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                              x      Introduction      x   
h8all is a retarded caveman, he think he is funny but he isnt,
blames other people on Twitter for no reason. In Germany we say he is a Hurensohn.
Enjoy it !
 _____  ______           _____  ____  _   _ ___  
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 | | \ \| |____ / ____ \ ____) | |__| | |\  ||_|  
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-Judges women by their looks / stupid statements | https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/690611046884573255/727736544512966657/Screenshot_17.png (means nice body but face is garbage)
-Posting pictures of other people and think his 900 followers care and. xd
-Can't discuss and offended normally
-Retarded Cavemen | Lives in Germany but cannot really speak/write German : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/690611046884573255/727736551802535987/Screenshot_15.png (dont know what he want to say)
-Dog Abuse ?!: https://twitter.com/i/status/1274394738809016323
  _____   ______   __
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 | |  | | |  | |> <  
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 |_____/ \____/_/ \_\
Name.................... ?
Online Alias............ h8all, shebeb, favsperre
Age..................... 17-24 (So old and such a childish cunt)
Ethnicity............... Turkish
Gender.................. Male
Sexuality............... Hetero acts like a gay fag. (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/690611046884573255/727803617406353468/Screenshot_23.png)
Relationship Status..... Single I guess cuz he acts like the biggest virgin
Bank.................... Sparkasse Kronach
Country................. Germany
Town.................... Kronach
State................... Nuremberg
ZIP/PLZ................. 96317
His school.............. Lorenz-Kaim-Schule Kronach | Siechenangerstraße 13, 96317 Kronach (Berufs Schule/Professional School, trust me its not professional) | https://www.bs-kronach.de/index.php?id=35
Time table :) : https://tritone.webuntis.com/WebUntis/?school=BS-Kronach#/basic/timetable
                            x      SocialMedia       x   
Twitter : https://twitter.com/h8aII
TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@h8all?lang=en (Imagine using TikTok xD)

Photos of him (Cringe alert) :
Fake Rolex: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/690611046884573255/727742537019949117/Screenshot_20.png
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/690611046884573255/727787844604788858/Screenshot_21.png (Nice pfp, next time use toaster for render ?)
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/690611046884573255/727795761080696902/Screenshot_22.png (Child picture)

                            x Videos|cringe as fuck  x   
https://twitter.com/i/status/1255961944596545548 (Cringe singing, imagine hearing to this shit music lmao)
https://twitter.com/i/status/1255997311076962309 (Gomme Kids)
For you h8all....
Only reason why I didnt leaked your number is because I dont want that you have to pay all the pizzas that would be send if it would be leaked, I hope you know now that you should not post
everything on Twitter. Please stop being a dick. :)
[Disclaimer] All info was found legally and from public records and information.
Doxxed by Fentanyl 
Twitter: @FentanylFTP