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			Published: February 2nd, 2023

Chad Marco is an African American rapper (and producer), podcaster, and streamer
with a following of a few thousand subscribers on YouTube. His content primarily
revolves around Inceldom, virginity, the MGTOW movement, NEET lifestyles, 4chan
culture, relationships, current events and anime.

Despite being over 30 years old, he still lives with his mother and is seldomly
employed. He is likely a (not so) closeted homo/bi-sexual, as he frequently
posts about his attraction to "traps" and transgender people. He's also
weirdly obsessed with penis sizes, with his own being exceptionally small
by his own admission.

It's worth mentioning that he's an associate of the
vastly more well known 4chan meme Eggman or Toby Reynolds.
You can read all about him using the links below.

> https://incels.wiki/w/Eggman
> https://necklore.fandom.com/wiki/Eggman

Name.................: Emmanuel Miguel Jenkins
Date of Birth........: June 23rd, 1992
Current Residence....: 1525 Beverly Rd, Rocky Mount, NC 27801
Mother...............: Muriel Pitt [at the same address]
Portrait (IG)........: instagram.com/chadmarco

If you're looking to interact with this individual, the best two
places to do so would be his public Discord server and YouTube live streams.
He typically streams himself playing games on his PS4 on Fridays, starting
between 9:00 PM and 11:50 PM Eastern Standard Time. On special occasions like
holidays and the evening leading into his birthday, he may host a
conversational stream. The Friday gaming streams usually don't
feature a face cam, but the conversational ones almost always do.

Discord Server.......: discord.gg/zwsUwad
YouTube..............: youtube.com/channel/UCkHMxf_LbpPZeiyqnMzfVOQ
Twitter..............: twitter.com/ssjchadmarco
PlayStation Network..: chadmarco
Email................: chadmarco@live.com [Primary/PayPal]
.....................: chadmarco@gmail.com
Area Code............: (252)-XXX-XXXX
Local LE Contact.....: https://rockymountnc.gov/contact-us
.....................: [Division/Service Contact Tab]

If you're a DB collector, and want to make an attempt at finding his
IP address, passwords, etc. The two emails listed above can be tied to
at least two different databreaches respectively.

chadmarco@live.com is confirmed to be in the 2019 Deezer breach.
chadmarco@gmail.com is confirmed to be in the 2020 AnimeGame breach.

I also highly suspect he's in the 2021 DatPiff breach, but under a
different email. If you have access to the DB, try searching for
his username.


I won't bother to include an exhaustive list of his accounts since almost
all of them are named some variation of either "chadmarco" or "ssjchadmarco."
He also links to many of his social media profiles from his other profiles.
Just use Google. He's a very public person on this alias.
I will however include a short list of some of
his many funny/interesting posts.

-- Him talking about his crackhead stepfather.
-- youtube.com/watch?v=s1Y5zSKhd70&t=3220s

-- Him talking about his small penis. (He does this a lot)
-- youtube.com/watch?v=U1UCayzed_s

-- Apparently, this was how he spent Christmas of 2022.
-- twitter.com/ssjchadmarco/status/1607112105341374465

-- The SPLcenter taking note of a post he made.
-- splcenter.org/hatewatch/2018/04/24/

-- He records playthroughs of porn games.
-- spankbang.com/profile/chadmarco

-- His entire Reddit account is honestly pretty funny.
-- reddit.com/user/chadmarco

-- Him rapping about Elliot Rodger. (2014 Isla Vista Murderer)
-- youtube.com/watch?v=Nl-N4bfDrW8

-- His dog "Friender" was hit by a car during Fall of 2021, after he let him out.
-- youtube.com/watch?v=phNc7b-xQHg (R.I.P Friender)
-- youtube.com/watch?v=XYnLwMVPBNo (Friender Tribute)
-- youtube.com/watch?v=7-mWuUfH_VU (Remembering Friender)


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