: L9G3K9
👤Company owner name: TOMLINSON SYSTEMS INC.
🚔︎VIN: WA1A4AFY1J2066701
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🧭Location: ANCASTER
🪙Date of sale: 2018-01-15

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 50320121090000
📞Work phone: 50320121090000
📞Telephone: 5032012109
📆Registration date: 2017-05-08
☎️Home phone: 5032012109
🇺🇸State: OR
🎨External color of the car: Ink Blue metallic
🏤Postal code: 97070
👤Company owner name: INVENTION WORKS LLC
🚔︎VIN: WA1VAAF75HD049254
🚗Driver company: INVENTION WORKS LLC
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Nougat Brown
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🪙Date of sale: 2017-05-07

📩Email: wnG@a.com
📞Telephone: 91620837180000
📞Work phone: 91620837180000
📞Telephone: 9162083718
📆Registration date: 2018-12-05
🏘️Address: 1300 Mallard Creek Dr
☎️Home phone: 9162083718
🇺🇸State: CA
🌃City: Roseville
🎨External color of the car: Florett Silver metallic
🏤Postal code: 95621
👤Company owner name: Jeremy Ferone
👤Name: Jeremy
👤Surname: Ferone
🚔︎VIN: WA1CCAFP9GA049744
🚗Driver company: Jeremy Ferone
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: SQ5
🧭Location: Roseville
🪙Date of sale: 2018-12-05

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 00000000000000
📞Work phone: 00000000000000
📞Telephone: 0000000000
📆Registration date: 2015-09-14
🏘️Address: 481 ARAB ROAD
☎️Home phone: 0000000000
🇺🇸State: ME
🌃City: LEE
🎨External color of the car: ALPAKA BEIGE METALLIC
🏤Postal code: 04455
👤Company owner name: SPARKS AUTO SALES
🚔︎VIN: WAUVT64B72N071730
🚗Driver company: SPARKS AUTO SALES
🚘Machine type: Avant
🚙Car interior color: EBONY
🧭Location: LEE
🪙Date of sale: 2015-09-08

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 20382865660000
📞Work phone: 20382865660000
📞Telephone: 2038286566
📆Registration date: 2017-02-21
🏘️Address: 2 FOX HOLLOW RD
☎️Home phone: 2038286566
🇺🇸State: CT
🎨External color of the car: Brilliant Black / Black roof
🏤Postal code: 06478
👤Company owner name: GEN-EL-MEC ASSOCIATES INC.
🚔︎VIN: WAUC4AFH6HN003629
🚘Machine type: Convertible
🚙Car interior color: Black / Magma Red
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: S5 Cabriolet
🧭Location: OXFORD
🪙Date of sale: 2017-02-21

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 20123333690000
📞Work phone: 20123333690000
📞Telephone: 2012333369
📆Registration date: 2015-06-26
🏘️Address: 450 huyler st
☎️Home phone: 2012333369
🇺🇸State: NJ
🌃City: south hackensack
🎨External color of the car: Mythos Black metallic
🏤Postal code: 07606
👤Company owner name: a-1 tablecloth co
🚔︎VIN: WAUF2AFC6GN024373
🚗Driver company: a-1 tablecloth co
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: S6
🧭Location: south hackensack
🪙Date of sale: 2015-06-26

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 00000000000000
📞Work phone: 51965996700000
📞Telephone: 0000000000
📆Registration date: 2016-12-29
🏘️Address: 4 Robert Speck Parkway Suite 900
☎️Home phone: 5196599670
🇺🇸State: ON
🌃City: Mississauga
🎨External color of the car: Brilliant Black
🏤Postal code: L4Z1S1
👤Company owner name: Element Fleet Management
🚔︎VIN: WAUAUGFF9H1032056
🚗Driver company: Pirelli Tire Inc
🚘Machine type: Unknown
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A3
🧭Location: London
🪙Date of sale: 2016-12-28

📩Email: Wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 88823728340000
📞Work phone: 61059970120000
📞Telephone: 8882372834
📆Registration date: 2014-08-11
🏘️Address: 1401 Franklin Blvd.
☎️Home phone: 6108821035
🇺🇸State: IL
🌃City: Libertyville
🎨External color of the car: BRILLIANT BLACK
🏤Postal code: 60048
👤Company owner name: VW Credit Leasing Ltd.
🚗Driver company: Thomas Direnzo
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A4
🧭Location: Bethlehem
🪙Date of sale: 2014-08-11

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 12345678900000
📞Work phone: 12345678900000
📞Telephone: 0123456789
📆Registration date: 2016-05-14
🏘️Address: 6215 GEORGIA AVE
☎️Home phone: 0123456789
🇺🇸State: FL
🎨External color of the car: Tofana White crystal effect
🏤Postal code: 33405
🚔︎VIN: WA1LAAF77HD010883
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Nougat Brown
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🪙Date of sale: 2016-05-14

📩Email: WNG@a.com
📞Telephone: 88823728340000
📞Work phone: 42564020600000
📞Telephone: 8882372834
📆Registration date: 2014-11-20
🏘️Address: 1401 Franklin Blvd.
☎️Home phone: 9168035034
🇺🇸State: IL
🌃City: Libertyville
🎨External color of the car: Glacier White metallic
🏤Postal code: 60048
👤Company owner name: VW Credit Leasing Ltd.
🚔︎VIN: WAUBFGFF4F1051464
🚗Driver company: MICAH KEMP
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A3
🪙Date of sale: 2014-11-19

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 20142487440000
📞Work phone: 20142487440000
📞Telephone: 2014248744
📆Registration date: 2014-10-31
🏘️Address: 3900 WEST SIDE AVE
☎️Home phone: 2014248744
🇺🇸State: NJ
🎨External color of the car: Daytona Gray pearl effect
🏤Postal code: 07047
👤Company owner name: JOHN BRICKS INC
🚗Driver company: JOHN BRICKS INC
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: S5 Coupe
🪙Date of sale: 2014-10-31

📩Email: WNG@A.cOM
📞Telephone: 30549960000000
📞Work phone: 30549960000000
📞Telephone: 7863174652
📆Registration date: 2014-08-23
🏘️Address: 8332 Commerce Way Apt 315
☎️Home phone: 7863174652
🇺🇸State: FL
🌃City: Miami Lakes
🎨External color of the car: Glacier White metallic
🏤Postal code: 33016
👤Company owner name: Amir Brand
👤Name: Amir
👤Surname: Brand
🚗Driver company: Amir Brand
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A3
🧭Location: Miami Lakes
🪙Date of sale: 2014-08-24

📩Email: WNG@a.com
📞Telephone: 50362666410000
📞Work phone: 50362666410000
📞Telephone: 5036266641
📆Registration date: 2014-05-16
🏘️Address: 10046 NW CROSSING DR
☎️Home phone: 5036266641
🇺🇸State: OR
🎨External color of the car: ORCA BLACK METALLIC
🏤Postal code: 97229
👤Company owner name: SUNIL AGARWAL
👤Name: SUNIL
👤Surname: AGARWAL
🚔︎VIN: WA1LMAFE7ED018421
🚗Driver company: SUNIL AGARWAL
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: PORTLAND
🪙Date of sale: 2014-05-15

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 00000000000000
📞Work phone: 00000000000000
📞Telephone: 0000000000
📆Registration date: 2016-12-31
🏘️Address: RT 28 NORTH
☎️Home phone: 0000000000
🇺🇸State: NY
🎨External color of the car: Cosmos Blue metallic
🏤Postal code: 12851
👤Company owner name: BACO CHE-NA-WAH EQUITIES COR
🚔︎VIN: WAUB8GFF1H1041603
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Rock Gray
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A3
🧭Location: MINERVA
🪙Date of sale: 2016-12-31

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 20348807120000
📞Work phone: 20348807120000
📞Telephone: 2034880712
📆Registration date: 2014-08-29
🏘️Address: 63-3 NORTH BRANFORD
☎️Home phone: 2034880712
🇺🇸State: CT
🎨External color of the car: Daytona Gray pearl effect
🏤Postal code: 06405
🚔︎VIN: WUAC6AFR4FA900168
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: RS 5 Coupe
🧭Location: BROANFORD
🪙Date of sale: 2014-08-29

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 26244605170000
📞Work phone: 26244605170000
📞Telephone: 2624460517
📆Registration date: 2014-04-14
☎️Home phone: 2624460517
🇺🇸State: MO
🌃City: ST. LOUIS
🎨External color of the car: ORCA BLACK METALLIC
🏤Postal code: 63105
👤Company owner name: ENTERPRISE FM TRUST
🚔︎VIN: WA1LGAFE7ED015719
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🪙Date of sale: 2014-04-12

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 21438566700000
📞Work phone: 21438566700000
📞Telephone: 2143856670
📆Registration date: 2017-07-17
🏘️Address: 47 SHERMAN HILL RD
☎️Home phone: 2143856670
🇺🇸State: CT
🎨External color of the car: DAYTONA GRAY PEARL EFFECT
🏤Postal code: 06798
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: R8 Coupe plus
🧭Location: WOODBURY
🪙Date of sale: 2017-07-07

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 30150364040000
📞Work phone: 30150364040000
📞Telephone: 3015036404
📆Registration date: 2014-10-30
🏘️Address: 13320 Rising Sun Lane
☎️Home phone: 3015036404
🇺🇸State: MD
🌃City: Germantown
🎨External color of the car: Atlantis Blue
🏤Postal code: 20874
👤Company owner name: Rudrakalash LLC
🚔︎VIN: WA1LGAFE7FD005001
🚗Driver company: Atul Bhola
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: Germantown
🪙Date of sale: 2014-10-29

📩Email: wng@A.COM
📞Telephone: 84050204800000
📞Work phone: 84050204800000
📞Telephone: 8045020480
📆Registration date: 2015-03-28
🏘️Address: 1470 BOULDERCREST RD #V2
☎️Home phone: 8045020480
🇺🇸State: GA
🎨External color of the car: Mythos Black metallic
🏤Postal code: 30316
👤Company owner name: LENO BRADBY
👤Name: LENO
👤Surname: BRADBY
🚔︎VIN: WAUCCGFF3F1035270
🚗Driver company: LENO BRADBY
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A3
🧭Location: ATLANTA
🪙Date of sale: 2015-03-29

