―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Reason(s): - Throwing shit at others for no apparent reason - Toxic af - Acts big without being able to take anything back (want an example of it? Oh, one good example is when we said we would call her parents if she kept acting like a retard, then she blocked all of us) - Friends with the most bullied E-Girl(s) ever, Linn Byström and Elsa Hagert - False accusations of spreading pictures without solid evidence to back her arguments up - +5 more, just not arsed writing them all down because she's not worth it ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― >>> [start] <<< ~ Name: "Sara" Cecilia "Therese" Andersson ~ Age: 19 ~ Birthday: March, 27th ~ Partner: None ~ Address: Rönningsberg 206 | 835 96 Trångsviken (picture: https://snipboard.io/3muEzi.jpg) ~ Map: https://www.google.com/maps/@63.3535952,13.9807468,3a,15y,51.83h,94.6t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1seL81qhcn7oPuRi8WFRa5hw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 ~ Number: +46725522002 ~ Father's number: +46702155768 ~ Past "accident(s)": - No, fuck off. Figure it out yourself if you want to bully her for shit she's done when she felt horrible. ~ Parent(s): - Father: Anders Andersson >> https://www.facebook.com/anders.andersson.3954546 - Mother: Unknown (might be Maud Andersson >> https://www.facebook.com/andersson.maud) ~ Relative(s): - Maria Andersson >> https://www.facebook.com/maria.andersson.50364 - Björn Andersson >> https://www.facebook.com/bjorn.andersson.731572 - Elias Andersson >> https://www.facebook.com/elias.a.andersson - Henrik Andersson (Confirmed brother) >> https://www.facebook.com/henrik.andersson.0 - Martin Andersson >> https://www.facebook.com/martin.b.andersson - Ulla-Karin Andersson >> https://www.facebook.com/ullakarin.andersson.9 - Anki Andersson >> https://www.facebook.com/anki.andersson.180 - Dan Andersson >> https://www.facebook.com/alexboman ~ Picture(s): https://imgur.com/a/0O47ev4 ~ Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198357757739 (76561198357757739) - Past Aliases: None (cleared?) - Current Alias: Ceccan - Country: Sweden - Level: 5 - Reviews: 1 - Inventory: INVENTORY_PRIVATE - Badges: 4 (Community Contributor, Community Ambassador, Adept Accumulator, 4 Years of Service (since Jan 1, 2017)) - Pinned Badge: Community Ambassador (200 XP) - Avatar: https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/31/316455b7a8ff793c4440830389bee103a0204084_full.jpg ~ Aliases: - Ceccan27 (most known) - Ceccan - Kris - Kris[] - cecilia - cecilia_andersson ~ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ceccan27 ~ IP Address: Kept hidden unless she wants to act like she's something again ~ Video(s) of her dog: https://gofile.io/d/81SNPn, https://filebin.net/ifcepdbn8nju1vv9, https://workupload.com/file/MGf7jj5kP6B, https://a.pomf.cat/yrlonv.zip ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― >>> [note] <<< ~ If this dox got released, then you failed to comply with the shit we told you, grats! ~ Made by: - Norc >> Formatting, finding her information - AXIZ >> Finding aliases, more shit like relatives, etc - riya / Pandemic >> Somehow was arsed dealing with this cow who can't even stand up on her own legs before falling back down and blocking everyone