_______  _______  _______ _________ _______  _______ _________   _______  _______ _________ _______  _          ______   _______          
(  ____ )(  ____ )(  ___  )\__    _/(  ____ \(  ____ \\__   __/  (  ___  )(  ____ \\__   __/(  ___  )( (    /|  (  __  \ (  ___  )|\     /|
| (    )|| (    )|| (   ) |   )  (  | (    \/| (    \/   ) (     | (   ) || (    \/   ) (   | (   ) ||  \  ( |  | (  \  )| (   ) |( \   / )
| (____)|| (____)|| |   | |   |  |  | (__    | |         | |     | (___) || (_____    | |   | (___) ||   \ | |  | |   ) || |   | | \ (_) / 
|  _____)|     __)| |   | |   |  |  |  __)   | |         | |     |  ___  |(_____  )   | |   |  ___  || (\ \) |  | |   | || |   | |  ) _ (  
| (      | (\ (   | |   | |   |  |  | (      | |         | |     | (   ) |      ) |   | |   | (   ) || | \   |  | |   ) || |   | | / ( ) \ 
| )      | ) \ \__| (___) ||\_)  )  | (____/\| (____/\   | |     | )   ( |/\____) |___) (___| )   ( || )  \  |  | (__/  )| (___) |( /   \ )
|/       |/   \__/(_______)(____/   (_______/(_______/   )_(     |/     \|\_______)\_______/|/     \||/    )_)  (______/ (_______)|/     \|
This doxx has been Posted by Project Asian.

  _____                                _   _____        __      
 |  __ \                              | | |_   _|      / _|     
 | |__) |__ _ __ ___  ___  _ __   __ _| |   | |  _ __ | |_ ___  
 |  ___/ _ \ '__/ __|/ _ \| '_ \ / _` | |   | | | '_ \|  _/ _ \ 
 | |  |  __/ |  \__ \ (_) | | | | (_| | |  _| |_| | | | || (_) |
 |_|   \___|_|  |___/\___/|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_____|_| |_|_| \___/ 
Name: Dusan Jancic
Reason for the dox: Killing a cat and recorded it (See Sources)
Country: Switzerland
City: Zürich
Adresses: Neunbrunnenstrasse 228 ZH, Köschenrütistrasse 43

   _____            _       _     
  / ____|          (_)     | |    
 | (___   ___   ___ _  __ _| |___ 
  \___ \ / _ \ / __| |/ _` | / __|
  ____) | (_) | (__| | (_| | \__ \
 |_____/ \___/ \___|_|\__,_|_|___/
Instagram: Duki.112
TikTok: Duki112srb
Snapchat: Duki-112
Phone Number: +41 76 496 89 88

  __  __ _____  _____  _____ 
 |  \/  |_   _|/ ____|/ ____|
 | \  / | | | | (___ | |     
 | |\/| | | |  \___ \| |     
 | |  | |_| |_ ____) | |____ 
 |_|  |_|_____|_____/ \_____|
Dusan may be on Holidays in Serbia
Parents are located in Neunbrunnenstrasse
Let the Parents rest as they didn't do anything wrong
We only want Dusan

Let the Cat rest in Piece and let Dusan pray for his actions

   _____                                                 _   _____                  __ 
  / ____|                                               | | |  __ \                / _|
 | (___   ___  _   _ _ __ ___ ___  ___    __ _ _ __   __| | | |__) | __ ___   ___ | |_ 
  \___ \ / _ \| | | | '__/ __/ _ \/ __|  / _` | '_ \ / _` | |  ___/ '__/ _ \ / _ \|  _|
  ____) | (_) | |_| | | | (_|  __/\__ \ | (_| | | | | (_| | | |   | | | (_) | (_) | |  
 |_____/ \___/ \__,_|_|  \___\___||___/  \__,_|_| |_|\__,_| |_|   |_|  \___/ \___/|_|  
https://pasteboard.co/0RyIBVa992wp.png (Prob his Face)
https://www.stmz.ch/de/315250 (The report of the dead cat)
https://pasteboard.co/wQyhcs0u4t5g.png (Group Pic with him and his Friends)
https://pasteboard.co/5LxzpeIp33Qg.png (Censored Pic of the dead cat. Watch it at your own risk)
https://pasteboard.co/S115KEcWn7xo.png (Known Pic of Dusan)

We will find you Dusan