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 11111111110000
📞Work phone: 11111111110000
📞Telephone: 1111111111
📆Registration date: 2019-02-09
🏘️Address: 1540 2ND ST
☎️Home phone: 1111111111
🇺🇸State: CA
🎨External color of the car: Brilliant Black
🏤Postal code: 90401
👤Company owner name: FAIR TITLING
🚔︎VIN: TRUC5AFV2G1025418
🚗Driver company: FAIR TITLING
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: TT Coupe
🪙Date of sale: 2019-02-07

📩Email: wng@A.com
📞Telephone: 83164712510000
📞Work phone: 83164712510000
📞Telephone: 8316471251
📆Registration date: 2018-03-22
🏘️Address: 354 SAN BENANCIO RD
☎️Home phone: 8316471251
🇺🇸State: CA
🎨External color of the car: Glacier White metallic
🏤Postal code: 93908
👤Company owner name: Kathleen Franklin
👤Name: Kathleen
👤Surname: Franklin
🚔︎VIN: WA1JCCFS3JR020367
🚗Driver company: Kathleen Franklin
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Chestnut Brown
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q3
🧭Location: SALINAS
🪙Date of sale: 2018-03-20

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 31096808000000
📞Work phone: 31096808000000
📞Telephone: 3105506998
📆Registration date: 2015-08-18
🏘️Address: 461 N Faring Rd
☎️Home phone: 3105506998
🇺🇸State: CA
🌃City: Los Angeles
🎨External color of the car: BRILLIANT BLACK
🏤Postal code: 90077
👤Company owner name: Woo Family Trust
🚔︎VIN: WAUDK78T09A020885
🚗Driver company: Woo Family Trust
🚙Car interior color: BLACK - S LINE
🧭Location: Los Angeles
🪙Date of sale: 2015-08-17

📩Email: wng@a.COM
📞Telephone: 51596450280000
📞Work phone: 51596450280000
📞Telephone: 5159645028
📆Registration date: 2018-09-10
🏘️Address: 306 SW Country Club Ln
☎️Home phone: 5159645028
🇺🇸State: IA
🌃City: Ankeny
🎨External color of the car: Monsoon Gray metallic
🏤Postal code: 50023
👤Company owner name: Tom Carleton
👤Name: Tom
👤Surname: Carleton
🚔︎VIN: WA1ANAFY5J2013223
🚗Driver company: Elizabeth Carleton
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🧭Location: Ankeny
🪙Date of sale: 2018-09-07

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 24031402800000
📞Work phone: 24031402800000
📞Telephone: 2403140280
📆Registration date: 2015-06-27
🏘️Address: 19200 Chennault Way
☎️Home phone: 2403140280
🇺🇸State: MD
🌃City: Gaithersburg
🎨External color of the car: MONSOON GRAY METALLIC
🏤Postal code: 20879
👤Company owner name: PGS of Metropolitan Washington Inc
🚔︎VIN: WA1CMAFP2EA126822
🚗Driver company: PGS of Metropolitan Washington Inc
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🧭Location: Gaithersburg
🪙Date of sale: 2015-06-22

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 33685690500000
📞Work phone: 33685690500000
📞Telephone: 3368569050
📆Registration date: 2015-03-31
🏘️Address: 1400 Battleground Ave
☎️Home phone: 3368569050
🇺🇸State: NC
🌃City: Greensboro
🎨External color of the car: Moonlight Blue metallic
🏤Postal code: 27410
👤Company owner name: Finesse Enterprise
🚔︎VIN: WA1CGBFP5FA104120
🚗Driver company: Finesse Enterprise
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: SQ5
🧭Location: Greensboro
🪙Date of sale: 2015-03-31

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 00000000000000
📞Work phone: 00000000000000
📞Telephone: 0000000000
📆Registration date: 2018-12-31
🏘️Address: 13455 NOEL ROAD SUITE 2300
☎️Home phone: 0000000000
🇺🇸State: TX
🎨External color of the car: Glacier White metallic
🏤Postal code: 75240
🚔︎VIN: WAUW3AFC8JN065009
🚙Car interior color: Black / Black stitching
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A7 competition
🧭Location: DALLAS
🪙Date of sale: 2019-01-02

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 31232408840000
📞Work phone: 31232408840000
📞Telephone: 3123240884
📆Registration date: 2014-08-11
🏘️Address: 1111 N CLARK ST
☎️Home phone: 3123240884
🇺🇸State: IL
🎨External color of the car: ICE SILVER METALLIC
🏤Postal code: 60610
👤Company owner name: FLETCHER JONES AUDI
🚔︎VIN: WA1LGAFE2ED018933
🚗Driver company: FLETCHER JONES AUDI
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: CHICAGO
🪙Date of sale: 2014-08-11

📩Email: WNG@a.com
📞Telephone: 80023728340000
📞Work phone: 99999999990000
📞Telephone: 8002372834
📆Registration date: 2015-10-30
🏘️Address: 1401 Fanklin Blvd
☎️Home phone: 9999999999
🇺🇸State: IL
🌃City: Libertyville
🎨External color of the car: Scuba Blue metallic
🏤Postal code: 60048
👤Company owner name: VW Credit Leasing Ltd
🚔︎VIN: WA1CFAFP3FA065444
🚗Driver company: David Henderson
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Pistachio Beige
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q5
🧭Location: Wellesley
🪙Date of sale: 2015-10-20

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 44345958000000
📞Work phone: 44345958000000
📞Telephone: 4434595800
📆Registration date: 2018-01-26
🏘️Address: 7085 DORSEY RUN RD
☎️Home phone: 4434595800
🇺🇸State: MD
🎨External color of the car: PHANTOM BLACK PEARL EFFECT
🏤Postal code: 21075
🚔︎VIN: WAUF2AFC0EN032238
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: S6
🧭Location: ELKRIDGE
🪙Date of sale: 2018-01-17

📩Email: WNG@a.com
📞Telephone: 88823728340000
📞Work phone: 63166259050000
📞Telephone: 8882372834
📆Registration date: 2014-08-31
🏘️Address: 1401 Franklin Blvd.
☎️Home phone: 6316625905
🇺🇸State: IL
🌃City: Libertyville
🎨External color of the car: Glacier White metallic
🏤Postal code: 60048
👤Company owner name: VW Credit Leasing Ltd.
🚗Driver company: MARGARET ENZIEN
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A6
🪙Date of sale: 2014-09-02

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 21769831000000
📞Work phone: 21769831000000
📞Telephone: 2176983100
📆Registration date: 2017-05-26
🏘️Address: 3901 WABASH AVENUE
☎️Home phone: 2176983100
🇺🇸State: IL
🎨External color of the car: Florett Silver metallic
🏤Postal code: 62711
👤Company owner name: GREEN AUDI
🚗Driver company: GREEN AUDI
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A6
🪙Date of sale: 2017-03-31

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 41547411000000
📞Work phone: 41547411000000
📞Telephone: 4154741100
📆Registration date: 2014-11-01
🏘️Address: 1132 n 7th st
☎️Home phone: 4154741100
🇺🇸State: CA
🌃City: san jose
🎨External color of the car: IBIS WHITE
🏤Postal code: 95112
👤Company owner name: ellis brooks leasing
🚗Driver company: ellis brooks leasing
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A7
🧭Location: san jose
🪙Date of sale: 2014-11-01

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 20184768000000
📞Work phone: 20184768000000
📞Telephone: 2018476800
📆Registration date: 2014-03-31
🏘️Address: 1 BECTON DR
☎️Home phone: 2018476800
🇺🇸State: NJ
🎨External color of the car: MONSOON GRAY METALLIC
🏤Postal code: 07417
👤Company owner name: BECTON DICKINSON
🚔︎VIN: WAUR2AFD2EN010473
🚗Driver company: BECTON DICKINSON
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A8 L
🪙Date of sale: 2014-03-31

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 40722286300000
📞Work phone: 40722286300000
📞Telephone: 4072228630
📆Registration date: 2014-10-20
🏘️Address: 5345 L B Mcleod rd
☎️Home phone: 4072228630
🇺🇸State: FL
🌃City: orlando
🎨External color of the car: PHANTOM BLACK PEARL EFFECT
🏤Postal code: 32811
👤Company owner name: Orlando Business
🚗Driver company: Orlando Business
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🧭Location: orlando
🪙Date of sale: 2014-10-16

📩Email: WNG@a.com
📞Telephone: 80023728340000
📞Work phone: 99999999990000
📞Telephone: 8002372834
📆Registration date: 2015-10-27
🏘️Address: 1401 Franklin Blvd
☎️Home phone: 9999999999
🇺🇸State: IL
🌃City: Libertyville
🎨External color of the car: Brilliant Black
🏤Postal code: 60048
👤Company owner name: VW Credit Leasing LTD
🚗Driver company: Alan Daum
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A4
🧭Location: Oceanside
🪙Date of sale: 2015-10-01

📩Email: WNG@a.com
📞Telephone: 99999999990000
📞Work phone: 99999999990000
📞Telephone: 9999999999
📆Registration date: 2015-10-31
🏘️Address: 23 Barrett Drive
☎️Home phone: 9999999999
🇺🇸State: NY
🌃City: New Windsor
🎨External color of the car: Mythos Black metallic / Black roof
🏤Postal code: 12553
👤Company owner name: Wade Cooper III
👤Name: Wade
👤Surname: Cooper III
🚔︎VIN: WAU3FLFF7F1053948
🚗Driver company: Wade Cooper III
🚘Machine type: Convertible
🚙Car interior color: Titanium Gray
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A3 Cabriolet
🧭Location: New Windsor
🪙Date of sale: 2015-10-28

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 21083568190000
📞Work phone: 21083568190000
📞Telephone: 2108356819
📆Registration date: 2015-03-06
🏘️Address: 2440 FM 1044
☎️Home phone: 2108356819
🇺🇸State: TX
🌃City: New Braunfels
🎨External color of the car: Daytona Gray pearl effect
🏤Postal code: 78130
👤Company owner name: Searight Living Trust
🚔︎VIN: WA1LFAFP1FA082968
🚗Driver company: Searight Living Trust
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q5
🧭Location: New Braunfels
🪙Date of sale: 2015-03-05

