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Dox made by Deadlock#0001
Reason: Skidding & Cracking Serversides to give him Whitelists.
============================All Gathered Info============================
Aliases: Cartoon, CartoonCommerical (Not many aliases.)
Roblox: https://www.roblox.com/users/1633215536/profile
Twitter: Locked. (haha)
Facebook: Not Traced.(but there is a facebook.)
Discord: Presumably Changed.
============================Known Proof============================
in 2019 a Serverside called Exoliner's webhook was spammed, Guess who!!!

He threatens owners to leak the cracked version on serversides if they don't give him a whitelist. 
He's also known for making big games, (that are also probably infected with skidded Serversides.)
The main reason I made this is because He helps skidded serversides, not good serversides.
and he threatens good serverside owners to give him whitelist, I don't want to expose his personal info because in the end
he really didn't do anything wrong.