It's a shitty leak but whatever
Full name: Cary K. Huang
Address: 31 Sarah Ln, Moraga, CA, 94556
Phone #: (925) 247-9180
Date of birth: March 18, 1997, he's currently 25 rn

House details:
 Type of house: Single Family
 Year built: 1964
 Parking: Garage, attached
 Lot: 10.410 sqft
 Bedrooms and bathrooms: 4 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms
 Livable area: 2.038 sqft
 Basement: Exists but partially finished
 Parcel number: 2572730154
 Sold: July 9, 2002 for $711.000, $349/sqft

Household members:
 Yu J. Huang (75yr)
 Teresa M. Chow (74yr)
 Fang Lee
 Fang Chow
 Joe J. Huang (75yr)
 Michael Y. Huang (26yr)