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 11111111110000
📞Work phone: 51442619600000
📞Telephone: 1111111111
📆Registration date: 2016-06-30
🏘️Address: 1
☎️Home phone: 5144261960
🇺🇸State: QC
🌃City: montreal
🎨External color of the car: GRAPHITE GREY METALLIC
🏤Postal code: h1h1h2
👤Company owner name: 8115966 Canada Inc
🚔︎VIN: WA1VAAF70HD019837
🚗Driver company: 8115966 CANADA INC
🚘Machine type: Unknown
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🪙Date of sale: 2016-06-29

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 31047337170000
📞Work phone: 31047337170000
📞Telephone: 3104733717
📆Registration date: 2014-11-03
🏘️Address: 11601 Wilshire Blvd # 2150
☎️Home phone: 3104733717
🇺🇸State: CA
🌃City: Los Angeles
🎨External color of the car: BRILLIANT BLACK
🏤Postal code: 90025
👤Company owner name: Street Entertainment INC
🚗Driver company: Street Entertainment INC
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A3
🧭Location: Los Angeles
🪙Date of sale: 2014-11-03

📩Email: WNG@a.COM
📞Telephone: 63043291440000
📞Work phone: 63043291440000
📞Telephone: 6304329144
📆Registration date: 2018-03-19
🏘️Address: 1014 SW ELM ST
☎️Home phone: 6304329144
🇺🇸State: IA
🎨External color of the car: Florett Silver metallic
🏤Postal code: 50023
👤Company owner name: Joseph Crowell
👤Name: Joseph
👤Surname: Crowell
🚗Driver company: Joseph Crowell
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A6
🧭Location: ANKENY
🪙Date of sale: 2018-03-17

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 20155512120000
📞Work phone: 97333066110000
📞Telephone: 2015551212
📆Registration date: 2018-02-17
🏘️Address: PO BOX 3427
☎️Home phone: 9733306611
🇺🇸State: WI
🎨External color of the car: Brilliant Black
🏤Postal code: 54903
👤Company owner name: US BANK N.A.
🚔︎VIN: WAUBFGFF3F1074153
🚗Driver company: JUAN J MOTTA
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: S3
🧭Location: LODI
🪙Date of sale: 2018-02-17

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 31256013230000
📞Work phone: 31256013230000
📞Telephone: 3125601323
📆Registration date: 2018-06-30
🏘️Address: 1144 Oakley Ave
☎️Home phone: 3125601323
🇺🇸State: IL
🌃City: Deerfield
🎨External color of the car: Mythos Black metallic / Black roof
🏤Postal code: 60015
👤Company owner name: QUANTUM LEGAL LLC
🚔︎VIN: WAU24GF58JN018336
🚗Driver company: QUANTUM LEGAL LLC
🚘Machine type: Convertible
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: S5 Cabriolet
🧭Location: Deerfield
🪙Date of sale: 2018-06-30

📩Email: WNG@A.cOM
📞Telephone: 30534530000000
📞Work phone: 30534530000000
📞Telephone: 3053453000
📆Registration date: 2014-05-31
🏘️Address: 12180 SW 129th Ct
☎️Home phone: 3053453000
🇺🇸State: FL
🌃City: Miami
🎨External color of the car: IBIS WHITE
🏤Postal code: 33186
👤Company owner name: All Floors Carpet One
🚗Driver company: All Floors Carpet One
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A6
🧭Location: Miami
🪙Date of sale: 2014-06-02

📩Email: WNG@a.com
📞Telephone: 80023728340000
📞Work phone: 99999999990000
📞Telephone: 8002372834
📆Registration date: 2015-10-27
🏘️Address: 1401 Franklin Blvd
☎️Home phone: 9999999999
🇺🇸State: IL
🌃City: Libertyville
🎨External color of the car: Brilliant Red
🏤Postal code: 60048
👤Company owner name: VW Credit Leasing LTD
🚗Driver company: Cathleen Bligh
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A4
🧭Location: Ridgefield
🪙Date of sale: 2015-10-01

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 21490956150000
📞Work phone: 51242099000000
📞Telephone: 2149095615
📆Registration date: 2015-02-26
🏘️Address: 2505 HIGHWAY 360
☎️Home phone: 5124209900
🇺🇸State: TX
🎨External color of the car: Monsoon Gray metallic / Black roof
🏤Postal code: 75050
👤Company owner name: D&M LEASING
🚔︎VIN: WAU3FLFF1F1052679
🚗Driver company: EDWARD ORTIZ
🚘Machine type: Convertible
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A3 Cabriolet
🧭Location: AUSTIN
🪙Date of sale: 2015-02-20

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 20670920540000
📞Work phone: 20670920540000
📞Telephone: 2067092054
📆Registration date: 2014-03-24
🏘️Address: 2332 42ND AVE E
☎️Home phone: 2067092054
🇺🇸State: WA
🎨External color of the car: PHANTOM BLACK PEARL EFFECT
🏤Postal code: 98112
🚔︎VIN: WA1UFAFL6EA094792
🚘Machine type: Avant
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: allroad
🧭Location: SEATTLE
🪙Date of sale: 2014-03-22

📩Email: WNG@a.com
📞Telephone: 88823728340000
📞Work phone: 86062090150000
📞Telephone: 8882372834
📆Registration date: 2015-09-30
🏘️Address: 1401 Franklin Blvd
☎️Home phone: 8606209015
🇺🇸State: IL
🌃City: Libertyville
🎨External color of the car: Mythos Black metallic
🏤Postal code: 60048
👤Company owner name: VW Credit Leasing LTD
🚗Driver company: Donna Koczera
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Atlas Beige (light carpet)
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A6
🧭Location: Southington
🪙Date of sale: 2015-09-30

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 80058450000000
📞Work phone: 80058450000000
📞Telephone: 3107794800
📆Registration date: 2018-03-08
🏘️Address: 1540 2nd St
☎️Home phone: 3107794800
🇺🇸State: CA
🌃City: Santa Monica
🎨External color of the car: GLACIER WHITE METALLIC / BLACK ROOF
🏤Postal code: 90401
👤Company owner name: Fair Titling Trust
🚗Driver company: Fair Titling Trust
🚘Machine type: Convertible
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A5 Cabriolet
🧭Location: Santa Monica
🪙Date of sale: 2018-03-07

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 21628767300000
📞Work phone: 21628767300000
📞Telephone: 2162876730
📆Registration date: 2014-09-23
🏘️Address: 1801 EAST 9TH STREET STE 1700
☎️Home phone: 2162876730
🇺🇸State: OH
🎨External color of the car: IBIS WHITE
🏤Postal code: 44114
👤Company owner name: MCK CORPORATION
🚗Driver company: MCK CORPORATION
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: VELVET BEIGE
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A6
🧭Location: CLEVELAND
🪙Date of sale: 2014-09-23

📩Email: wng@A.com
📞Telephone: 83123611500000
📞Work phone: 83123611500000
📞Telephone: 8312361150
📆Registration date: 2017-10-07
🏘️Address: 1407 LISBON LN
☎️Home phone: 8312361150
🇺🇸State: CA
🎨External color of the car: Moonlight Blue metallic
🏤Postal code: 93953
👤Company owner name: Virdette Brumm
👤Name: Virdette
👤Surname: Brumm
🚔︎VIN: WA1ANAFY8J2023163
🚗Driver company: Virdette Brumm
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q5
🪙Date of sale: 2017-10-05

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 20136556700000
📞Work phone: 20136556700000
📞Telephone: 2013655670
📆Registration date: 2016-11-12
🏘️Address: 55-57 BISHES LANE
☎️Home phone: 2013655670
🇺🇸State: NJ
🎨External color of the car: Mythos Black metallic
🏤Postal code: 07407
👤Company owner name: COLEX FINISHING INC
🚔︎VIN: WAUC4AFR3HA000610
🚗Driver company: COLEX FINISHING INC
🚙Car interior color: Black / Magma Red
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: S5 Coupe
🪙Date of sale: 2016-11-12

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 26251333000000
📞Work phone: 41496110000000
📞Telephone: 2625133300
📆Registration date: 2015-01-31
🏘️Address: 1720 PARAMOUNT DRIVE
☎️Home phone: 4149611000
🇺🇸State: WI
🎨External color of the car: Cortina White
🏤Postal code: 53186
👤Company owner name: EWALD FLEET SOLUTIONS LLC
🚔︎VIN: WA1EFCFS2FR006296
🚗Driver company: RUTH HARPER
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q3
🧭Location: CEDARBURG
🪙Date of sale: 2015-01-31

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 00000000000000
📞Work phone: 00000000000000
📞Telephone: 0000000000
📆Registration date: 2017-07-05
🏘️Address: 18855 STONY PLAIN RD
☎️Home phone: 0000000000
🇺🇸State: AB
🎨External color of the car: Glacier White Metallic
🏤Postal code: T5S2X6
👤Company owner name: AUDI EDMONTON NORTH
🚔︎VIN: WA1GCCFS9HR011077
🚗Driver company: AUDI EDMONTON NORTH
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🧭Location: EDMONTON
🪙Date of sale: 2017-07-05

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 50381631430000
📞Work phone: 50381631430000
📞Telephone: 5038163143
📆Registration date: 2016-11-14
🏘️Address: 13663 SW White Cedar PL
☎️Home phone: 5038163143
🇺🇸State: OR
🌃City: Portland
🎨External color of the car: Carat Beige metallic
🏤Postal code: 97223
👤Company owner name: Columbia Consulting Group LLC
🚔︎VIN: WA1LAAF79HD028382
🚗Driver company: Columbia Consulting Group LLC
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Pistachio Beige
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: Portland
🪙Date of sale: 2016-11-12

