Hello people. You may've heard of me by now. I have posted 3 pedophiles this month. Heres another one. 
What I've got for you justice hungry people today is a man named Gilbert Ramback Sr. He would, "Like to have a naked weekend" with a 15 year old.
Found him on our usual location - kidschat.
After you've seen that proof there, you may move on with reading the rest of this dox
"If a man has sexual relations with an animal, he is to be put to death, and you must kill the animal. " - Leviticus, 20:15


* Main Target * 
Name: Gilbert C Rambach Sr
Address: 204 Birch Run Rd, Chestertown, MD 21620
Phone Number: (908) 489-4910
Landline: (908) 233-4106
picture: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1029805457923121174/1042175793788354682/unknown.png

* Spouse * 
Name: Barbara A Rambach
Address: 204 Birch Run Rd Chestertown, MD 21620

* Conclusion * 
Not a very good dox. Info was scraped in a haste and I didnt put much effort here, but you can now enjoy harrassing this fucking cunt.
Fun fact: he's a catholic preist. thats not a joke.