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Name: Celvin
Gender: Male
Age: 15
IP: (Last update: 15.11.2022 8:12:39pm)
Location: Germany - Erfurt (Thuringia)
Internet provider: Vodafone Deutschland GmbH
Telephone: +49 176 45941741
Look: https://imgur.com/a/v94DR0Y

Discord: devilsmane.#0442
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/314ihl4oj5zipikalunaw3tiwuxu
Instagram (1st): https://www.instagram.com/calvin.jng/
Instagram (2nd): https://www.instagram.com/calvin.youngboy/

Also known names:

    - cripwalks (Spotify)
    - 1000hoursinValorant#9631 (Valorant-DE Discord)
    - calvin.jng (Instagram: First-Account)
    - calvin.youngboy (Instagram: Second-Account)
    - Minecraft-Names (not updated):
        - Mstakes (currently in use)
        - EVILINMIAMI (currently in use)
        - Rettungswagen
        - bcnzo
        - benzodiaries
        - Rebbecca
        - hurtcam
        - Dusche
        - Flinte
        - Storch
        - crimeday
        - nikesports
        - neidundhass
General life-stories:

    - He has to fly to the turkey for two years because his grandfather is dying.
    - He fall in love with two girls. Anne (Minecraft-Name: podnozka) and Emily (Minecraft-Name: lovedout). He faked his death to get their attention because they don't love him back.
    - Family:
        - Mother: /
        - Father: Dead


    - Therapy because of not going to school
    - Penis disease -> Narrowed foreskin on the penis

Doxxed by SocketConnection with love <3

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