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 41532800390000
📞Work phone: 41532800390000
📞Telephone: 4154546454
📆Registration date: 2016-07-13
🏘️Address: 4306 Redwood Hwy #100
☎️Home phone: 4154546454
🇺🇸State: CA
🌃City: San Rafael
🎨External color of the car: Mythos Black metallic
🏤Postal code: 94903
👤Company owner name: Allen Bettini & Carter Inc.
🚔︎VIN: WAUH2AFC1GN169880
🚗Driver company: Allen Bettini & Carter Inc.
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: S6
🧭Location: San Rafael
🪙Date of sale: 2016-07-13

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 41077113830000
📞Work phone: 41066764000000
📞Telephone: 4107711383
📆Registration date: 2017-01-31
🏘️Address: 940 Ridgebrook Rd
☎️Home phone: 4106676400
🇺🇸State: MD
🌃City: Sparks
🎨External color of the car: Havanna Black metallic
🏤Postal code: 21152
👤Company owner name: D L PETERSON TRUST
🚔︎VIN: WAUF2AFC3HN079509
🚗Driver company: Wittenbach Business Systems LLC
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Atlas Beige (light carpet)
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A6
🧭Location: Sparks
🪙Date of sale: 2017-01-31

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 00000000000000
📞Work phone: 00000000000000
📞Telephone: 0000000000
📆Registration date: 2018-10-31
🏘️Address: 1221 Upper James St
☎️Home phone: 0000000000
🇺🇸State: ON
🌃City: Hamilton
🎨External color of the car: Ibis White
🏤Postal code: l9c3b2
👤Company owner name: 1145678 Ontario Ltd.
🚔︎VIN: WA1ANAFY7J2225184
🚗Driver company: 1145678 Ontario Ltd.
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q5
🧭Location: Hamilton
🪙Date of sale: 2018-10-29

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 43568025250000
📞Work phone: 43568025250000
📞Telephone: 4356802525
📆Registration date: 2017-11-30
🏘️Address: 120 E ST GEORGE #101
☎️Home phone: 4356802525
🇺🇸State: UT
🎨External color of the car: Florett Silver metallic
🏤Postal code: 84770
👤Company owner name: DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS
🚔︎VIN: WA1VAAF7XJD014974
🚗Driver company: BECKY THOMAS
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Rock Gray
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: ST GEORGE
🪙Date of sale: 2017-11-30

📩Email: Wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 80184231090000
📞Work phone: 80184231090000
📞Telephone: 8018423109
📆Registration date: 2017-10-17
🏘️Address: 6838 W Mesa Arch Dr
☎️Home phone: 8018423109
🇺🇸State: UT
🌃City: West Jordan
🎨External color of the car: Glacier White metallic
🏤Postal code: 84081
👤Company owner name: V&M Logistics
🚗Driver company: Zlate Balulovski
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: RS 7 performance
🧭Location: West Jordan
🪙Date of sale: 2017-10-14

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 21450239390000
📞Work phone: 21450239390000
📞Telephone: 2145023939
📆Registration date: 2015-03-14
☎️Home phone: 2145023939
🇺🇸State: TX
🎨External color of the car: PHANTOM BLACK PEARL EFFECT
🏤Postal code: 75080
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🪙Date of sale: 2015-03-09

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 31065756960000
📞Work phone: 31065756960000
📞Telephone: 3106575696
📆Registration date: 2018-08-08
🏘️Address: 460 S LA CIENEGA BLVD
☎️Home phone: 3106575696
🇺🇸State: CA
🎨External color of the car: Nardo Gray
🏤Postal code: 90048
👤Company owner name: FULL SERVICE RENTAL INC
🚔︎VIN: WUAPWAF50JA904404
🚙Car interior color: Black w/Crescendo Red stitching
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: RS 5 Coupe
🧭Location: LOS ANGELES
🪙Date of sale: 2018-08-07

📩Email: WNG@a.COM
📞Telephone: 41528880910000
📞Work phone: 41528880910000
📞Telephone: 4152888091
📆Registration date: 2017-09-01
🏘️Address: 4622 SORRENTO WAY
☎️Home phone: 4152888091
🇺🇸State: CA
🎨External color of the car: Monsoon Gray metallic
🏤Postal code: 95409
👤Company owner name: RACHEL BAUMGARDNER
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A4
🧭Location: SANTA ROSA
🪙Date of sale: 2017-09-01

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 11111111110000
📞Work phone: 11111111110000
📞Telephone: 1111111111
📆Registration date: 2017-09-18
🏘️Address: 10209 thurston groves blvd
☎️Home phone: 1111111111
🇺🇸State: FL
🌃City: semole
🎨External color of the car: Florett Silver metallic
🏤Postal code: 33778
👤Company owner name: leaqua enterprises
🚔︎VIN: WA1LAAF77HD035511
🚗Driver company: leaqua enterprises
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🧭Location: semole
🪙Date of sale: 2017-09-15

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 11111111110000
📞Work phone: 36075666140000
📞Telephone: 1111111111
📆Registration date: 2018-02-05
🏘️Address: 9000 southside blvdf
☎️Home phone: 3607566614
🇺🇸State: FL
🌃City: jacksonville
🎨External color of the car: Graphite Gray metallic
🏤Postal code: 32256
👤Company owner name: bank of america
🚔︎VIN: WA1LAAF71HD049307
🚗Driver company: FELIX GRYCEL
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🪙Date of sale: 2018-02-02

📩Email: Wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 61742987180000
📞Work phone: 61742987180000
📞Telephone: 6174298718
📆Registration date: 2014-08-18
🏘️Address: 30 Northland Rd
☎️Home phone: 6174298718
🇺🇸State: NH
🌃City: Windham
🎨External color of the car: ICE SILVER METALLIC
🏤Postal code: 03087
👤Company owner name: Lombardozzi family revocable trust
🚔︎VIN: WAU2GAFC0CN056715
🚗Driver company: Lombardozzi family revocable trust
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A7
🧭Location: Windham
🪙Date of sale: 2014-08-18

📩Email: WNG@a.com
📞Telephone: 80023728340000
📞Work phone: 99999999990000
📞Telephone: 8002372834
📆Registration date: 2015-10-27
🏘️Address: 1401 Franklin Blvd
☎️Home phone: 9999999999
🇺🇸State: IL
🌃City: Libertyville
🎨External color of the car: Florett Silver metallic
🏤Postal code: 60048
👤Company owner name: VW Credit Leasing LTD
🚗Driver company: Lucia Rodin
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A4
🧭Location: Wantagh
🪙Date of sale: 2015-10-01

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 18476278520000
📞Work phone: 18476278520000
📞Telephone: 1847627852
📆Registration date: 2016-03-31
🏘️Address: 6733 MISSISSAUGA ROAD SUITE 310
☎️Home phone: 1847627852
🇺🇸State: ON
🌃City: mississauga
🎨External color of the car: Brilliant Black
🏤Postal code: L5N6J5
👤Company owner name: wheels
🚔︎VIN: WA1JFCFS8GR019215
🚗Driver company: MERCK CANADA INC
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: BLACK
🧭Location: mississauga
🪙Date of sale: 2016-03-31

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 20127260120000
📞Work phone: 20127260120000
📞Telephone: 2012726012
📆Registration date: 2014-07-18
🏘️Address: 400 PLAZA DR
☎️Home phone: 2012726012
🇺🇸State: NJ
🎨External color of the car: Phantom Black pearl effect
🏤Postal code: 07094
👤Company owner name: HARTZ CAPITAL
🚔︎VIN: WAU32AFD4FN007761
🚗Driver company: RONALD BANGS
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A8 L
🧭Location: SECAUCUS
🪙Date of sale: 2014-07-18

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 12345678900000
📞Work phone: 12345678900000
📞Telephone: 1234567890
📆Registration date: 2016-09-30
🏘️Address: 56 turnpike rd
☎️Home phone: 1234567890
🇺🇸State: MA
🌃City: ipswich
🎨External color of the car: Orca Black metallic
🏤Postal code: 01938
👤Company owner name: todd tool ans abrasive systems inc
🚔︎VIN: WA1DGAFE3FD026156
🚗Driver company: todd tool ans abrasive systems inc
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: ipswich
🪙Date of sale: 2016-09-30

📩Email: WNG@A.com
📞Telephone: 18009460330000
📞Work phone: 21362757170000
📞Telephone: 1800946033
📆Registration date: 2017-02-13
🏘️Address: P.O. Box 60511
☎️Home phone: 2136275717
🇺🇸State: CA
🎨External color of the car: Brilliant Black
🏤Postal code: 91716
👤Company owner name: CAPITAL ONE AUTO FINANCE
🚔︎VIN: WA1BFCFS3FR005208
🚗Driver company: NEIL G DICKSON
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q3
🪙Date of sale: 2017-02-10

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 24876035210000
📞Work phone: 24876035210000
📞Telephone: 2487603521
📆Registration date: 2017-07-22
🏘️Address: 28585 TELEGRAPH RD
☎️Home phone: 2487603521
🇺🇸State: MI
🎨External color of the car: Moonlight Blue metallic
🏤Postal code: 48034
👤Company owner name: TAMAROFF LEASING CO (LESSOR)
🚔︎VIN: WAUENAF45HN067938
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A4
🪙Date of sale: 2017-07-20

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 40824454000000
📞Work phone: 40824454000000
📞Telephone: 4082445400
📆Registration date: 2019-01-09
🏘️Address: 177 Shoreline Dr
☎️Home phone: 4082445400
🇺🇸State: CA
🌃City: Alameda
🎨External color of the car: Brilliant Black
🏤Postal code: 94501
👤Company owner name: Fair Titling Trust LSR
🚗Driver company: Fair Titling Trust LSR
🚘Machine type: Sedan
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: A4
🧭Location: Alameda
🪙Date of sale: 2019-01-07

📩Email: wng@a.com
📞Telephone: 41090511820000
📞Work phone: 41090511820000
📞Telephone: 4109051182
📆Registration date: 2019-01-15
🏘️Address: 10031 FENNEL WAY
☎️Home phone: 4109051182
🇺🇸State: MD
🎨External color of the car: Ink Blue metallic
🏤Postal code: 20723
👤Company owner name: THAJ LLC
🚔︎VIN: WA1LAAF79HD005359
🚗Driver company: THAJ LLC
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Nougat Brown
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q7
🧭Location: LAUREL
🪙Date of sale: 2019-01-01

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 24837380100000
📞Work phone: 24837380100000
📞Telephone: 2483738010
📆Registration date: 2014-10-13
🏘️Address: 20 OAK HOLLOW SUITE 350
☎️Home phone: 2483738010
🇺🇸State: MI
🎨External color of the car: Brilliant Black
🏤Postal code: 48034
👤Company owner name: FORD MOTOR CO
🚔︎VIN: WA1EFCFS1FR002613
🚗Driver company: FORD MOTOR CO
🚘Machine type: Sport Utility Vehicle
🚙Car interior color: Black
🚙Car make: Audi
🚙The model of car: Q3
🪙Date of sale: 2014-10-07


Sometime in November 2022, the “leader” in premium, luxury and sports eyewear with over 7,400 stores in North America suffered a data breach. This revealed email addresses, phone numbers, dates of birth, home addresses and full names of customers of the Luxottica brand. The leak occurred due to a third party exposing data through a publicly accessible storage container.

