Primary Information Name: Chandler Stowell Age: 16 Address: 389 N Rd Sunapee, NH 03782 Comcast Cable Subscriber Information IP: Name: Crown Pt. Phone Number: 603-290-0431 Address: 389 N Rd Sunapee, NH 03782 Note*: This is a business account, not a residential account! Fathers Information Name: Brian Stowell Address: 389 N Rd Sunapee, NH 03782 Mothers Information Name: Berta Stowell Address: 389 N Rd Sunapee, NH 03782 His dad brian is owner of crown point cabintry which seems to be a family owned buisness! Database Entries ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This dox just isn't complete without little chans database strings! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite.sql INSERT INTO users VALUES('11','chandler14362','$2y$10$w/YCoa9z/Y99dJfzzqHtRuIkzHj0ggQGR8wHwC9mtNOcnCrRz6D/C','Chandler','','0','1998-10-16','2014-06-28 00:05:07','','2014-12-31 17:17:30','','700','0','1','0','','','0',''); There seems to be 2 different ip's maybe he switches between households from time to time? anyways this is just a mini dox chans not worth anymore time.