Legal name: Kylian (lastname unkown)
country: Germany
Age: 16 (Might be false)
Hair: Long Blond Hair
Eyes: slightly green
Height: 160-165 cm
Email: unknown
Phone number: +4915129089254
Most used Nickname: Maiky_BG
Tiktok: Maiky_BG
Instagram: Maiky_BG
Discord: Maiky_BG
Pronounces: Him/Her  (just in case u care)

Note: He is a very Manipulative person.
(Dont trust him)
Unimportand side infos: He lives alone with his mother
His interests are: video games (mostly terraria and valorant)

other useless infos: Big fan of Helluva Boss.
He has a Cat (which he f*cked infront of my eyes in a Discord call)

Idk what more to add
(Thats all info i could gather)