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 5745510358
🏘️Address: PO BOX 575
🇺🇸State: IN
👤Name: Wes
👤Surname: Stouder

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 2398392556
🏘️Address: 612 LAKE AVE
🇺🇸State: FL
👤Name: Manuel
👤Surname: Laureano

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 2392339991
🏘️Address: 1234 W MAIN ST
🇺🇸State: FL
👤Name: Carrie
👤Surname: Madero

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 2396033228
🇺🇸State: FL
👤Name: David
👤Surname: Codie

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
🏘️Address: 1755 BRICKROAD CT
🇺🇸State: FL
👤Name: Jose
👤Surname: Juan

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 2396996004
🏘️Address: 1318 LAVIN LN
🇺🇸State: FL
👤Name: Michael
👤Surname: Phillips

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 2393931933
👤Name: Edison
👤Surname: Mall

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 2396916941
🏘️Address: PO BOX 1
🇺🇸State: FL
👤Name: John
👤Surname: Riegert

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 2395609371
🏘️Address: 1331 HARMONY DR
🇺🇸State: OH
👤Name: Josh
👤Surname: Ballinger

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 5166272147
🏘️Address: 80 LONGRIDGE RD
🇺🇸State: NY
👤Name: Brad
👤Surname: Cronan

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 2393213498
🏘️Address: 9700 BLUE STONE CIR
🇺🇸State: FL
👤Name: Javier
👤Surname: Cruz

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 2398349103
🏘️Address: 1505 SW 47TH TER
🇺🇸State: FL
👤Name: Tom
👤Surname: Ritter

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 6037592684
🏘️Address: 123 W MAIN
🇺🇸State: NH
👤Name: John
👤Surname: Herrin

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
🇺🇸State: FL
👤Name: Roger
👤Surname: Mairn

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
🏘️Address: 5236 26TH ST SW
🇺🇸State: FL
👤Name: Mario
👤Surname: Paris

📩Email: sblakey0856@rogers.com
📞Telephone: 9054270856
🏘️Address: 4 WALKER CRES
🇺🇸State: ON
🌃City: AJAX
👤Name: Scott
👤Surname: Blakey

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
📞Telephone: 2392366277
🇺🇸State: FL
👤Name: Adrian
👤Surname: Pastor

👁️‍🗨️USA Hige Leak

A huge database of US residents, which was originally leaked by pompompurin on the now defunct RaidForum. The source is unknown, but data from more than 250 million American citizens can be found in this database. The data contains names, addresses, telephone numbers, geolocation, home and income information, nationality, date of birth. It also contained more than 100 million emails.

📩Email: programmingarts@trinityonline.org
📞Telephone: 9093898367
🎂Month of birth: 10
🎂Year of birth: 1958
🏘️Street suffix: Ave
🏘️Address: 951 Hartzell Ave
🏘️Street: Hartzell
⌚Timezone: 8
🇺🇸State: CA
🌃Cities: Redlands
🌃City: Redlands
🌐Latitude: 34.079697
🌐Longitude: -117.170007
🍁Description CBSA: Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario CA
🏗️Year the house was built: 1979
🏚️House price: $200000 to $224999
🏤Postal code (11 characters): 92374252351
🏤Postal code: 92374
🏻Nationality code: irs
👤Name: Scott
👤Surname: Blakey
👤Surname: E
👴Age: 62
💰Income: $75000 to $99999
💳Credit card limit: 13125
📮Postcode: 2523
🗺️Region: San Bernardino
🚻Sex: M
🛁Number of bathrooms in the house: 2
🛏Number of bedrooms in the house: 3
🛖Year of home purchase: 2014

📩Email: programmingarts@trinityonline.org
📞Telephone: 9093898367
📞Telephone: 9094358289
🎂Month of birth: 12
🎂Year of birth: 1962
🏘️Street suffix: Ave
🏘️Address: 951 Hartzell Ave
🏘️Street: Hartzell
⌚Timezone: 8
🇺🇸State: CA
🌃Cities: Redlands
🌃City: Redlands
🌐Latitude: 34.079697
🌐Longitude: -117.170007
🍁Description CBSA: Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario CA
🏗️Year the house was built: 1979
🏚️House price: $200000 to $224999
🏤Postal code (11 characters): 92374252351
🏤Postal code: 92374
🏻Nationality code: irs
👤Name: Sherilyn
👤Surname: A
👤Surname: Blakey
👴Age: 58
💰Income: $75000 to $99999
💳Credit card limit: 13125
📮Postcode: 2523
🗺️Region: San Bernardino
🚻Sex: F
🛁Number of bathrooms in the house: 2
🛏Number of bedrooms in the house: 3
🛖Year of home purchase: 2014

📘LinkedIn Scraped Data

During the first half of 2021, LinkedIn became a target for attackers who extracted data from hundreds of millions of profiles and then sold it online. This was not a leak and only publicly available information was collected. The 1.5 terabyte file contained 400 million records and 100 million unique emails, as well as the names, locations, gender and positions of users.

📩Email: scott.blakey@ttc.ca
ⓁLinkedinID: 149496018
♟️Industry: higher education
🎓Skills: strategy,operations management,management,budgets,employee training,policy,staff development,team leadership,training,project management
🏢Job title: general manager
🏷️Title: general manager
👤Name: scott
👤Surname: blakey
📍Geolocation: 43.66,-79.41
🗂️Summary: A strategic and well rounded dynamic leader with superior communication and interpersonal skills developed and honed in both the public and private sectors. I have established a reputation of creating and providing the proper environment and opportunities to cultivate and motivate large teams of employees to meet and exceed corporate, division/branch and personal goals. As a board member, I have effectively fulfilled governance and ovesight responsibilities on several boards in the pension, benefits and not-for-profit sectors.
🗺️Region: ontario, canada
🗾A country: canada
🗾Continent: north america
🚪Number of inputs: 6
🚻Sex: male
🧭Location: ontario
🧭Location: toronto


In September 2019, game developer Zynga (creator of Words with Friends) suffered a leak. 173 million unique emails were exposed, as well as usernames and passwords in the form of salted SHA-1 hashes.

📩Email: scott.blakey@gmail.com
🔑Password: itha12c4fuq

📩Email: ebonyshelton93@ymail.com
📆Last Activity: 2013-12-11 19:42:53
📆Registration date: 2013-02-24 04:25:43
👤Nick: Scott Blakey

📩Email: wng@a.com
📆Last Activity: 2016-01-21 04:15:49
📆Registration date: 2016-01-21 04:15:49
👤Nick: Wng5

📩Email: Scott.blakey@gmail.com
🔐Encrypted password: 5a34991d2cc2655d47ef60733f783488f9ffe47a
📆Last Activity: 2013-12-11 23:49:34
📆Registration date: 2013-06-15 17:48:14
🍚Salt: eb82fcec35fa1d7e9c70c2843e81307c71f21de5
👤Nick: Holodmon

📩Email: Scott.blakey@gmail.com
🔑Password: itha12c4fuq

📩Email: scottblakey@yahoo.com.au
🔐Encrypted password: ec2b4305f8ea97283a812d4ea3baac7d46ef25b6
📆Last Activity: 2017-03-15 20:56:23
📆Registration date: 2012-01-13 09:01:57
🍚Salt: 3f3d6027daf5afd2f8ef332d0aafeca4b91257d6
👤Nick: s.blakey

📩Email: oi_itz_blake96@hotmail.com
🔑Password: scotty182

📩Email: scottblakey@yahoo.com.au
🔑Password: Serenity269


In June 2020, user story site Wattpad suffered a leak that exposed 270 million records. Personal information was exposed: names, emails, IP, gender, dates of birth and passwords in the form of bcrypt hashes.

📩Email: jblakescott37@gmail.com
🔐Encrypted password: $2y$10$adl9YKMg7Rw1N3aKEGjRI.1g/tFPJFp8XdOEchuAWXy.ZacEXwIOm
📆date: 2014-11-06 00:05:54
🎂Date of Birth: smoked an egg once
ⓕFacebookID: ah
👤Full name: LET\S DROP THE BEAT'
👤Nick: Leafy_Is_Here
🗾A country: US
🚻Sex: had the bob Duncan experience. \n I\'ve been dicking around Wattpad for a few years but now
🧭Location: Sub With Twitch Prime

📩Email: scott.blakey@gmail.com
📆date: 2016-03-22 00:35:48
🎂Date of Birth: 1980-07-23
ⓕFacebookID: 10207530125785888
👤Full name: Scott Blakey
👤Nick: ScottBlakey
🗾A country: US
🚻Sex: M


At the end of 2015, a spam list known as the “Special K Data Feed” was discovered on the Internet, containing almost 31 million entries. Data includes names, physical and IP addresses, gender, dates of birth and telephone numbers.

📩Email: blakescott24@gmail.com
🏘️Address: NJ
👤Name: Blakeyshan
👤Surname: Scott

📩Email: blakescott24@gmail.com
👤Name: blakeyshan
👤Surname: scott

📩Email: chesterringtail@gmail.com
👤Name: Scott
👤Surname: Blakey

📩Email: blakescott24@gmail.com
🏘️Address: Saint PaulMN55105
👤Name: Blakeyshan
👤Surname: Scott

📩Email: scottblakey434@gmail.com
👤Name: Scott
👤Surname: Blakey

📩Email: chesterringtail@gmail.com
🏘️Address: HarrisburgPA17111
👤Name: Scott
👤Surname: Blakey

🐦Twitter 200M

In January 2022, a vulnerability in the Twitter platform allowed a hacker to create a database of emails and phone numbers of 200 million users of the social platform. In August 2022, Twitter reported that the vulnerability was related to a bug introduced in June 2021. The data included emails, phone numbers, username, biography, location and profile photo.

📩Email: scott.blakey@yahoo.com
📆Registration date: 30.03.2011 02:56:08
👤Full name: scott blakey
👤Nick: sbeezydadawn
😻Number of subscribers: 0

📩Email: jblakescott37@gmail.com
📆Registration date: 03.10.2015 17:05:19
👤Full name: Yaboi
👤Nick: HyuckYouUp
😻Number of subscribers: 19

📩Email: scottslatter12@hotmail.com
📆Registration date: 13.05.2009 17:23:55
👤Full name: Scott Blakey
👤Nick: beamer1200
😻Number of subscribers: 13

📩Email: scott.blakey@gmail.com
📆Registration date: 28.09.2017 16:39:40
👤Full name: Scott Blakey
👤Nick: vandmon
😻Number of subscribers: 0


In February 2019, the email verification service Verifications.io was damaged. Data in MongoDB was left publicly accessible without a password, which exposed 763 million unique emails, phone numbers and IPs. Passwords were not included in the data.


📩Email: WNG@A.COM

📩Email: blakescott24@gmail.com
🇺🇸State: GA
🌐Website: moneysupplyquick.com
👤Name: blakeyshan
👤Surname: scott


📩Email: chesterringtail@gmail.com


📩Email: programmingarts@trinityonline.org
📞Telephone: 9097981420
🎂Date of Birth: 2018-01-19
🇺🇸State: CA
🌃City: Redlands
🌐Website: enewsoffers.com
🏤Postal code: 92374
👤Name: Sheri
👤Surname: Blakey
🚻Sex: female


In January 2019, a collection of 5 parts appeared on a hacker forum, representing a combination of data from different sites. The collection contained 108 thousand files with a total size of 870GB. These files contained 26 billion lines containing email and password. However, many values ​​were repeated many times, and there were only 4.3 billion unique pairs. And yet this collection is considered the biggest leak in history.

📩Email: scottslatter12@hotmail.com
🔑Password: hobbes12

📩Email: scott.blakey@gmail.com
🔑Password: itha12c
🔖Collection numbers: 2,4

📩Email: oi_itz_blake96@hotmail.com
🔑Password: scotty182

📩Email: sblakey0856@rogers.com
🔑Password: ssblakey
🔖Collection numbers: 2,3

📩Email: scott.blakey@yahoo.com
🔑Password: Nigga123
🔖Collection numbers: 2,4

📩Email: wng@a.com
🔑Password: Munsters1
🔖Collection numbers: 2,4

🔍Experian 24M

In August 2020, credit bureau Experian leaked consumer data. However, the incident was not related to hacking. Instead, the scammer posed as one of Experian's customers, and the credit bureau employee willingly handed over the data to him. The leak included 24 million records and contained emails, phone numbers, names and addresses of users.

📩Email: programmingarts@trinityonline.org
📞Telephone: 9097981420
📆date: 2012-12-31 12:00:00
🎂Date of Birth: 28
🎂Month of birth: 10
🎂Year of birth: 1958
🏘️Address: 951 Hartzell Ave
⌚Timezone: P
☄Prefix: MR
🇺🇸State: CA
🌃City: Redlands
🌐Website: studentsreview.com
🏤Postal code: 92374
🏻Nationality code: T6
👤First character of the middle name: E
👤Name: Scott
👤Surname: Blakey
👴Age: 57
📮Postcode: 2523
🚻Sex: M
🧒Amount of children: 1


Around April 2019, the cloud-based SMS platform ApexSMS (also known as "MobileDrip") suffered a data breach. Because of her, 88 million posts were published. The violation included full names, email addresses, physical addresses, IP addresses and phone numbers.

📩Email: blakescott24@gmail.com
📞Telephone: 7734073253
📆date: 2019-02-09
🏘️Address: 2254Ahe st.56c
🇺🇸State: IL
🌃City: Chicago
🏤Postal code: 37075
👤Name: Blakeyshan
👤Surname: Scott
🗺️Region: Illinois
🗾A country: US

📩Email: blakescott24@gmail.com
📞Telephone: 7734073253
📆date: 2019-03-26
🏘️Address: 8050 s justine
🇺🇸State: FL
🌃City: Chicago
🏤Postal code: 60290
👤Name: Blakeyshan
👤Surname: Scott
🗺️Region: Illinois
🗾A country: US


At the end of 2022, music streaming service Deezer reported a data breach that affected more than 240 million customers. The breach occurred due to a backup published in mid-2019 by a third-party partner. The affected data included 229 million emails, as well as IP addresses, usernames, gender, dates of birth and geographic locations of customers.

📩Email: oi_itz_blake96@hotmail.com
📆Registration date: 2013-06-19
🎂Date of Birth: 1996-11-25
🇦🇺Language: en
👤Name: Blakey
👤Nick: Blakey Scott
👤Surname: Scott
🗾A country: AU
🚻Sex: M

📩Email: blake.scott.96@hotmail.com
📆Registration date: 2017-05-02
🎂Date of Birth: 1996-11-25
🇦🇺Language: us
👤Name: Blakey
👤Nick: Blakey Scott
👤Surname: Scott
🗾A country: AU
🚻Sex: M


In July 2018, startup Apollo left behind a database containing billions of rows. Among them were 126 million unique email addresses, as well as names, places of work, roles of people and their locations.

📩Email: scott.blakey@tdindustries.com
🇺🇸State: Texas
🌃City: Denton
🏷️Title: sheet-metal installer
👤Full name: Scott Blakey
👷Job: sheet metal installer
🔗LinkedIn Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/scott-blakey-79a17492
🗝ID: 54a4b1a27468693b8c6aa05b
🗾A country: United States

📩Email: scott.blakey@bluewin.ch
🏷️Title: Biologist and Selective Breeding
👤Full name: Scott Blakey
👷Job: biologist selective breeding
📅Start date: 1998-06-01
🔗LinkedIn Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/scott-blakey-68314552
🗝ID: 58ff838e9d79682ee3a1c921


In October 2019, a server was discovered with 12 billion personal data records. They belonged to the data enrichment company PeopleDataLabs. 622 million mail, telephones and places of work were affected.

📩Email: scott.blakey09@gmail.com
🏘️Address: australia
👤Full name: scott blakey

📩Email: scott.blakey@tdindustries.com
📞Telephone: 2149209826
🏘️Address: denton, texas, united states
👤Full name: scott blakey

📩Email: scott.blakey@ttc.ca
📞Telephone: 4164886198
🏘️Address: toronto, canada
👤Full name: scott blakey

📩Email: sblakey0856@rogers.com
📞Telephone: 4164886198
🏘️Address: toronto, canada
👤Full name: scott blakey


Around January 2020, customer engagement tool RocketText experienced a data breach. The violation included email addresses, home addresses, IP addresses, gender, ethnicity, and telephone numbers (including the operator of the number listed). In total, 32 million records were affected. Rocket Text now operates under the name "LaunchSMS" and was previously known as ApexSMS.

📩Email: blakescott24@gmail.com
📞Telephone: 7734073253
📆Registration date: 2019-10-25T21:23:33.000Z
📆date: 10/21/19
🏘️Address: 110 Ideal St
⌚Timezone: CST
🇺🇸State: IL
🌃City: Chicago
🏤Postal code: 60641
👤Name: Blakeyshan
👤Surname: Scott
🗺️Region: Illinois
🗾A country: US
🚻Sex: F

🗃️Collection #1

In January 2019, 5 collections appeared on a popular hacker forum, representing a combination of data from many other leaks. This is the first collection found. It contained 12,300 files with a total size of 87 GB. The collection contains more than 2.5 billion lines with emails and passwords for them. There were only 1.25 billion unique rows. For many strings, the site where the leak occurred was indicated.

📩Email: scottslatter12@hotmail.com
🔑Password: hobbes12
🌐Leak site: FlashFlashRevolution.com [1,5kk]

📩Email: scott.blakey@yahoo.com
🔑Password: Nigga123
🌐Leak site: Zoosk.com [53,782,400]

📩Email: scott.blakey@gmail.com
🔑Password: itha12c4fuq
🌐Leak site: Evony.com [28kk]


In May 2022, Australian retailer Amart Furniture reported that their warranty claims database was the target of a cyber attack. More than 100,000 records containing email address, physical address, names, phone numbers and passwords in the form of bcrypt hashes were exposed and published online by the attacker.

📩Email: blake.scott.96@hotmail.com
🔐Encrypted password: $2a$10$9UlfilxdMDFKI4SPUbDVhOPaNERFVsSPpnx7JiFXO4pfFxOJbx5kq
📞Telephone: 0431366200
📆Last Activity: 2018-10-27 05:49:02.797
📆date: 2018-10-27 05:42:27.340
🏘️Address: 23 hilltop close
🌁Suburb: goonellabah
🌏Australian state: NSW
🎁Order name: Blake Scott
🏤Postal code: 2480
👤Name: Blake
👤Surname: Scott


In 2020, a set of decrypted databases containing 580 million emails and passwords was made publicly available. The data was obtained from 243 different leaks and contained only emails and unencrypted passwords.

📩Email: scott.blakey@yahoo.com
🔑Password: Nigga123
🌐Leak site: Yahoo.com

📩Email: wng@a.com
🔑Password: frogtoe1
🌐Leak site: myfitnesspal_emailpass_50

📩Email: scottblakey@yahoo.com.au
🔑Password: serenity
🌐Leak site: myfitnesspal_emailpass_50

📩Email: scott.blakey@yahoo.com
🔑Password: Niggasb123
🌐Leak site: Yahoo.com

📩Email: sblakey0856@rogers.com
🔑Password: u6gxgq
🌐Leak site: Myheritage.com


In February 2018, diet and exercise service MyFitnessPal suffered a data breach. The incident exposed 144 million unique emails along with names, IPs and passwords in the form of SHA-1 and bcrypt hashes. All data, except for bcrypt hashes, was later made publicly available.

📩Email: scottblakey@yahoo.com.au
🔑Password: serenity

📩Email: wng@a.com
🔑Password: frogtoe1

📩Email: wng@a.com
🔐Encrypted password: 233c2c604409ebf5e5a995bdf2a92646e76ee144
👤Nick: Jufferson

📩Email: scottblakey@yahoo.com.au
🔐Encrypted password: fc5419b551e51880fe1f9cee36c60cb52abc0f00
👤Nick: scottblakey

🌴MGM Resorts

In July 2019, MGM Resorts (a chain of resorts and casinos) discovered a data leak in one of its cloud services. The leaks included email and physical addresses, names, phone numbers and dates of birth. Initially, only part of the database was published, but later all 50 million records were made publicly available. The data includes dates of birth, email addresses, names, phone numbers and physical addresses.

📩Email: scottslatter12@hotmail.com
🏘️Address: Edmonton AB USA T5N0J9
👤Full name: Scott Slatter

📩Email: scott.blakey@gmail.com
📞Telephone: 4105622597
🎂Date of Birth: 1980/07/23
🏘️Address: Gilbert AZ US 85298
👤Full name: Scott Blakey


Large collection of email-pass data. The database was collected from many files on May 18, 2023. Initially, all databases weighed 338 GB (11 billion rows). After removing duplicates and data from the collections, about 2 billion remained.

📩Email: scottblakey@yahoo.com.au
🔑Password: serenity

📩Email: wng@a.com
🔑Password: Krakowiak93

📩Email: scottblakey@yahoo.com.au
🔑Password: Serenity269

📩Email: wng@a.com
🔑Password: frogtoe1

📩Email: wng@a.com
🔑Password: krakowiak93

📩Email: scottslatter12@hotmail.com
🔑Password: beamer1200

💼Modern Business Solutions

In October 2016, a large Mongo database file containing tens of millions of accounts was published by Twitter. The database contained more than 58 million unique emails, as well as IP addresses, names, home addresses, gender, positions, dates of birth and telephone numbers. The data is attributed to Modern Business Solutions, a company that provides data storage and database hosting solutions.

📩Email: blakescott24@gmail.com
📆Registration date: 2016-05-14T00:38:23.911Z
🏘️Address: 8050 S JUSTINE ST
🇺🇸State: IL
🏤Postal code: 60620
👤Surname: SCOTT


In November 2020, a data leak occurred on the forum of the gaming company Spacetime Studios, which affected 181 thousand participants. The breach included usernames, email addresses and passwords stored as vBulletin hashes. Shortly after, Spacetime Studios released a statement: "The Spacetime Studios team took immediate action to secure the site, address its vulnerabilities, and file a report with the FBI and our local law enforcement agencies."

📩Email: scott.blakey@gmail.com
🔐Encrypted password: $2a$06$m1FnvWDto9mvFMJlyrGoWeB.g6NKX7ODb5SON1OQFHs9hrdXCeYQ6
📆Registration date: 2010-11-08 22:08:26.159288
👤Name: scott
👤Surname: Blakey

🕵️‍BreachedForum Combolists

Breached.vc is the most famous site for publishing various leaks. This database contains all files from the “Combolists” section, downloaded on 02/22/2023. This section had 2200 databases containing 170GB of data (5 billion rows). After deduplication and removal of rows from the collections, only 770 million remained. The data contains only emails and passwords.

📩Email: scott.blakey@yahoo.com
🔑Password: Niggasb123
👤Nick: babyfacesb

📩Email: wng@a.com
🔑Password: krakowiak93

📩Email: scottblakey434@gmail.com
🔑Password: sbeezy23
👤Nick: sbeezy434


In December 2018, the Town of Salem website created by BlankMediaGames suffered a data breach. The data contained 7.6 million unique email addresses. Also in the leak were names, IP addresses, purchase histories and passwords in the form of phpass hashes. BlankMediaGames has not responded to multiple attempts to contact regarding the incident.

📩Email: scott.blakey@gmail.com
🔐Encrypted password: $H$94qJD3eCfDdwr7g7ZUTm7CcKP9/JWj0
👤Nick: Vandmon

📩Email: jblakescott37@gmail.com
🔐Encrypted password: $H$9VQYIKcTZZBUIPbFBrvFXUzacMvSdb0
👤Nick: BiboFaggins


In March 2021, a leak occurred in the ParkMobile parking service, which exposed the data of 21 million customers. They included emails, names, phone numbers, car numbers and passwords in the form of bcrypt hashes.

📩Email: scott.blakey@gmail.com
🔑Password: itha12c4

📩Email: scott.blakey@gmail.com
🔐Encrypted password: $2a$05$zcZQcnMfaGxFzAAmaiIZYuoQKOEPeOay6Fm2/kzab5IW0neHjTGmG
🏎️Car make: Jeep CompassRental
👤Nick: scott.blakey@gmail.com
🚘Vehicle number: 1CR9083BDA58631DJ8598BLM4173


In 2022, the MMO game Clash of Olympus suffered a leak that affected 1.5 million people. The data contains nicknames, emails, IP addresses, passwords in the form of MD5 hashes and other information.

📩Email: jblakescott37@gmail.com
🔐Encrypted password: 74f45a110929b7c07976132e5c4ab4d1
📆Last Activity: 25.07.2013 04:18:14
📆Registration date: 25.07.2013 04:18:14
ⓕFacebookID: 100004376473356
⬆Level: 0
🎯Last IP:
👤Full name: Blakey Scott

🗃️Collection #5

In January 2019, 5 collections appeared on a popular hacker forum, representing a combination of data from many other leaks. The fifth collection contains 16 thousand files with a total size of 42 gigabytes. The files contained 1.25 billion pairs of emails and passwords, but there were only 600 million unique strings. Unlike other collections, there was often information about which site the data was leaked from.

📩Email: scottslatter12@hotmail.com
🔑Password: 7121ba82269e48b781d5e0f7f6faca61
🌐Leak site: platinum-celebs.com


In November 2021, the live sex cam and adult chat site Stripchat left several databases open and unprotected. The following June, more than 10 million Stripchat posts appeared on the popular hacker forum. The exposed data included usernames, email addresses and IP addresses.

📩Email: yiffyfox@hotmail.com
📆Last Activity: 07.06.2021 07:46:06
📆Registration date: 07.06.2016 22:08:24
👤Nick: Neutered-male
🗾A country: us
🛰️Provider: Verizon Internet Services
🤴Status: regular


In July 2018, the cloud video creation service Animoto suffered a data leak. As a result of the leak, 22 million email accounts were affected. In addition, the data included names, dates of birth, country of origin, and salted SHA256 password hashes.

📩Email: scottslatter12@hotmail.com
🔐Encrypted password: 253e7fc4d328f839b1d14778259617095e1f0a9418e1725ed8346cc7e3cda6e1
🍚Salt: 5ff5419ebc0f49b9a584b26e88a97e321c4c9838
👤Name: Scott

📩Email: scottslatter12@hotmail.com
🔑Password: hobbes12


Around 2008, MySpace suffered a data breach that exposed nearly 360 million accounts. In May 2016, the data was offered for sale on the dark market website "Real Deal" and included email addresses, usernames, and SHA1 hashes of the first 10 characters of the password, converted to lowercase and stored without salt. The exact date of the hack is unknown.

📩Email: scott.blakey@gmail.com
🔑Password: itha12c
👤Nick: vandmon

📩Email: wng@a.com
🔑Password: honda1
👤Nick: 61084896


In November 2018, an unprotected database was discovered hosted on the Adapt data aggregator. More than 9.3 million unique records of individuals were found, including their names, employer names, job titles, contact information, and employer information. including a description of the organization's size and income. There was no response from Adapt.

📩Email: scott.blakey@ttc.ca
⬆Level: C-Level
🎴Branch: Engineering
🏷️Title: General Manager-Employee and Development
👤Name: Scott
👤Surname: Blakey

📦Collection of 7,651 databases

In December 2022, all databases from the hacker data trading site were made publicly available. A total of 7,651 leaks were published. The data contained only plaintext emails and passwords. A total of 493 million records in all databases.

📩Email: scottslatter12@hotmail.com
🔑Password: 7121ba82269e48b781d5e0f7f6faca61
🌐Leak site: myplatinum-celebs.com

📩Email: scottslatter12@hotmail.com
🔑Password: hobbes12
🌐Leak site: FlashRevolution.com


In late 2016, a huge list of email/password pairs appeared in the Exploit.In leak. The list contained 593 million unique email addresses and was used for “credential stuffing.”

📩Email: scottslatter12@hotmail.com
🔑Password: hobbes12

📩Email: scott.blakey@yahoo.com
🔑Password: Nigga123

📩Email: oi_itz_blake96@hotmail.com
🔑Password: scotty182

📩Email: oi_itz_blake96@hotmail.com
🔑Password: blakey1999


A huge collection of files published in February 2020 by a person with the handle @HTTSMVKCOM. It contained 3.2 billion lines of plain text emails and passwords, but only 1.28 billion unique lines. All this data was most likely obtained from many other leaks.

📩Email: scott.blakey@gmail.com
🔑Password: itha12c4fuq

📩Email: scottslatter12@hotmail.com
🔑Password: hobbes12

📩Email: oi_itz_blake96@hotmail.com
🔑Password: scotty182


In April 2020, the independent Android app store Aptoide suffered a data leak. 20 million customer records were exposed. The data included email addresses, IP addresses, names and passwords as unsalted SHA-1 hashes.

📩Email: jblakescott37@gmail.com
🔐Encrypted password: d879914afca61c3293c8bca076e351954594eccc58b306de9a4c65cca1fc3d3c
📆Registration date: 2018-01-01 17:46:35.12174
👤Full name: Joel Blake Scott
🤴Status: active


At the end of 2021, 7.5 million plain text email addresses and passwords from the rap mixtape site DatPiff appeared for sale on a hacker forum. The data was later released free of charge.

📩Email: scottblakey434@gmail.com
🔑Password: sbeezy23
👤Nick: sbeezy434

📩Email: Scottblakey434@gmail.com
🔐Encrypted password: 15429b262084548a53ea19a27effb3c7
❓Secret Question: What is your favorite sports team?
👤Nick: Sbeezy434


In September 2013, the iMesh media sharing client was hacked. About 50 million accounts have been exposed. In mid-2016, the data leaked online and included emails, IPs, names, and salted MD5 hashes.

📩Email: oi_itz_blake96@hotmail.com
🔐Encrypted password: 099f8ee312de2926c16fc0ba8f0e8e09
🍚Salt: 75646061
👤Nick: blakey1999

📩Email: oi_itz_blake96@hotmail.com
🔑Password: scotty182


In December 2022, investment research firm Zacks announced a data breach. And in June 2023, a dataset containing nearly 9 million Zacks customers became publicly available. The data includes names, emails, physical addresses, phone numbers and passwords stored as SIC hashes.

📩Email: wng@a.com
🔐Encrypted password: C30875295428625324C8DBF333720F2B6D18F5685916B99B21A12A4AEC340AEF
📆Registration date: 27-JUN-2019
👤Nick: wng@a.com


In February 2018, photography website EyeEm suffered a data breach. The database was later discovered among many other major incidents and contained nearly 20 million unique email addresses, as well as usernames, biographies and password hashes.

📩Email: ebonyshelton93@ymail.com
📆Last Activity: 2014-07-15 05:38:27
📆Registration date: 2013-02-17 04:02:56
👤Full name: Love RemiRed
👤Nick: loveremired
📜Description: I Love Me<3


PokerMagia is an Italian online poker school. At the end of 2015, a leak occurred on this site, affecting 660 thousand users. Data includes emails, names and hashed passwords.

📩Email: scottblakey46@what.harboxed.com
🔐Encrypted password: 260e2f41927ed55a38e80b10d3c33233
📆Last Activity: 31.07.2015 09:10:42
📆Registration date: 1438323042
🍚Salt: 9]i%G(Nj?fsBlAL"nz/wVjAI:Tr
👤Nick: scottblakey8590


In March 2012, music site Last.fm was hacked and 43 million MD5 emails and passwords were exposed. The site learned about the incident immediately, but hid it and the extent of the leak was not known until September 2016.

📩Email: scott.blakey@gmail.com
🔐Encrypted password: 0b707ce8419856bcb7cad025989eddba
📆Registration date: 2010-08-15 02:26:36
👤Nick: Vandmon
🔗Link: ws:56bd56d3644874253e254349500f6f71

🥫Onliner Spambot

In August 2017, a spam bot called "Onliner Spambot" was identified by security researcher Benkow mokueq. The malware contained a server component located on an IP address in the Netherlands, which exposed a large number of files containing personal information. It contained 711 million unique emails, many of which also included passwords.

📩Email: programmingarts@trinityonline.org
📑Leak file: us_with_data_Valid.txt


In May 2016, a dataset from virtual pet website Neopets leaked online. The data contains dates of birth, IP, gender and names, as well as almost 27 million emails. Passwords were stored in plain text.

📩Email: scott.blakey@gmail.com
🔑Password: itha12c4fuq
🎂Date of Birth: 1980-07-23
👤Full name: Scott
👤Nick: vandmon
🗾A country: US
🚻Sex: M


In May 2019, the graphic design tool Canva's website suffered a data breach. This leak affected 137 million subscribers. The exposed data included email, names, cities of residence, and passwords in the form of bcrypt hashes.

📩Email: WNG@A.COM
🔑Password: $2a$10$LhjIG1acFMSC3g4iSG.KhO7nXC9ocw0n669On8fO/zN1ZALw5zcCe
📆Registration date: 2018-05-17 21:26:02
🇦🇺Language: en
👤Nick: WNG345

🗃️Collection #2

In January 2019, 5 collections appeared on a popular hacker forum, representing a combination of data from many other leaks. This is the second collection, it was the largest of all and contained 20 thousand files with a total size of 526 GB. These files contained 15.8 billion lines with emails and passwords, but there were only 3.2 billion unique pairs.

📩Email: wng@a.com
🔑Password: honda1

🚫AntiPub by Nik_Tesla

So-called “Anti-Public” lists are used by hackers to analyze new leaks for the presence of unique entries. They usually contain emails and passwords collected from various leaks. This particular list was published in March 2020 and included 3.2 billion rows. After removing duplicate records from collections, there were 252 million rows left.

📩Email: wng@a.com
🔑Password: Mr

📜 COMB+12billion

Two huge combo players called CompilationOfManyBreaches and 12Billion special appeared in February 2021 and September 2022, respectively. Each of them contained more than 3 billion unique emails and passwords. Most of the data was taken from collections 1-5 and combo player Ga$$Pacc, leaving only 211 million rows after removing them.

📩Email: wng@a.com
🔑Password: tAMOURA3


In December 2016, a huge leak containing 458 million unique emails and passwords appeared in the public domain. It was used to hack accounts in which the owner reused his password. Similar leaks are also used to assess the novelty of data in other databases.

📩Email: scott.blakey@yahoo.com
🔑Password: Niggasb123

📩Email: wng@a.com
🔑Password: honda1


In July 2018, social bookmarking service ShareThis suffered a data leak. The incident exposed 41 million unique email addresses, as well as names and, in some cases, dates of birth and password hashes.

📩Email: scottslatter12@hotmail.com
📆Registration date: 2011-05-10 20:29:06
👤Full name: scottslatter12@hotmail.com
👤Nick: ac34c79a2951da34f714b931e

⚡FlashFlashRevolution 2016

In February 2016, the music rhythm game Flash Flash Revolution was hacked. 1.8 million accounts were exposed. Along with email addresses and IP addresses, salted MD5 password hashes were also discovered on the vBulletin forum.

📩Email: scottslatter12@hotmail.com
🔐Encrypted password: 316119127d4db96bd3e77a2944d42daa
🍚Salt: Ihh
👤Nick: beamer1200


In April 2018, textbook rental service Chegg suffered a leak that affected 40 million subscribers. The data included email, usernames, and passwords in the form of unsalted MD5 hashes.

📩Email: furryfox1@live.com
🔐Encrypted password: 5121178a63c9e718297500e4b4c7ad61
📆Last Activity: 2014-10-29 00:10:11
📆Registration date: 2012-03-06 19:41:26
🇺🇸State: NU


In mid-2018, social commerce marketplace Poshmark suffered a data breach that exposed the accounts of 36 million users. The data included email addresses, usernames, gender, location, and passwords as bcrypt hashes.

📩Email: wng@a.com
🔐Encrypted password: $2a$10$jiYoI9Igx1ti27ECJ9WuBO/WjL5XOteTZb4uqzYfDhACOEWxtdLze
👤Nick: lockgate88


Around 2019, about 250 combo players were found in the open directory on the demo.zeeroq.com domain. The number of entries was more than 200 million. The leak contained emails and passwords in plain text.

📩Email: scottslatter12@hotmail.com
🔑Password: hobbes12

📩Email: sblakey0856@rogers.com
🔑Password: u6gxgq

🦸‍Heroes of Newerth

In December 2012, an online multiplayer game known as Heroes of Newerth was hacked. More than 8 million accounts were extracted from the system. The data included usernames, email addresses and passwords, but no publicly available passwords currently exist.

📩Email: scott.blakey@gmail.com
🍚Salt: M[[
👤Nick: Vandmon

📘LinkedIn Dump 119m

A large dump with emails and passwords from the social network LinkedIn appeared on a hacker forum in December 2022. The leak contained 119 million strings, of which only 33 million were unique. The database is a combination of data from other leaks.

📩Email: sblakey0856@rogers.com
🔑Password: ssblakey


In January 2019, the website of the gaming portal Armor Games suffered a data leak. A total of 10.6 million email addresses were affected. Usernames, IPs, birthdays and passwords in SHA-1 hashes with salt were also revealed.

📩Email: scott.blakey@gmail.com
🔑Password: itha12c4fuq


In early 2013, Tumblr suffered a leak that exposed over 65 million accounts. The data was later put up for sale and included emails and passwords as SHA1 hashes with a salt.

📩Email: scottblakey434@gmail.com
🔐Encrypted password: 32f650f8075a9b84b5e6010f078bb7b1be89d


In October 2013, 153 million Adobe accounts were hacked, containing names, emails, encrypted passwords and text hints. The cryptography of the passwords was terrible and they were quickly cracked.

📩Email: scott.blakey@yahoo.com
🔑Password: /XqcbdvNcJemGfl9Ef7QDA==

📧E-mail base for free MIX

A set of several dozen databases published in one of the telegram channels one at a time throughout 2022. Contains 62 million mails. Approximately 5 million of them are accompanied by simple text passwords.

📩Email: programmingarts@trinityonline.org


In July 2018, the Belgian social network Netlog discovered a data breach of their systems that occurred in November 2012. The leak affected 49 million subscribers, whose emails and passwords were revealed.

📩Email: scott.blakey@bluewin.ch
🔑Password: whatispi


In June 2022, a list of emails and passwords of Microsoft users was published using a hacker formula. This list contained 54 million rows and was obtained by combining data from many other leaks.

📩Email: scottslatter12@hotmail.com
🔑Password: hobbes12


In October 2016, video sharing platform Dailymotion suffered a data breach. The attack exposed 85 million user accounts and included email addresses, names and bcrypt password hashes.

📩Email: scottslatter12@hotmail.com
👤Nick: beamer1200


In February 2018, a huge collection of nearly 3,000 suspected data breaches was discovered online. Each file contained an email address and text passwords.

📩Email: scott.blakey@gmail.com
🔑Password: itha12c4fuq
🌐Leak site: Evony.com


In May 2017, restaurant guide website Zomato was hacked, exposing nearly 17 million accounts. The data contains email addresses, usernames, and salted MD5 password hashes.

📩Email: scottslatter12@hotmail.com


In February 2023, a leak from the Live.com service appeared on a hacker forum. It includes 33 million user emails and no other data. The source of this database is unknown.

📩Email: furryfox1@live.com